hasField('File', 'Filename')) { return 0; } // Set max time and memory limit increase_time_limit_to(); increase_memory_limit_to(); // Loop over all files $count = 0; $originalState = Versioned::get_reading_mode(); Versioned::set_stage(Versioned::DRAFT); $filenameMap = $this->getFilenameArray(); foreach($this->getFileQuery() as $file) { // Get the name of the file to import $filename = $filenameMap[$file->ID]; $success = $this->migrateFile($base, $file, $filename); if($success) { $count++; } } Versioned::set_reading_mode($originalState); return $count; } /** * Migrate a single file * * @param string $base Absolute base path (parent of assets folder) * @param File $file * @param string $legacyFilename * @return bool True if this file is imported successfully */ protected function migrateFile($base, File $file, $legacyFilename) { // Make sure this legacy file actually exists $path = $base . '/' . $legacyFilename; if(!file_exists($path)) { return false; } // Copy local file into this filesystem $filename = $file->generateFilename(); $result = $file->setFromLocalFile( $path, $filename, null, null, array('conflict' => AssetStore::CONFLICT_OVERWRITE) ); // Move file if the APL changes filename value if($result['Filename'] !== $filename) { $file->setFilename($result['Filename']); } // Save and publish $file->write(); $file->doPublish(); return true; } /** * Get list of File dataobjects to import * * @return DataList */ protected function getFileQuery() { // Select all records which have a Filename value, but not FileFilename. return File::get() ->exclude('ClassName', 'Folder') ->filter('FileFilename', array('', null)) ->where('"File"."Filename" IS NOT NULL AND "File"."Filename" != \'\''); // Non-orm field } /** * Get map of File IDs to legacy filenames * * @return array */ protected function getFilenameArray() { // Convert original query, ensuring the legacy "Filename" is included in the result return $this ->getFileQuery() ->dataQuery() ->selectFromTable('File', array('ID', 'Filename')) ->execute() ->map(); // map ID to Filename } }