 * LeftAndMain is the parent class of all the two-pane views in the CMS.
 * If you are wanting to add more areas to the CMS, you can do it by subclassing LeftAndMain.
 * This is essentially an abstract class which should be subclassed.
 * See {@link CMSMain} for a good example.
 * @package cms
 * @subpackage core
class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
	 * The 'base' url for CMS administration areas.
	 * Note that if this is changed, many javascript
	 * behaviours need to be updated with the correct url
	 * @var string $url_base
	static $url_base = "admin";
	 * The current url segment attached to the LeftAndMain instance
	 * @var string
	static $url_segment;
	 * @var string
	static $url_rule = '/$Action/$ID/$OtherID';
	 * @var string
	static $menu_title;
	 * @var int
	static $menu_priority = 0;
	 * @var int
	static $url_priority = 50;

	 * A subclass of {@link DataObject}. 
	 * Determines what is managed in this interface, through 
	 * {@link getEditForm()} and other logic.
	 * @var string 
	static $tree_class = null;
	 * The url used for the link in the Help tab in the backend
	 * @var string
	static $help_link = 'http://userhelp.silverstripe.org';

	 * @var array
	static $allowed_actions = array(

	 * @var Array Codes which are required from the current user to view this controller.
	 * If multiple codes are provided, all of them are required.
	 * All CMS controllers require "CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain" as a baseline check,
	 * and fall back to "CMS_ACCESS_<class>" if no permissions are defined here.
	 * See {@link canView()} for more details on permission checks.
	static $required_permission_codes;
	 * Register additional requirements through the {@link Requirements} class.
	 * Used mainly to work around the missing "lazy loading" functionality
	 * for getting css/javascript required after an ajax-call (e.g. loading the editform).
	 * @var array $extra_requirements
	protected static $extra_requirements = array(
		'javascript' => array(),
		'css' => array(),
		'themedcss' => array(),
	 * @param Member $member
	 * @return boolean
	function canView($member = null) {
		if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentUser();
		// cms menus only for logged-in members
		if(!$member) return false;
		// alternative extended checks
		if($this->hasMethod('alternateAccessCheck')) {
			$alternateAllowed = $this->alternateAccessCheck();
			if($alternateAllowed === FALSE) return false;

		// Check for "CMS admin" permission
		if(Permission::checkMember($member, "CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain")) return true;

		// Check for LeftAndMain sub-class permissions			
		$codes = array();
		$extraCodes = $this->stat('required_permission_codes');
		if($extraCodes !== false) { // allow explicit FALSE to disable subclass check
			if($extraCodes) $codes = array_merge($codes, (array)$extraCodes);
			else $codes[] = "CMS_ACCESS_$this->class";	
		foreach($codes as $code) if(!Permission::checkMember($member, $code)) return false;
		return true;
	 * @uses LeftAndMainExtension->init()
	 * @uses LeftAndMainExtension->accessedCMS()
	 * @uses CMSMenu
	function init() {

		SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false);
		// set language
		$member = Member::currentUser();
		if(!empty($member->Locale)) i18n::set_locale($member->Locale);
		if(!empty($member->DateFormat)) i18n::set_date_format($member->DateFormat);
		if(!empty($member->TimeFormat)) i18n::set_time_format($member->TimeFormat);
		// can't be done in cms/_config.php as locale is not set yet
			_t('LeftAndMain.HELP', 'Help', PR_HIGH, 'Menu title'), 

		// Allow customisation of the access check by a extension
		// Also all the canView() check to execute Director::redirect()
		if(!$this->canView() && !$this->response->isFinished()) {
			// When access /admin/, we should try a redirect to another part of the admin rather than be locked out
			$menu = $this->MainMenu();
			foreach($menu as $candidate) {
					$candidate->Link && 
					$candidate->Link != $this->Link() 
					&& $candidate->MenuItem->controller 
					&& singleton($candidate->MenuItem->controller)->canView()
				) {
					return Director::redirect($candidate->Link);
			if(Member::currentUser()) {
				Session::set("BackURL", null);
			// if no alternate menu items have matched, return a permission error
			$messageSet = array(
				'default' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMDEFAULT',"Please choose an authentication method and enter your credentials to access the CMS."),
				'alreadyLoggedIn' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMALREADY',"I'm sorry, but you can't access that part of the CMS.  If you want to log in as someone else, do so below"),
				'logInAgain' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMAGAIN',"You have been logged out of the CMS.  If you would like to log in again, enter a username and password below."),

			return Security::permissionFailure($this, $messageSet);
		// Don't continue if there's already been a redirection request.
		if(Director::redirected_to()) return;

