tags, which are then converted with JavaScript. * * @package forms * @subpackage fields-formattedinput */ class HtmlEditorField extends TextareaField { /** * @config * @var Boolean Use TinyMCE's GZIP compressor */ private static $use_gzip = true; /** * @config * @var Integer Default insertion width for Images and Media */ private static $insert_width = 600; /** * @config * @var bool Should we check the valid_elements (& extended_valid_elements) rules from HtmlEditorConfig server side? */ private static $sanitise_server_side = false; protected $rows = 30; /** * @deprecated since version 4.0 */ public static function include_js() { Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use HtmlEditorConfig::require_js() instead'); HtmlEditorConfig::require_js(); } protected $editorConfig = null; /** * Creates a new HTMLEditorField. * @see TextareaField::__construct() * * @param string $name The internal field name, passed to forms. * @param string $title The human-readable field label. * @param mixed $value The value of the field. * @param string $config HTMLEditorConfig identifier to be used. Default to the active one. */ public function __construct($name, $title = null, $value = '', $config = null) { parent::__construct($name, $title, $value); $this->editorConfig = $config ? $config : HtmlEditorConfig::get_active_identifier(); } public function getAttributes() { return array_merge( parent::getAttributes(), array( 'tinymce' => 'true', 'style' => 'width: 97%; height: ' . ($this->rows * 16) . 'px', // prevents horizontal scrollbars 'value' => null, 'data-config' => $this->editorConfig ) ); } public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record) { if($record->hasField($this->name) && $record->escapeTypeForField($this->name) != 'xml') { throw new Exception ( 'HtmlEditorField->saveInto(): This field should save into a HTMLText or HTMLVarchar field.' ); } $htmlValue = Injector::inst()->create('HTMLValue', $this->value); // Sanitise if requested if($this->config()->sanitise_server_side) { $santiser = Injector::inst()->create('HtmlEditorSanitiser', HtmlEditorConfig::get_active()); $santiser->sanitise($htmlValue); } // Resample images and add default attributes if($images = $htmlValue->getElementsByTagName('img')) foreach($images as $img) { // strip any ?r=n data from the src attribute $img->setAttribute('src', preg_replace('/([^\?]*)\?r=[0-9]+$/i', '$1', $img->getAttribute('src'))); // Resample the images if the width & height have changed. if($image = File::find(urldecode(Director::makeRelative($img->getAttribute('src'))))){ $width = (int)$img->getAttribute('width'); $height = (int)$img->getAttribute('height'); if($width && $height && ($width != $image->getWidth() || $height != $image->getHeight())) { //Make sure that the resized image actually returns an image: $resized=$image->ResizedImage($width, $height); if($resized) $img->setAttribute('src', $resized->getRelativePath()); } } // Add default empty title & alt attributes. if(!$img->getAttribute('alt')) $img->setAttribute('alt', ''); if(!$img->getAttribute('title')) $img->setAttribute('title', ''); // Use this extension point to manipulate images inserted using TinyMCE, e.g. add a CSS class, change default title // $image is the image, $img is the DOM model $this->extend('processImage', $image, $img); } // optionally manipulate the HTML after a TinyMCE edit and prior to a save $this->extend('processHTML', $htmlValue); // Store into record $record->{$this->name} = $htmlValue->getContent(); } /** * @return HtmlEditorField_Readonly */ public function performReadonlyTransformation() { $field = $this->castedCopy('HtmlEditorField_Readonly'); $field->dontEscape = true; return $field; } public function performDisabledTransformation() { return $this->performReadonlyTransformation(); } } /** * Readonly version of an {@link HTMLEditorField}. * @package forms * @subpackage fields-formattedinput */ class HtmlEditorField_Readonly extends ReadonlyField { public function Field($properties = array()) { $valforInput = $this->value ? Convert::raw2att($this->value) : ""; return "id() . "\">" . ( $this->value && $this->value != '

' ? $this->value : '(not set)' ) . "
