Validation * Each form needs some form of {@link Validator} to trigger the {@link FormField->validate()} methods for each field. * You can't disable validator for security reasons, because crucial behaviour like extension checks for file uploads depend on it. * The default validator is an instance of {@link RequiredFields}. * If you want to enforce serverside-validation to be ignored for a specific {@link FormField}, * you need to subclass it. * *

URL Handling

* The form class extends {@link RequestHandler}, which means it can * be accessed directly through a URL. This can be handy for refreshing * a form by ajax, or even just displaying a single form field. * You can find out the base URL for your form by looking at the *
value. For example, the edit form in the CMS would be located at * "admin/EditForm". This URL will render the form without its surrounding * template when called through GET instead of POST. * * By appending to this URL, you can render invidual form elements * through the {@link FormField->FieldHolder()} method. * For example, the "URLSegment" field in a standard CMS form would be * accessible through "admin/EditForm/field/URLSegment/FieldHolder". * * @package forms * @subpackage core */ class Form extends RequestHandler { const ENC_TYPE_URLENCODED = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; const ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART = 'multipart/form-data'; /** * @var boolean $includeFormTag Accessed by; modified by {@link formHtmlContent()}. * A performance enhancement over the generate-the-form-tag-and-then-remove-it code that was there previously */ public $IncludeFormTag = true; protected $fields; protected $actions; protected $controller; protected $name; protected $validator; protected $formMethod = "post"; protected static $current_action; /** * @var Dataobject $record Populated by {@link loadDataFrom()}. */ protected $record; /** * Keeps track of whether this form has a default action or not. * Set to false by $this->disableDefaultAction(); */ protected $hasDefaultAction = true; /** * Target attribute of form-tag. * Useful to open a new window upon * form submission. * * @var string */ protected $target; /** * Legend value, to be inserted into the * element before the
* in template. * * @var string */ protected $legend; /** * The SS template to render this form HTML into. * Default is "Form", but this can be changed to * another template for customisation. * * @see Form->setTemplate() * @var string */ protected $template; protected $buttonClickedFunc; protected $message; protected $messageType; /** * Should we redirect the user back down to the * the form on validation errors rather then just the page * * @var bool */ protected $redirectToFormOnValidationError = false; protected $security = true; /** * @var SecurityToken */ protected $securityToken = null; /** * HACK This is a temporary hack to allow multiple calls to includeJavascriptValidation on * the validator (if one is present). * * @var boolean */ public $jsValidationIncluded = false; /** * @var array $extraClasses List of additional CSS classes for the form tag. */ protected $extraClasses = array(); /** * @var string */ protected $encType; /** * @var array Any custom form attributes set through {@link setAttributes()}. * Some attributes are calculated on the fly, so please use {@link getAttributes()} to access them. */ protected $attributes = array(); /** * Create a new form, with the given fields an action buttons. * * @param Controller $controller The parent controller, necessary to create the appropriate form action tag. * @param String $name The method on the controller that will return this form object. * @param FieldList $fields All of the fields in the form - a {@link FieldList} of {@link FormField} objects. * @param FieldList $actions All of the action buttons in the form - a {@link FieldLis} of {@link FormAction} objects * @param Validator $validator Override the default validator instance (Default: {@link RequiredFields}) */ function __construct($controller, $name, FieldList $fields, FieldList $actions, $validator = null) { parent::__construct(); if(!$fields instanceof FieldList) throw new InvalidArgumentException('$fields must be a valid FieldList instance'); if(!$actions instanceof FieldList) throw new InvalidArgumentException('$fields must be a valid FieldList instance'); if($validator && !$validator instanceof Validator) throw new InvalidArgumentException('$validator must be a Valdidator instance'); $fields->setForm($this); $actions->setForm($this); $this->fields = $fields; $this->actions = $actions; $this->controller = $controller; $this->name = $name; if(!