Groups() * @method HasManyList LoggedPasswords() * @method HasManyList RememberLoginHashes() */ class Member extends DataObject { private static $db = [ 'FirstName' => 'Varchar', 'Surname' => 'Varchar', 'Email' => 'Varchar(254)', // See RFC 5321, Section (256 minus the < and > character) 'TempIDHash' => 'Varchar(160)', // Temporary id used for cms re-authentication 'TempIDExpired' => 'Datetime', // Expiry of temp login 'Password' => 'Varchar(160)', 'AutoLoginHash' => 'Varchar(160)', // Used to auto-login the user on password reset 'AutoLoginExpired' => 'Datetime', // This is an arbitrary code pointing to a PasswordEncryptor instance, // not an actual encryption algorithm. // Warning: Never change this field after its the first password hashing without // providing a new cleartext password as well. 'PasswordEncryption' => "Varchar(50)", 'Salt' => 'Varchar(50)', 'PasswordExpiry' => 'Date', 'LockedOutUntil' => 'Datetime', 'Locale' => 'Varchar(6)', // handled in registerFailedLogin(), only used if $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins is set 'FailedLoginCount' => 'Int', ]; private static $belongs_many_many = [ 'Groups' => Group::class, ]; private static $has_many = [ 'LoggedPasswords' => MemberPassword::class, 'RememberLoginHashes' => RememberLoginHash::class, ]; private static $table_name = "Member"; private static $default_sort = '"Surname", "FirstName"'; private static $indexes = [ 'Email' => true, //Removed due to duplicate null values causing MSSQL problems //'AutoLoginHash' => Array('type'=>'unique', 'value'=>'AutoLoginHash', 'ignoreNulls'=>true) ]; /** * @config * @var boolean */ private static $notify_password_change = true; /** * All searchable database columns * in this object, currently queried * with a "column LIKE '%keywords%' * statement. * * @var array */ private static $searchable_fields = [ 'FirstName', 'Surname', 'Email', ]; /** * @config * @var array */ private static $summary_fields = [ 'FirstName', 'Surname', 'Email', ]; /** * @config * @var array */ private static $casting = [ 'Name' => 'Varchar', ]; /** * Internal-use only fields * * @config * @var array */ private static $hidden_fields = [ 'AutoLoginHash', 'AutoLoginExpired', 'PasswordEncryption', 'PasswordExpiry', 'LockedOutUntil', 'TempIDHash', 'TempIDExpired', 'Salt', ]; /** * @config * @var array */ private static $title_format = null; /** * The unique field used to identify this member. * By default, it's "Email", but another common * field could be Username. * * @config * @var string */ private static $unique_identifier_field = 'Email'; /** * @config * The number of days that a password should be valid for. * By default, this is null, which means that passwords never expire */ private static $password_expiry_days = null; /** * @config * @var bool enable or disable logging of previously used passwords. See {@link onAfterWrite} */ private static $password_logging_enabled = true; /** * @config * @var Int Number of incorrect logins after which * the user is blocked from further attempts for the timespan * defined in {@link $lock_out_delay_mins}. */ private static $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins = 10; /** * @config * @var integer Minutes of enforced lockout after incorrect password attempts. * Only applies if {@link $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins} greater than 0. */ private static $lock_out_delay_mins = 15; /** * @config * @var String If this is set, then a session cookie with the given name will be set on log-in, * and cleared on logout. */ private static $login_marker_cookie = null; /** * Indicates that when a {@link Member} logs in, Member:session_regenerate_id() * should be called as a security precaution. * * This doesn't always work, especially if you're trying to set session cookies * across an entire site using the domain parameter to session_set_cookie_params() * * @config * @var boolean */ private static $session_regenerate_id = true; /** * Default lifetime of temporary ids. * * This is the period within which a user can be re-authenticated within the CMS by entering only their password * and without losing their workspace. * * Any session expiration outside of this time will require them to login from the frontend using their full * username and password. * * Defaults to 72 hours. Set to zero to disable expiration. * * @config * @var int Lifetime in seconds */ private static $temp_id_lifetime = 259200; /** * Default lifetime of auto login token. * * This is the maximum allowed period between a user requesting a password reset link and using it to reset * their password. * * Defaults to 2 days. * * @config * @var int Lifetime in seconds */ private static $auto_login_token_lifetime = 172800; /** * Used to track whether {@link Member::changePassword} has made changed that need to be written. Used to prevent * the write from calling changePassword again. * * @var bool */ protected $passwordChangesToWrite = false; /** * Ensure the locale is set to something sensible by default. */ public function populateDefaults() { parent::populateDefaults(); $this->Locale = i18n::config()->get('default_locale'); } public function requireDefaultRecords() { parent::requireDefaultRecords(); // Default groups should've been built by Group->requireDefaultRecords() already $service = DefaultAdminService::singleton(); $service->findOrCreateDefaultAdmin(); } /** * Check if this user is the currently configured default admin * * @return bool */ public function isDefaultAdmin() { return DefaultAdminService::isDefaultAdmin($this->Email); } /** * Check if this user can login * * @return bool */ public function canLogin() { return $this->validateCanLogin()->isValid(); } /** * Returns a valid {@link ValidationResult} if this member can currently log in, or an invalid * one with error messages to display if the member is locked out. * * You can hook into this with a "canLogIn" method on an attached extension. * * @param ValidationResult $result Optional result to add errors to * @return ValidationResult */ public function validateCanLogin(ValidationResult &$result = null) { $result = $result ?: ValidationResult::create(); if ($this->isLockedOut()) { $result->addError( _t( __CLASS__ . '.ERRORLOCKEDOUT2', 'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at ' . 'logging in. Please try again in {count} minutes.', null, ['count' => static::config()->get('lock_out_delay_mins')] ) ); } $this->extend('canLogIn', $result); return $result; } /** * Returns true if this user is locked out * * @return bool */ public function isLockedOut() { /** @var DBDatetime $lockedOutUntilObj */ $lockedOutUntilObj = $this->dbObject('LockedOutUntil'); if ($lockedOutUntilObj->InFuture()) { return true; } $maxAttempts = $this->config()->get('lock_out_after_incorrect_logins'); if ($maxAttempts <= 0) { return false; } $attempts = LoginAttempt::getByEmail($this->Email) ->sort('Created', 'DESC') ->limit($maxAttempts); if ($attempts->count() < $maxAttempts) { return false; } foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { if ($attempt->Status === 'Success') { return false; } } // Calculate effective LockedOutUntil /** @var DBDatetime $firstFailureDate */ $firstFailureDate = $attempts->first()->dbObject('Created'); $maxAgeSeconds = $this->config()->get('lock_out_delay_mins') * 60; $lockedOutUntil = $firstFailureDate->getTimestamp() + $maxAgeSeconds; $now = DBDatetime::now()->getTimestamp(); if ($now < $lockedOutUntil) { return true; } return false; } /** * Set a {@link PasswordValidator} object to use to validate member's passwords. * * @param PasswordValidator $validator */ public static function set_password_validator(PasswordValidator $validator = null) { // Override existing config Config::modify()->remove(Injector::class, PasswordValidator::class); if ($validator) { Injector::inst()->registerService($validator, PasswordValidator::class); } else { Injector::inst()->unregisterNamedObject(PasswordValidator::class); } } /** * Returns the default {@link PasswordValidator} * * @return PasswordValidator */ public static function password_validator() { if (Injector::inst()->has(PasswordValidator::class)) { return Injector::inst()->get(PasswordValidator::class); } return null; } /** * Used to get the value for the reset password on next login checkbox */ public function getRequiresPasswordChangeOnNextLogin(): bool { return $this->isPasswordExpired(); } /** * Set password expiry to "now" to require a change of password next log in * * @param int|null $dataValue 1 is checked, 0/null is not checked {@see CheckboxField::dataValue} */ public function saveRequiresPasswordChangeOnNextLogin(?int $dataValue): static { if (!$this->canEdit()) { return $this; } $currentValue = $this->PasswordExpiry; $currentDate = $this->dbObject('PasswordExpiry'); if ($dataValue && (!$currentValue || $currentDate->inFuture())) { // Only alter future expiries - this way an admin could see how long ago a password expired still $this->PasswordExpiry = DBDatetime::now()->Rfc2822(); } elseif (!$dataValue && $this->isPasswordExpired()) { // Only unset if the expiry date is in the past $this->PasswordExpiry = null; } return $this; } public function isPasswordExpired(): bool { if (!$this->PasswordExpiry) { return false; } return strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) >= strtotime($this->PasswordExpiry ?? ''); } /** * Called before a member is logged in via session/cookie/etc */ public function beforeMemberLoggedIn() { $this->extend('beforeMemberLoggedIn'); } /** * Called after a member is logged in via session/cookie/etc */ public function afterMemberLoggedIn() { // Clear the incorrect log-in count $this->registerSuccessfulLogin(); $this->LockedOutUntil = null; $this->regenerateTempID(); $this->write(); // Audit logging hook $this->extend('afterMemberLoggedIn'); } /** * Trigger regeneration of TempID. * * This should be performed any time the user presents their normal identification (normally Email) * and is successfully authenticated. */ public function regenerateTempID() { $generator = new RandomGenerator(); $lifetime = self::config()->get('temp_id_lifetime'); $this->TempIDHash = $generator->randomToken('sha1'); $this->TempIDExpired = $lifetime ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(DBDatetime::now()->getValue()) + $lifetime) : null; $this->write(); } /** * Audit logging hook, called before a member is logged out * * @param HTTPRequest|null $request */ public function beforeMemberLoggedOut(HTTPRequest $request = null) { $this->extend('beforeMemberLoggedOut', $request); } /** * Audit logging hook, called after a member is logged out * * @param HTTPRequest|null $request */ public function afterMemberLoggedOut(HTTPRequest $request = null) { $this->extend('afterMemberLoggedOut', $request); } /** * Utility for generating secure password hashes for this member. * * @param string $string * @return string * @throws PasswordEncryptor_NotFoundException */ public function encryptWithUserSettings($string) { if (!