		// Audit logging hook
		if(empty($_REQUEST['executeForm']) && !$this->isAjax()) $this->extend('accessedCMS');
		// Set the members html editor config
		// Set default values in the config if missing.  These things can't be defined in the config
		// file because insufficient information exists when that is being processed
		$htmlEditorConfig = HtmlEditorConfig::get_active();
		$htmlEditorConfig->setOption('language', i18n::get_tinymce_lang());
		if(!$htmlEditorConfig->getOption('content_css')) {
			$cssFiles = array();
			$cssFiles[] = 'sapphire/admin/css/editor.css';
			// Use theme from the site config
			if(class_exists('SiteConfig') && ($config = SiteConfig::current_site_config()) && $config->Theme) {
				$theme = $config->Theme;
			} elseif(SSViewer::current_theme()) {
				$theme = SSViewer::current_theme();
			} else {
				$theme = false;
			if($theme) $cssFiles[] = THEMES_DIR . "/{$theme}/css/editor.css";
			else if(project()) $cssFiles[] = project() . '/css/editor.css';
			// Remove files that don't exist
			foreach($cssFiles as $k => $cssFile) {
				if(!file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $cssFile)) unset($cssFiles[$k]);

			$htmlEditorConfig->setOption('content_css', implode(',', $cssFiles));
		// Using uncompressed files as they'll be processed by JSMin in the Requirements class.
		// Not as effective as other compressors or pre-compressed+finetuned files, 
		// but overall the unified minification into a single file brings more performance benefits
		// than a couple of saved bytes (after gzip) in individual files.
		// We also re-compress already compressed files through JSMin as this causes weird runtime bugs.
				THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js',
				THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-livequery/jquery.livequery.js',
				SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/jquery-ondemand/jquery.ondemand.js',
				SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/admin/javascript/lib.js',
				THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js',
				THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/json-js/json2.js',
				THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js',
				THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie.js',
				THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-query/jquery.query.js',
				THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-form/jquery.form.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-notice/jquery.notice.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jsizes/lib/jquery.sizes.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jlayout/lib/jlayout.border.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jlayout/lib/jquery.jlayout.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.adapter.jquery.js',
				// SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.html4.js',
				THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jstree/jquery.jstree.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/chosen/chosen/chosen.jquery.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-hoverIntent/jquery.hoverIntent.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/jquery-changetracker/lib/jquery.changetracker.js',
				SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/TreeDropdownField.js',
				SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/DateField.js',
				SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/HtmlEditorField.js',
				SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/TabSet.js',
				SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/i18n.js',
				SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/ssui.core.js',
				SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/GridField.js',

					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.js',
					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Panel.js',
					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Tree.js',
					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Ping.js',
					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Content.js',
					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.EditForm.js',
					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Menu.js',
					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.AddForm.js',
					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Preview.js',
					SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.BatchActions.js',
				Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/lang', true, true),
				Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/lang', true, true)

		Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-notice/jquery.notice.css');
		Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css');
		Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR .'/thirdparty/chosen/chosen/chosen.css');
		Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jstree/themes/apple/style.css');
		Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/TreeDropdownField.css');
		Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/screen.css');
		Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/GridField.css');

		// Browser-specific requirements
		$ie = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') : false;
		if($ie) {
			$version = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $ie + 5, 3);
			if($version == 7) Requirements::css('sapphire/admin/css/ie7.css');
			else if($version == 8) Requirements::css('sapphire/admin/css/ie8.css');

		// Custom requirements				
		foreach (self::$extra_requirements['javascript'] as $file) {
		foreach (self::$extra_requirements['css'] as $file) {
			Requirements::css($file[0], $file[1]);
		foreach (self::$extra_requirements['themedcss'] as $file) {
			Requirements::themedCSS($file[0], $file[1]);

		$dummy = null;
		$this->extend('init', $dummy);

		// The user's theme shouldn't affect the CMS, if, for example, they have replaced
		// TableListField.ss or Form.ss.
	function handleRequest($request, DataModel $model) {
		$title = $this->Title();
		$response = parent::handleRequest($request, $model);
		if(!$response->getHeader('X-Controller')) $response->addHeader('X-Controller', $this->class);
		if(!$response->getHeader('X-Title')) $response->addHeader('X-Title', $title);
		if(!$response->getHeader('X-ControllerURL')) $response->addHeader('X-ControllerURL', $request->getURL());
		return $response;

	function index($request) {
		return ($this->isAjax()) ? $this->show($request) : $this->getViewer('index')->process($this);

	 * If this is set to true, the "switchView" context in the
	 * template is shown, with links to the staging and publish site.
	 * @return boolean
	function ShowSwitchView() {
		return false;

	// Main controllers

	 * You should implement a Link() function in your subclass of LeftAndMain,
	 * to point to the URL of that particular controller.
	 * @return string
	public function Link($action = null) {
		// Handle missing url_segments
		if(!$this->stat('url_segment', true))
			self::$url_segment = $this->class;
		return Controller::join_links(
			$this->stat('url_base', true),
			$this->stat('url_segment', true),
			'/', // trailing slash needed if $action is null!