name."\" value=\"".$valforInput."\" />"; } public function Type() { return 'htmleditorfield readonly'; } } /** * Toolbar shared by all instances of {@link HTMLEditorField}, to avoid too much markup duplication. * Needs to be inserted manually into the template in order to function - see {@link LeftAndMain->EditorToolbar()}. * * @package forms * @subpackage fields-formattedinput */ class HtmlEditorField_Toolbar extends RequestHandler { private static $allowed_actions = array( 'LinkForm', 'MediaForm', 'viewfile', 'getanchors' ); /** * @var string */ protected $templateViewFile = 'HtmlEditorField_viewfile'; protected $controller, $name; public function __construct($controller, $name) { parent::__construct(); Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . "/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js"); Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js'); Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js'); Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/ssui.core.js'); HtmlEditorConfig::require_js(); Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR ."/javascript/HtmlEditorField.js"); Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css'); $this->controller = $controller; $this->name = $name; } public function forTemplate() { return sprintf( '
', Controller::join_links($this->controller->Link(), $this->name, 'LinkForm', 'forTemplate'), Controller::join_links($this->controller->Link(), $this->name, 'MediaForm', 'forTemplate') ); } /** * Searches the SiteTree for display in the dropdown * * @return callback */ public function siteTreeSearchCallback($sourceObject, $labelField, $search) { return DataObject::get($sourceObject)->filterAny(array( 'MenuTitle:PartialMatch' => $search, 'Title:PartialMatch' => $search )); } /** * Return a {@link Form} instance allowing a user to * add links in the TinyMCE content editor. * * @return Form */ public function LinkForm() { $siteTree = TreeDropdownField::create('internal', _t('HtmlEditorField.PAGE', "Page"), 'SiteTree', 'ID', 'MenuTitle', true); // mimic the SiteTree::getMenuTitle(), which is bypassed when the search is performed $siteTree->setSearchFunction(array($this, 'siteTreeSearchCallback')); $numericLabelTmpl = '%d' . '%s'; $form = new Form( $this->controller, "{$this->name}/LinkForm", new FieldList( $headerWrap = new CompositeField( new LiteralField( 'Heading', sprintf('


', _t('HtmlEditorField.LINK', 'Insert Link')) ) ), $contentComposite = new CompositeField( OptionsetField::create( 'LinkType', sprintf($numericLabelTmpl, '1', _t('HtmlEditorField.LINKTO', 'Link to')), array( 'internal' => _t('HtmlEditorField.LINKINTERNAL', 'Page on the site'), 'external' => _t('HtmlEditorField.LINKEXTERNAL', 'Another website'), 'anchor' => _t('HtmlEditorField.LINKANCHOR', 'Anchor on this page'), 'email' => _t('HtmlEditorField.LINKEMAIL', 'Email address'), 'file' => _t('HtmlEditorField.LINKFILE', 'Download a file'), ), 'internal' ), LiteralField::create('Step2', '
' . sprintf($numericLabelTmpl, '2', _t('HtmlEditorField.DETAILS', 'Details')) . '
' ), $siteTree, TextField::create('external', _t('HtmlEditorField.URL', 'URL'), 'http://'), EmailField::create('email', _t('HtmlEditorField.EMAIL', 'Email address')), $fileField = UploadField::create('file', _t('HtmlEditorField.FILE', 'File')), TextField::create('Anchor', _t('HtmlEditorField.ANCHORVALUE', 'Anchor')), TextField::create('Subject', _t('HtmlEditorField.SUBJECT', 'Email subject')), TextField::create('Description', _t('HtmlEditorField.LINKDESCR', 'Link description')), CheckboxField::create('TargetBlank', _t('HtmlEditorField.LINKOPENNEWWIN', 'Open link in a new window?')), HiddenField::create('Locale', null, $this->controller->Locale) ) ), new FieldList( ResetFormAction::create('remove', _t('HtmlEditorField.BUTTONREMOVELINK', 'Remove link')) ->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-destructive') ->setUseButtonTag(true) , FormAction::create('insert', _t('HtmlEditorField.BUTTONINSERTLINK', 'Insert link')) ->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive') ->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept') ->setUseButtonTag(true) ) ); $headerWrap->addExtraClass('CompositeField composite cms-content-header nolabel '); $contentComposite->addExtraClass('ss-insert-link