$string) { return null; } // If the algorithm or salt is not available, it means we are operating // on legacy account with unhashed password. Do not hash the string. if (!$this->PasswordEncryption || !$this->Salt) { return $string; } $e = PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm($this->PasswordEncryption); return $e->encrypt($string, $this->Salt); } /** * Generate an auto login token which can be used to reset the password, * at the same time hashing it and storing in the database. * * @return string Token that should be passed to the client (but NOT persisted). */ public function generateAutologinTokenAndStoreHash() { $lifetime = $this->config()->auto_login_token_lifetime; do { $generator = new RandomGenerator(); $token = $generator->randomToken(); $hash = $this->encryptWithUserSettings($token); } while (DataObject::get_one(Member::class, [ '"Member"."AutoLoginHash"' => $hash ])); $this->AutoLoginHash = $hash; $this->AutoLoginExpired = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $lifetime); $this->write(); return $token; } /** * Check the token against the member. * * @param string $autologinToken * * @returns bool Is token valid? */ public function validateAutoLoginToken($autologinToken) { $hash = $this->encryptWithUserSettings($autologinToken); $member = self::member_from_autologinhash($hash, false); return (bool)$member; } /** * Return the member for the auto login hash * * @param string $hash The hash key * @param bool $login Should the member be logged in? * * @return Member the matching member, if valid * @return Member */ public static function member_from_autologinhash($hash, $login = false) { /** @var Member $member */ $member = static::get()->filter([ 'AutoLoginHash' => $hash, 'AutoLoginExpired:GreaterThan' => DBDatetime::now()->getValue(), ])->first(); if ($login && $member) { Injector::inst()->get(IdentityStore::class)->logIn($member); } return $member; } /** * Find a member record with the given TempIDHash value * * @param string $tempid * @return Member */ public static function member_from_tempid($tempid) { $members = static::get() ->filter('TempIDHash', $tempid); // Exclude expired if (static::config()->get('temp_id_lifetime')) { /** @var DataList|Member[] $members */ $members = $members->filter('TempIDExpired:GreaterThan', DBDatetime::now()->getValue()); } return $members->first(); } /** * Returns the fields for the member form - used in the registration/profile module. * It should return fields that are editable by the admin and the logged-in user. * * * @return FieldList Returns a {@link FieldList} containing the fields for * the member form. */ public function getMemberFormFields() { $fields = parent::getFrontEndFields(); $fields->replaceField('Password', $this->getMemberPasswordField()); $fields->replaceField('Locale', new DropdownField( 'Locale', $this->fieldLabel('Locale'), i18n::getSources()->getKnownLocales() )); $fields->removeByName(static::config()->get('hidden_fields')); $fields->removeByName('FailedLoginCount'); $this->extend('updateMemberFormFields', $fields); return $fields; } /** * Builds "Change / Create Password" field for this member * * @return ConfirmedPasswordField */ public function getMemberPasswordField() { $editingPassword = $this->isInDB(); $label = $editingPassword ? _t(__CLASS__ . '.EDIT_PASSWORD', 'New Password') : $this->fieldLabel('Password'); /** @var ConfirmedPasswordField $password */ $password = ConfirmedPasswordField::create( 'Password', $label, null, null, $editingPassword ); // If editing own password, require confirmation of existing if ($editingPassword && $this->ID == Security::getCurrentUser()->ID) { $password->setRequireExistingPassword(true); } $password->setCanBeEmpty(false); $this->extend('updateMemberPasswordField', $password); return $password; } /** * Returns the {@link RequiredFields} instance for the Member object. This * Validator is used when saving a {@link CMSProfileController} or added to * any form responsible for saving a users data. * * To customize the required fields, add a {@link DataExtension} to member * calling the `updateValidator()` method. * * @return Member_Validator */ public function getValidator() { $validator = Member_Validator::create(); $validator->setForMember($this); $this->extend('updateValidator', $validator); return $validator; } /** * Temporarily act as the specified user, limited to a $callback, but * without logging in as that user. * * E.g. * * Member::actAs(DefaultAdminService::findOrCreateDefaultAdmin(), function() { * $record->write(); * }); * * * @param Member|null|int $member Member or member ID to log in as. * Set to null or 0 to act as a logged out user. * @param callable $callback * @return mixed Result of $callback */ public static function actAs($member, $callback) { $previousUser = Security::getCurrentUser(); // Transform ID to member if (is_numeric($member)) { $member = DataObject::get_by_id(Member::class, $member); } Security::setCurrentUser($member); try { return $callback(); } finally { Security::setCurrentUser($previousUser); } } /** * Event handler called before writing to the database. */ public function onBeforeWrite() { // Remove any line-break or space characters accidentally added during a copy-paste operation if ($this->Email) { $this->Email = trim($this->Email ?? ''); } // If a member with the same "unique identifier" already exists with a different ID, don't allow merging. // Note: This does not a full replacement for safeguards in the controller layer (e.g. in a registration form), // but rather a last line of defense against data inconsistencies. $identifierField = Member::config()->get('unique_identifier_field'); if ($this->$identifierField) { // Note: Same logic as Member_Validator class $filter = [ "\"Member\".\"$identifierField\"" => $this->$identifierField ]; if ($this->ID) { $filter[] = ['"Member"."ID" <> ?' => $this->ID]; } $existingRecord = DataObject::get_one(Member::class, $filter); if ($existingRecord) { throw new ValidationException(_t( __CLASS__ . '.ValidationIdentifierFailed', 'Can\'t overwrite existing member #{id} with identical identifier ({name} = {value}))', 'Values in brackets show "fieldname = value", usually denoting an existing email address', [ 'id' => $existingRecord->ID, 'name' => $identifierField, 'value' => $this->$identifierField ] )); } } // We don't send emails out on dev/tests sites to prevent accidentally spamming users. // However, if TestMailer is in use this isn't a risk. if ((Director::isLive() || Injector::inst()->get(MailerInterface::class) instanceof TestMailer) && $this->isChanged('Password') && $this->record['Password'] && Email::is_valid_address($this->Email ?? '') && static::config()->get('notify_password_change') && $this->isInDB() ) { try { $email = Email::create() ->setHTMLTemplate('SilverStripe\\Control\\Email\\ChangePasswordEmail') ->setData($this) ->setTo($this->Email) ->setSubject(_t( __CLASS__ . '.SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED', "Your password has been changed", 'Email subject' )); $this->extend('updateChangedPasswordEmail', $email); $email->send(); } catch (TransportExceptionInterface | RfcComplianceException $e) { /** @var LoggerInterface $logger */ $logger = Injector::inst()->get(LoggerInterface::class . '.errorhandler'); $logger->error('Error sending email in ' . __FILE__ . ' line ' . __LINE__ . ": {$e->getMessage()}"); } } // The test on $this->ID is used for when records are initially created. Note that this only works with // cleartext passwords, as we can't rehash existing passwords. if (!$this->ID || $this->isChanged('Password')) { $this->encryptPassword(); } if (!$this->PasswordEncryption) { $this->PasswordEncryption = Security::config()->get('password_encryption_algorithm'); } // save locale if (!$this->Locale) { $this->Locale = i18n::config()->get('default_locale'); } // Ensure FailedLoginCount is non-negative if ($this->FailedLoginCount < 0) { $this->FailedLoginCount = 0; } parent::onBeforeWrite(); } public function onAfterWrite() { parent::onAfterWrite(); Permission::reset(); if ($this->isChanged('Password') && static::config()->get('password_logging_enabled')) { MemberPassword::log($this); } } public function onAfterDelete() { parent::onAfterDelete(); // prevent orphaned records remaining in the DB $this->deletePasswordLogs(); $this->Groups()->removeAll(); } /** * Delete the MemberPassword objects that are associated to this user * * @return $this */ protected function deletePasswordLogs() { foreach ($this->LoggedPasswords() as $password) { $password->delete(); $password->destroy(); } return $this; } /** * Filter out admin groups to avoid privilege escalation, * If any admin groups are requested, deny the whole save operation. * * @param array $ids Database IDs of Group records * @return bool True if the change can be accepted */ public function onChangeGroups($ids) { // Ensure none of these match disallowed list $disallowedGroupIDs = $this->disallowedGroups(); return count(array_intersect($ids ?? [], $disallowedGroupIDs)) == 0; } /** * List of group IDs this user is disallowed from * * @return int[] List of group IDs */ protected function disallowedGroups() { // unless the current user is an admin already OR the logged in user is an admin if (Permission::check('ADMIN') || Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) { return []; } // Non-admins may not belong to admin groups return Permission::get_groups_by_permission('ADMIN')->column('ID'); } /** * Check if the member is in one of the given groups. * * @param array|SS_List $groups Collection of {@link Group} DataObjects to check * @param boolean $strict Only determine direct group membership if set to true (Default: false) * @return bool Returns TRUE if the member is in one of the given groups, otherwise FALSE. */ public function inGroups($groups, $strict = false) { if ($groups) { foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($this->inGroup($group, $strict)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Check if the member is in the given group or any parent groups. * * @param int|Group|string $group Group instance, Group Code or ID * @param boolean $strict Only determine direct group membership if set to TRUE (Default: FALSE) * @return bool Returns TRUE if the member is in the given group, otherwise FALSE. */ public function inGroup($group, $strict = false) { if (is_numeric($group)) { $groupCheckObj = DataObject::get_by_id(Group::class, $group); } elseif (is_string($group)) { $groupCheckObj = DataObject::get_one(Group::class, [ '"Group"."Code"' => $group ]); } elseif ($group instanceof Group) { $groupCheckObj = $group; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Member::inGroup(): Wrong format for $group parameter'); } if (!