# 3.1.9 <<<<<<< HEAD # Overview This release replaces the 3.1.8 release, and resolves an issue where basic authentication would not work when PHP is running under CGI mode with Apache. ## Upgrading * Add the rule ``` RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]``` to the .htacces file in your sites root directory after the line ```RewriteEngine On```. ### Bugfixes ## Changelog ======= ## Upgrading ### File permissions This release makes an important change to File DataObject permissions in order to close a vulnerability in file modification privileges. By default the minimum necessary permission required by any user to modify files has been changed to CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin. If you need unauthenticated users, or users with other rights, to edit certain files, then you will need to customise this. E.g. :::php >>>>>> composer/3.1