$this->controller) user_error("$this->class form created without a controller", E_USER_ERROR); // Form validation $this->validator = ($validator) ? $validator : new RequiredFields(); $this->validator->setForm($this); // Form error controls $this->setupFormErrors(); // Check if CSRF protection is enabled, either on the parent controller or from the default setting. Note that // method_exists() is used as some controllers (e.g. GroupTest) do not always extend from Object. if(method_exists($controller, 'securityTokenEnabled') || (method_exists($controller, 'hasMethod') && $controller->hasMethod('securityTokenEnabled'))) { $securityEnabled = $controller->securityTokenEnabled(); } else { $securityEnabled = SecurityToken::is_enabled(); } $this->securityToken = ($securityEnabled) ? new SecurityToken() : new NullSecurityToken(); } static $url_handlers = array( 'field/$FieldName!' => 'handleField', '$Action!' => 'handleAction', 'POST ' => 'httpSubmission', 'GET ' => 'httpSubmission', ); /** * Set up current form errors in session to * the current form if appropriate. */ function setupFormErrors() { $errorInfo = Session::get("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}"); if(isset($errorInfo['errors']) && is_array($errorInfo['errors'])) { foreach($errorInfo['errors'] as $error) { $field = $this->fields->dataFieldByName($error['fieldName']); if(!$field) { $errorInfo['message'] = $error['message']; $errorInfo['type'] = $error['messageType']; } else { $field->setError($error['message'], $error['messageType']); } } // load data in from previous submission upon error if(isset($errorInfo['data'])) $this->loadDataFrom($errorInfo['data']); } if(isset($errorInfo['message']) && isset($errorInfo['type'])) { $this->setMessage($errorInfo['message'], $errorInfo['type']); } } /** * Handle a form submission. GET and POST requests behave identically. * Populates the form with {@link loadDataFrom()}, calls {@link validate()}, * and only triggers the requested form action/method * if the form is valid. */ function httpSubmission($request) { $vars = $request->requestVars(); if(isset($funcName)) { Form::set_current_action($funcName); } // Populate the form $this->loadDataFrom($vars, true); // Protection against CSRF attacks $token = $this->getSecurityToken(); if(!$token->checkRequest($request)) { $this->httpError(400, "Security token doesn't match, possible CSRF attack."); } // Determine the action button clicked $funcName = null; foreach($vars as $paramName => $paramVal) { if(substr($paramName,0,7) == 'action_') { // Break off querystring arguments included in the action if(strpos($paramName,'?') !== false) { list($paramName, $paramVars) = explode('?', $paramName, 2); $newRequestParams = array(); parse_str($paramVars, $newRequestParams); $vars = array_merge((array)$vars, (array)$newRequestParams); } // Cleanup action_, _x and _y from image fields $funcName = preg_replace(array('/^action_/','/_x$|_y$/'),'',$paramName); break; } } // If the action wasnt' set, choose the default on the form. if(!isset($funcName) && $defaultAction = $this->defaultAction()){ $funcName = $defaultAction->actionName(); } if(isset($funcName)) { $this->setButtonClicked($funcName); } // Permission checks (first on controller, then falling back to form) if( // Ensure that the action is actually a button or method on the form, // and not just a method on the controller. $this->controller->hasMethod($funcName) && !$this->controller->checkAccessAction($funcName) // If a button exists, allow it on the controller && !$this->Actions()->fieldByName('action_' . $funcName) ) { return $this->httpError( 403, sprintf('Action "%s" not allowed on controller (Class: %s)', $funcName, get_class($this->controller)) ); } elseif( $this->hasMethod($funcName) && !$this->checkAccessAction($funcName) // No checks for button existence or $allowed_actions is performed - // all form methods are callable (e.g. the legacy "callfieldmethod()") ) { return $this->httpError( 403, sprintf('Action "%s" not allowed on form (Name: "%s")', $funcName, $this->Name()) ); } // TODO : Once we switch to a stricter policy regarding allowed_actions (meaning actions must be set explicitly in allowed_actions in order to run) // Uncomment the following for checking security against running actions on form fields /* else { // Try to find a field that has the action, and allows it $fieldsHaveMethod = false; foreach ($this->Fields() as $field){ if ($field->hasMethod($funcName) && $field->checkAccessAction($funcName)) { $fieldsHaveMethod = true; } } if (!$fieldsHaveMethod) { return $this->httpError( 403, sprintf('Action "%s" not allowed on any fields of form (Name: "%s")', $funcName, $this->Name()) ); } }*/ // Validate the form if(!$this->validate()) { if(Director::is_ajax()) { // Special case for legacy Validator.js implementation (assumes eval'ed javascript collected through FormResponse) if($this->validator->getJavascriptValidationHandler() == 'prototype') { return FormResponse::respond(); } else { $acceptType = $request->getHeader('Accept'); if(strpos($acceptType, 'application/json') !== FALSE) { // Send validation errors back as JSON with a flag at the start $response = new SS_HTTPResponse(Convert::array2json($this->validator->getErrors())); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); } else { $this->setupFormErrors(); // Send the newly rendered form tag as HTML $response = new SS_HTTPResponse($this->forTemplate()); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); } return $response; } } else { if($this->getRedirectToFormOnValidationError()) { if($pageURL = $request->getHeader('Referer')) { if(Director::is_site_url($pageURL)) { // Remove existing pragmas $pageURL = preg_replace('/(#.