content'); $fileField->setAllowedMaxFileNumber(1); $form->unsetValidator(); $form->loadDataFrom($this); $form->addExtraClass('htmleditorfield-form htmleditorfield-linkform cms-dialog-content'); $this->extend('updateLinkForm', $form); return $form; } /** * Get the folder ID to filter files by for the "from cms" tab * * @return int */ protected function getAttachParentID() { $parentID = $this->controller->getRequest()->requestVar('ParentID'); $this->extend('updateAttachParentID', $parentID); return $parentID; } /** * Return a {@link Form} instance allowing a user to * add images and flash objects to the TinyMCE content editor. * * @return Form */ public function MediaForm() { // TODO Handle through GridState within field - currently this state set too late to be useful here (during // request handling) $parentID = $this->getAttachParentID(); $fileFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents( new GridFieldFilterHeader(), new GridFieldSortableHeader(), new GridFieldDataColumns(), new GridFieldPaginator(7), // TODO Shouldn't allow delete here, its too confusing with a "remove from editor view" action. // Remove once we can fit the search button in the last actual title column new GridFieldDeleteAction(), new GridFieldDetailForm() ); $fileField = new GridField('Files', false, null, $fileFieldConfig); $fileField->setList($this->getFiles($parentID)); $fileField->setAttribute('data-selectable', true); $fileField->setAttribute('data-multiselect', true); $columns = $fileField->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldDataColumns'); $columns->setDisplayFields(array( 'StripThumbnail' => false, 'Title' => _t('File.Title'), 'Created' => singleton('File')->fieldLabel('Created'), )); $columns->setFieldCasting(array( 'Created' => 'SS_Datetime->Nice' )); $numericLabelTmpl = '%d' . '%s'; $fromCMS = new CompositeField( new LiteralField('headerSelect', '

'.sprintf($numericLabelTmpl, '1', _t('HtmlEditorField.FindInFolder', 'Find in Folder')).'

'), $select = TreeDropdownField::create('ParentID', "", 'Folder') ->addExtraClass('noborder') ->setValue($parentID), $fileField ); $fromCMS->addExtraClass('content ss-uploadfield'); $select->addExtraClass('content-select'); $fromWeb = new CompositeField( new LiteralField('headerURL', '

' . sprintf($numericLabelTmpl, '1', _t('HtmlEditorField.ADDURL', 'Add URL')) . '

'), $remoteURL = new TextField('RemoteURL', 'http://'), new LiteralField('addURLImage', '') ); $remoteURL->addExtraClass('remoteurl'); $fromWeb->addExtraClass('content ss-uploadfield'); Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/css/AssetUploadField.css'); $computerUploadField = Object::create('UploadField', 'AssetUploadField', ''); $computerUploadField->setConfig('previewMaxWidth', 40); $computerUploadField->setConfig('previewMaxHeight', 30); $computerUploadField->addExtraClass('ss-assetuploadfield'); $computerUploadField->removeExtraClass('ss-uploadfield'); $computerUploadField->setTemplate('HtmlEditorField_UploadField'); $computerUploadField->setFolderName(Config::inst()->get('Upload', 'uploads_folder')); $tabSet = new TabSet( "MediaFormInsertMediaTabs", Tab::create( 'FromComputer', _t('HtmlEditorField.FROMCOMPUTER','From your computer'), $computerUploadField )->addExtraClass('htmleditorfield-from-computer'), Tab::create( 'FromWeb', _t('HtmlEditorField.FROMWEB', 'From the web'), $fromWeb )->addExtraClass('htmleditorfield-from-web'), Tab::create( 'FromCms', _t('HtmlEditorField.FROMCMS','From the CMS'), $fromCMS )->addExtraClass('htmleditorfield-from-cms') ); $tabSet->addExtraClass('cms-tabset-primary'); $allFields = new CompositeField( $tabSet, new LiteralField('headerEdit', '

' . sprintf($numericLabelTmpl, '2', _t('HtmlEditorField.ADJUSTDETAILSDIMENSIONS', 'Details & dimensions')) . '

'), $editComposite = new CompositeField( new LiteralField('contentEdit', '
') ) ); $allFields->addExtraClass('ss-insert-media'); $headings = new CompositeField( new LiteralField( 'Heading', sprintf('


', _t('HtmlEditorField.INSERTMEDIA', 'Insert Media')). sprintf('


