1] ] ); $list[] = ['Num' => 2]; $this->assertEquals(2, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 2], $list->last()); $list[] = ['Num' => 3]; $this->assertEquals(3, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 3], $list->last()); } public function testArrayAccessExists() { $list = new ArrayList( [ $one = new DataObject(['Title' => 'one']), $two = new DataObject(['Title' => 'two']), $three = new DataObject(['Title' => 'three']) ] ); $this->assertEquals(count($list ?? []), 3); $this->assertTrue(isset($list[0]), 'First item in the set is set'); $this->assertEquals($one, $list[0], 'First item in the set is accessible by array notation'); } public function testArrayAccessUnset() { $list = new ArrayList( [ $one = new DataObject(['Title' => 'one']), $two = new DataObject(['Title' => 'two']), $three = new DataObject(['Title' => 'three']) ] ); unset($list[0]); $this->assertEquals(count($list ?? []), 2); } public function testArrayAccessSet() { $list = new ArrayList(); $this->assertEquals(0, count($list ?? [])); $list['testing!'] = $test = new DataObject(['Title' => 'I\'m testing!']); $this->assertEquals($test, $list['testing!'], 'Set item is accessible by the key we set it as'); } public function testCount() { $list = new ArrayList(); $this->assertEquals(0, $list->count()); $list = new ArrayList([1, 2, 3]); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); } public function testExists() { $list = new ArrayList(); $this->assertFalse($list->exists()); $list = new ArrayList([1, 2, 3]); $this->assertTrue($list->exists()); } public function testToNestedArray() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['First' => 'FirstFirst', 'Second' => 'FirstSecond'], (object) ['First' => 'SecondFirst', 'Second' => 'SecondSecond'], new ArrayListTest\TestObject('ThirdFirst', 'ThirdSecond') ] ); $this->assertEquals( $list->toNestedArray(), [ ['First' => 'FirstFirst', 'Second' => 'FirstSecond'], ['First' => 'SecondFirst', 'Second' => 'SecondSecond'], ['First' => 'ThirdFirst', 'Second' => 'ThirdSecond'] ] ); } public function testEach() { $list = new ArrayList([1, 2, 3]); $count = 0; $test = $this; $list->each( function ($item) use (&$count, $test) { $count++; $test->assertTrue(is_int($item)); } ); $this->assertEquals($list->Count(), $count); } public static function limitDataProvider(): array { $all = [ ['Key' => 1], ['Key' => 2], ['Key' => 3] ]; list($one, $two, $three) = $all; return [ 'smaller limit' => [2, 0, [$one, $two]], 'limit equal to array' => [3, 0, $all], 'limit bigger than array' => [4, 0, $all], 'zero limit' => [0, 0, []], 'false limit' => [0, 0, []], 'null limit' => [null, 0, $all], 'smaller limit with offset' => [1, 1, [$two]], 'limit to end with offset' => [2, 1, [$two, $three]], 'bigger limit with offset' => [3, 1, [$two, $three]], 'offset beyond end of list' => [4, 3, []], 'zero limit with offset' => [0, 1, []], 'null limit with offset' => [null, 2, [$three]], ]; } #[DataProvider('limitDataProvider')] public function testLimit($length, $offset, array $expected) { $data = [ ['Key' => 1], ['Key' => 2], ['Key' => 3] ]; $list = new ArrayList($data); $this->assertEquals( $list->limit($length, $offset)->toArray(), $expected ); $this->assertEquals( $list->toArray(), $data, 'limit is immutable and does not affect the original list' ); } public function testLimitNegative() { $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class, 'Calling limit with a negative length throws exception'); $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Key' => 1], ['Key' => 2], ['Key' => 3] ] ); $list->limit(-1); } public function testLimitNegativeOffset() { $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class, 'Calling limit with a negative offset throws exception'); $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Key' => 1], ['Key' => 2], ['Key' => 3] ] ); $list->limit(1, -1); } public function testAddRemove() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Key' => 1], ['Key' => 2] ] ); $list->add(['Key' => 3]); $this->assertEquals( $list->toArray(), [ ['Key' => 1], ['Key' => 2], ['Key' => 3] ] ); $list->remove(['Key' => 2]); $this->assertEquals( array_values($list->toArray() ?? []), [ ['Key' => 1], ['Key' => 3] ] ); } public function testReplace() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Key' => 1], $two = (object) ['Key' => 2], (object) ['Key' => 3] ] ); $this->assertEquals(['Key' => 1], $list[0]); $list->replace(['Key' => 1], ['Replaced' => 1]); $this->assertEquals(3, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Replaced' => 1], $list[0]); $this->assertEquals($two, $list[1]); $list->replace($two, ['Replaced' => 2]); $this->assertEquals(3, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Replaced' => 2], $list[1]); } public function testMerge() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Num' => 1], ['Num' => 2] ] ); $list->merge( [ ['Num' => 3], ['Num' => 4] ] ); $this->assertEquals(4, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals( $list->toArray(), [ ['Num' => 1], ['Num' => 2], ['Num' => 3], ['Num' => 4] ] ); } public function testRemoveDuplicates() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['ID' => 1, 'Field' => 1], ['ID' => 2, 'Field' => 2], ['ID' => 3, 'Field' => 3], ['ID' => 4, 'Field' => 1], (object) ['ID' => 5, 'Field' => 2] ] ); $this->assertEquals(5, count($list ?? [])); $list->removeDuplicates(); $this->assertEquals(5, count($list ?? [])); $list->removeDuplicates('Field'); $this->assertEquals(3, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals([1, 2, 3], $list->column('Field')); $this->assertEquals([1, 2, 3], $list->column('ID')); } public function testPushPop() { $list = new ArrayList(['Num' => 1]); $this->assertEquals(1, count($list ?? [])); $list->push(['Num' => 2]); $this->assertEquals(2, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 2], $list->last()); $list->push(['Num' => 3]); $this->assertEquals(3, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 3], $list->last()); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 3], $list->pop()); $this->assertEquals(2, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 2], $list->last()); } public function testShiftUnshift() { $list = new ArrayList(['Num' => 1]); $this->assertEquals(1, count($list ?? [])); $list->unshift(['Num' => 2]); $this->assertEquals(2, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 2], $list->first()); $list->unshift(['Num' => 3]); $this->assertEquals(3, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 3], $list->first()); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 3], $list->shift()); $this->assertEquals(2, count($list ?? [])); $this->assertEquals(['Num' => 2], $list->first()); } public function testFirstLast() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Key' => 1], ['Key' => 2], ['Key' => 3] ] ); $this->assertEquals($list->first(), ['Key' => 1]); $this->assertEquals($list->last(), ['Key' => 3]); } public function testMap() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['ID' => 1, 'Name' => 'Steve',], (object) ['ID' => 3, 'Name' => 'Bob'], ['ID' => 5, 'Name' => 'John'] ] ); $map = $list->map('ID', 'Name'); // Items added after calling map should not be included retroactively $list->add(['ID' => 7, 'Name' => 'Andrew']); $this->assertInstanceOf('SilverStripe\\ORM\\Map', $map); $this->assertEquals( [ 1 => 'Steve', 3 => 'Bob', 5 => 'John' ], $map->toArray() ); } public static function provideFindWithSearchfilters() { $objects = ArrayListTest::getFilterWithSearchfiltersObjects(); return [ // test a couple of search filters // don't need to be as explicit as the filter tests, just check the syntax works 'exact match not case sensitive' => [ 'args' => ['NoCase:nocase', 'case sensitive'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => $objects[0], ], 'startswith match' => [ 'args' => ['StartsWithTest:StartsWith', 'test'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => $objects[3], ], 'startswith match no case' => [ 'args' => ['StartsWithTest:StartsWith:nocase', 'test'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => $objects[0], ], 'startswith match negated' => [ 'args' => ['StartsWithTest:StartsWith:not', 'Test'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => $objects[1], ], 'lessthan match' => [ 'args' => ['GreaterThan100:LessThan', '100'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => $objects[2], ], 'nomatch greaterthan' => [ 'args' => ['LessThan100:GreaterThan', 1000], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => null, ], 'nomatch lessthan' => [ 'args' => ['LessThan100:LessThan:not', 1000], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => null, ], ]; } #[DataProvider('provideFindWithSearchfilters')] public function testFindWithSearchfilters(array $args, array $objects, object|array|null $expected) { $list = new ArrayList($objects); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->find(...$args)); } public function testFind() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); $this->assertEquals( $list->find('Name', 'Bob'), (object) [ 'Name' => 'Bob' ] ); } public function testColumn() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); $this->assertEquals( $list->column('Name'), [ 'Steve', 'Bob', 'John' ] ); } public function testSortSimpleDefaultIsSortedASC() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], ] ); // Unquoted name $list1 = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals( [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'], ], $list1->toArray() ); // Quoted name name $list2 = $list->sort('"Name"'); $this->assertEquals( [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'], ], $list2->toArray() ); // Array (non-associative) $list3 = $list->sort(['"Name"']); $this->assertEquals( [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'], ], $list3->toArray() ); // Quoted name name with table $list4 = $list->sort('"Record"."Name"'); $this->assertEquals( [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'] ], $list4->toArray() ); // Quoted name name with table (desc) $list5 = $list->sort('"Record"."Name" DESC'); $this->assertEquals( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'] ], $list5->toArray() ); // Table without quotes $list6 = $list->sort('Record.Name'); $this->assertEquals( [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'] ], $list6->toArray() ); // Check original list isn't altered $this->assertEquals( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], ], $list->toArray() ); } public function testMixedCaseSort() { // Note: Natural sorting is not expected, so if 'bonny10' were included // below we would expect it to appear between bonny1 and bonny2. That's // undesirable though so we're not enforcing it in tests. $original = [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], ['Name' => 'bonny1'], //['Name' => 'bonny10'], ['Name' => 'bonny2'], ]; $list = new ArrayList($original); $expected = [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'bonny'], ['Name' => 'bonny1'], //['Name' => 'bonny10'], ['Name' => 'bonny2'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'], ]; // Unquoted name $list1 = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list1->toArray()); // Quoted name name $list2 = $list->sort('"Name"'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list2->toArray()); // Array (non-associative) $list3 = $list->sort(['"Name"']); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list3->toArray()); // Check original list isn't altered $this->assertEquals($original, $list->toArray()); } public function testSortSimpleASCOrder() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); // Sort two arguments $list1 = $list->sort('Name', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals( $list1->toArray(), [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'] ] ); // Sort single string $list2 = $list->sort('Name asc'); $this->assertEquals( $list2->toArray(), [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'] ] ); // Sort quoted string $list3 = $list->sort('"Name" ASCENDING'); $this->assertEquals( $list3->toArray(), [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'] ] ); // Sort array specifier $list4 = $list->sort(['Name' => 'ascending']); $this->assertEquals( $list4->toArray(), [ (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Steve'] ] ); // Check original list isn't altered $this->assertEquals( $list->toArray(), [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); } public function testSortSimpleDESCOrder() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); // Sort two arguments $list1 = $list->sort('Name', 'DESC'); $this->assertEquals( $list1->toArray(), [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'John'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'] ] ); // Sort single string $list2 = $list->sort('Name desc'); $this->assertEquals( $list2->toArray(), [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'John'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'] ] ); // Sort quoted string $list3 = $list->sort('"Name" DESCENDING'); $this->assertEquals( $list3->toArray(), [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'John'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'] ] ); // Sort array specifier $list4 = $list->sort(['Name' => 'descending']); $this->assertEquals( $list4->toArray(), [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'John'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'] ] ); // Check original list isn't altered $this->assertEquals( $list->toArray(), [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); } public function testSortNumeric() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Sort' => 0], ['Sort' => -1], ['Sort' => 1], ['Sort' => -2], ['Sort' => 2], ['Sort' => -10], ['Sort' => 10] ] ); // Sort descending $list1 = $list->sort('Sort', 'DESC'); $this->assertEquals( [ ['Sort' => 10], ['Sort' => 2], ['Sort' => 1], ['Sort' => 0], ['Sort' => -1], ['Sort' => -2], ['Sort' => -10] ], $list1->toArray() ); // Sort ascending $list1 = $list->sort('Sort', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals( [ ['Sort' => -10], ['Sort' => -2], ['Sort' => -1], ['Sort' => 0], ['Sort' => 1], ['Sort' => 2], ['Sort' => 10] ], $list1->toArray() ); } public function testReverse() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'Steve'] ] ); $list = $list->sort('Name', 'ASC'); $list = $list->reverse(); $this->assertEquals( $list->toArray(), [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'John'], ['Name' => 'Bob'] ] ); } public function testSimpleMultiSort() { $list = new ArrayList( [ (object) ['Name'=>'Object1', 'F1'=>1, 'F2'=>2, 'F3'=>3], (object) ['Name'=>'Object2', 'F1'=>2, 'F2'=>1, 'F3'=>4], (object) ['Name'=>'Object3', 'F1'=>5, 'F2'=>2, 'F3'=>2], ] ); $list = $list->sort('F3', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals($list->first()->Name, 'Object3', 'Object3 should be first in the list'); $this->assertEquals($list->last()->Name, 'Object2', 'Object2 should be last in the list'); $list = $list->sort('F3', 'DESC'); $this->assertEquals($list->first()->Name, 'Object2', 'Object2 should be first in the list'); $this->assertEquals($list->last()->Name, 'Object3', 'Object3 should be last in the list'); } public function testMultiSort() { $list = new ArrayList( [ (object) ['ID'=>3, 'Name'=>'Bert', 'Importance'=>1], (object) ['ID'=>1, 'Name'=>'Aron', 'Importance'=>2], (object) ['ID'=>2, 'Name'=>'Aron', 'Importance'=>1], ] ); $list = $list->sort(['Name'=>'ASC', 'Importance'=>'ASC']); $this->assertEquals($list->first()->ID, 2, 'Aron.2 should be first in the list'); $this->assertEquals($list->last()->ID, 3, 'Bert.3 should be last in the list'); $list = $list->sort(['Name'=>'ASC', 'Importance'=>'DESC']); $this->assertEquals($list->first()->ID, 1, 'Aron.2 should be first in the list'); $this->assertEquals($list->last()->ID, 3, 'Bert.3 should be last in the list'); } /** * Check that we don't cause recursion errors with array_multisort() and circular dependencies */ public function testSortWithCircularDependencies() { $itemA = new stdClass; $childA = new stdClass; $itemA->child = $childA; $childA->parent = $itemA; $itemA->Sort = 1; $itemB = new stdClass; $childB = new stdClass; $itemB->child = $childB; $childB->parent = $itemB; $itemB->Sort = 1; $items = new