*)/', '', $pageURL); return $this->controller->redirect($pageURL . '#' . $this->FormName()); } } } return $this->controller->redirectBack(); } } // First, try a handler method on the controller (has been checked for allowed_actions above already) if($this->controller->hasMethod($funcName)) { return $this->controller->$funcName($vars, $this, $request); // Otherwise, try a handler method on the form object. } elseif($this->hasMethod($funcName)) { return $this->$funcName($vars, $this, $request); } elseif($field = $this->checkFieldsForAction($this->Fields(), $funcName)) { return $field->$funcName($vars, $this, $request); } return $this->httpError(404); } /** * Fields can have action to, let's check if anyone of the responds to $funcname them * * @return FormField */ protected function checkFieldsForAction($fields, $funcName) { foreach($fields as $field){ if(method_exists($field, 'FieldList')) { if($field = $this->checkFieldsForAction($field->FieldList(), $funcName)) { return $field; } } elseif ($field->hasMethod($funcName)) { return $field; } } } /** * Handle a field request. * Uses {@link Form->dataFieldByName()} to find a matching field, * and falls back to {@link FieldList->fieldByName()} to look * for tabs instead. This means that if you have a tab and a * formfield with the same name, this method gives priority * to the formfield. * * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * @return FormField */ function handleField($request) { $field = $this->Fields()->dataFieldByName($request->param('FieldName')); if($field) { return $field; } else { // falling back to fieldByName, e.g. for getting tabs return $this->Fields()->fieldByName($request->param('FieldName')); } } /** * Convert this form into a readonly form */ function makeReadonly() { $this->transform(new ReadonlyTransformation()); } /** * Set whether the user should be redirected back down to the * form on the page upon validation errors in the form or if * they just need to redirect back to the page * * @param bool Redirect to the form */ public function setRedirectToFormOnValidationError($bool) { $this->redirectToFormOnValidationError = $bool; } /** * Get whether the user should be redirected back down to the * form on the page upon validation errors * * @return bool */ public function getRedirectToFormOnValidationError() { return $this->redirectToFormOnValidationError; } /** * Add an error message to a field on this form. It will be saved into the session * and used the next time this form is displayed. */ function addErrorMessage($fieldName, $message, $messageType) { Session::add_to_array("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.errors", array( 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'message' => $message, 'messageType' => $messageType, )); } function transform(FormTransformation $trans) { $newFields = new FieldList(); foreach($this->fields as $field) { $newFields->push($field->transform($trans)); } $this->fields = $newFields; $newActions = new FieldList(); foreach($this->actions as $action) { $newActions->push($action->transform($trans)); } $this->actions = $newActions; // We have to remove validation, if the fields are not editable ;-) if($this->validator) $this->validator->removeValidation(); } /** * Get the {@link Validator} attached to this form. * @return Validator */ function getValidator() { return $this->validator; } /** * Set the {@link Validator} on this form. */ function setValidator( Validator $validator ) { if($validator) { $this->validator = $validator; $this->validator->setForm($this); } } /** * Remove the {@link Validator} from this from. */ function unsetValidator(){ $this->validator = null; } /** * Convert this form to another format. */ function transformTo(FormTransformation $format) { $newFields = new FieldList(); foreach($this->fields as $field) { $newFields->push($field->transformTo($format)); } $this->fields = $newFields; // We have to remove validation, if the fields are not editable ;-) if($this->validator) $this->validator->removeValidation(); } /** * Generate extra special fields - namely the security token field (if required). * * @return FieldList */ public function getExtraFields() { $extraFields = new FieldList(); $token = $this->getSecurityToken(); $tokenField = $token->updateFieldSet($this->fields); if($tokenField) $tokenField->setForm($this); $this->securityTokenAdded = true; // add the "real" HTTP method if necessary (for PUT, DELETE and HEAD) if($this->FormMethod() != $this->FormHttpMethod()) { $methodField = new HiddenField('_method', '', $this->FormHttpMethod()); $methodField->setForm($this); $extraFields->push($methodField); } return $extraFields; } /** * Return the form's fields - used by the templates * * @return FieldList The form fields */ function Fields() { foreach($this->getExtraFields() as $field) { if(!