Building XML parsers with the XML class * * To use the XML parser, you need to create a subclass. Then you define process_XXX functions to process different tags. The parser walks sequentially through the file and calls the process_XXX functions when it hits different tags. * * * **process_(tagname):** This will be called when the parser finds the start tag. It will be passed the attributes of the tag. * * **process_(tagname)_end:** This will be called when the parser finds the closng tag. It will be passed the attributes and the content of the tag. * * * **process_tag :** This will be called if it is implemented and a method has not been created already for the tag being parsed. It is passed the tag name and attributes of the tag. * * * **process_tag_end:** This will be called if it is implemented and a method has not been created already for the tag being parsed. It is passed the tag name, the content of the tag and the attributes of the tag. * * * The idea is that within this function, you build up $this->result with a useful representation of the XML data. It could be an array structure, an object, or something else. * * There are a couple of methods on the XML object that will help with * * * **$this->inContext('(tag)', '(tag).(class)'):** This will return true if the current tag has the specified tags as ancestors, in the order that you've specified. * * Finally, there are public methods that can be called on an instantiated XML subclass. This is how you will make use of your new parser. * * * **$parser->tidyXHTML($content):** This will run "tidy -asxhtml" on your content. This is useful if you're wanting to use the XML parser to parse HTML that may or may not be XML compliant. * * **$parser->parse($content):** This will call the parser on the given XML content, and return the $this->result object that gets built. * * Example * * * class DeliciousHtmlParser extends XML { * protected $currentItem = 0; * * function process_li($attributes) { * if($attributes['class'] == "post") { * $this->currentItem = sizeof($this->parsed); * } * } * * function process_a_end($content, $attributes) { * if($this->inContext('','h4.desc')) { * $this->parsed[$this->currentItem][link] = $attributes[href]; * $this->parsed[$this->currentItem][title] = $content; * * } else if($this->inContext('','div.meta') && $attributes['class'] == 'tag') { * $this->parsed[$this->currentItem][tags][] = $content; * } * } * } * * $html = file_get_contents("$user/?setcount=100"); * $parser = new DeliciousHtmlParser(); * $tidyHtml = $parser->tidyXHTML($html); * $result = $parser->parse($tidyHtml); * * * @package sapphire * @subpackage misc */ class XML extends Object { protected $parser; protected $context, $attributeStore; protected $parsed; protected $collatedText; function tidyXHTML($content) { $cleanFile = TEMP_FOLDER . "/cleaner.tmp"; $fh = fopen($cleanFile,"wb"); fwrite($fh, $content); fclose($fh); if(file_exists($cleanFile)) { $result = `tidy -asxhtml $cleanFile`; unlink($cleanFile); return $result; } } function parse($content, $recursive = false) { $this->parser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8'); // Andrew keeps giving me the wrong FSKING encoding! :-P $content = ereg_replace('encoding="[^"]+"','encoding="utf-8"', $content); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); //xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8'); xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, "tag_open", "tag_close"); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, "cdata"); $this->parsed = null; $this->context = array(); $this->attributeStore = array(); xml_parse($this->parser, $content); // Handle a bad encoding type by forcing ISO-8859-15 if(xml_get_error_code($this->parser) == 32 && !$recursive) { $content = ereg_replace('encoding="[^"]+"','encoding="utf-8"', $content); return $this->parse($content, true); } if($err = xml_get_error_code($this->parser)) { user_error("XML parser broke with error $err:" . xml_error_string($err), E_USER_ERROR); } return $this->parsed; } function inContext() { $items = func_get_args(); $i=0; foreach($items as $item) { while($i < sizeof($this->context)) { if($this->context[$i] == $item) break; $i++; } if($this->context[$i] != $item) return false; } return true; } function stackActionFor($tag) { for($i=sizeof($this->contextStack)-1;$i>=0;$i--) { if($this->context[$i]['tag'] == $tag) return $this->contextStack[$i]['action']; } } function tag_open($parser, $tag, $attributes) { // Strip namespaces out of tags and attributes $tag = ereg_replace('[^:]+:','',$tag); if($attributes) foreach($attributes as $k => $v) $newAttributes[ereg_replace('[^:]+:','',$k)] = $v; $attributes = isset($newAttributes) ? $newAttributes : $attributes; if(isset($attributes['class'])) { $this->context[] = "$tag.{$attributes['class']}"; } else { $this->context[] = $tag; } $this->attributeStore[] = $attributes; $this->collatedText = ""; $tagProcessorFunc = "process_$tag"; if($this->hasMethod($tagProcessorFunc)) { $this->$tagProcessorFunc($attributes); }elseif($this->hasMethod($tagProcessorFunc = "process_tag")){ $this->$tagProcessorFunc($tag, $attributes); } if($attributes) foreach($attributes as $k => $v) { $attProcessorFunc = "processatt_$k"; if($this->hasMethod($attProcessorFunc)) { $this->$attProcessorFunc($tag, $attributes); } } } function tag_close($parser, $tag) { $tag = ereg_replace('[^:]+:','',$tag); array_pop($this->context); $attributes = array_pop($this->attributeStore); if(method_exists($this, $funcName = "process_{$tag}_end")) { $this->$funcName($this->collatedText, $attributes); }elseif(method_exists($this,$funcName = "process_tag_end")){ // else run default method $this->$funcName($tag,$this->collatedText, $attributes); } $this->collatedText = ""; } function cdata($parser, $cdata) { $this->collatedText .= $cdata; } }