then($callback1)->then($callback2)->thenIfErrored($callback3)->execute(); * * WARNING: This class is experimental and designed specifically for use pre-startup in main.php * It will likely be heavily refactored before the release of 3.2 */ class ErrorControlChain { public static $fatal_errors = null; // Initialised after class definition protected $error = false; protected $steps = array(); protected $suppression = true; /** We can't unregister_shutdown_function, so this acts as a flag to enable handling */ protected $handleFatalErrors = false; /** We overload display_errors to hide errors during execution, so we need to remember the original to restore to */ protected $originalDisplayErrors = null; public function hasErrored() { return $this->error; } public function setErrored($error) { $this->error = (bool)$error; } /** * Sets whether errors are suppressed or not * Notes: * - Errors cannot be suppressed if not handling errors. * - Errors cannot be un-suppressed if original mode dis-allowed visible errors * * @param bool $suppression */ public function setSuppression($suppression) { $this->suppression = (bool)$suppression; // Don't modify errors unless handling fatal errors, and if errors were // originally allowed to be displayed. if ($this->handleFatalErrors && $this->originalDisplayErrors) { ini_set('display_errors', !$suppression); } } /** * Add this callback to the chain of callbacks to call along with the state * that $error must be in this point in the chain for the callback to be called * * @param $callback - The callback to call * @param $onErrorState - false if only call if no errors yet, true if only call if already errors, null for either * @return $this */ public function then($callback, $onErrorState = false) { $this->steps[] = array( 'callback' => $callback, 'onErrorState' => $onErrorState ); return $this; } public function thenWhileGood($callback) { return $this->then($callback, false); } public function thenIfErrored($callback) { return $this->then($callback, true); } public function thenAlways($callback) { return $this->then($callback, null); } protected function lastErrorWasFatal() { $error = error_get_last(); return $error && ($error['type'] & self::$fatal_errors) != 0; } protected function lastErrorWasMemoryExhaustion() { $error = error_get_last(); $message = $error ? $error['message'] : ''; return stripos($message, 'memory') !== false && stripos($message, 'exhausted') !== false; } static $transtable = array( 'k' => 1024, 'm' => 1048576, 'g' => 1073741824 ); protected function translateMemstring($memString) { $char = strtolower(substr($memString, -1)); $fact = isset(self::$transtable[$char]) ? self::$transtable[$char] : 1; return ((int)$memString) * $fact; } public function handleFatalError() { if ($this->handleFatalErrors && $this->suppression) { if ($this->lastErrorWasFatal()) { if ($this->lastErrorWasMemoryExhaustion()) { // Bump up memory limit by an arbitrary 10% / 10MB (whichever is bigger) since we've run out $cur = $this->translateMemstring(ini_get('memory_limit')); if ($cur != -1) ini_set('memory_limit', $cur + max(round($cur*0.1), 10000000)); } $this->error = true; $this->step(); } } } public function execute() { register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'handleFatalError')); $this->handleFatalErrors = true; $this->originalDisplayErrors = ini_get('display_errors'); $this->setSuppression($this->suppression); $this->step(); } protected function step() { if ($this->steps) { $step = array_shift($this->steps); if ($step['onErrorState'] === null || $step['onErrorState'] === $this->error) { call_user_func($step['callback'], $this); } $this->step(); } else { // Now clean up $this->handleFatalErrors = false; ini_set('display_errors', $this->originalDisplayErrors); } } } ErrorControlChain::$fatal_errors = E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR; if (defined('E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR')) ErrorControlChain::$fatal_errors |= E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR;