// Shortcut-function (until we update to Prototye v1.5)
if(typeof $$ != "Function") $$ = document.getElementsBySelector;

TableListField = Class.create();
TableListField.prototype = {
	errorMessage: "Error talking to server",
	initialize: function() {
		var rules = {};

		rules['#'+this.id+' table.data a.deletelink'] = {
			onclick: this.deleteRecord.bind(this)
		rules['#'+this.id+' th a'] = {
			onclick: this.refresh.bind(this)
		rules['#'+this.id+' th'] = {
			initialize: function() {
				var sortLinks = $$('span.sortLinkHidden a', this);
				if(sortLinks) sortLinks[0].style.visibility = 'hidden';
			onmouseover: function(e) {
				var sortLinks = $$('span.sortLinkHidden a', this);
				if(sortLinks) sortLinks[0].style.visibility = 'visible';
			onmouseout: function(e) {
				var sortLinks = $$('span.sortLinkHidden a', this);
				if(sortLinks) sortLinks[0].style.visibility = 'hidden';
		rules['#'+this.id+' div.PageControls a'] = {onclick: this.refresh.bind(this)};
		rules['#'+this.id+' table.data tr td.markingcheckbox'] = {
			onclick : function(e) {
				// do nothing for clicks in marking box cells (e.g. if checkbox is missed)
		// rules for selection options on click event
		rules['#'+this.id+' .selectOptions a'] = {
			onclick: this.markRecords.bind(this)
		// initialize summary (if needed)
		// TODO Breaks with nested divs
		var summaryCols = $$('tfoot tr.summary td', this);
		this._summaryDefs = [];
		//should check summaryCols.length, because summaryCols will always be an array, though its length could be 0.
		if(summaryCols && summaryCols.length) {
			rules['#'+this.id+' table.data tbody input'] = {
				onchange: function(e) {
					if (!e) e = window.event; // stupid IE
					// workaround for wrong scope with bind(this) and applyTo()
					var root = Event.findElement(e,'div');
					// TODO Fix slow $$()-calls and re-enable clientside summaries
			rules['#'+this.id+' table.data  tbody select'] = {
				onchange: function(e) {
					if (!e) e = window.event; // stupid IE
					// workaround for wrong scope with bind(this) and applyTo()
					var root = Event.findElement(e,'div');
					// TODO Fix slow $$()-calls and re-enable clientside summaries
		if(summaryCols.length) {
	 * Deletes the given dataobject record via an ajax request
	 * to complextablefield->Delete()
	 * @param {Object} e
	deleteRecord: function(e) {
		var img = Event.element(e);
		var link = Event.findElement(e,"a");
		var row = Event.findElement(e,"tr");
		var self = this;
		// TODO ajaxErrorHandler and loading-image are dependent on cms, but formfield is in framework
		var confirmed = confirm(ss.i18n._t('TABLEFIELD.DELETECONFIRMMESSAGE', 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?'));
			img.setAttribute("src",'framework/images/network-save.gif'); // TODO doesn't work
				'url': link.getAttribute("href"),
				'method': 'post', 
				'data': {forceajax: 1, SecurityID: jQuery('input[name=SecurityID]').val()},
				'success':  function(){
					// recalculate summary if needed (assumes that TableListField.js is present)
					// TODO Proper inheritance
					if(self._summarise) self._summarise();
					// custom callback
					if(self.callback_deleteRecord) self.callback_deleteRecord(e);
				'error': this.ajaxErrorHandler
	removeById: function(id) {
		var el = jQuery('#record-' + this.id + '-' + id)[0];
		if(el) el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
	 * according to the clicked element in "Select bar", mark records that have same class as the element.
	markRecords: function(e){
		var el = Event.element(e);
		if(el.nodeName != "a") el = Event.findElement(e,"a");

