TwelveHour( $match ); else $this->value = date('H:i:s', strtotime($value)); } else { $value = null; } } /** * Return a user friendly format for time * in a 12 hour format. * * @return string Time in 12 hour format */ function Nice() { return date('g:ia', strtotime($this->value)); } /** * Return a user friendly format for time * in a 24 hour format. * * @return string Time in 24 hour format */ function Nice24() { return date('H:i', strtotime($this->value)); } /** * Return the time using a particular formatting string. * * @param string $format Format code string. e.g. "g:ia" * @return string The date in the requested format */ function Format($format) { if($this->value) return date($format, strtotime($this->value)); } function TwelveHour( $parts ) { $hour = $parts[1]; $min = $parts[2]; $half = $parts[3]; // the transmation should exclude 12:00pm ~ 12:59pm $this->value = (( (strtolower($half) == 'pm') && $hour != '12') ? $hour + 12 : $hour ) .":$min:00"; } function requireField() { $parts=Array('datatype'=>'time', 'arrayValue'=>$this->arrayValue); $values=Array('type'=>'time', 'parts'=>$parts); DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, $values); } public function scaffoldFormField($title = null, $params = null) { return new TimeField($this->name, $title); } } ?>