$this->fields->fieldByName($field->getName())) $this->fields->push($field); } return $this->fields; } /** * Return all fields * in a form - including fields nested in {@link CompositeFields}. * Useful when doing custom field layouts. * * @return FieldList */ function HiddenFields() { return $this->fields->HiddenFields(); } /** * Setter for the form fields. * * @param FieldList $fields */ function setFields($fields) { $this->fields = $fields; } /** * Get a named field from this form's fields. * It will traverse into composite fields for you, to find the field you want. * It will only return a data field. * * @deprecated 3.0 Use Fields() and FieldList API instead * @return FormField */ function dataFieldByName($name) { Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use Fields() and FieldList API instead'); foreach($this->getExtraFields() as $field) { if(!$this->fields->dataFieldByName($field->getName())) $this->fields->push($field); } return $this->fields->dataFieldByName($name); } /** * Return the form's action buttons - used by the templates * * @return FieldList The action list */ function Actions() { return $this->actions; } /** * Setter for the form actions. * * @param FieldList $actions */ function setActions($actions) { $this->actions = $actions; } /** * Unset all form actions */ function unsetAllActions(){ $this->actions = new FieldList(); } /** * Unset the form's action button by its name. * * @deprecated 3.0 Use Actions() and FieldList API instead * @param string $name */ function unsetActionByName($name) { Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use Actions() and FieldList API instead'); $this->actions->removeByName($name); } /** * @param String * @param String */ function setAttribute($name, $value) { $this->attributes[$name] = $value; } /** * @return String */ function getAttribute($name) { return @$this->attributes[$name]; } function getAttributes() { $attrs = array( 'id' => $this->FormName(), 'action' => $this->FormAction(), 'method' => $this->FormMethod(), 'enctype' => $this->getEncType(), 'target' => $this->target, 'class' => $this->extraClass(), ); if($this->validator && $this->validator->getErrors()) { if(!isset($attrs['class'])) $attrs['class'] = ''; $attrs['class'] .= ' validationerror'; } $attrs = array_merge($attrs, $this->attributes); return $attrs; } /** * Unset the form's dataField by its name * * @deprecated 3.0 Use Fields() and FieldList API instead */ function unsetDataFieldByName($fieldName){ Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use Fields() and FieldList API instead'); foreach($this->Fields()->dataFields() as $child) { if(is_object($child) && ($child->getName() == $fieldName || $child->Title() == $fieldName)) { $child = null; } } } /** * Remove a field from the given tab. */ public function unsetFieldFromTab($tabName, $fieldName) { // Find the tab $tab = $this->Fields()->findOrMakeTab($tabName); $tab->removeByName($fieldName); } /** * Return the attributes of the form tag - used by the templates. * * @param Array Custom attributes to process. Falls back to {@link getAttributes()}. * If at least one argument is passed as a string, all arguments act as excludes by name. * @return String HTML attributes, ready for insertion into an HTML tag */ function getAttributesHTML($attrs = null) { $exclude = (is_string($attrs)) ? func_get_args() : null; if(!$attrs || is_string($attrs)) $attrs = $this->getAttributes(); // Forms shouldn't be cached, cos their error messages won't be shown HTTP::set_cache_age(0); // workaround to include javascript validation if($this->validator && !$this->jsValidationIncluded) $this->validator->includeJavascriptValidation(); $attrs = $this->getAttributes(); // Remove empty $attrs = array_filter((array)$attrs, create_function('$v', 'return ($v || $v === 0);')); // Remove excluded if($exclude) $attrs = array_diff_key($attrs, array_flip($exclude)); // Create markkup $parts = array(); foreach($attrs as $name => $value) { $parts[] = ($value === true) ? "{$name}=\"{$name}\"" : "{$name}=\"" . Convert::raw2att($value) . "\""; } return implode(' ', $parts); } function FormAttributes() { return $this->getAttributesHTML(); } /** * Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form contents in a new window or refreshing another frame * * @param target The value of the target */ function setTarget($target) { $this->target = $target; } /** * Set the legend value to be inserted into * the element in the template. */ function setLegend($legend) { $this->legend = $legend; } /** * Set the SS template that this form should use * to render with. The default is "Form". * * @param string $template The name of the template (without the .ss extension) */ function setTemplate($template) { $this->template = $template; } /** * Return the template to render this form with. * If the template isn't set, then default to the * form class name e.g "Form". * * @return string */ function getTemplate() { if($this->template) return $this->template; else return $this->class; } /** * Returns the encoding type for the form. * * By default this will be URL encoded, unless there is a file field present * in which case multipart is used. You can also set the enc type using * {@link setEncType}. */ public function getEncType() { if ($this->encType) { return $this->encType; } if ($fields = $this->fields->dataFields()) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field instanceof FileField) return self::ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART; } } return self::ENC_TYPE_URLENCODED; } /** * Sets the form encoding type. The most common encoding types are defined * in {@link ENC_TYPE_URLENCODED} and {@link ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART}. * * @param string $enctype */ public function setEncType($encType) { $this->encType = $encType; } /** * @deprecated 3.0 Please use {@link getEncType}. */ public function FormEncType() { Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Please use Form->getEncType() instead.'); return $this->getEncType(); } /** * Returns the real HTTP method for the form: * GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or HEAD. * As most browsers only support GET and POST in * form submissions, all other HTTP methods are * added as a hidden field "_method" that * gets evaluated in {@link Director::direct()}. * See {@link FormMethod()} to get a HTTP method * for safe insertion into a tag. * * @return string HTTP method */ function FormHttpMethod() { return $this->formMethod; } /** * Returns the form method to be used in the tag. * See {@link FormHttpMethod()} to get the "real" method. * * @return string Form tag compatbile HTTP method: 'get' or 'post' */ function FormMethod() { if(in_array($this->formMethod,array('get','post'))) { return $this->formMethod; } else { return 'post'; } } /** * Set the form method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. * * @param $method string */ function setFormMethod($method) { $this->formMethod = strtolower($method); } /** * Return the form's action attribute. * This is build by adding an executeForm get variable to the parent controller's Link() value * * @return string */ function FormAction() { if ($this->formActionPath) { return $this->formActionPath; } elseif($this->controller->hasMethod("FormObjectLink")) { return $this->controller->FormObjectLink($this->name); } else { return Controller::join_links($this->controller->Link(), $this->name); } } /** @ignore */ private $formActionPath = false; /** * Set the form action attribute to a custom URL. * * Note: For "normal" forms, you shouldn't need to use this method. It is recommended only for situations where you have * two relatively distinct parts of the system trying to communicate via a form post. */ function setFormAction($path) { $this->formActionPath = $path; } /** * @ignore */ private $htmlID = null; /** * Returns the name of the form */ function FormName() { if($this->htmlID) return $this->htmlID; else return $this->class . '_' . str_replace(array('.','/'),'',$this->name); } /** * Set the HTML ID attribute of the form */ function setHTMLID($id) { $this->htmlID = $id; } /** * Returns this form's controller */ function Controller() { return $this->controller; } /** * @return string */ function Name() { return $this->name; } /** * Returns an object where there is a method with the same name as each data field on the form. * That method will return the field itself. * It means that you can execute $firstNameField = $form->FieldMap()->FirstName(), which can be handy */ function FieldMap() { return new Form_FieldMap($this); } /** * The next functions store and modify the forms * message attributes. messages are stored in session under * $_SESSION[formname][message]; * * @return string */ function Message() { $this->getMessageFromSession(); $message = $this->message; $this->clearMessage(); return $message; } /** * @return string */ function MessageType() { $this->getMessageFromSession(); return $this->messageType; } protected function getMessageFromSession() { if($this->message || $this->messageType) { return $this->message; }else{ $this->message = Session::get("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.formError.message"); $this->messageType = Session::get("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.formError.type"); Session::clear("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}"); } } /** * Set a status message for the form. * * @param message the text of the message * @param type Should be set to good, bad, or warning. */ function setMessage($message, $type) { $this->message = $message; $this->messageType = $type; } /** * Set a message to the session, for display next time this form is shown. * * @param message the text of the message * @param type Should be set to good, bad, or warning. */ function sessionMessage($message, $type) { Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.formError.message", $message); Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.formError.type", $type); } static function messageForForm( $formName, $message, $type ) { Session::set("FormInfo.{$formName}.formError.message", $message); Session::set("FormInfo.