', _t('HtmlEditorField.UpdateMEDIA', 'Update Media')) ) ); $headings->addExtraClass('cms-content-header'); $editComposite->addExtraClass('ss-assetuploadfield'); $fields = new FieldList( $headings, $allFields ); $actions = new FieldList( FormAction::create('insertmedia', _t('HtmlEditorField.BUTTONINSERT', 'Insert')) ->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive media-insert') ->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept') ->setUseButtonTag(true), FormAction::create('insertmedia', _t('HtmlEditorField.BUTTONUpdate', 'Update')) ->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive media-update') ->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept') ->setUseButtonTag(true) ); $form = new Form( $this->controller, "{$this->name}/MediaForm", $fields, $actions ); $form->unsetValidator(); $form->disableSecurityToken(); $form->loadDataFrom($this); $form->addExtraClass('htmleditorfield-form htmleditorfield-mediaform cms-dialog-content'); // TODO Re-enable once we remove $.metadata dependency which currently breaks the JS due to $.ui.widget // $form->setAttribute('data-urlViewfile', $this->controller->Link($this->name)); // Allow other people to extend the fields being added to the imageform $this->extend('updateMediaForm', $form); return $form; } /** * View of a single file, either on the filesystem or on the web. */ public function viewfile($request) { // TODO Would be cleaner to consistently pass URL for both local and remote files, // but GridField doesn't allow for this kind of metadata customization at the moment. if($url = $request->getVar('FileURL')) { if(Director::is_absolute_url($url) && !Director::is_site_url($url)) { $file = new File(array( 'Title' => basename($url), 'Filename' => $url )); } else { $url = Director::makeRelative($request->getVar('FileURL')); $url = Image::strip_resampled_prefix($url); $file = File::get()->filter('Filename', $url)->first(); if(!$file) $file = new File(array( 'Title' => basename($url), 'Filename' => $url )); } } elseif($id = $request->getVar('ID')) { $file = DataObject::get_by_id('File', $id); $url = $file->RelativeLink(); } else { throw new LogicException('Need either "ID" or "FileURL" parameter to identify the file'); } // Instanciate file wrapper and get fields based on its type // Check if appCategory is an image and exists on the local system, otherwise use oEmbed to refference a // remote image if($file && $file->appCategory() == 'image' && Director::is_site_url($url)) { $fileWrapper = new HtmlEditorField_Image($url, $file); } elseif(!Director::is_site_url($url)) { $fileWrapper = new HtmlEditorField_Embed($url, $file); } else { $fileWrapper = new HtmlEditorField_File($url, $file); } $fields = $this->getFieldsForFile($url, $fileWrapper); $this->extend('updateFieldsForFile', $fields, $url, $fileWrapper); return $fileWrapper->customise(array( 'Fields' => $fields, ))->renderWith($this->templateViewFile); } /** * Find all anchors available on the given page. * * @return array */ public function getanchors() { $id = (int)$this->getRequest()->getVar('PageID'); $anchors = array(); if (($page = Page::get()->byID($id)) && !empty($page)) { if (!$page->canView()) { throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception( _t( 'HtmlEditorField.ANCHORSCANNOTACCESSPAGE', 'You are not permitted to access the content of the target page.' ), 403 ); } // Similar to the regex found in HtmlEditorField.js / getAnchors method. if (preg_match_all("/name=\"([^\"]+?)\"|name='([^']+?)'/im", $page->Content, $matches)) { $anchors = $matches[1]; } } else { throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception( _t('HtmlEditorField.ANCHORSPAGENOTFOUND', 'Target page not found.'), 404 ); } return json_encode($anchors); } /** * Similar to {@link File->getCMSFields()}, but only returns fields * for manipulating the instance of the file as inserted into the HTML content, * not the "master record" in the database - hence there's no form or saving logic. * * @param String Relative or absolute URL to file * @return FieldList */ protected function getFieldsForFile($url, $file) { $fields = $this->extend('getFieldsForFile', $url, $file); if(!