describe('Entwine', function(){ beforeEach(function(){ $('body').append('<div id="dom_test"></div>'); }); afterEach(function(){ $('#dom_test').remove(); }); describe('onadd and onremove', function(){ beforeEach(function(){ $.entwine.synchronous_mode(); $.entwine.clear_all_rules(); $('#dom_test').html('<div id="a" class="a b c"></div>'); }); describe('onremove', function(){ it('calls onremove on a removed element', function(){ var called = false; $('#a').entwine({ onremove: function(){called = true;} }); $('#a').remove(); expect(called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('calls onremove only on elements that match selectors, and does so when multiple elements are removed', function(){ var removed = []; $('#a').html('<div id="b" class="catchremove"></div><div id="c"></div><div id="d" class="catchremove"></div>'); $('.catchremove').entwine({ onremove: function(){removed.push(this.attr('id'));} }); $('#a').remove(); expect(removed).toEqual(['d', 'b']); }); it('allows access to data in an onremove handler', function(){ var val = 0; $('#a').data('Bam', 1); $('#a').entwine({ onremove: function(){val ='Bam');} }); $('#a').remove(); expect(val).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('onadd', function(){ it('calls onadd on an appended', function(){ var called = false; $('#b').entwine({ onadd: function(){called = true;} }); $('#a').append('<div id="b"></div>'); expect(called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('calls onadd on an child thats nested when appended', function(){ var called = false; $('#b').entwine({ onadd: function(){called = true;} }); $('#a').append('<div><div id="b"></div></div>'); expect(called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('calls onadd on an item added via html', function(){ var called = false; $('#b').entwine({ onadd: function(){called = true;} }); $('#a').html('<div></div><div><div id="b"></div></div>'); expect(called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('calls onadd and onremove correctly via replaceWith', function(){ var added = [], removed = [], sequence = []; $('#a,#b').entwine({ onadd: function(){ added.push(this.attr('id')); sequence.push(this.attr('id')); }, onremove: function(){ removed.push(this.attr('id')); sequence.push(this.attr('id')); } }); $('#a').replaceWith('<div></div><div><div id="b"></div></div>'); expect(added).toEqual(['b']); expect(removed).toEqual(['a']); expect(sequence).toEqual(['a', 'b']); }); }); }); });