ArrayList; $items->add($itemA); $items->add($itemB); // This call will trigger a fatal error if there are issues with circular dependencies $items->sort('Sort'); $this->assertTrue(true, 'Sort with circular dependencies does not trigger an error.'); } /** * $list->filter('Name', 'bob'); // only bob in the list */ public function testSimpleFilter() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); $list = $list->filter('Name', 'Bob'); $this->assertEquals([(object)['Name'=>'Bob']], $list->toArray(), 'List should only contain Bob'); } /** * $list->filter('Name', ['Steve', 'John']; // Steve and John in list */ public function testSimpleFilterWithMultiple() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], (object) ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); $expected = [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'John'] ]; $list = $list->filter('Name', ['Steve','John']); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray(), 'List should only contain Steve and John'); } /** * $list->filter('Name', ['Steve', 'John']; // negative version */ public function testSimpleFilterWithMultipleNoMatch() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 1], (object) ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 2], ['Name' => 'John', 'ID' => 2] ] ); $list = $list->filter(['Name'=>'Clair']); $this->assertEquals([], $list->toArray(), 'List should be empty'); } /** * $list->filter(['Name'=>'bob, 'Age'=>21]); // bob with the Age 21 in list */ public function testMultipleFilter() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 1], (object) ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 2], ['Name' => 'John', 'ID' => 2] ] ); $list = $list->filter(['Name'=>'Steve', 'ID'=>2]); $this->assertEquals( [(object)['Name'=>'Steve', 'ID'=>2]], $list->toArray(), 'List should only contain object Steve' ); } /** * $list->filter(['Name'=>'bob, 'Age'=>21]); // negative version */ public function testMultipleFilterNoMatch() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 1], (object) ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 2], ['Name' => 'John', 'ID' => 2] ] ); $list = $list->filter(['Name'=>'Steve', 'ID'=>4]); $this->assertEquals([], $list->toArray(), 'List should be empty'); } /** * $list->filter(['Name'=>'Steve', 'Age'=>[21, 43]]); // Steve with the Age 21 or 43 */ public function testMultipleWithArrayFilter() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 1, 'Age'=>21], ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 2, 'Age'=>18], ['Name' => 'Clair', 'ID' => 2, 'Age'=>21], ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 3, 'Age'=>43] ] ); $list = $list->filter(['Name'=>'Steve','Age'=>[21, 43]]); $expected = [ ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 1, 'Age'=>21], ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 3, 'Age'=>43] ]; $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray(), 'List should only contain Steve and Steve'); } /** * $list->filter(['Name'=>['aziz','bob'], 'Age'=>[21, 43]]); */ public function testMultipleWithArrayFilterAdvanced() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 1, 'Age'=>21], ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 2, 'Age'=>18], ['Name' => 'Clair', 'ID' => 2, 'Age'=>21], ['Name' => 'Clair', 'ID' => 2, 'Age'=>52], ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 3, 'Age'=>43] ] ); $list = $list->filter(['Name'=>['Steve','Clair'],'Age'=>[21, 43]]); $expected = [ ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 1, 'Age'=>21], ['Name' => 'Clair', 'ID' => 2, 'Age'=>21], ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 3, 'Age'=>43] ]; $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray(), 'List should only contain Steve and Steve and Clair'); } #[DataProvider('provideFilterNullComparisons')] public function testFilterNullComparisons(mixed $objectValue, mixed $filterValues, bool $doesMatch, bool $negated = false) { $filterField = 'Value'; if ($negated) { $filterField .= ':not'; } $list = new ArrayList([['Value' => $objectValue]]); $list = $list->filter($filterField, $filterValues); $this->assertCount($doesMatch ? 1 : 0, $list); } public static function provideFilterNullComparisons() { // This is for backwards compatibility, since arraylist used to just do a straight == comparison // Everything that passes here would have passed a $objectValue == $filterValue comparison previously $scenarios = [ [ 'objectValue' => null, 'filterValues' => null, 'doesMatch' => true, ], [ 'objectValue' => null, 'filterValues' => '', 'doesMatch' => true, ], [ 'objectValue' => '', 'filterValues' => null, 'doesMatch' => true, ], [ 'objectValue' => null, 'filterValues' => 0, 'doesMatch' => true, ], [ 'objectValue' => 0, 'filterValues' => null, 'doesMatch' => true, ], [ 'objectValue' => false, 'filterValues' => null, 'doesMatch' => true, ], [ 'objectValue' => null, 'filterValues' => false, 'doesMatch' => true, ], [ 'objectValue' => [], 'filterValues' => null, 'doesMatch' => true, ], [ 'objectValue' => null, 'filterValues' => [[]], 'doesMatch' => true, ], // Include some multi-value filters [ 'objectValue' => null, 'filterValues' => ['one', '', 1], 'doesMatch' => true, ], [ 'objectValue' => null, 'filterValues' => ['one', '1', 1], 'doesMatch' => false, ], [ 'objectValue' => '', 'filterValues' => ['one', null, 1], 'doesMatch' => true, ], // Check that we're not skipping comparisons that don't match null [ 'objectValue' => '1', 'filterValues' => ['one', null, 1], 'doesMatch' => true, ], // This is here because 0 == '0' is true, and 0 == null is true, so essentially protecting // against swapping null out for 0 in attempt to pass the other tests. [ 'objectValue' => '0', 'filterValues' => null, 'doesMatch' => false, ], [ 'objectValue' => null, 'filterValues' => '0', 'doesMatch' => false, ], // We're comparing with false above so this is just a sanity check. [ 'objectValue' => true, 'filterValues' => null, 'doesMatch' => false, ], [ 'objectValue' => null, 'filterValues' => true, 'doesMatch' => false, ], ]; // Ensure the not modifier works as expected foreach ($scenarios as $scenario) { $scenario['doesMatch'] = !