/**** Last Modified: 25/08/06 20:52:59 CAUTION: Modified Version to suit Silverstripe CMS (silverstripe.com). Original at http://orangoo.com/labs/uploads/GreyBox_v3_46.zip GreyBox - Smart pop-up window Copyright Amir Salihefendic 2006 AUTHOR 4mir Salihefendic (http://amix.dk) - amix@amix.dk VERSION 3.46 LICENSE GPL (read more in GPL.txt) SITE http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/ ****/ var GB_CURRENT = null; var GB_ONLY_ONE = null; // modified 2006-01-06 by Silverstripe Ltd. try { var theBaseHref = document.getElementsByTagName("base")[0].href; var GB_IMG_DIR = theBaseHref + "framework/thirdparty/greybox/"; } catch(err) { var GB_IMG_DIR = "framework/thirdparty/greybox/"; } function GreyBox() { //Use mutator functions (since the internal stuff may change in the future) this.type = "page"; this.overlay_click_close = true; if(GB_IMG_DIR) this.img_dir = GB_IMG_DIR; else this.img_dir = "greybox/"; this.overlay_color = "dark"; this.center_window = false; this.g_window = null; this.g_container = null; this.iframe = null; this.overlay = null; this.timeout = null; this.defaultSize(); this.showCloseImage(true); this.url = ""; this.caption = ""; this.callback_fn = []; this.reload_on_close = false; } //// // Configuration functions (the functions you can call) // /** Set the width and height of the GreyBox window. Images and notifications are auto-set. **/ GreyBox.prototype.setDimension = function(width, height) { this.height = height; this.width = width; } GreyBox.prototype.setFullScreen = function(bool) { this.full_screen = bool; } /** Type can be: page, image **/ GreyBox.prototype.setType = function(type) { this.type = type; } /** If bool is true the window will be centered vertically also **/ GreyBox.prototype.setCenterWindow = function(bool) { this.center_window = bool; } /** Set the path where images can be found. Can be relative: greybox/ Or absolute: http://yoursite.com/greybox/ **/ GreyBox.prototype.setImageDir = function(dir) { this.img_dir = dir; } GreyBox.prototype.showCloseImage = function(bool) { this.show_close_img = bool; } /** If bool is true the grey overlay click will close greybox. **/ GreyBox.prototype.setOverlayCloseClick = function(bool) { this.overlay_click_close = bool; } /** Overlay can either be "light" or "dark". **/ GreyBox.prototype.setOverlayColor = function(color) { this.overlay_color = color; } /** Set a function that will be called when GreyBox closes **/ GreyBox.prototype.setCallback = function(fn) { if(fn) this.callback_fn.push(fn); } //// // Show hide functions // /** Show the GreyBox with a caption and an url **/ GreyBox.prototype.show = function(caption, url) { GB_CURRENT = this; this.url = url; this.caption = caption; //Be sure that the old loader and dummy_holder are removed AJS.map(AJS.$bytc("div", "GB_dummy"), function(elm) { AJS.removeElement(elm) }); AJS.map(AJS.$bytc("div", "GB_loader"), function(elm) { AJS.removeElement(elm) }); //If ie, hide select, in others hide flash if(AJS.isIe()) AJS.map(AJS.$bytc("select"), function(elm) {elm.style.visibility = "hidden"}); AJS.map(AJS.$bytc("object"), function(elm) {elm.style.visibility = "hidden"}); this.initOverlayIfNeeded(); this.setOverlayDimension(); AJS.showElement(this.overlay); this.setFullScreenOption(); this.initIfNeeded(); AJS.hideElement(this.g_window); AJS.ACN(this.g_container, this.iframe); if(caption == "") caption = " "; this.div_caption.innerHTML = caption; AJS.showElement(this.g_window) this.setVerticalPosition(); this.setWidthNHeight(); this.setTopNLeft(); GB_CURRENT.startLoading(); return false; } GreyBox.prototype.hide = function() { AJS.hideElement(this.g_window, this.overlay); try{ AJS.removeElement(this.iframe); } catch(e) {} this.iframe = null; if(this.type == "image") { this.width = 200; this.height = 200; } if(AJS.isIe()) AJS.map(AJS.