$fields) { if($file instanceof HtmlEditorField_Embed) { $fields = $this->getFieldsForOembed($url, $file); } elseif($file->Extension == 'swf') { $fields = $this->getFieldsForFlash($url, $file); } else { $fields = $this->getFieldsForImage($url, $file); } $fields->push(new HiddenField('URL', false, $url)); } $this->extend('updateFieldsForFile', $fields, $url, $file); return $fields; } /** * @return FieldList */ protected function getFieldsForOembed($url, $file) { if(isset($file->Oembed->thumbnail_url)) { $thumbnailURL = Convert::raw2att($file->Oembed->thumbnail_url); } elseif($file->Type == 'photo') { $thumbnailURL = Convert::raw2att($file->Oembed->url); } else { $thumbnailURL = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/images/default_media.png'; } $fileName = Convert::raw2att($file->Name); $fields = new FieldList( $filePreview = CompositeField::create( CompositeField::create( new LiteralField( "ImageFull", "$fileName\n" ) )->setName("FilePreviewImage")->addExtraClass('cms-file-info-preview'), CompositeField::create( CompositeField::create( new ReadonlyField("FileType", _t('AssetTableField.TYPE','File type') . ':', $file->Type), $urlField = ReadonlyField::create( 'ClickableURL', _t('AssetTableField.URL','URL'), sprintf( '%s', Convert::raw2att($url), Convert::raw2att($url) ) )->addExtraClass('text-wrap') ) )->setName("FilePreviewData")->addExtraClass('cms-file-info-data') )->setName("FilePreview")->addExtraClass('cms-file-info'), new TextField('CaptionText', _t('HtmlEditorField.CAPTIONTEXT', 'Caption text')), DropdownField::create( 'CSSClass', _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASS', 'Alignment / style'), array( 'leftAlone' => _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASSLEFTALONE', 'On the left, on its own.'), 'center' => _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASSCENTER', 'Centered, on its own.'), 'left' => _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASSLEFT', 'On the left, with text wrapping around.'), 'right' => _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASSRIGHT', 'On the right, with text wrapping around.') ) )->addExtraClass('last') ); if($file->Width != null){ $fields->push( FieldGroup::create( _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEDIMENSIONS', 'Dimensions'), TextField::create( 'Width', _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEWIDTHPX', 'Width'), $file->InsertWidth )->setMaxLength(5), TextField::create( 'Height', _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEHEIGHTPX', 'Height'), $file->InsertHeight )->setMaxLength(5) )->addExtraClass('dimensions last') ); } $urlField->dontEscape = true; if($file->Type == 'photo') { $fields->insertBefore('CaptionText', new TextField( 'AltText', _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEALTTEXT', 'Alternative text (alt) - shown if image can\'t be displayed'), $file->Title, 80 )); $fields->insertBefore('CaptionText', new TextField( 'Title', _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGETITLE', 'Title text (tooltip) - for additional information about the image') )); } $this->extend('updateFieldsForOembed', $fields, $url, $file); return $fields; } /** * @return FieldList */ protected function getFieldsForFlash($url, $file) { $fields = new FieldList( FieldGroup::create( _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEDIMENSIONS', 'Dimensions'), TextField::create( 'Width', _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEWIDTHPX', 'Width'), $file->Width )->setMaxLength(5), TextField::create( 'Height', " x " . _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEHEIGHTPX', 'Height'), $file->Height )->setMaxLength(5) )->addExtraClass('dimensions') ); $this->extend('updateFieldsForFlash', $fields, $url, $file); return $fields; } /** * @return FieldList */ protected function getFieldsForImage($url, $file) { if($file->File instanceof Image) { $formattedImage = $file->File->generateFormattedImage('ScaleWidth', Config::inst()->get('Image', 'asset_preview_width')); $thumbnailURL = Convert::raw2att($formattedImage ? $formattedImage->URL : $url); } else { $thumbnailURL = Convert::raw2att($url); } $fileName = Convert::raw2att($file->Name); $fields = new FieldList( CompositeField::create( CompositeField::create( LiteralField::create( "ImageFull", "$fileName\n" ) )->setName("FilePreviewImage")->addExtraClass('cms-file-info-preview'), CompositeField::create( CompositeField::create( new ReadonlyField("FileType", _t('AssetTableField.TYPE','File type'), $file->FileType), new