$scenario['doesMatch']; $scenario['negated'] = true; $scenarios[] = $scenario; } return $scenarios; } private static function getFilterWithSearchfiltersObjects() { return [ [ 'ID' => 1, 'Name' => 'Steve', 'Age' => 21, 'Title' => 'First Object', 'NoCase' => 'CaSe SeNsItIvE', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case Sensitive', 'StartsWithTest' => 'Test Value', 'GreaterThan100' => 300, 'LessThan100' => 50, 'SomeField' => 'Some Value', ], [ 'ID' => 2, 'Name' => 'Steve', 'Age' => 18, 'Title' => 'Second Object', 'NoCase' => 'case sensitive', 'CaseSensitive' => 'case sensitive', 'StartsWithTest' => 'Not Starts With Test', 'GreaterThan100' => 101, 'LessThan100' => 99, 'SomeField' => 'Another Value', ], [ 'ID' => 3, 'Name' => 'Steve', 'Age' => 43, 'Title' => 'Third Object', 'NoCase' => null, 'CaseSensitive' => '', 'StartsWithTest' => 'Does not start with test', 'GreaterThan100' => 99, 'LessThan100' => 99, 'SomeField' => 'Some Value', ], [ 'ID' => 4, 'Name' => 'Clair', 'Age' => 21, 'Title' => 'Fourth Object', 'StartsWithTest' => 'test value, but lower case', 'GreaterThan100' => 100, 'LessThan100' => 100, 'SomeField' => 'some value', ], [ 'ID' => 5, 'Name' => 'Clair', 'Age' => 52, 'Title' => '', ], ]; } public static function provideFilterWithSearchfilters() { // Note that search filter tests here are to test syntax and to ensure all supported search filters // work with arraylist - but we don't need to test every possible edge case here, // we can rely on individual searchfilter unit tests for many edge cases $objects = ArrayListTest::getFilterWithSearchfiltersObjects(); return [ // exact match filter tests 'exact match - negate' => [ 'args' => ['Title:not', 'First Object'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[1], $objects[2], $objects[3], $objects[4]], ], 'exact match - negate two different ways' => [ 'args' => [[ 'Title:not' => 'First Object', 'Title:ExactMatch:not' => 'Third Object', ]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[1], $objects[3], $objects[4]], ], 'exact match negated - nothing gets filtered out' => [ 'args' => ['Title:not', 'No object has this title - we should have all objects'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => $objects, ], 'exact match negated against null - only last item gets filtered out' => [ 'args' => ['SomeField:not', null], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[0], $objects[1], $objects[2], $objects[3]], ], 'exact match with a few items' => [ 'args' => ['Title', ['First Object', 'Second Object', 'Third Object']], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[0], $objects[1], $objects[2]], ], 'negate the above test' => [ 'args' => ['Title:not', ['First Object', 'Second Object', 'Third Object']], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[3], $objects[4]], ], // case sensitivity checks 'exact match case sensitive' => [ 'args' => [['NoCase' => 'case sensitive']], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[1]], ], 'exact match case insensitive' => [ 'args' => ['NoCase:nocase', 'case sensitive'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[0], $objects[1]], ], 'exact match mixed case filters' => [ 'args' => [[ 'NoCase:nocase' => 'case sensitive', 'CaseSensitive' => 'case sensitive', ]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[1]], ], // explicit exact match 'exact match explicit' => [ 'args' => ['Title:ExactMatch', 'Third Object'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[2]], ], 'exact match explicit with modifier' => [ 'args' => [['Title:ExactMatch:nocase' => 'third object']], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[2]], ], // partialmatch filter 'partial match' => [ 'args' => ['StartsWithTest:PartialMatch', 'start'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[2]], ], 'partial match with modifier' => [ 'args' => [['StartsWithTest:PartialMatch:nocase' => 'start']], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[1], $objects[2]], ], // greaterthan filter 'greaterthan match' => [ 'args' => ['GreaterThan100:GreaterThan', 100], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[0], $objects[1]], ], 'greaterthan match with modifier' => [ 'args' => [['GreaterThan100:GreaterThan:not' => 100]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[2], $objects[3], $objects[4]], ], // greaterthanorequal filter 'greaterthanorequal match' => [ 'args' => ['GreaterThan100:GreaterThanOrEqual', 100], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[0], $objects[1], $objects[3]], ], 'greaterthanorequal match with modifier' => [ 'args' => [['GreaterThan100:GreaterThanOrEqual:not' => 100]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[2], $objects[4]], ], // lessthan filter 'lessthan match' => [ 