	 * Returns the menu title for the given LeftAndMain subclass.
	 * Implemented static so that we can get this value without instantiating an object.
	 * Menu title is *not* internationalised.
	static function menu_title_for_class($class) {
		$title = eval("return $class::\$menu_title;");
		if(!$title) $title = preg_replace('/Admin$/', '', $class);
		return $title;
	public function show($request) {
		// TODO Necessary for TableListField URLs to work properly
		if($request->param('ID')) $this->setCurrentPageID($request->param('ID'));
		if($this->isAjax()) {
			if($request->getVar('cms-view-form')) {
				$form = $this->getEditForm();
				$content = $form->forTemplate();
			} else {
				// Rendering is handled by template, which will call EditForm() eventually
				$content = $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Content'));
		} else {
			$content = $this->renderWith($this->getViewer('show'));
		return $content;

	// Main UI components

	 * Returns the main menu of the CMS.  This is also used by init() 
	 * to work out which sections the user has access to.
	 * @return SS_List
	public function MainMenu() {
		// Don't accidentally return a menu if you're not logged in - it's used to determine access.
		if(!Member::currentUser()) return new ArrayList();

		// Encode into DO set
		$menu = new ArrayList();
		$menuItems = CMSMenu::get_viewable_menu_items();
		if($menuItems) {
			foreach($menuItems as $code => $menuItem) {
				// alternate permission checks (in addition to LeftAndMain->canView())
					&& $this->hasMethod('alternateMenuDisplayCheck')
					&& !$this->alternateMenuDisplayCheck($menuItem->controller)
				) {

				$linkingmode = "link";
				if($menuItem->controller && get_class($this) == $menuItem->controller) {
					$linkingmode = "current";
				} else if(strpos($this->Link(), $menuItem->url) !== false) {
					if($this->Link() == $menuItem->url) {
						$linkingmode = "current";
					// default menu is the one with a blank {@link url_segment}
					} else if(singleton($menuItem->controller)->stat('url_segment') == '') {
						if($this->Link() == $this->stat('url_base').'/') {
							$linkingmode = "current";

					} else {
						$linkingmode = "current";
				// already set in CMSMenu::populate_menu(), but from a static pre-controller
				// context, so doesn't respect the current user locale in _t() calls - as a workaround,
				// we simply call LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class() again 
				// if we're dealing with a controller
				if($menuItem->controller) {
					$defaultTitle = LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class($menuItem->controller);
					$title = _t("{$menuItem->controller}.MENUTITLE", $defaultTitle);
				} else {
					$title = $menuItem->title;
				$menu->push(new ArrayData(array(
					"MenuItem" => $menuItem,
					"Title" => Convert::raw2xml($title),
					"Code" => DBField::create('Text', $code),
					"Link" => $menuItem->url,
					"LinkingMode" => $linkingmode

		// if no current item is found, assume that first item is shown
		return $menu;

	public function Menu() {
		return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Menu'));

	 * Return a list of appropriate templates for this class, with the given suffix
	public function getTemplatesWithSuffix($suffix) {
		$templates = array();
		$classes = array_reverse(ClassInfo::ancestry($this->class));
		foreach($classes as $class) {
			$template = $class . $suffix;
			if(SSViewer::hasTemplate($template)) $templates[] = $template;
			if($class == 'LeftAndMain') break;
		return $templates;

	public function Content() {
		return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Content'));

	public function getRecord($id) {
		$className = $this->stat('tree_class');
		if($className && $id instanceof $className) {
			return $id;
		} else if($id == 'root') {
			return singleton($className);
		} else if(is_numeric($id)) {
			return DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id);
		} else {
			return false;

	 * @return ArrayList
	public function Breadcrumbs($unlinked = false) {
		$title = self::menu_title_for_class($this->class);
		$items = new ArrayList(array(
			new ArrayData(array(
				'Title' => $title,
				'Link' => ($unlinked) ? false : $this->Link()
		$record = $this->currentPage();
		if($record && $record->exists()) {
			if($record->hasExtension('Hierarchy')) {
				$ancestors = $record->getAncestors();
				$ancestors = new ArrayList(array_reverse($ancestors->toArray()));
				foreach($ancestors as $ancestor) {
					$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
						'Title' => $ancestor->Title,
						'Link' => ($unlinked) ? false : Controller::join_links($this->Link('show'), $ancestor->ID)
			} else {
				$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
					'Title' => $record->Title,
					'Link' => ($unlinked) ? false : Controller::join_links($this->Link('show'), $record->ID)

		return $items;
	 * @return String HTML
	public function SiteTreeAsUL() {
		return $this->getSiteTreeFor($this->stat('tree_class'));

