'MySQLDatabase', 'title' => 'MySQL 4.1+', 'helperPath' => 'sapphire/dev/install/MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php', 'supported' => function_exists('mysql_connect') ) ); DatabaseAdapterRegistry::register( array( 'class' => 'MSSQLDatabase', 'title' => 'SQL Server 2008', 'helperPath' => 'mssql/code/MSSQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php', 'supported' => (function_exists('mssql_connect') || function_exists('sqlsrv_connect')), 'missingExtensionText' => 'Neither the mssql or sqlsrv PHP extensions are available. Please install or enable one of them and refresh this page.' ) ); DatabaseAdapterRegistry::register( array( 'class' => 'PostgreSQLDatabase', 'title' => 'PostgreSQL 8.3+', 'helperPath' => 'postgresql/code/PostgreSQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php', 'supported' => function_exists('pg_query'), 'missingExtensionText' => 'The pgsql PHP extension is not available. Please install or enable it and refresh this page.' ) ); DatabaseAdapterRegistry::register( array( 'class' => 'SQLite3Database', 'title' => 'SQLite 3.3+', 'helperPath' => 'sqlite3/code/SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php', 'supported' => (class_exists('SQLite3') || class_exists('PDO')), 'missingExtensionText' => 'The SQLite3 and PDO classes are not available. Please install or enable them and refresh this page.' ) );