		if(el.rel == "all"){
		}else if(el.rel == 'none') {
			var records = jQuery('#' + this.id + ' td.' + el.rel + ' input.checkbox');
			var i=0;
			for(i; i<records.length; i++){
				records[i].checked = 'checked';
		return false;
	 * mark all record in current view of the table
	markAll: function(e){
		var records = $$('#'+this.id+' td.markingcheckbox input.checkbox');
		var i=0;
		for(i; i<records.length; i++){
			records[i].checked = 'checked';
	 * unmark all records in current view of the table
	unmarkAll: function(e){
		var records = $$('#'+this.id+' td.markingcheckbox input.checkbox');
		var i=0;
		for(i; i<records.length; i++){
			records[i].checked = '';
	refresh: function(e) {
		var self = this;
		if(e) {
			var el = Event.element(e);
			if(el.nodeName != "a") el = Event.findElement(e,"a");
		} else {
			var el = jQuery('#' + this.id)[0];
		if(el.getAttribute('href')) {
					'url': el.getAttribute('href'),
					'data': {'update': 1},
				'success': function(response) {
						jQuery('#' + self.id).replaceWith(response)
					// reapply behaviour and reattach methods to TF container node
					// e.g. <div class="TableListField">
					Behaviour.apply(jQuery('#' + self.id)[0], true);
		if(e) Event.stop(e);
		return false;
	ajaxErrorHandler: function(response) {
		if(typeof(window.ajaxErrorHandler) == 'function') {
		} else {
	_getSummaryDefs: function(summaryCols) {
		summaryCols.each(function(col, pos) {
			if( col ) {
				var func = this._getSummaryFunction(col.className);
				this._summaryDefs[pos] = {col: col, pos: pos, func: func};
	_summarise: function() {
		var rows = $$('tbody tr', this);
		if(!rows) return false;
		var columnData = [];
		// prepare the array (gets js-errors otherwise)
		var cols = $$('td', rows[0]);
		for(colPos=0; colPos<cols.length; colPos++) {
			columnData[colPos] = [];

		for(rowPos=0; rowPos<rows.length; rowPos++) {
			// avoid wrong calculations for nested lists
			if(Element.hasClassName(rows[rowPos], "subitem")) continue;
			var cols = $$('td', rows[rowPos]);
			var colPos = 0;
			for(colPos; colPos<cols.length; colPos++) {
				//if(!columnData[colPos]) columnData[colPos] = [];
				if(this._summaryDefs[colPos] && this._summaryDefs[colPos].func) {
					columnData[colPos][rowPos] = this._getValue(cols[colPos]);
				} else {
					columnData[colPos][rowPos] = "";

		for(colPos=0; colPos<columnData.length; colPos++) {
			if(this._summaryDefs[colPos] && this._summaryDefs[colPos].func) {
				var summaryVal = this._summaryDefs[colPos].func.apply(this,[columnData[colPos]]);
				this._summaryDefs[colPos].col.innerHTML = summaryVal;
	_getSummaryFunction: function(func) {
		if(this[func] && typeof this[func] == "function") {
			// local
			return this[func];
		} else if(window[func] && typeof window[func] == "function") {
			// global
			return window[func];
		} else {
			// not existing
			return false
	_getValue: function(col) {
		var inputNode = $$('input', col);
		if(inputNode[0]) {
			return $F(inputNode[0]);
		var selectNode = $$('select', col);
		if(selectNode[0]) {
			return $F(selectNode[0]);
		return col.innerHTML.stripTags();			
	 * ############# Summary Functions ##############
	sum: function(arr) {
		var sum = 0;
		arr.each(function(val) {
			sum += val*1; // convert to float
		return sum;

	sumCurrency: function(arr) {
		var sum = 0;
		arr.each(function(val) {
			if(!val) return;
			val = val.replace(/\$/,'');
			val = val.replace(/\,/,'');
			sum+= val*1; // convert to float
		return sum.toCurrency();
	max: function(arr) {
		return arr.max();
	min: function(arr) {
		return arr.min();

TableListRecord = Class.create();
TableListRecord.prototype = {
	onmouseover : function() {
	onmouseout : function() {

	ajaxRequest : function(url, subform) {
		var self = this;
		// Highlight the new row
		if(this.parentNode.selectedRow) {
		this.parentNode.selectedRow = this;
		this.subform = document.getElementById(subform);
		Element.addClassName(this, 'loading');
			'url': url + this.id.replace('record-',''),
			'method' : 'post', 
			'data' : {'ajax': 1},
			success : function() {
			failure : ajaxErrorHandler
	getRecordId: function(){
		parts = this.id.match( /.*[\-]{1}(\d+)$/ );
		if(parts) return parts[1];
		else return false;
	select_success : function(response) {
		Element.removeClassName(this, 'loading');


TableListRecord.applyTo('div.TableListField tr');

Number.prototype.CURRENCIES = {
	en_GB: '$ ###,###.##'

 * Caution: Not finished!
 * @param iso string (Not used) Please use in combination with Number.CURRENCIES to achieve i18n
 * @return string
 * @see http://www.jibbering.com/faq/faq_notes/type_convert.html
 * @see http://www.rgagnon.com/jsdetails/js-0063.html
 * @see http://www.mredkj.com/javascript/nfdocs.html 
Number.prototype.toCurrency = function(iso) {
	if(!iso) iso = SS_DEFAULT_ISO;
	// TODO stub, please implement properly
	return "$" + this.toFixed(2);