$groupCheckObj) { return false; } $groupCandidateObjs = ($strict) ? $this->getManyManyComponents("Groups") : $this->Groups(); return $groupCandidateObjs->filter(['ID' => $groupCheckObj->ID])->exists(); } /** * Adds the member to a group. This will create the group if the given * group code does not return a valid group object. * * @param string $groupcode * @param string $title Title of the group */ public function addToGroupByCode($groupcode, $title = "") { $group = DataObject::get_one(Group::class, [ '"Group"."Code"' => $groupcode ]); if ($group) { $this->Groups()->add($group); } else { if (!$title) { $title = $groupcode; } $group = new Group(); $group->Code = $groupcode; $group->Title = $title; $group->write(); $this->Groups()->add($group); } } /** * Removes a member from a group. * * @param string $groupcode */ public function removeFromGroupByCode($groupcode) { $group = Group::get()->filter(['Code' => $groupcode])->first(); if ($group) { $this->Groups()->remove($group); } } //------------------- HELPER METHODS -----------------------------------// /** * Simple proxy method to get the Surname property of the member * * @return string */ public function getLastName() { return $this->Surname; } /** * Get the complete name of the member, by default in the format ", ". * Falls back to showing either field on its own. * * You can overload this getter with {@link set_title_format()} * and {@link set_title_sql()}. * * @return string Returns the first- and surname of the member. If the ID * of the member is equal 0, only the surname is returned. */ public function getTitle() { $format = static::config()->get('title_format'); if ($format) { $values = []; foreach ($format['columns'] as $col) { $values[] = $this->getField($col); } return implode($format['sep'] ?? '', $values); } if ($this->getField('ID') === 0) { return $this->getField('Surname'); } else { if ($this->getField('Surname') && $this->getField('FirstName')) { return $this->getField('Surname') . ', ' . $this->getField('FirstName'); } elseif ($this->getField('Surname')) { return $this->getField('Surname'); } elseif ($this->getField('FirstName')) { return $this->getField('FirstName'); } else { return null; } } } /** * Return a SQL CONCAT() fragment suitable for a SELECT statement. * Useful for custom queries which assume a certain member title format. * * @return String SQL */ public static function get_title_sql() { // Get title_format with fallback to default $format = static::config()->get('title_format'); if (!$format) { $format = [ 'columns' => ['Surname', 'FirstName'], 'sep' => ' ', ]; } $columnsWithTablename = []; foreach ($format['columns'] as $column) { $columnsWithTablename[] = static::getSchema()->sqlColumnForField(__CLASS__, $column); } $sepSQL = Convert::raw2sql($format['sep'], true); $op = DB::get_conn()->concatOperator(); return "(" . join(" $op $sepSQL $op ", $columnsWithTablename) . ")"; } /** * Get the complete name of the member * * @return string Returns the first- and surname of the member. */ public function getName() { $name = ($this->Surname) ? trim($this->FirstName . ' ' . $this->Surname) : $this->FirstName; $this->extend('updateName', $name); return $name; } /** * Set first- and surname * * This method assumes that the last part of the name is the surname, e.g. * A B C will result in firstname A B and surname C * * @param string $name The name */ public function setName($name) { $nameParts = explode(' ', $name ?? ''); $this->Surname = array_pop($nameParts); $this->FirstName = join(' ', $nameParts); } /** * Alias for {@link setName} * * @param string $name The name * @see setName() */ public function splitName($name) { return $this->setName($name); } /** * Return the date format based on the user's chosen locale, * falling back to the default format defined by the i18n::config()->get('default_locale') config setting. * * @return string ISO date format */ public function getDateFormat() { $formatter = new IntlDateFormatter( $this->getLocale(), IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, IntlDateFormatter::NONE ); $format = $formatter->getPattern(); $this->extend('updateDateFormat', $format); return $format; } /** * Get user locale, falling back to the configured default locale */ public function getLocale() { $locale = $this->getField('Locale'); if ($locale) { return $locale; } return i18n::config()->get('default_locale'); } /** * Return the time format based on the user's chosen locale, * falling back to the default format defined by the i18n::config()->get('default_locale') config setting. * * @return string ISO date format */ public function getTimeFormat() { $formatter = new