title: Embed an RSS Feed # Embed an RSS Feed `[api:RestfulService]` can be used to easily embed an RSS feed from a site. In this How to we'll embed the latest weather information from the Yahoo Weather API. First, we write the code to query the API feed. **mysite/code/Page.php** :::php public function getWellingtonWeather() { $fetch = new RestfulService( 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql' ); $fetch->setQueryString(array( 'q' => 'select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where text="Wellington, NZ")' )); // perform the query $conn = $fetch->request(); // parse the XML body $msgs = $fetch->getValues($conn->getBody(), "results"); // generate an object our templates can read $output = new ArrayList(); if($msgs) { foreach($msgs as $msg) { $output->push(new ArrayData(array( 'Description' => Convert::xml2raw($msg->channel_item_description) ))); } } return $output; } This will provide our `Page` template with a new `WellingtonWeather` variable (an [api:ArrayList]). Each item has a single field `Description`. **mysite/templates/Page.ss** :::ss <% if WellingtonWeather %> <% loop WellingtonWeather %> $Description <% end_loop %> <% end_if %> ## Related * [RestfulService Documentation](../restfulservice) * `[api:RestfulService]`