'args' => ['LessThan100:LessThan', 100], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[0], $objects[1], $objects[2], $objects[4]], ], 'lessthan match with modifier' => [ 'args' => [['LessThan100:LessThan:not' => 100]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[3]], ], // lessthanorequal filter 'lessthanorequal match' => [ 'args' => ['LessThan100:LessThanOrEqual', 99], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[0], $objects[1], $objects[2], $objects[4]], ], 'lessthanorequal match with modifier' => [ 'args' => [['LessThan100:LessThanOrEqual:not' => 99]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[3]], ], // various more complex filters/combinations and extra scenarios 'complex1' => [ 'args' => [[ 'NoCase:nocase' => 'CASE SENSITIVE', 'StartsWithTest:StartsWith' => 'Not', ]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[1]], ], 'complex2' => [ 'args' => [[ 'NoCase:case' => 'CASE SENSITIVE', 'StartsWithTest:StartsWith' => 'Not', ]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [], ], 'complex3' => [ 'args' => [[ 'LessThan100:LessThan' => 100, 'GreaterThan100:GreaterThan:not' => 100, ]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[2], $objects[4]], ], 'complex4' => [ 'args' => [[ 'LessThan100:LessThan' => 1, 'GreaterThan100:GreaterThan' => 100, ]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [], ], ]; } #[DataProvider('provideFilterWithSearchfilters')] public function testFilterWithSearchfilters(array $args, array $objects, array $expected) { $list = new ArrayList($objects); $list = $list->filter(...$args); $this->assertEquals(array_column($expected, 'ID'), $list->column('ID')); } public static function provideFilterAnyWithSearchfilters() { $objects = ArrayListTest::getFilterWithSearchfiltersObjects(); return [ // test a couple of search filters // don't need to be as explicit as the filter tests, just check the syntax works 'partial match' => [ 'args' => ['StartsWithTest:PartialMatch', 'start'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[2]], ], 'partial match with modifier' => [ 'args' => ['StartsWithTest:PartialMatch:nocase', 'start'], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[1], $objects[2]], ], 'greaterthan match' => [ 'args' => ['GreaterThan100:GreaterThan', 100], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[0], $objects[1]], ], 'greaterthan match with modifier' => [ 'args' => ['GreaterThan100:GreaterThan:not', 100], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[2], $objects[3], $objects[4]], ], 'multiple filters match' => [ 'args' => [[ 'StartsWithTest:PartialMatch:nocase' => 'start', 'Age:GreaterThanOrEqual' => 43, ]], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[1], $objects[2], $objects[4]], ], 'partial match with a few items' => [ 'args' => ['Title:PartialMatch', ['First Object', 'Second Object', 'Third Object']], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[0], $objects[1], $objects[2]], ], 'negate the above test' => [ 'args' => ['Title:PartialMatch:not', ['First Object', 'Second Object', 'Third Object']], 'objects' => $objects, 'expected' => [$objects[3], $objects[4]], ], ]; } #[DataProvider('provideFilterAnyWithSearchfilters')] public function testFilterAnyWithSearchfilters(array $args, array $objects, array $expected) { $list = new ArrayList($objects); $list = $list->filterAny(...$args); $this->assertEquals(array_column($expected, 'ID'), $list->column('ID')); } public static function provideFilterAny() { $list = new ArrayList( [ $steve = ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 1, 'Age' => 21], $bob = ['Name' => 'Bob', 'ID' => 2, 'Age' => 18], $clair = ['Name' => 'Clair', 'ID' => 3, 'Age' => 21], $phil = ['Name' => 'Phil', 'ID' => 4, 'Age' => 21], $oscar = ['Name' => 'Oscar', 'ID' => 5, 'Age' => 52], $mike = ['Name' => 'Mike', 'ID' => 6, 'Age' => 43], ] ); return [ [ 'list' => $list, 'args' => ['Name', 'Bob'], 'contains' => [$bob], ], [ 'list' => $list, 'args' => ['Name', ['Aziz', 'Bob']], 'contains' => [$bob], ], [ 'list' => $list, 'args' => ['Name', ['Steve', 'Bob']], 'contains' => [$steve, $bob], ], [ 'list' => $list, 'args' => [['Name' => 'Bob', 'Age' => 21]], 'contains' => [$bob, $steve, $clair, $phil], ], [ 'list' => $list, 'args' => [['Name' => 'Bob', 'Age' => [21, 43]]], 'contains' => [$bob, $steve, $clair, $mike, $phil], ], [ 'list' => $list, 'args' => [['Name' => ['Bob', 'Phil'], 'Age' => [21, 43]]], 'contains' => [$bob, $steve, $clair, $mike, $phil], ], [ 'list' => $list, 'args' => [['Name' => ['Bob', 'Nobody'], 'Age' => [21, 43]]], 'contains' => [$bob, $steve, $clair, $mike, $phil], ], ]; } #[DataProvider('provideFilterAny')] public function testFilterAny(ArrayList $list, array $args, array $contains) { $filteredList = $list->filterAny(...