	 * Get a site tree HTML listing which displays the nodes under the given criteria.
	 * @param $className The class of the root object
	 * @param $rootID The ID of the root object.  If this is null then a complete tree will be
	 *  shown
	 * @param $childrenMethod The method to call to get the children of the tree. For example,
	 *  Children, AllChildrenIncludingDeleted, or AllHistoricalChildren
	 * @return String Nested unordered list with links to each page
	function getSiteTreeFor($className, $rootID = null, $childrenMethod = null, $numChildrenMethod = null, $filterFunction = null, $minNodeCount = 30) {
		// Default childrenMethod and numChildrenMethod
		if (!$childrenMethod) $childrenMethod = 'AllChildrenIncludingDeleted';
		if (!$numChildrenMethod) $numChildrenMethod = 'numChildren';
		// Get the tree root
		$record = ($rootID) ? $this->getRecord($rootID) : null;
		$obj = $record ? $record : singleton($className);
		// Mark the nodes of the tree to return
		if ($filterFunction) $obj->setMarkingFilterFunction($filterFunction);

		$obj->markPartialTree($minNodeCount, $this, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod);
		// Ensure current page is exposed
		if($p = $this->currentPage()) $obj->markToExpose($p);
		// NOTE: SiteTree/CMSMain coupling :-(
		if(class_exists('SiteTree')) {
			SiteTree::prepopulate_permission_cache('CanEditType', $obj->markedNodeIDs(), 'SiteTree::can_edit_multiple');

		// getChildrenAsUL is a flexible and complex way of traversing the tree
		$titleEval = '
			"<li id=\"record-$child->ID\" data-id=\"$child->ID\" class=\"" . $child->CMSTreeClasses($extraArg) . "\">" .
			"<ins class=\"jstree-icon\">&nbsp;</ins>" .
			"<a href=\"" . Controller::join_links($extraArg->Link("show"), $child->ID) . "\" title=\"' 
			. _t('LeftAndMain.PAGETYPE','Page type: ') 
			. '".$child->class."\" ><ins class=\"jstree-icon\">&nbsp;</ins><span class=\"text\">" . ($child->TreeTitle) . 

		$html = $obj->getChildrenAsUL(

		// Wrap the root if needs be.
		if(!$rootID) {
			$rootLink = $this->Link('show') . '/root';
			// This lets us override the tree title with an extension
			if($this->hasMethod('getCMSTreeTitle') && $customTreeTitle = $this->getCMSTreeTitle()) {
				$treeTitle = $customTreeTitle;
			} elseif(class_exists('SiteConfig')) {
				$siteConfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
				$treeTitle =  $siteConfig->Title;
			} else {
				$treeTitle = '...';
			$html = "<ul><li id=\"record-0\" data-id=\"0\" class=\"Root nodelete\"><strong>$treeTitle</strong>"
				. $html . "</li></ul>";

		return $html;

	 * Get a subtree underneath the request param 'ID'.
	 * If ID = 0, then get the whole tree.
	public function getsubtree($request) {
		if($filterClass = $request->requestVar('FilterClass')) {
			if(!is_subclass_of($filterClass, 'CMSSiteTreeFilter')) {
				throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid filter class passed: %s', $filterClass));

			$filter = new $filterClass($request->requestVars());
		} else {
			$filter = null;
		$html = $this->getSiteTreeFor(
			($filter) ? $filter->getChildrenMethod() : null, 
			($filter) ? array($filter, 'isPageIncluded') : null, 

		// Trim off the outer tag
		$html = preg_replace('/^[\s\t\r\n]*<ul[^>]*>/','', $html);
		$html = preg_replace('/<\/ul[^>]*>[\s\t\r\n]*$/','', $html);
		return $html;
	 * Save  handler
	public function save($data, $form) {
		$className = $this->stat('tree_class');

		// Existing or new record?
		$SQL_id = Convert::raw2sql($data['ID']);
		if(substr($SQL_id,0,3) != 'new') {
			$record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $SQL_id);
			if($record && !$record->canEdit()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
			if(!$record || !$record->ID) throw new HTTPResponse_Exception("Bad record ID #" . (int)$data['ID'], 404);
		} else {
			if(!singleton($this->stat('tree_class'))->canCreate()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
			$record = $this->getNewItem($SQL_id, false);
		// save form data into record
		$form->saveInto($record, true);
		$this->extend('onAfterSave', $record);