IntlDateFormatter( $this->getLocale(), IntlDateFormatter::NONE, IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM ); $format = $formatter->getPattern(); $this->extend('updateTimeFormat', $format); return $format; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Get a "many-to-many" map that holds for all members their group memberships, * including any parent groups where membership is implied. * Use {@link DirectGroups()} to only retrieve the group relations without inheritance. * * @return Member_Groupset */ public function Groups() { $groups = Member_GroupSet::create(Group::class, 'Group_Members', 'GroupID', 'MemberID'); $groups = $groups->forForeignID($this->ID); $this->extend('updateGroups', $groups); return $groups; } /** * @return ManyManyList|UnsavedRelationList */ public function DirectGroups() { return $this->getManyManyComponents('Groups'); } /** * Get a member SQLMap of members in specific groups * * If no $groups is passed, all members will be returned * * @param mixed $groups - takes a SS_List, an array or a single Group.ID * @return Map Returns an Map that returns all Member data. */ public static function map_in_groups($groups = null) { $groupIDList = []; if ($groups instanceof SS_List) { foreach ($groups as $group) { $groupIDList[] = $group->ID; } } elseif (is_array($groups)) { $groupIDList = $groups; } elseif ($groups) { $groupIDList[] = $groups; } // No groups, return all Members if (!$groupIDList) { return static::get()->sort(['Surname' => 'ASC', 'FirstName' => 'ASC'])->map(); } $membersList = new ArrayList(); // This is a bit ineffective, but follow the ORM style /** @var Group $group */ foreach (Group::get()->byIDs($groupIDList) as $group) { $membersList->merge($group->Members()); } $membersList->removeDuplicates('ID'); return $membersList->map(); } /** * Get a map of all members in the groups given that have CMS permissions * * If no groups are passed, all groups with CMS permissions will be used. * * @param SS_List|array|null $groups Groups to consider or NULL to use all groups with * CMS permissions. * @return Map Returns a map of all members in the groups given that * have CMS permissions. */ public static function mapInCMSGroups(SS_List|array|null $groups = null): Map { // non-countable $groups will issue a warning when using count() in PHP 7.2+ if ($groups === null) { $groups = []; } // Check CMS module exists if (!class_exists(LeftAndMain::class)) { return ArrayList::create()->map(); } if (count($groups) === 0) { $perms = ['ADMIN', 'CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin']; if (class_exists(CMSMain::class)) { $cmsPerms = CMSMain::singleton()->providePermissions(); } else { $cmsPerms = LeftAndMain::singleton()->providePermissions(); } if (!empty($cmsPerms)) { $perms = array_unique(array_merge($perms, array_keys($cmsPerms ?? []))); } $permsClause = DB::placeholders($perms); $groups = Group::get() ->innerJoin("Permission", '"Permission"."GroupID" = "Group"."ID"') ->where([ "\"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ($permsClause)" => $perms ]); } $groupIDList = []; if ($groups instanceof SS_List) { foreach ($groups as $group) { $groupIDList[] = $group->ID; } } elseif (is_array($groups)) { $groupIDList = $groups; } $members = static::get() ->innerJoin("Group_Members", '"Group_Members"."MemberID" = "Member"."ID"') ->innerJoin("Group", '"Group"."ID" = "Group_Members"."GroupID"'); if ($groupIDList) { $groupClause = DB::placeholders($groupIDList); $members = $members->where([ "\"Group\".\"ID\" IN ($groupClause)" => $groupIDList ]); } return $members->sort('"Surname", "FirstName"')->map(); } /** * Get the groups in which the member is NOT in * * When passed an array of groups, and a component set of groups, this * function will return the array of groups the member is NOT in. * * @param array $groupList An array of group code names. * @param array $memberGroups A component set of groups (if set to NULL, * $this->groups() will be used) * @return array Groups in which the member is NOT in. */ public function memberNotInGroups($groupList, $memberGroups = null) { if (!$memberGroups) { $memberGroups = $this->Groups(); } foreach ($memberGroups as $group) { if (in_array($group->Code, $groupList ?? [])) { $index = array_search($group->Code, $groupList ?? []); unset($groupList[$index]); } } return $groupList; } /** * Return a {@link FieldList} of fields that would appropriate for editing * this member. * * @return FieldList Return a FieldList of fields that would appropriate for * editing this member. */ public function getCMSFields() { $this->beforeUpdateCMSFields(function (FieldList $fields) { /** @var TabSet $rootTabSet */ $rootTabSet = $fields->fieldByName("Root"); /** @var Tab $mainTab */ $mainTab = $rootTabSet->fieldByName("Main"); /** @var FieldList $mainFields */ $mainFields = $mainTab->getChildren(); // Build change password field $mainFields->replaceField('Password', $this->getMemberPasswordField()); $mainFields->replaceField('Locale', new DropdownField( "Locale", _t(__CLASS__ . '.INTERFACELANG', "Interface Language", 'Language of the CMS'), i18n::getSources()->getKnownLocales() )); $mainFields->removeByName(static::config()->get('hidden_fields')); if (!static::config()->get('lock_out_after_incorrect_logins')) { $mainFields->removeByName('FailedLoginCount'); } // Groups