ReadonlyField("Size", _t('AssetTableField.SIZE','File size'), $file->getSize()), $urlField = new ReadonlyField( 'ClickableURL', _t('AssetTableField.URL','URL'), sprintf( '%s', Convert::raw2att($file->Link()), Convert::raw2att($file->Link()), Convert::raw2att($file->RelativeLink()) ) ), new DateField_Disabled("Created", _t('AssetTableField.CREATED','First uploaded'), $file->Created), new DateField_Disabled("LastEdited", _t('AssetTableField.LASTEDIT','Last changed'), $file->LastEdited) ) )->setName("FilePreviewData")->addExtraClass('cms-file-info-data') )->setName("FilePreview")->addExtraClass('cms-file-info'), TextField::create( 'AltText', _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEALT', 'Alternative text (alt)'), $file->Title, 80 )->setDescription( _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEALTTEXTDESC', 'Shown to screen readers or if image can\'t be displayed')), TextField::create( 'Title', _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGETITLETEXT', 'Title text (tooltip)') )->setDescription( _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGETITLETEXTDESC', 'For additional information about the image')), new TextField('CaptionText', _t('HtmlEditorField.CAPTIONTEXT', 'Caption text')), DropdownField::create( 'CSSClass', _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASS', 'Alignment / style'), array( 'leftAlone' => _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASSLEFTALONE', 'On the left, on its own.'), 'center' => _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASSCENTER', 'Centered, on its own.'), 'left' => _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASSLEFT', 'On the left, with text wrapping around.'), 'right' => _t('HtmlEditorField.CSSCLASSRIGHT', 'On the right, with text wrapping around.') ) )->addExtraClass('last') ); if($file->Width != null){ $fields->push( FieldGroup::create(_t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEDIMENSIONS', 'Dimensions'), TextField::create( 'Width', _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEWIDTHPX', 'Width'), $file->InsertWidth )->setMaxLength(5), TextField::create( 'Height', " x " . _t('HtmlEditorField.IMAGEHEIGHTPX', 'Height'), $file->InsertHeight )->setMaxLength(5) )->addExtraClass('dimensions last') ); } $urlField->dontEscape = true; $this->extend('updateFieldsForImage', $fields, $url, $file); return $fields; } /** * @param Int * @return DataList */ protected function getFiles($parentID = null) { $exts = $this->getAllowedExtensions(); $dotExts = array_map(function($ext) { return ".{$ext}"; }, $exts); $files = File::get()->filter('Filename:EndsWith', $dotExts); // Limit by folder (if required) if($parentID) { $files = $files->filter('ParentID', $parentID); } return $files; } /** * @return Array All extensions which can be handled by the different views. */ protected function getAllowedExtensions() { $exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'swf','jpeg'); $this->extend('updateAllowedExtensions', $exts); return $exts; } } /** * Encapsulation of a file which can either be a remote URL * or a {@link File} on the local filesystem, exhibiting common properties * such as file name or the URL. * * @todo Remove once core has support for remote files * @package forms * @subpackage fields-formattedinput */ class HtmlEditorField_File extends ViewableData { private static $casting = array( 'URL' => 'Varchar', 'Name' => 'Varchar' ); /** @var String */ protected $url; /** @var File */ protected $file; /** * @param String * @param File */ public function __construct($url, $file = null) { $this->url = $url; $this->file = $file; $this->failover = $file; parent::__construct(); } /** * @return File Might not be set (for remote files) */ public function getFile() { return $this->file; } public function getURL() { return $this->url; } public function getName() { return ($this->file) ? $this->file->Name : preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', basename($this->url)); } /** * @return String HTML */ public function getPreview() { $preview = $this->extend('getPreview'); if($preview) return $preview; if($this->file) { return $this->file->CMSThumbnail(); } else { // Hack to use the framework's built-in thumbnail support without creating a local