# 3.0.7

## Overview

### Security: XSS in form validation errors (SS-2013-008)

See [announcement](http://www.silverstripe.org/ss-2013-008-xss-in-numericfield-validation/)

### Security: XSS in CMS "Pages" section (SS-2013-009)

See [announcement](http://www.silverstripe.org/ss-2013-009-xss-in-cms-pages-section/)

### API: Form validation message no longer allow HTML

Due to cross-site scripting concerns when user data is used for form messages,
it is no longer possible to use HTML in `Form->sessionMessage()`, and consequently
in the `FormField->validate()` API.

## Changelog

### Bugfixes

 * 2013-09-24 [114fb59](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/114fb59) Auto-escape titles in TreeDropdownField (Ingo Schommer)
 * 2013-09-24 [e170f4c](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms/commit/e170f4c) Escaping in "dependent pages" (SS-2013-009) (Ingo Schommer)
 * 2013-09-20 [b383a07](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/b383a07) Fixing tabindex added to CreditCardField when tabindex is NULL (Sean Harvey)
 * 2013-09-20 [c453ea3](https://github.com/silverstripe/sapphire/commit/c453ea3) Fixing tabindex added to CreditCardField when tabindex is NULL (Sean Harvey)