{$formName}.formError.type", $type); } function clearMessage() { $this->message = null; Session::clear("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.errors"); Session::clear("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.formError"); } function resetValidation() { Session::clear("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.errors"); } /** * Returns the DataObject that has given this form its data * through {@link loadDataFrom()}. * * @return DataObject */ function getRecord() { return $this->record; } /** * Get the legend value to be inserted into the * element in * * @return string */ function getLegend() { return $this->legend; } /** * Processing that occurs before a form is executed. * This includes form validation, if it fails, we redirect back * to the form with appropriate error messages. * Triggered through {@link httpSubmission()}. * Note that CSRF protection takes place in {@link httpSubmission()}, * if it fails the form data will never reach this method. * * @return boolean */ function validate(){ if($this->validator){ $errors = $this->validator->validate(); if($errors){ if(Director::is_ajax() && $this->validator->getJavascriptValidationHandler() == 'prototype') { FormResponse::status_message(_t('Form.VALIDATIONFAILED', 'Validation failed'), 'bad'); foreach($errors as $error) { FormResponse::add(sprintf( "validationError('%s', '%s', '%s');\n", Convert::raw2js($error['fieldName']), Convert::raw2js($error['message']), Convert::raw2js($error['messageType']) )); } } else { $data = $this->getData(); // Load errors into session and post back Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.errors", $errors); Session::set("FormInfo.{$this->FormName()}.data", $data); } return false; } } return true; } /** * Load data from the given DataObject or array. * It will call $object->MyField to get the value of MyField. * If you passed an array, it will call $object[MyField]. * Doesn't save into dataless FormFields ({@link DatalessField}), * as determined by {@link FieldList->dataFields()}. * * By default, if a field isn't set (as determined by isset()), * its value will not be saved to the field, retaining * potential existing values. * * Passed data should not be escaped, and is saved to the FormField instances unescaped. * Escaping happens automatically on saving the data through {@link saveInto()}. * * @uses FieldList->dataFields() * @uses FormField->setValue() * * @param array|DataObject $data * @param boolean $clearMissingFields By default, fields which don't match * a property or array-key of the passed {@link $data} argument are "left alone", * meaning they retain any previous values (if present). If this flag is set to true, * those fields are overwritten with null regardless if they have a match in {@link $data}. * @param $fieldList An optional list of fields to process. This can be useful when you have a * form that has some fields that save to one object, and some that save to another. */ function loadDataFrom($data, $clearMissingFields = false, $fieldList = null) { if(!is_object($data) && !is_array($data)) { user_error("Form::loadDataFrom() not passed an array or an object", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // if an object is passed, save it for historical reference through {@link getRecord()} if(is_object($data)) $this->record = $data; // dont include fields without data $dataFields = $this->fields->dataFields(); if($dataFields) foreach($dataFields as $field) { $name = $field->getName(); // Skip fields that have been exlcuded if($fieldList && !in_array($name, $fieldList)) continue; // First check looks for (fieldname)_unchanged, an indicator that we shouldn't overwrite the field value if(is_array($data) && isset($data[$name . '_unchanged'])) continue; // get value in different formats $hasObjectValue = false; if( is_object($data) && ( isset($data->$name) || $data->hasMethod($name) || ($data->hasMethod('hasField') && $data->hasField($name)) ) ) { // We don't actually call the method because it might be slow. // In a later release, relation methods will just return references to the query that should be executed, // and so we will be able to safely pass the return value of the // relation method to the first argument of setValue $val = $data->__get($name); $hasObjectValue = true; } else if(strpos($name,'[') && is_array($data) && !isset($data[$name])) { // if field is in array-notation, we need to resolve the array-structure PHP creates from query-strings preg_match('/' . addcslashes($name,'[]') . '=([^&]*)/', urldecode(http_build_query($data)), $matches); $val = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : null; } elseif(is_array($data) && array_key_exists($name, $data)) { // else we assume its a simple keyed array $val = $data[$name]; } else { $val = null; } // save to the field if either a value is given, or loading of blank/undefined values is forced if(isset($val) || $hasObjectValue || $clearMissingFields) { // pass original data as well so composite fields can act on the additional information $field->setValue($val, $data); } } } /** * Save the contents of this form into the given data object. * It will make use of setCastedField() to do this. * * @param $dataObject The object to save data into * @param $fieldList An optional list of fields to process. This can be useful when you have a * form that has some fields that save to one object, and some that save to another. */ function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $dataObject, $fieldList = null) { $dataFields = $this->fields->saveableFields(); $lastField = null; if($dataFields) foreach($dataFields as $field) { // Skip fields that have been exlcuded if($fieldList && is_array($fieldList) && !in_array($field->getName(), $fieldList)) continue; $saveMethod = "save{$field->getName()}"; if($field->getName() == "ClassName"){ $lastField = $field; }else if( $dataObject->hasMethod( $saveMethod ) ){ $dataObject->$saveMethod( $field->dataValue()); } else if($field->getName() != "ID"){ $field->saveInto($dataObject); } } if($lastField) $lastField->saveInto($dataObject); } /** * Get the submitted data from this form through * {@link FieldList->dataFields()}, which filters out * any form-specific data like form-actions. * Calls {@link FormField->dataValue()} on each field, * which returns a value suitable for insertion into a DataObject * property. * * @return array */ function getData() { $dataFields = $this->fields->dataFields(); $data = array(); if($dataFields){ foreach($dataFields as $field) { if($field->getName()) { $data[$field->getName()] = $field->dataValue(); } } } return $data; } /** * Resets a specific field to its passed default value. * Does NOT clear out all submitted data in the form. * * @deprecated 3.0 Use Fields() and FieldList API instead * @param string $fieldName * @param mixed $fieldValue */ function resetField($fieldName, $fieldValue = null) { Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use Fields() and FieldList API instead'); $dataFields = $this->fields->dataFields(); if($dataFields) foreach($dataFields as $field) { if($field->getName()==$fieldName) { $field = $field->setValue($fieldValue); } } } /** * Call the given method on the given field. * This is used by Ajax-savvy form fields. By putting '&action=callfieldmethod' to the end * of the form action, they can access server-side data. * @param fieldName The name of the field. Can be overridden by $_REQUEST[fieldName] * @param methodName The name of the field. Can be overridden by $_REQUEST[methodName] */ function callfieldmethod($data) { $fieldName = $data['fieldName']; $methodName = $data['methodName']; $fields = $this->fields->dataFields(); // special treatment needed for TableField-class and TreeDropdownField if(strpos($fieldName, '[')) { preg_match_all('/([^\[]*)/',$fieldName, $fieldNameMatches); preg_match_all('/\[([^\]]*)\]/',$fieldName, $subFieldMatches); $tableFieldName = $fieldNameMatches[1][0]; $subFieldName = $subFieldMatches[1][1]; } if(isset($tableFieldName) && isset($subFieldName) && is_a($fields[$tableFieldName], 'TableField')) { $field = $fields[$tableFieldName]->getField($subFieldName, $fieldName); return $field->$methodName(); } else if(isset($fields[$fieldName])) { return $fields[$fieldName]->$methodName(); } else { user_error("Form::callfieldmethod() Field '$fieldName' not found", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Return a rendered version of this form. * * This is returned when you access a form as $FormObject rather * than <% control FormObject %> */ function forTemplate() { return $this->renderWith(array_merge( (array)$this->getTemplate(), array('Form') )); } /** * Return a rendered version of this form, suitable for ajax post-back. * It triggers slightly different behaviour, such as disabling the rewriting of # links */ function forAjaxTemplate() { $view = new SSViewer(array( $this->getTemplate(), 'Form' )); return $view->dontRewriteHashlinks()->process($this); } /** * Returns an HTML rendition of this form, without the tag itself. * Attaches 3 extra hidden files, _form_action, _form_name, _form_method, and _form_enctype. These are * the attributes of the form. These fields can be used to send the form to Ajax. */ function formHtmlContent() { // Call FormAttributes to force inclusion of custom client-side validation of fields // because it won't be included by the template if($this->validator && !$this->jsValidationIncluded) $this->validator->includeJavascriptValidation(); $this->IncludeFormTag = false; $content = $this->forTemplate(); $this->IncludeFormTag = true; $content .= "FormName . "_form_action\" value=\"" . $this->FormAction() . "\" />\n"; $content .= "FormName() . "\" />\n"; $content .= "FormMethod() . "\" />\n"; $content .= "FormEncType() . "\" />\n"; return $content; } /** * Render this form using the given template, and return the result as a string * You can pass either an SSViewer or a template name */ function renderWithoutActionButton($template) { $custom = $this->customise(array( "Actions" => "", )); if(is_string($template)) $template = new SSViewer($template); return $template->process($custom); } /** * Sets the button that was clicked. This should only be called by the Controller. * @param funcName The name of the action method that will be called. */ function setButtonClicked($funcName) { $this->buttonClickedFunc = $funcName; } function buttonClicked() { foreach($this->actions as $action) { if($this->buttonClickedFunc == $action->actionName()) return $action; } } /** * Return the default button that should be clicked when another one