relation will get us into logical conflicts because // Members are displayed within group edit form in SecurityAdmin $fields->removeByName('Groups'); // Members shouldn't be able to directly view/edit logged passwords $fields->removeByName('LoggedPasswords'); $fields->removeByName('RememberLoginHashes'); if (Permission::check('EDIT_PERMISSIONS')) { // Filter allowed groups $groups = Group::get(); $disallowedGroupIDs = $this->disallowedGroups(); if ($disallowedGroupIDs) { $groups = $groups->exclude('ID', $disallowedGroupIDs); } $groupsMap = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { // Listboxfield values are escaped, use ASCII char instead of » $groupsMap[$group->ID] = $group->getBreadcrumbs(' > '); } asort($groupsMap); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Main', ListboxField::create('DirectGroups', Group::singleton()->i18n_plural_name()) ->setSource($groupsMap) ->setAttribute( 'data-placeholder', _t(__CLASS__ . '.ADDGROUP', 'Add group', 'Placeholder text for a dropdown') ) ); // Add permission field (readonly to avoid complicated group assignment logic). // This should only be available for existing records, as new records start // with no permissions until they have a group assignment anyway. if ($this->ID) { $permissionsField = new PermissionCheckboxSetField_Readonly( 'Permissions', false, Permission::class, 'GroupID', // we don't want parent relationships, they're automatically resolved in the field $this->getManyManyComponents('Groups') ); $fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Permissions', Permission::singleton()->i18n_plural_name()); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Permissions', $permissionsField); } } $permissionsTab = $rootTabSet->fieldByName('Permissions'); if ($permissionsTab) { $permissionsTab->addExtraClass('readonly'); } $currentUser = Security::getCurrentUser(); // We can allow an admin to require a user to change their password. But: // - Don't show a read only field if the user cannot edit this record // - Don't show if a user views their own profile (just let them reset their own password) if ($currentUser && ($currentUser->ID !== $this->ID) && $this->canEdit()) { $requireNewPassword = CheckboxField::create( 'RequiresPasswordChangeOnNextLogin', _t(__CLASS__ . '.RequiresPasswordChangeOnNextLogin', 'Requires password change on next log in') ); $fields->insertAfter('Password', $requireNewPassword); $fields->dataFieldByName('Password')->addExtraClass('form-field--no-divider mb-0 pb-0'); } }); return parent::getCMSFields(); } /** * @param bool $includerelations Indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * @return array */ public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations); $labels['FirstName'] = _t(__CLASS__ . '.FIRSTNAME', 'First Name'); $labels['Surname'] = _t(__CLASS__ . '.SURNAME', 'Surname'); $labels['Email'] = _t(__CLASS__ . '.EMAIL', 'Email'); $labels['Password'] = _t(__CLASS__ . '.db_Password', 'Password'); $labels['PasswordExpiry'] = _t( __CLASS__ . '.db_PasswordExpiry', 'Password Expiry Date', 'Password expiry date' ); $labels['LockedOutUntil'] = _t(__CLASS__ . '.db_LockedOutUntil', 'Locked out until', 'Security related date'); $labels['Locale'] = _t(__CLASS__ . '.db_Locale', 'Interface Locale'); if ($includerelations) { $labels['Groups'] = _t( __CLASS__ . '.belongs_many_many_Groups', 'Groups', 'Security Groups this member belongs to' ); } return $labels; } /** * Users can view their own record. * Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions. * This is likely to be customized for social sites etc. with a looser permission model. * * @param Member $member * @return bool */ public function canView($member = null) { //get member if (!$member) { $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); } //check for extensions, we do this first as they can overrule everything $extended = $this->extendedCan(__FUNCTION__, $member); if ($extended !== null) { return $extended; } //need to be logged in and/or most checks below rely on $member being a Member if (!$member) { return false; } // members can usually view their own record if ($this->ID == $member->ID) { return true; } //standard check return Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin'); } /** * Users can edit their own record. * Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions * * @param Member $member * @return bool */ public function canEdit($member = null) { //get member if (!$member) { $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); } //check for extensions, we do this first as they can overrule everything $extended = $this->extendedCan(__FUNCTION__, $member); if ($extended !== null) { return $extended; } //need to be logged in and/or most checks below rely on $member being a Member if (!$member) { return false; } // HACK: we should not allow for an non-Admin to edit an Admin if (!Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN') && Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) { return false; } // members can usually edit their own record if ($this->ID == $member->ID) { return true; } //standard check return Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin'); } /** * Users can edit their own record. * Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions * * @param Member $member * @return bool */ public function canDelete($member = null) { if (!