		$this->response->addHeader('X-Status', _t('LeftAndMain.SAVEDUP'));
		// write process might've changed the record, so we reload before returning
		$form = $this->getEditForm($record->ID);
		return $form->forTemplate();
	public function delete($data, $form) {
		$className = $this->stat('tree_class');
		$record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, Convert::raw2sql($data['ID']));
		if($record && !$record->canDelete()) return Security::permissionFailure();
		if(!$record || !$record->ID) throw new HTTPResponse_Exception("Bad record ID #" . (int)$data['ID'], 404);
		if($this->isAjax()) {
			return $this->EmptyForm()->forTemplate();
		} else {

	 * Update the position and parent of a tree node.
	 * Only saves the node if changes were made.
	 * Required data: 
	 * - 'ID': The moved node
	 * - 'ParentID': New parent relation of the moved node (0 for root)
	 * - 'SiblingIDs': Array of all sibling nodes to the moved node (incl. the node itself).
	 *   In case of a 'ParentID' change, relates to the new siblings under the new parent.
	 * @return SS_HTTPResponse JSON string with a 
	public function savetreenode($request) {
		if (!Permission::check('SITETREE_REORGANISE') && !Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
				_t('LeftAndMain.CANT_REORGANISE',"You do not have permission to rearange the site tree. Your change was not saved.")

		$className = $this->stat('tree_class');		
		$statusUpdates = array('modified'=>array());
		$id = $request->requestVar('ID');
		$parentID = $request->requestVar('ParentID');
		$siblingIDs = $request->requestVar('SiblingIDs');
		$statusUpdates = array('modified'=>array());
		if(!is_numeric($id) || !is_numeric($parentID)) throw new InvalidArgumentException();
		$node = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id);
		if($node && !$node->canEdit()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
		if(!$node) {
					"Please Save Page: This page could not be upated because it hasn't been saved yet."

		// Update hierarchy (only if ParentID changed)
		if($node->ParentID != $parentID) {
			$node->ParentID = (int)$parentID;
			$statusUpdates['modified'][$node->ID] = array(
			// Update all dependent pages
			if(class_exists('VirtualPage')) {
				if($virtualPages = DataObject::get("VirtualPage", "\"CopyContentFromID\" = $node->ID")) {
					foreach($virtualPages as $virtualPage) {
						$statusUpdates['modified'][$virtualPage->ID] = array(
							'TreeTitle' => $virtualPage->TreeTitle()

			$this->response->addHeader('X-Status', _t('LeftAndMain.SAVED','saved'));
		// Update sorting
		if(is_array($siblingIDs)) {
			$counter = 0;
			foreach($siblingIDs as $id) {
				if($id == $node->ID) {
					$node->Sort = ++$counter;
					$statusUpdates['modified'][$node->ID] = array(
						'TreeTitle' => $node->TreeTitle
				} else if(is_numeric($id)) {
					// Nodes that weren't "actually moved" shouldn't be registered as 
					// having been edited; do a direct SQL update instead
					DB::query(sprintf("UPDATE \"%s\" SET \"Sort\" = %d WHERE \"ID\" = '%d'", $className, $counter, $id));
			$this->response->addHeader('X-Status', _t('LeftAndMain.SAVED','saved'));

		return Convert::raw2json($statusUpdates);

	public function CanOrganiseSitetree() {
		return !Permission::check('SITETREE_REORGANISE') && !Permission::check('ADMIN') ? false : true;
	 * Retrieves an edit form, either for display, or to process submitted data.
	 * Also used in the template rendered through {@link Right()} in the $EditForm placeholder.
	 * This is a "pseudo-abstract" methoed, usually connected to a {@link getEditForm()}
	 * method in an entwine subclass. This method can accept a record identifier,
	 * selected either in custom logic, or through {@link currentPageID()}. 
	 * The form usually construct itself from {@link DataObject->getCMSFields()} 
	 * for the specific managed subclass defined in {@link LeftAndMain::$tree_class}.
	 * @param HTTPRequest $request Optionally contains an identifier for the
	 *  record to load into the form.
	 * @return Form Should return a form regardless wether a record has been found.
	 *  Form might be readonly if the current user doesn't have the permission to edit
	 *  the record.
	 * @return Form
	function EditForm($request = null) {
		return $this->getEditForm();