file representation $tmpFile = new File(array('Name' => $this->Name, 'Filename' => $this->Name)); return $tmpFile->CMSThumbnail(); } } public function getExtension() { return strtolower(($this->file) ? $this->file->Extension : pathinfo($this->Name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); } public function appCategory() { if($this->file) { return $this->file->appCategory(); } else { // Hack to use the framework's built-in thumbnail support without creating a local file representation $tmpFile = new File(array('Name' => $this->Name, 'Filename' => $this->Name)); return $tmpFile->appCategory(); } } } /** * Encapsulation of an oembed tag, linking to an external media source. * * @see Oembed * @package forms * @subpackage fields-formattedinput */ class HtmlEditorField_Embed extends HtmlEditorField_File { private static $casting = array( 'Type' => 'Varchar', 'Info' => 'Varchar' ); protected $oembed; public function __construct($url, $file = null) { parent::__construct($url, $file); $this->oembed = Oembed::get_oembed_from_url($url); if(!$this->oembed) { $controller = Controller::curr(); $response = $controller->getResponse(); $response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode(_t( 'HtmlEditorField.URLNOTANOEMBEDRESOURCE', "The URL '{url}' could not be turned into a media resource.", "The given URL is not a valid Oembed resource; the embed element couldn't be created.", array('url' => $url) ))); $response->setStatusCode(404); throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception($response); } } public function getWidth() { return $this->oembed->Width ?: 100; } public function getHeight() { return $this->oembed->Height ?: 100; } /** * Provide an initial width for inserted media, restricted based on $embed_width * * @return int */ public function getInsertWidth() { $width = $this->getWidth(); $maxWidth = Config::inst()->get('HtmlEditorField', 'insert_width'); return ($width <= $maxWidth) ? $width : $maxWidth; } /** * Provide an initial height for inserted media, scaled proportionally to the initial width * * @return int */ public function getInsertHeight() { $width = $this->getWidth(); $height = $this->getHeight(); $maxWidth = Config::inst()->get('HtmlEditorField', 'insert_width'); return ($width <= $maxWidth) ? $height : round($height*($maxWidth/$width)); } public function getPreview() { if(isset($this->oembed->thumbnail_url)) { return sprintf('', Convert::raw2att($this->oembed->thumbnail_url)); } } public function getName() { if(isset($this->oembed->title)) { return $this->oembed->title; } else { return parent::getName(); } } public function getType() { return $this->oembed->type; } public function getOembed() { return $this->oembed; } public function appCategory() { return 'embed'; } public function getInfo() { return $this->oembed->info; } } /** * Encapsulation of an image tag, linking to an image either internal or external to the site. * * @package forms * @subpackage fields-formattedinput */ class HtmlEditorField_Image extends HtmlEditorField_File { protected $width; protected $height; public function __construct($url, $file = null) { parent::__construct($url, $file); // Get dimensions for remote file $info = @getimagesize($url); if($info) { $this->width = $info[0]; $this->height = $info[1]; } } public function getWidth() { return ($this->file) ? $this->file->Width : $this->width; } public function getHeight() { return ($this->file) ? $this->file->Height : $this->height; } /** * Provide an initial width for inserted image, restricted based on $embed_width * * @return int */ public function getInsertWidth() { $width = $this->getWidth(); $maxWidth = Config::inst()->get('HtmlEditorField', 'insert_width'); return ($width <= $maxWidth) ? $width : $maxWidth; } /** * Provide an initial height for inserted image, scaled proportionally to the initial width * * @return int */ public function getInsertHeight() { $width = $this->getWidth(); $height = $this->getHeight(); $maxWidth = Config::inst()->get('HtmlEditorField', 'insert_width'); return ($width <= $maxWidth) ? $height : round($height*($maxWidth/$width)); } public function getPreview() { return ($this->file) ? $this->file->CMSThumbnail() : sprintf('', Convert::raw2att($this->url)); } }