size = $size; } // Get dimensions of remote file $info = @getimagesize($url); if ($info) { $this->width = $info[0]; $this->height = $info[1]; } } public function getFields() { $fields = parent::getFields(); // Alt text $fields->insertBefore( 'CaptionText', TextField::create( 'AltText', _t('HTMLEditorField.IMAGEALT', 'Alternative text (alt)'), $this->Title, 80 )->setDescription( _t('HTMLEditorField.IMAGEALTTEXTDESC', 'Shown to screen readers or if image can\'t be displayed') ) ); // Tooltip $fields->insertAfter( 'AltText', TextField::create( 'Title', _t('HTMLEditorField.IMAGETITLETEXT', 'Title text (tooltip)') )->setDescription( _t('HTMLEditorField.IMAGETITLETEXTDESC', 'For additional information about the image') ) ); return $fields; } protected function getDetailFields() { $fields = parent::getDetailFields(); $width = $this->getOriginalWidth(); $height = $this->getOriginalHeight(); // Show dimensions of original if ($width && $height) { $fields->insertAfter( 'ClickableURL', ReadonlyField::create( "OriginalWidth", _t('AssetTableField.WIDTH', 'Width'), $width ) ); $fields->insertAfter( 'OriginalWidth', ReadonlyField::create( "OriginalHeight", _t('AssetTableField.HEIGHT', 'Height'), $height ) ); } return $fields; } /** * Get width of original, if known * * @return int */ public function getOriginalWidth() { if ($this->width) { return $this->width; } if ($this->file) { $width = $this->file->getWidth(); if ($width) { return $width; } } return null; } /** * Get height of original, if known * * @return int */ public function getOriginalHeight() { if ($this->height) { return $this->height; } if ($this->file) { $height = $this->file->getHeight(); if ($height) { return $height; } } return null; } public function getWidth() { if ($this->width) { return $this->width; } return parent::getWidth(); } public function getHeight() { if ($this->height) { return $this->height; } return parent::getHeight(); } public function getSize() { if ($this->size) { return File::format_size($this->size); } return parent::getSize(); } /** * Provide an initial width for inserted image, restricted based on $embed_width * * @return int */ public function getInsertWidth() { $width = $this->getWidth(); $maxWidth = $this->config()->insert_width; return $width <= $maxWidth ? $width : $maxWidth; } /** * Provide an initial height for inserted image, scaled proportionally to the initial width * * @return int */ public function getInsertHeight() { $width = $this->getWidth(); $height = $this->getHeight(); $maxWidth = $this->config()->insert_width; return ($width <= $maxWidth) ? $height : round($height * ($maxWidth / $width)); } public function getPreviewURL() { // Get preview from file if ($this->file) { return $this->getFilePreviewURL(); } // Embed image directly return $this->url; } }