	 * Calls {@link SiteTree->getCMSFields()}
	 * @param Int $id
	 * @param FieldList $fields
	 * @return Form
	public function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null) {
		if(!$id) $id = $this->currentPageID();
		if(is_object($id)) {
			$record = $id;
		} else {
			$record = $this->getRecord($id);
			if($record && !$record->canView()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);

		if($record) {
			$fields = ($fields) ? $fields : $record->getCMSFields();
			if ($fields == null) {
					"getCMSFields() returned null  - it should return a FieldList object. 
					Perhaps you forgot to put a return statement at the end of your method?", 
			// Add hidden fields which are required for saving the record
			// and loading the UI state
			if(!$fields->dataFieldByName('ClassName')) {
				$fields->push(new HiddenField('ClassName'));
				Object::has_extension($this->stat('tree_class'), 'Hierarchy') 
				&& !$fields->dataFieldByName('ParentID')
			) {
				$fields->push(new HiddenField('ParentID'));

			// Added in-line to the form, but plucked into different view by LeftAndMain.Preview.js upon load
			if(in_array('CMSPreviewable', class_implements($record))) {
				$navField = new LiteralField('SilverStripeNavigator', $this->getSilverStripeNavigator());
			if($record->hasMethod('getAllCMSActions')) {
				$actions = $record->getAllCMSActions();
			} else {
				$actions = $record->getCMSActions();
				// add default actions if none are defined
				if(!$actions || !$actions->Count()) {
					if($record->hasMethod('canEdit') && $record->canEdit()) {
								->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept')
					if($record->hasMethod('canDelete') && $record->canDelete()) {

			// Use <button> to allow full jQuery UI styling
			$actionsFlattened = $actions->dataFields();
			if($actionsFlattened) foreach($actionsFlattened as $action) $action->setUseButtonTag(true);
			$form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, $actions);
			// Set this if you want to split up tabs into a separate header row
			// if($form->Fields()->hasTabset()) $form->Fields()->findOrMakeTab('Root')->setTemplate('CMSTabSet');
			// Add a default or custom validator.
			// @todo Currently the default Validator.js implementation
			//  adds javascript to the document body, meaning it won't
			//  be included properly if the associated fields are loaded
			//  through ajax. This means only serverside validation
			//  will kick in for pages+validation loaded through ajax.
			//  This will be solved by using less obtrusive javascript validation
			//  in the future, see http://open.silverstripe.com/ticket/2915 and
			//  http://open.silverstripe.com/ticket/3386
			if($record->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) {
				$validator = $record->getCMSValidator();
				// The clientside (mainly LeftAndMain*.js) rely on ajax responses
				// which can be evaluated as javascript, hence we need
				// to override any global changes to the validation handler.
			} else {
			if($record->hasMethod('canEdit') && !$record->canEdit()) {
				$readonlyFields = $form->Fields()->makeReadonly();
		} else {
			$form = $this->EmptyForm();
		return $form;
	 * Returns a placeholder form, used by {@link getEditForm()} if no record is selected.
	 * Our javascript logic always requires a form to be present in the CMS interface.
	 * @return Form
	function EmptyForm() {
		$form = new Form(
			new FieldList(
				// new HeaderField(
				// 	'WelcomeHeader',
				// 	$this->getApplicationName()
				// ),
				// new LiteralField(
				// 	'WelcomeText',
				// 	sprintf('<p id="WelcomeMessage">%s %s. %s</p>',
				// 		_t('LeftAndMain_right.ss.WELCOMETO','Welcome to'),
				// 		$this->getApplicationName(),
				// 		_t('CHOOSEPAGE','Please choose an item from the left.')
				// 	)
				// )
			new FieldList()
		return $form;
	 * Return the CMS's HTML-editor toolbar
	public function EditorToolbar() {
		return Object::create('HtmlEditorField_Toolbar', $this, "EditorToolbar");

	 * Renders a panel containing tools which apply to all displayed
	 * "content" (mostly through {@link EditForm()}), for example a tree navigation or a filter panel.
	 * Auto-detects applicable templates by naming convention: "<controller classname>_Tools.ss",
	 * and takes the most specific template (see {@link getTemplatesWithSuffix()}).
	 * To explicitly disable the panel in the subclass, simply create a more specific, empty template.
	 * @return String HTML
	public function Tools() {
		$templates = $this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Tools');
		if($templates) {
			$viewer = new SSViewer($templates);
			return $viewer->process($this);	
		} else {
			return false;

