--- title: Adding arguments summary: Add arguments to your fields, queries, and mutations --- # Working with generic types [CHILDREN asList] [alert] You are viewing docs for a pre-release version of silverstripe/graphql (4.x). Help us improve it by joining #graphql on the [Community Slack](https://www.silverstripe.org/blog/community-slack-channel/), and report any issues at [github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-graphql](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-graphql). Docs for the current stable version (3.x) can be found [here](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-graphql/tree/3) [/alert] ## Adding arguments Fields can have arguments, and queries are just fields, so let's add a simple way of influencing our query response: **app/_graphql/schema.yml** ```yaml queries: 'readCountries(limit: Int!)': '[Country]' ``` We've provided the required argument `limit` to the query, which will allow us to truncate the results. Let's update the resolver accordingly. ```php public static function resolveReadCountries($obj, array $args = []) { $limit = $args['limit']; $results = []; $countries = Injector::inst()->get(Locales::class)->getCountries(); $countries = array_slice($countries, 0, $limit); foreach ($countries as $code => $name) { $results[] = [ 'code' => $code, 'name' => $name ]; } return $results; } ``` Now let's try our query again. This time, notice that the IDE is telling us we're missing a required argument. ```graphql query { readCountries(limit: 5) { name code } } ``` This works pretty well, but maybe it's a bit over the top to *require* the `limit` argument. We want to optimise performance, but we also don't want to burden the developer with tedium like this. Let's give it a default value. **app/_graphql/schema.yml** ```yaml queries: 'readCountries(limit: Int = 20)': '[Country]' ``` Rebuild the schema, and notice that the IDE is no longer yelling at you for a `limit` argument. Let's take this a step further by turning this in to a proper [paginated result](adding_pagination). ### Further reading [CHILDREN]