$member) { $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); } //check for extensions, we do this first as they can overrule everything $extended = $this->extendedCan(__FUNCTION__, $member); if ($extended !== null) { return $extended; } //need to be logged in and/or most checks below rely on $member being a Member if (!$member) { return false; } // Members are not allowed to remove themselves, // since it would create inconsistencies in the admin UIs. if ($this->ID && $member->ID == $this->ID) { return false; } // HACK: if you want to delete a member, you have to be a member yourself. // this is a hack because what this should do is to stop a user // deleting a member who has more privileges (e.g. a non-Admin deleting an Admin) if (Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) { if (!Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN')) { return false; } } //standard check return Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin'); } /** * Validate this member object. */ public function validate() { // If validation is disabled, skip this step if (!DataObject::config()->uninherited('validation_enabled')) { return ValidationResult::create(); } $valid = parent::validate(); $validator = static::password_validator(); if ($validator) { if ((!$this->ID && $this->Password) || $this->isChanged('Password')) { $userValid = $validator->validate($this->Password, $this); $valid->combineAnd($userValid); } } return $valid; } /** * Change password. This will cause rehashing according to the `PasswordEncryption` property via the * `onBeforeWrite()` method. This method will allow extensions to perform actions and augment the validation * result if required before the password is written and can check it after the write also. * * `onBeforeWrite()` will encrypt the password prior to writing. * * @param string $password Cleartext password * @param bool $write Whether to write the member afterwards * @return ValidationResult */ public function changePassword($password, $write = true) { $this->Password = $password; $result = $this->validate(); $this->extend('onBeforeChangePassword', $password, $result); if ($result->isValid()) { $this->AutoLoginHash = null; if ($write) { $this->write(); } } $this->extend('onAfterChangePassword', $password, $result); return $result; } /** * Takes a plaintext password (on the Member object) and encrypts it * * @return $this */ protected function encryptPassword() { // reset salt so that it gets regenerated - this will invalidate any persistent login cookies // or other information encrypted with this Member's settings (see self::encryptWithUserSettings) $this->Salt = ''; // Password was changed: encrypt the password according the settings $encryption_details = Security::encrypt_password( $this->Password, $this->Salt, $this->isChanged('PasswordEncryption') ? $this->PasswordEncryption : null, $this ); // Overwrite the Password property with the hashed value $this->Password = $encryption_details['password']; $this->Salt = $encryption_details['salt']; $this->PasswordEncryption = $encryption_details['algorithm']; // If we haven't manually set a password expiry if (!$this->isChanged('PasswordExpiry')) { // then set it for us if (static::config()->get('password_expiry_days')) { $this->PasswordExpiry = date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400 * static::config()->get('password_expiry_days')); } else { $this->PasswordExpiry = null; } } return $this; } /** * Tell this member that someone made a failed attempt at logging in as them. * This can be used to lock the user out temporarily if too many failed attempts are made. */ public function registerFailedLogin() { $lockOutAfterCount = self::config()->get('lock_out_after_incorrect_logins'); if ($lockOutAfterCount) { // Keep a tally of the number of failed log-ins so that we can lock people out ++$this->FailedLoginCount; if ($this->FailedLoginCount >= $lockOutAfterCount) { $lockoutMins = self::config()->get('lock_out_delay_mins'); $this->LockedOutUntil = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', DBDatetime::now()->getTimestamp() + $lockoutMins * 60); $this->FailedLoginCount = 0; } } $this->extend('registerFailedLogin'); $this->write(); } /** * Tell this member that a successful login has been made */ public function registerSuccessfulLogin() { if (self::config()->get('lock_out_after_incorrect_logins')) { // Forgive all past login failures $this->FailedLoginCount = 0; $this->LockedOutUntil = null; $this->write(); } } /** * Get the HtmlEditorConfig for this user to be used in the CMS. * This is set by the group. If multiple configurations are set, * the one with the highest priority wins. * * @return string */ public function getHtmlEditorConfigForCMS() { $currentName = ''; $currentPriority = 0; foreach ($this->Groups() as $group) { $configName = $group->HtmlEditorConfig; if ($configName) { $config = HTMLEditorConfig::get($group->HtmlEditorConfig); if ($config && $config->getOption('priority') > $currentPriority) { $currentName = $configName; $currentPriority = $config->getOption('priority'); } } } // If can't find a suitable editor, just default to cms return $currentName ? $currentName : 'cms'; } }