$bytc("select"), function(elm) {elm.style.visibility = "visible"}); AJS.map(AJS.$bytc("object"), function(elm) {elm.style.visibility = "visible"}); var c_bs = GB_CURRENT.callback_fn; if(c_bs != []) { AJS.map(c_bs, function(fn) { fn(); }); } GB_CURRENT = null; if(this.reload_on_close) window.location.reload(); } /** If you only use one instance of GreyBox **/ GB_initOneIfNeeded = function() { if(!GB_ONLY_ONE) { GB_ONLY_ONE = new GreyBox(); } } GB_show = function(caption, url, /* optional */ height, width, callback_fn) { GB_initOneIfNeeded(); GB_ONLY_ONE.defaultSize(); GB_ONLY_ONE.setFullScreen(false); GB_ONLY_ONE.setType("page"); GB_ONLY_ONE.setCallback(callback_fn); GB_ONLY_ONE.setDimension(width, height); GB_ONLY_ONE.show(caption, url); return false; } GB_showFullScreen = function(caption, url, /* optional */ callback_fn) { GB_initOneIfNeeded(); GB_ONLY_ONE.defaultSize(); GB_ONLY_ONE.setType("page"); GB_ONLY_ONE.setCallback(callback_fn); GB_ONLY_ONE.setFullScreen(true); GB_ONLY_ONE.show(caption, url); return false; } GB_showImage = function(caption, url) { GB_initOneIfNeeded(); GB_ONLY_ONE.defaultSize(); GB_ONLY_ONE.setFullScreen(false); GB_ONLY_ONE.setType("image"); GB_ONLY_ONE.show(caption, url); return false; } GB_hide = function() { GB_CURRENT.hide(); } /** Preload all the images used by GreyBox. Static function **/ GreyBox.preloadGreyBoxImages = function(img_dir) { var pics = []; if(!img_dir) img_dir = GB_IMG_DIR; var fn = function(path) { var pic = new Image(); pic.src = GB_IMG_DIR + path; pics.push(pic); }; AJS.map(['indicator.gif', 'blank.gif', 'close.gif', 'header_bg.gif', 'overlay_light.png', 'overlay_dark.png'], AJS.$b(fn, this)); } //// // Internal functions // GreyBox.prototype.getOverlayImage = function() { return "overlay_" + this.overlay_color + ".png"; }; /** Init functions **/ GreyBox.prototype.initOverlayIfNeeded = function() { //Create the overlay this.overlay = AJS.DIV({'id': 'GB_overlay'}); if(AJS.isIe()) { this.overlay.style.backgroundColor = "#000000"; this.overlay.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; this.overlay.style.backgroundImage = "url("+ this.img_dir +"blank.gif)"; this.overlay.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.img_dir + this.getOverlayImage() + "',sizingMethod='scale')"; } else this.overlay.style.backgroundImage = "url("+ this.img_dir + this.getOverlayImage() +")"; if(this.overlay_click_close) AJS.AEV(this.overlay, "click", GB_hide); AJS.getBody().insertBefore(this.overlay, AJS.getBody().firstChild); }; GreyBox.prototype.initIfNeeded = function() { this.init(); this.setWidthNHeight = AJS.$b(this.setWidthNHeight, this); this.setTopNLeft = AJS.$b(this.setTopNLeft, this); this.setFullScreenOption = AJS.$b(this.setFullScreenOption, this); this.setOverlayDimension = AJS.$b(this.setOverlayDimension, this); GreyBox.addOnWinResize(this.setWidthNHeight, this.setTopNLeft, this.setFullScreenOption, this.setOverlayDimension); this.g_container.style.marginBottom = "-3px"; var fn = function() { this.setOverlayDimension(); this.setVerticalPosition(); this.setTopNLeft(); this.setWidthNHeight(); }; AJS.AEV(window, "scroll", AJS.