	 * Renders a panel containing tools which apply to the currently displayed edit form.
	 * The main difference to {@link Tools()} is that the panel is displayed within
	 * the element structure of the form panel (rendered through {@link EditForm}).
	 * This means the panel will be loaded alongside new forms, and refreshed upon save,
	 * which can mean a performance hit, depending on how complex your panel logic gets.
	 * Any form fields contained in the returned markup will also be submitted with the main form,
	 * which might be desired depending on the implementation details.
	 * @return String HTML
	public function EditFormTools() {
		$templates = $this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_EditFormTools');
		if($templates) {
			$viewer = new SSViewer($templates);
			return $viewer->process($this);	
		} else {
			return false;
	 * Batch Actions Handler
	function batchactions() {
		return new CMSBatchActionHandler($this, 'batchactions', $this->stat('tree_class'));
	 * @return Form
	function BatchActionsForm() {
		$actions = $this->batchactions()->batchActionList();
		$actionsMap = array('-1' => _t('LeftAndMain.DropdownBatchActionsDefault', 'Actions'));
		foreach($actions as $action) $actionsMap[$action->Link] = $action->Title;
		$form = new Form(
			new FieldList(
				new HiddenField('csvIDs'),
				)->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off')
			new FieldList(
				// TODO i18n
				new FormAction('submit', "Go")
		$form->addExtraClass('cms-batch-actions nostyle');
		return $form;
	public function printable() {
		$form = $this->getEditForm($this->currentPageID());
		if(!$form) return false;
		$form->transform(new PrintableTransformation());

		Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/LeftAndMain_printable.css');
		return array(
			"PrintForm" => $form

	 * Used for preview controls, mainly links which switch between different states of the page.
	 * @return ArrayData
	function getSilverStripeNavigator() {
		$page = $this->currentPage();
		if($page) {
			$navigator = new SilverStripeNavigator($page);
			return $navigator->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_SilverStripeNavigator'));
		} else {
			return false;

	 * Identifier for the currently shown record,
	 * in most cases a database ID. Inspects the following
	 * sources (in this order):
	 * - GET/POST parameter named 'ID'
	 * - URL parameter named 'ID'
	 * - Session value namespaced by classname, e.g. "CMSMain.currentPage"
	 * @return int 
	public function currentPageID() {
		if($this->request->requestVar('ID'))	{
			return $this->request->requestVar('ID');
		} elseif (isset($this->urlParams['ID']) && is_numeric($this->urlParams['ID'])) {
			return $this->urlParams['ID'];
		} elseif(Session::get("{$this->class}.currentPage")) {
			return Session::get("{$this->class}.currentPage");
		} else {
			return null;

	 * Forces the current page to be set in session,
	 * which can be retrieved later through {@link currentPageID()}.
	 * Keep in mind that setting an ID through GET/POST or
	 * as a URL parameter will overrule this value.
	 * @param int $id
	public function setCurrentPageID($id) {
		Session::set("{$this->class}.currentPage", $id);

	 * Uses {@link getRecord()} and {@link currentPageID()}
	 * to get the currently selected record.
	 * @return DataObject
	public function currentPage() {
		return $this->getRecord($this->currentPageID());

	 * Compares a given record to the currently selected one (if any).
	 * Used for marking the current tree node.
	 * @return boolean
	public function isCurrentPage(DataObject $record) {
		return ($record->ID == $this->currentPageID());
	 * URL to a previewable record which is shown through this controller.
	 * The controller might not have any previewable content, in which case 
	 * this method returns FALSE.
	 * @return String|boolean
	public function PreviewLink() {
		return false;

	 * Return the version number of this application.
	 * Uses the subversion path information in <mymodule>/silverstripe_version
	 * (automacially replaced by build scripts).
	 * @return string
	public function CMSVersion() {
		if(file_exists(CMS_PATH . '/silverstripe_version')) {
			$sapphireVersion = file_get_contents(CMS_PATH . '/silverstripe_version');
		} else {
			$sapphireVersion = file_get_contents(SAPPHIRE_PATH . '/silverstripe_version');
		if(!$sapphireVersion) $sapphireVersion = _t('LeftAndMain.VersionUnknown', 'unknown');
		return sprintf(
			"sapphire: %s",
	 * @return array
	function SwitchView() { 
		if($page = $this->currentPage()) { 
			$nav = SilverStripeNavigator::get_for_record($page); 
			return $nav['items']; 
	 * @return SiteConfig
	function SiteConfig() {
		return (class_exists('SiteConfig')) ? SiteConfig::current_site_config() : null;

	 * The application name. Customisable by calling
	 * LeftAndMain::setApplicationName() - the first parameter.
	 * @var String
	static $application_name = 'SilverStripe CMS';
	 * @param String $name
	static function setApplicationName($name) {
		self::$application_name = $name;

	 * Get the application name.
	 * @return string
	function getApplicationName() {
		return self::$application_name;
	 * @return string
	function Title() {
		$app = $this->getApplicationName();
		return ($section = $this->SectionTitle()) ? sprintf('%s - %s', $app, $section) : $app;

	 * Return the title of the current section. Either this is pulled from
	 * the current panel's menu_title or from the first active menu
	 * @return string
	function SectionTitle() {
		if($title = $this->stat('menu_title')) return $title;
		// Get menu - use obj() to cache it in the same place as the template engine
		$menu = $this->obj('MainMenu');

		foreach($menu as $menuItem) {
			if($menuItem->LinkingMode != 'link') return $menuItem->Title;

	 * Return the base directory of the tiny_mce codebase
	function MceRoot() {
		return MCE_ROOT;
	 * Same as {@link ViewableData->CSSClasses()}, but with a changed name
	 * to avoid problems when using {@link ViewableData->customise()}
	 * (which always returns "ArrayData" from the $original object).
	 * @return String
	function BaseCSSClasses() {
		return $this->CSSClasses('Controller');
	function IsPreviewExpanded() {
		return ($this->request->getVar('cms-preview-expanded'));

	 * @return String
	function Locale() {
		return DBField::create('DBLocale', i18n::get_locale());

	function providePermissions() {
		$perms = array(
			"CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain" => array(
				'name' => _t('CMSMain.ACCESSALLINTERFACES', 'Access to all CMS sections'),
				'category' => _t('Permission.CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY', 'CMS Access'),
				'help' => _t('CMSMain.ACCESSALLINTERFACESHELP', 'Overrules more specific access settings.'),
				'sort' => -100

		// Add any custom ModelAdmin subclasses. Can't put this on ModelAdmin itself
		// since its marked abstract, and needs to be singleton instanciated.
		foreach(ClassInfo::subclassesFor('ModelAdmin') as $i => $class) {
			if($class == 'ModelAdmin') continue;
			if(ClassInfo::classImplements($class, 'TestOnly')) continue;

			$title = _t("{$class}.MENUTITLE", LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class($class));
			$perms["CMS_ACCESS_" . $class] = array(
				'name' => sprintf(_t(
					"Access to '%s' section",
					"Item in permission selection identifying the admin section. Example: Access to 'Files & Images'"
				), $title, null),
				'category' => _t('Permission.CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY', 'CMS Access')

		return $perms;
	 * Register the given javascript file as required in the CMS.
	 * Filenames should be relative to the base, eg, SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/loader.js'
	public static function require_javascript($file) {
		self::$extra_requirements['javascript'][] = array($file);
	 * Register the given stylesheet file as required.
	 * @param $file String Filenames should be relative to the base, eg, THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/tree/tree.css'
	 * @param $media String Comma-separated list of media-types (e.g. "screen,projector") 
	 * @see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/media.html
	public static function require_css($file, $media = null) {
		self::$extra_requirements['css'][] = array($file, $media);
	 * Register the given "themeable stylesheet" as required.
	 * Themeable stylesheets have globally unique names, just like templates and PHP files.
	 * Because of this, they can be replaced by similarly named CSS files in the theme directory.
	 * @param $name String The identifier of the file.  For example, css/MyFile.css would have the identifier "MyFile"
	 * @param $media String Comma-separated list of media-types (e.g. "screen,projector") 
	static function require_themed_css($name, $media = null) {
		self::$extra_requirements['themedcss'][] = array($name, $media);

 * @package cms
 * @subpackage core
class LeftAndMainMarkingFilter {
	 * @var array Request params (unsanitized)
	protected $params = array();
	 * @param array $params Request params (unsanitized)
	function __construct($params = null) {
		$this->ids = array();
		$this->expanded = array();
		$parents = array();
		$q = $this->getQuery($params);
		$res = $q->execute();
		if (!$res) return;
		// And keep a record of parents we don't need to get parents 
		// of themselves, as well as IDs to mark
		foreach($res as $row) {
			if ($row['ParentID']) $parents[$row['ParentID']] = true;
			$this->ids[$row['ID']] = true;
		// We need to recurse up the tree, 
		// finding ParentIDs for each ID until we run out of parents
		while (!empty($parents)) {
			$res = DB::query('SELECT "ParentID", "ID" FROM "SiteTree" WHERE "ID" in ('.implode(',',array_keys($parents)).')');
			$parents = array();

			foreach($res as $row) {
				if ($row['ParentID']) $parents[$row['ParentID']] = true;
				$this->ids[$row['ID']] = true;
				$this->expanded[$row['ID']] = true;
	protected function getQuery($params) {
		$where = array();
		$SQL_params = Convert::raw2sql($params);
		if(isset($SQL_params['ID'])) unset($SQL_params['ID']);
		foreach($SQL_params as $name => $val) {
			switch($name) {
					// Partial string match against a variety of fields 
					if(!empty($val) && singleton("SiteTree")->hasDatabaseField($name)) {
						$where[] = "\"$name\" LIKE '%$val%'";
		return new SQLQuery(
			array("ParentID", "ID"),
	function mark($node) {
		$id = $node->ID;
		if(array_key_exists((int) $id, $this->expanded)) $node->markOpened();
		return array_key_exists((int) $id, $this->ids) ? $this->ids[$id] : false;