$args)->toArray(); $this->assertCount(count($contains), $filteredList); foreach ($contains as $item) { $this->assertContains($item, $filteredList); } } /** * $list = $list->filterByCallback(function($item, $list) { return $item->Age == 21; }) */ public function testFilterByCallback() { $list = new ArrayList( [ $steve = ['Name' => 'Steve', 'ID' => 1, 'Age' => 21], ['Name' => 'Bob', 'ID' => 2, 'Age' => 18], $clair = ['Name' => 'Clair', 'ID' => 2, 'Age' => 21], ['Name' => 'Oscar', 'ID' => 2, 'Age' => 52], ['Name' => 'Mike', 'ID' => 3, 'Age' => 43] ] ); $list = $list->filterByCallback( function ($item, $list) { return $item->Age == 21; } ); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals($steve, $list[0]->toMap(), 'List should only contain Steve and Clair'); $this->assertEquals($clair, $list[1]->toMap(), 'List should only contain Steve and Clair'); $this->assertTrue($list instanceof Filterable, 'The List should be of type SS_Filterable'); } /** * $list->exclude('Name', 'bob'); // exclude bob from list */ public function testSimpleExclude() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); $list = $list->exclude('Name', 'Bob'); $expected = [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'John'] ]; $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray(), 'List should not contain Bob'); } /** * $list->exclude('Name', 'bob'); // No exclusion version */ public function testSimpleExcludeNoMatch() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); $list = $list->exclude('Name', 'Clair'); $expected = [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray(), 'List should be unchanged'); } /** * $list->exclude('Name', array('Steve','John')); */ public function testSimpleExcludeWithArray() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); $list = $list->exclude('Name', ['Steve','John']); $expected = [['Name' => 'Bob']]; $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray(), 'List should only contain Bob'); } /** * $list->exclude(array('Name'=>'bob, 'Age'=>21)); // exclude all Bob that has Age 21 */ public function testExcludeWithTwoArrays() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Bob' , 'Age' => 21], ['Name' => 'Bob' , 'Age' => 32], ['Name' => 'John', 'Age' => 21] ] ); $list = $list->exclude(['Name' => 'Bob', 'Age' => 21]); $expected = [ ['Name' => 'Bob', 'Age' => 32], ['Name' => 'John', 'Age' => 21] ]; $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray(), 'List should only contain John and Bob'); } /** * $list->exclude(array('Name'=>array('bob','phil'), 'Age'=>array(10, 16))); */ public function testMultipleExclude() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 10], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 11], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 12], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 12], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 14], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 14], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 16], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 16] ] ); $list = $list->exclude(['Name'=>['bob','phil'],'Age'=>[10, 16]]); $expected = [ ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 11], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 12], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 12], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 14], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 14], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray()); } /** * $list->exclude(array('Name'=>array('bob','phil'), 'Age'=>array(10, 16), 'Bananas'=>true)); */ public function testMultipleExcludeNoMatch() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 10], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 11], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 12], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 12], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 14], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 14], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 16], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 16] ] ); $list = $list->exclude(['Name'=>['bob','phil'],'Age'=>[10, 16],'Bananas'=>true]); $expected = [ ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 10], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 11], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 12], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 12], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 14], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 14], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 16], ['Name' => 'phil', 'Age' => 16] ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray()); } /** * $list->exclude(array('Name'=>array('bob','phil'), 'Age'=>array(10, 16), 'HasBananas'=>true)); */ public function testMultipleExcludeThreeArguments() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 10, 'HasBananas'=>false], ['Name' => 'phil','Age' => 11, 'HasBananas'=>true], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 12, 'HasBananas'=>true], ['Name' => 'phil','Age' => 12, 'HasBananas'=>true], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 14, 'HasBananas'=>false], ['Name' => 'ann', 'Age' => 14, 'HasBananas'=>true], ['Name' => 'phil','Age' => 14, 'HasBananas'=>false], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 16, 'HasBananas'=>false], ['Name' => 'phil','Age' => 16, 'HasBananas'=>true], ['Name' => 'clair','Age' => 16, 'HasBananas'=>true] ] ); $list = $list->exclude(['Name'=>['bob','phil'],'Age'=>[10, 16],'HasBananas'=>true]); $expected = [ ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 10, 'HasBananas'=>false], ['Name' => 'phil','Age' => 11, 'HasBananas'=>true], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 12, 'HasBananas'=>true], ['Name' => 'phil','Age' => 12, 'HasBananas'=>true], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 14, 'HasBananas'=>false], ['Name' => 'ann', 'Age' => 14, 'HasBananas'=>true], ['Name' => 'phil','Age' => 14, 'HasBananas'=>false], ['Name' => 'bob', 'Age' => 16, 'HasBananas'=>false], ['Name' => 'clair','Age' => 16, 'HasBananas'=>true] ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray()); } public static function provideExcludeWithSearchfilters() { // If it's included in the filter test, then it's excluded in the exclude test, // so we can just use the same scenarios and reverse the expected results. $objects = ArrayListTest::getFilterWithSearchfiltersObjects(); $scenarios = ArrayListTest::provideFilterWithSearchfilters(); foreach ($scenarios as $name => $scenario) { $kept = []; $excluded = []; foreach ($scenario['expected'] as $item) { $kept[] = $item['ID']; } foreach ($objects as $item) { if (!in_array($item['ID'], $kept)) { $excluded[] = $item; } } $scenarios[$name]['expected'] = $excluded; } return $scenarios; } #[DataProvider('provideExcludeWithSearchfilters')] public function testExcludeWithSearchfilters(array $args, array $objects, array $expected) { $list = new ArrayList($objects); $list = $list->exclude(...$args); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray()); } public static function provideExcludeAnyWithSearchfilters() { // If it's included in the filterAny test, then it's excluded in the excludeAny test, // so we can just use the same scenarios and reverse the expected results. $objects = ArrayListTest::getFilterWithSearchfiltersObjects(); $scenarios = ArrayListTest::provideFilterAnyWithSearchfilters(); foreach ($scenarios as $name => $scenario) { $kept = []; $excluded = []; foreach ($scenario['expected'] as $item) { $kept[] = $item['ID']; } foreach ($objects as $item) { if (!in_array($item['ID'], $kept)) { $excluded[] = $item; } } $scenarios[$name]['expected'] = $excluded; } return $scenarios; } #[DataProvider('provideExcludeAnyWithSearchfilters')] public function testExcludeAnyWithSearchfilters(array $args, array $objects, array $expected) { $list = new ArrayList($objects); $list = $list->excludeAny(...$args); $this->assertEquals($expected, $list->toArray()); } public static function provideExcludeAny() { // If it's included in the filterAny test, then it's excluded in the excludeAny test, // so we can just use the same scenarios and reverse the expected results. $scenarios = ArrayListTest::provideFilterAny(); foreach ($scenarios as $name => $scenario) { $kept = []; $excluded = []; /** @var array $item */ foreach ($scenario['contains'] as $item) { $kept[] = $item['ID']; } /** @var ArrayData $item */ foreach ($scenario['list'] as $item) { $itemAsArray = $item->toMap(); if (!in_array($itemAsArray['ID'], $kept)) { $excluded[] = $itemAsArray; } } $scenarios[$name]['contains'] = $excluded; } return $scenarios; } #[DataProvider('provideExcludeAny')] public function testExcludeAny(ArrayList $list, array $args, array $contains) { $filteredList = $list->excludeAny(...$args)->toArray(); $this->assertCount(count($contains), $filteredList); foreach ($contains as $item) { $this->assertContains($item, $filteredList); } } public function testCanFilterBy() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['Name' => 'Steve'], ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'John'] ] ); $this->assertTrue($list->canFilterBy('Name')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Age')); } public function testCanFilterByArrayData() { $list = new ArrayList( [ new ArrayData(['Name' => 'Steve']), new ArrayData(['Name' => 'Bob']), new ArrayData(['Name' => 'John']) ] ); $this->assertTrue($list->canFilterBy('Name')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Age')); } public function testCanFilterByEmpty() { $list = new ArrayList(); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Name')); $this->assertFalse($list->canFilterBy('Age')); } public function testByID() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['ID' => 1, 'Name' => 'Steve'], ['ID' => 2, 'Name' => 'Bob'], ['ID' => 3, 'Name' => 'John'] ] ); $element = $list->byID(1); $this->assertEquals($element['Name'], 'Steve'); $element = $list->byID(2); $this->assertEquals($element['Name'], 'Bob'); $element = $list->byID(4); $this->assertNull($element); } public function testByIDs() { $list = new ArrayList( [ ['ID' => 1, 'Name' => 'Steve'], ['ID' => 2, 'Name' => 'Bob'], ['ID' => 3, 'Name' => 'John'] ] ); $knownIDs = $list->column('ID'); $removedID = array_pop($knownIDs); $filteredItems = $list->byIDs($knownIDs); foreach ($filteredItems as $item) { $this->assertContains($item->ID, $knownIDs); $this->assertNotEquals($removedID, $item->ID); } } public function testByIDEmpty() { $list = new ArrayList(); $element = $list->byID(1); $this->assertNull($element); } public function testDataClass() { $list = new ArrayList([ new DataObject(['Title' => 'one']), ]); $this->assertEquals(DataObject::class, $list->dataClass()); $list->pop(); $this->assertNull($list->dataClass()); $list->setDataClass(DataObject::class); $this->assertEquals(DataObject::class, $list->dataClass()); } public function testShuffle() { $upperLimit = 50; $list = new ArrayList(range(1, $upperLimit)); $list->shuffle(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $upperLimit; $i++) { $this->assertContains($i, $list); } $this->assertNotEquals(range(1, $upperLimit), $list->toArray()); } public function testOffsetSet() { $list = new ArrayList(['first value', 'second value']); $this->assertSame(2, $list->count()); $list->offsetSet(0, 'new value'); $this->assertSame(2, $list->count()); $this->assertSame('new value', $list->offsetGet(0)); $this->assertSame('second value', $list->offsetGet(1)); } }