$b(fn, this)); if(!this.iframe) { var new_frame; var d = {'name': 'GB_frame', 'class': 'GB_frame', 'frameBorder': 0}; new_frame = AJS.IFRAME(d); this.iframe = new_frame; AJS.hideElement(this.iframe); } } GreyBox.prototype.init = function() { //Create the window this.g_window = AJS.DIV({'id': 'GB_window'}); //Create the table structure var table = AJS.TABLE({'class': 'GB_t_frame', 'frameborder': 0}); var tbody = AJS.TBODY(); AJS.ACN(table, tbody); //Midlle var td_middle_m = AJS.TD({'class': 'GB_content'}); this.td_middle_m = td_middle_m; AJS.ACN(tbody, AJS.TR(td_middle_m)); //Append caption and close var header = AJS.TABLE({'class': 'GB_header'}); this.header = header; var caption = AJS.TD({'class': 'GB_caption'}); this.div_caption = caption; /*header.style.backgroundImage = "url("+ this.img_dir +"header_bg.gif)";*/ tbody_header = AJS.TBODY(); var close = AJS.TD({'class': 'GB_close'}); if(this.show_close_img) { var img_close = AJS.IMG({'src': this.img_dir + 'close.gif'}); AJS.ACN(close, img_close, "Close"); AJS.AEV(close, "click", GB_hide); } AJS.ACN(tbody_header, AJS.TR(caption, close)); AJS.ACN(header, tbody_header); AJS.ACN(td_middle_m, header); //Container this.g_container = AJS.DIV({'class': 'GB_container'}); AJS.ACN(td_middle_m, this.g_container); AJS.ACN(this.g_window, table); AJS.getBody().insertBefore(this.g_window, this.overlay.nextSibling); } GreyBox.prototype.startLoading = function() { //Start preloading the object this.iframe.src = this.img_dir + 'loader_frame.html'; AJS.showElement(this.iframe); } /** Set dimension functions **/ GreyBox.prototype.setIframeWidthNHeight = function() { try{ AJS.setWidth(this.iframe, this.width); AJS.setHeight(this.iframe, this.height); } catch(e) { } } GreyBox.prototype.setOverlayDimension = function() { var page_size = AJS.getWindowSize(); if((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") != -1)) AJS.setWidth(this.overlay, "100%"); else AJS.setWidth(this.overlay, page_size.w); var max_height = Math.max(AJS.getScrollTop()+page_size.h, AJS.getScrollTop()+this.height); if(max_height < AJS.getScrollTop()) AJS.setHeight(this.overlay, max_height); else AJS.setHeight(this.overlay, AJS.getScrollTop()+page_size.h); } GreyBox.prototype.setWidthNHeight = function() { //Set size AJS.setWidth(this.g_window, this.width); AJS.setHeight(this.g_window, this.height); AJS.setWidth(this.g_container, this.width); AJS.setHeight(this.g_container, this.height); this.setIframeWidthNHeight(); //Set size on components AJS.setWidth(this.td_middle_m, this.width+10); } /** * Modified 2006-10-08 by Silverstripe */ GreyBox.prototype.setTopNLeft = function() { var page_size = AJS.getWindowSize(); AJS.setLeft(this.g_window, ((page_size.w - this.width)/2)-13); var fl = ((page_size.h - this.height) /2) - 15 + AJS.getScrollTop(); AJS.setTop(this.g_window, fl); } GreyBox.prototype.setVerticalPosition = function() { var page_size = AJS.getWindowSize(); var st = AJS.getScrollTop(); if(this.g_window.offsetWidth <= page_size.h || st <= this.g_window.offsetTop) { AJS.setTop(this.g_window, st); } } GreyBox.prototype.setFullScreenOption = function() { if(this.full_screen) { var page_size = AJS.getWindowSize(); overlay_h = page_size.h; this.width = Math.round(this.overlay.offsetWidth - (this.overlay.offsetWidth/100)*10); this.height = Math.round(overlay_h - (overlay_h/100)*10); } } GreyBox.prototype.defaultSize = function() { this.width = 300; this.height = 300; } //// // Misc. // GreyBox.addOnWinResize = function(funcs) { funcs = AJS.$A(funcs); AJS.map(funcs, function(fn) { AJS.AEV(window, "resize", fn); }); }