--- title: Changelogs introduction: Key information on new features and improvements in each version. hideChildren: true --- Keep up to date with new releases by reading [SilverStripe Forums](https://forum.silverstripe.org/c/releases), and our [blog posts](http://silverstripe.org/blog/tag/release). We also keep an overview of [security-related releases](http://silverstripe.org/security-releases/). For information on how to upgrade to newer versions consult the [upgrading](/upgrading) guide. As of Silverstripe CMS 4, these changelogs track **recipe** versions (`silverstripe/installer`, `silverstripe/recipe-core`, and `silverstripe/recipe-cms`), rather than versions of individual modules like `framework` or `cms`, which can vary from the recipe version and from each other. We recommend referencing recipes in your Composer dependencies, rather than individual modules. See [Recipes](/getting_started/recipes) for more information. --- [CHILDREN Only="rc,beta" includeFolders] --- [CHILDREN reverse]