entries = $entries; $this->link = $link; $this->description = $description; $this->title = $title; $this->titleField = $titleField; $this->descriptionField = $descriptionField; $this->authorField = $authorField; $this->lastModified = $lastModified; $this->etag = $etag; } /** * Include an link to the feed * * @param string $url URL of the feed * @param string $title Title to show */ static function linkToFeed($url, $title = null) { $title = Convert::raw2xml($title); Requirements::insertHeadTags( ''); } /** * Get the RSS feed entries * * @return DataObjectSet Returns the {@link RSSFeed_Entry} objects. */ function Entries() { $output = new DataObjectSet(); foreach($this->entries as $entry) { $output->push(new RSSFeed_Entry($entry, $this->titleField, $this->descriptionField, $this->authorField)); } return $output; } /** * Get the title of thisfeed * * @return string Returns the title of the feed. */ function Title() { return $this->title; } /** * Get the URL of this feed * * @return string Returns the URL of the feed. */ function Link() { return Director::absoluteURL($this->link); } /** * Get the description of this feed * * @return string Returns the description of the feed. */ function Description() { return $this->description; } /** * Output the feed to the browser */ function outputToBrowser() { if(is_int($this->lastModified)) { HTTP::register_modification_timestamp($this->lastModified); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $this->lastModified) . ' GMT'); } if(!empty($this->etag)) { HTTP::register_etag($this->etag); } $body = str_replace(' ', ' ', $this->renderWith('RSSFeed')); HTTP::add_cache_headers($body); header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo $body; } } /** * RSSFeed_Entry class * * This class is used for entries of an RSS feed. * * @see RSSFeed */ class RSSFeed_Entry extends ViewableData { /** * The object that represents the item, it contains all the data. * * @var mixed */ protected $failover; /** * Name of the title field of feed entries * * @var string */ protected $titleField; /** * Name of the description field of feed entries * * @var string */ protected $descriptionField; /** Name of the author field of feed entries * * @var string */ protected $authorField; /** * Create a new RSSFeed entry. */ function __construct($entry, $titleField, $descriptionField, $authorField) { $this->failover = $entry; $this->titleField = $titleField; $this->descriptionField = $descriptionField; $this->authorField = $authorField; } /** * Get the description of this entry * * @return string Returns the description of the entry. */ function Title() { if($this->titleField) return $this->failover->obj($this->titleField); } /** * Get the description of this entry * * @return string Returns the description of the entry. */ function Description() { if($this->descriptionField) return $this->failover->obj($this->descriptionField); } /** * Get the author of this entry * * @return string Returns the author of the entry. */ function Author() { if($this->authorField) return $this->failover->obj($this->authorField); } /** * Get a link to this entry * * @return string Returns the URL of this entry */ function AbsoluteLink() { return $this->failover->AbsoluteLink(); } } ?>