var tinyMCE_GZ = { settings : { themes : '', plugins : '', languages : '', disk_cache : true, page_name : 'tiny_mce_gzip.php', debug : false, suffix : '' }, init : function(s, cb, sc) { var t = this, n, i, nl = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (n in s) t.settings[n] = s[n]; s = t.settings; if (window.tinyMCEPreInit) { t.baseURL = tinyMCEPreInit.base; } else { for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) { n = nl[i]; if (n.src && n.src.indexOf('tiny_mce') != -1) t.baseURL = n.src.substring(0, n.src.lastIndexOf('/')); } } if (!t.coreLoaded) t.loadScripts(1, s.themes, s.plugins, s.languages, cb, sc); }, loadScripts : function(co, th, pl, la, cb, sc) { var t = this, x, w = window, q, c = 0, ti, s = t.settings; function get(s) { x = 0; try { x = new ActiveXObject(s); } catch (s) { } return x; }; // Build query string q = 'js=true&diskcache=' + (s.disk_cache ? 'true' : 'false') + '&core=' + (co ? 'true' : 'false') + '&suffix=' + escape(s.suffix) + '&themes=' + escape(th) + '&plugins=' + escape(pl) + '&languages=' + escape(la); if (co) t.coreLoaded = 1; // Send request x = w.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : get('Msxml2.XMLHTTP') || get('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); x.overrideMimeType && x.overrideMimeType('text/javascript');'GET', t.baseURL + '/' + s.page_name + '?' + q, !!cb); // x.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript'); x.send(''); // Handle asyncronous loading if (cb) { // Wait for response ti = w.setInterval(function() { if (x.readyState == 4 || c++ > 10000) { w.clearInterval(ti); if (c < 10000 && x.status == 200) { t.loaded = 1; t.eval(x.responseText); tinymce.dom.Event.domLoaded = true; || t, x); } ti = x = null; } }, 10); } else t.eval(x.responseText); }, start : function() { var t = this, each = tinymce.each, s = t.settings, ln = s.languages.split(','); tinymce.suffix = s.suffix; function load(u) { tinymce.ScriptLoader.markDone(tinyMCE.baseURI.toAbsolute(u)); }; // Add core languages each(ln, function(c) { if (c) load('langs/' + c + '.js'); }); // Add themes with languages each(s.themes.split(','), function(n) { if (n) { load('themes/' + n + '/editor_template' + s.suffix + '.js'); each (ln, function(c) { if (c) load('themes/' + n + '/langs/' + c + '.js'); }); } }); // Add plugins with languages each(s.plugins.split(','), function(n) { if (n) { load('plugins/' + n + '/editor_plugin' + s.suffix + '.js'); each(ln, function(c) { if (c) load('plugins/' + n + '/langs/' + c + '.js'); }); } }); }, end : function() { }, eval : function(co) { var se = document.createElement('script'); // Create script se.type = 'text/javascript'; se.text = co; // Add it to evaluate it and remove it (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.documentElement).appendChild(se); se.parentNode.removeChild(se); } };