 * Test reporter optimised for CLI (ie, plain-text) output
 * @package framework
 * @subpackage testing
class CliTestReporter extends SapphireTestReporter {

	 * Display error bar if it exists
	public function writeResults() {
		$passCount = 0;
		$failCount = 0;
		$testCount = 0;
		$incompleteCount = 0;
		$errorCount = 0;

		foreach($this->suiteResults['suites'] as $suite) {
			foreach($suite['tests'] as $test) {
				if($test['status'] == 2) {
				} elseif($test['status'] === 1) {
				} else {
		echo "\n\n";
		if ($failCount == 0 && $incompleteCount > 0) {
			echo SS_Cli::text(" OK, BUT INCOMPLETE TESTS! ", "black", "yellow");
		} elseif ($failCount == 0) {
			echo SS_Cli::text(" ALL TESTS PASS ", "black", "green");
		}  else {
			echo SS_Cli::text(" AT LEAST ONE FAILURE ", "black", "red");

		echo sprintf("\n\n%d tests run: %s, %s, and %s\n", $testCount, SS_Cli::text("$passCount passes"),
			SS_Cli::text("$failCount failures"), SS_Cli::text("$incompleteCount incomplete"));

		echo "Maximum memory usage: " . number_format(memory_get_peak_usage()/(1024*1024), 1) . "M\n\n";
		// Use sake dev/tests/all --showslow to show slow tests
		if((isset($_GET['args']) && is_array($_GET['args']) && in_array('--showslow', $_GET['args']))
				|| isset($_GET['showslow'])) {

			$avgSpeed = round(array_sum($this->testSpeeds) / count($this->testSpeeds), 3);
			echo "Slow tests (more than the average $avgSpeed seconds):\n";

			foreach($this->testSpeeds as $k => $v) {
				// Ignore below-average speeds
				if($v < $avgSpeed) break;

				echo " - $k: " . round($v,3) . "\n";
		echo "\n";
	public function endTest( PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, $time) {
		// Status indicator, a la PHPUnit
		switch($this->currentTest['status']) {
			case TEST_FAILURE: echo SS_Cli::text("F","red", null, true); break;
			case TEST_ERROR: echo SS_Cli::text("E","red", null, true); break;
			case TEST_INCOMPLETE: echo SS_Cli::text("I","yellow"); break;
			case TEST_SUCCESS: echo SS_Cli::text(".","green"); break;
			default: echo SS_Cli::text("?", "yellow"); break;
		static $colCount = 0;
		if($colCount % 80 == 0) echo " - $colCount\n";

		parent::endTest($test, $time);
	protected function writeTest($test) {
		if ($test['status'] != TEST_SUCCESS) {
			$filteredTrace = array();
			$ignoredClasses = array('TestRunner');
			foreach($test['trace'] as $item) {
						&& strpos($item['file'], 'PHPUnit/Framework') === false 
						&& (!isset($item['class']) || !in_array($item['class'], $ignoredClasses))) {
					$filteredTrace[] = $item;
				if(isset($item['class']) && isset($item['function']) && $item['class'] == 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite'
						&& $item['function'] == 'run') {

			$color = ($test['status'] == 2) ? 'yellow' : 'red';
			echo "\n" . SS_Cli::text($test['name'] . "\n". $test['message'] . "\n", $color, null);
			echo SS_Backtrace::get_rendered_backtrace($filteredTrace, true);
			echo "--------------------\n";