markTestSkipped('This test requires the current DB connector is MySQLi'); } // Test preparation of equivalent statemetns $result1 = DB::get_connector()->preparedQuery( 'SELECT "Sort", "Title" FROM "MySQLDatabaseTest_Data" WHERE "Sort" > ? ORDER BY "Sort"', [0] ); $result2 = DB::get_connector()->preparedQuery( 'SELECT "Sort", "Title" FROM "MySQLDatabaseTest_Data" WHERE "Sort" > ? ORDER BY "Sort"', [2] ); $this->assertInstanceOf(MySQLStatement::class, $result1); $this->assertInstanceOf(MySQLStatement::class, $result2); // Also select non-prepared statement $result3 = DB::get_connector()->query('SELECT "Sort", "Title" FROM "MySQLDatabaseTest_Data" ORDER BY "Sort"'); $this->assertInstanceOf(MySQLQuery::class, $result3); // Iterating one level should not buffer, but return the right result $result1Array = []; foreach($result1 as $record) { $result1Array[] = $record; } $this->assertEquals( [ [ 'Sort' => 1, 'Title' => 'First Item' ], [ 'Sort' => 2, 'Title' => 'Second Item' ], [ 'Sort' => 3, 'Title' => 'Third Item' ], [ 'Sort' => 4, 'Title' => 'Last Item' ], ], $result1Array ); // Test count $this->assertEquals(4, $result1->numRecords()); // Test count $this->assertEquals(4, $result1->numRecords()); // Test second statement $result2Array = []; foreach($result2 as $record) { $result2Array[] = $record; break; } $this->assertEquals( [ [ 'Sort' => 3, 'Title' => 'Third Item' ], ], $result2Array ); // Test non-prepared query $result3Array = []; foreach($result3 as $record) { $result3Array[] = $record; break; } $this->assertEquals( [ [ 'Sort' => 1, 'Title' => 'First Item' ], ], $result3Array ); } public function testAffectedRows() { if (!(DB::get_connector() instanceof MySQLiConnector)) { $this->markTestSkipped('This test requires the current DB connector is MySQLi'); } $query = new SQLUpdate('MySQLDatabaseTest_Data'); $query->setAssignments(['Title' => 'New Title']); // Test update which affects no rows $query->setWhere(['Title' => 'Bob']); $result = $query->execute(); $this->assertInstanceOf(MySQLQuery::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::affected_rows()); // Test update which affects some rows $query->setWhere(['Title' => 'First Item']); $result = $query->execute(); $this->assertInstanceOf(MySQLQuery::class, $result); $this->assertEquals(1, DB::affected_rows()); } }