isn't available */ function defaultAction() { if($this->hasDefaultAction && $this->actions) return $this->actions->First(); } /** * Disable the default button. * Ordinarily, when a form is processed and no action_XXX button is available, then the first button in the actions list * will be pressed. However, if this is "delete", for example, this isn't such a good idea. */ function disableDefaultAction() { $this->hasDefaultAction = false; } /** * Disable the requirement of a security token on this form instance. This security protects * against CSRF attacks, but you should disable this if you don't want to tie * a form to a session - eg a search form. * * Check for token state with {@link getSecurityToken()} and {@link SecurityToken->isEnabled()}. */ function disableSecurityToken() { $this->securityToken = new NullSecurityToken(); } /** * Enable {@link SecurityToken} protection for this form instance. * * Check for token state with {@link getSecurityToken()} and {@link SecurityToken->isEnabled()}. */ function enableSecurityToken() { $this->securityToken = new SecurityToken(); } /** * Disable security tokens for every form. * Note that this doesn't apply to {@link SecurityToken} * instances outside of the Form class, nor applies * to existing form instances. * * See {@link enable_all_security_tokens()}. * * @deprecated 2.5 Use SecurityToken::disable() */ static function disable_all_security_tokens() { Deprecation::notice('2.5', 'Use SecurityToken::disable() instead.'); SecurityToken::disable(); } /** * Returns true if security is enabled - that is if the security token * should be included and checked on this form. * * @deprecated 2.5 Use Form->getSecurityToken()->isEnabled() * * @return bool */ function securityTokenEnabled() { Deprecation::notice('2.5', 'Use Form->getSecurityToken()->isEnabled() instead.'); return $this->securityToken->isEnabled(); } /** * Returns the security token for this form (if any exists). * Doesn't check for {@link securityTokenEnabled()}. * Use {@link SecurityToken::inst()} to get a global token. * * @return SecurityToken|null */ function getSecurityToken() { return $this->securityToken; } /** * Returns the name of a field, if that's the only field that the current controller is interested in. * It checks for a call to the callfieldmethod action. * This is useful for optimising your forms * * @return string */ static function single_field_required() { if(self::current_action() == 'callfieldmethod') return $_REQUEST['fieldName']; } /** * Return the current form action being called, if available. * This is useful for optimising your forms */ static function current_action() { return self::$current_action; } /** * Set the current form action. Should only be called by Controller. */ static function set_current_action($action) { self::$current_action = $action; } /** * Compiles all CSS-classes. * * @return string */ function extraClass() { return implode(array_unique($this->extraClasses), ' '); } /** * Add a CSS-class to the form-container. If needed, multiple classes can * be added by delimiting a string with spaces. * * @param string $class A string containing a classname or several class * names delimited by a single space. */ function addExtraClass($class) { $classes = explode(' ', $class); foreach($classes as $class) { $value = trim($class); $this->extraClasses[] = $value; } } /** * Remove a CSS-class from the form-container. Multiple class names can * be passed through as a space delimited string * * @param string $class */ function removeExtraClass($class) { $classes = explode(' ', $class); $this->extraClasses = array_diff($this->extraClasses, $classes); } function debug() { $result = "


    "; foreach($this->fields as $field) { $result .= "
  • $field" . $field->debug() . "
  • "; } $result .= "
"; if( $this->validator ) $result .= '

'._t('Form.VALIDATOR', 'Validator').'

' . $this->validator->debug(); return $result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TESTING HELPERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Test a submission of this form. * @return SS_HTTPResponse the response object that the handling controller produces. You can interrogate this in your unit test. */ function testSubmission($action, $data) { $data['action_' . $action] = true; return Director::test($this->FormAction(), $data, Controller::curr()->getSession()); //$response = $this->controller->run($data); //return $response; } /** * Test an ajax submission of this form. * @return SS_HTTPResponse the response object that the handling controller produces. You can interrogate this in your unit test. */ function testAjaxSubmission($action, $data) { $data['ajax'] = 1; return $this->testSubmission($action, $data); } } /** * @package forms * @subpackage core */ class Form_FieldMap extends ViewableData { protected $form; function __construct($form) { $this->form = $form; parent::__construct(); } /** * Ensure that all potential method calls get passed to __call(), therefore to dataFieldByName */ function hasMethod($method) { return true; } function __call($method, $args = null) { return $this->form->Fields()->fieldByName($method); } }