<?php /** * Displays a set of checkboxes as a logical group. * * ASSUMPTION -> IF you pass your source as an array, you pass values as an array too. * Likewise objects are handled the same. * @package forms * @subpackage fields-basic */ class CheckboxSetField extends OptionsetField { protected $disabled = false; function __construct($name, $title = "", $source = array(), $value = "", $form = null) { parent::__construct($name, $title, $source, $value, $form); Requirements::css('sapphire/css/CheckboxSetField.css'); } /** * Object handles arrays and dosets being passed by reference. * * @todo Should use CheckboxField FieldHolder rather than constructing own markup. */ function Field() { $values = $this->value; // Get values from the join, if available if(is_object($this->form)) { $record = $this->form->getRecord(); if(!$values && $record && $record->hasMethod($this->name)) { $funcName = $this->name; $join = $record->$funcName(); if($join) foreach($join as $joinItem) $values[] = $joinItem->ID; } } $source = $this->source; if(!is_array($source) && !is_a($source, 'SQLMap')){ // Source and values are DataObject sets. if(is_array($values)) { $items = $values; } else { if($values&&is_a($values, "DataObjectSet")){ foreach($values as $object){ if( is_a( $object, 'DataObject' ) ) $items[] = $object->ID; } }elseif($values&&is_string($values)){ $items = explode(',', $values); $items = str_replace('{comma}', ',', $items); } } } else { // Sometimes we pass a singluar default value // thats ! an array && !DataObjectSet if(is_a($values,'DataObjectSet') || is_array($values)) $items = $values; else{ $items = explode(',',$values); $items = str_replace('{comma}', ',', $items); } } if(is_array($source)){ // Commented out to fix "'Specific newsletters' option in 'newsletter subscription form' page type does not work" bug // See: http://www.silverstripe.com/bugs/flat/1675 // unset($source[0]); unset($source['']); } $odd = 0; $options = ''; foreach($source as $index => $item) { if(is_a($item,'DataObject')) { $key = $item->ID; $value = $item->Title; } else { $key = $index; $value = $item; } $odd = ($odd + 1) % 2; $extraClass = $odd ? "odd" : "even"; $extraClass .= " val" . str_replace(' ','',$key); $itemID = $this->id() . "_" . ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9]+','',$key); $checked =""; if(isset($items)){ in_array($key,$items) ? $checked = " checked=\"checked\"" : $checked = ""; } $this->disabled ? $disabled = " disabled=\"disabled\"" : $disabled = ""; $options .= "<li class=\"$extraClass\"><input id=\"$itemID\" name=\"$this->name[$key]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$key\"$checked $disabled class=\"checkbox\" /> <label for=\"$itemID\">$value</label></li>\n"; } return "<ul id=\"{$this->id()}\" class=\"optionset\">\n$options</ul>\n"; } function setDisabled($val) { $this->disabled = $val; } /** * Save the current value of this CheckboxSetField into a DataObject. * If the field it is saving to is a has_many or many_many relationship, * it is saved by setByIDList(), otherwise it creates a comma separated * list for a standard DB text/varchar field. * * @param DataObject $record The record to save into */ function saveInto(DataObject $record) { $fieldname = $this->name ; if($fieldname && $record && ($record->has_many($fieldname) || $record->many_many($fieldname))) { $idList = array(); if($this->value) foreach($this->value as $id => $bool) { if($bool) $idList[] = $id; } $record->$fieldname()->setByIDList($idList); } elseif($fieldname && $record) { if($this->value) { $this->value = str_replace(",", "{comma}", $this->value); $record->$fieldname = implode(",", $this->value); } else { $record->$fieldname = ''; } } } /** * Return the CheckboxSetField value, as an array of the selected item keys */ function dataValue() { if($this->value){ // Filter items to those who aren't 0 $filtered = array(); foreach($this->value as $item) if($item) $filtered[] = str_replace(",", "{comma}", $item); return implode(",", $filtered); } else { return ''; } } function performDisabledTransformation() { $this->setDisabled(true); return $this; } /** * Makes a pretty readonly field */ function performReadonlyTransformation() { $values = ''; $items = $this->value; foreach($this->source as $source) { if(is_object($source)) { $sourceTitles[$source->ID] = $source->Title; } } if($items){ // Items is a DO Set if(is_a($items,'DataObjectSet')){ foreach($items as $item){ $data[] = $item->Title; } if($data) { $values = implode(", ",$data); } // Items is an array or single piece of string (including comma seperated string) }else{ if(!is_array($items)) { $items = split(" *, *", trim($items)); } foreach($items as $item){ if(is_array($item)) { $data[] = $item['Title']; } else if(is_array($this->source) && !empty($this->source[$item])) { $data[] = $this->source[$item]; } else if(is_a($this->source, "ComponentSet")){ //added for editable checkboxset. $data[] = $sourceTitles[$item]; } else { $data[] = $item; } } $values = implode(", ",$data); } } $field = new ReadonlyField($this->name,$this->title ? $this->title : "",$values); $field->setForm($this->form); return $field; } function ExtraOptions() { return FormField::ExtraOptions(); } } ?>