logInWithPermission('ADMIN'); Versioned::set_stage(Versioned::DRAFT); // Set backend root to /AssetFieldTest TestAssetStore::activate('AssetFieldTest'); $create = function($path) { Filesystem::makeFolder(dirname($path)); $fh = fopen($path, "w+"); fwrite($fh, str_repeat('x', 1000000)); fclose($fh); }; // Write all DBFile references foreach(TestObject::get() as $object) { $path = TestAssetStore::getLocalPath($object->File); $create($path); } // Create a test files for each of the fixture references $files = File::get()->exclude('ClassName', Folder::class); foreach($files as $file) { $path = TestAssetStore::getLocalPath($file); $create($path); } } public function tearDown() { TestAssetStore::reset(); parent::tearDown(); } /** * Test that files can be uploaded against an object with no relation */ public function testUploadNoRelation() { $this->logInWithPermission('ADMIN'); $tmpFileName = 'testUploadBasic.txt'; $response = $this->mockFileUpload('NoRelationField', $tmpFileName); $responseJSON = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); $this->assertFalse($response->isError()); $this->assertEquals('MyDocuments/testUploadBasic.txt', $responseJSON[0]['filename']); $this->assertEquals('315ae4c3d44412baa0c81515b6fb35829a337a5a', $responseJSON[0]['hash']); $this->assertEmpty($responseJSON[0]['variant']); $this->assertFileExists( BASE_PATH . '/assets/AssetFieldTest/.protected/MyDocuments/315ae4c3d4/testUploadBasic.txt' ); } /** * Test that an object can be uploaded against a DBFile field * * @skipUpgrade */ public function testUploadDBFile() { $this->logInWithPermission('ADMIN'); // Unset existing has_one relation before re-uploading $record = $this->objFromFixture(TestObject::class, 'object1'); $record->FileFilename = null; $record->FileHash = null; $record->write(); // Firstly, ensure the file can be uploaded $tmpFileName = 'testUploadHasOneRelation.txt'; $response = $this->mockFileUpload('File', $tmpFileName); $responseJSON = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); $this->assertFalse($response->isError()); $this->assertFileExists( BASE_PATH . '/assets/AssetFieldTest/.protected/MyFiles/315ae4c3d4/testUploadHasOneRelation.txt' ); // Secondly, ensure that simply uploading an object does not save the file against the relation $record = TestObject::get()->byID($record->ID); $this->assertFalse($record->File->exists()); // Thirdly, test submitting the form with the encoded data $response = $this->mockUploadFileSave( 'File', $responseJSON[0]['filename'], $responseJSON[0]['hash'], $responseJSON[0]['variant'] ); $this->assertEmpty($response['errors']); $record = TestObject::get()->byID($record->ID); $this->assertTrue($record->File->exists()); $this->assertEquals('315ae4c3d44412baa0c81515b6fb35829a337a5a', $record->File->Hash); $this->assertEquals('MyFiles/testUploadHasOneRelation.txt', $record->File->Filename); $this->assertEmpty($record->File->Variant); } /** * Partially covered by {@link UploadTest->testUploadAcceptsAllowedExtension()}, * but this test additionally verifies that those constraints are actually enforced * in this controller method. * * @skipUpgrade */ public function testAllowedExtensions() { $this->logInWithPermission('ADMIN'); // Test invalid file // Relies on Upload_Validator failing to allow this extension $response = $this->mockFileUpload('File', 'invalid.php'); $response = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('error', $response[0])); $this->assertContains('Extension is not allowed', $response[0]['error']); // Test valid file $response = $this->mockFileUpload('File', 'valid.txt'); $response = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('error', $response[0])); // Test that allowed files cannot be uploaded to restricted field $response = $this->mockFileUpload('Image', 'valid.txt'); $response = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('error', $response[0])); $this->assertContains('Extension is not allowed', $response[0]['error']); } /** * Test that files can be removed from an existing field */ public function testRemoveFromHasOne() { $record = $this->objFromFixture(TestObject::class, 'object1'); // Check record exists $this->assertTrue($record->File->exists()); $filePath = TestAssetStore::getLocalPath($record->File); $this->assertFileExists($filePath); // Remove from record $response = $this->mockUploadFileSave(File::class, null, null, null); $this->assertEmpty($response['errors']); // Check file is removed $record = TestObject::get()->byID($record->ID); $this->assertFalse($record->File->exists()); // Check file object itself exists $this->assertFileNotExists($filePath, 'File is deleted once detached'); } /** * Test control output html */ public function testView() { $this->logInWithPermission('ADMIN'); $record = $this->objFromFixture(TestObject::class, 'object1'); // Requesting form is not an error $response = $this->get('AssetFieldTest_Controller'); $this->assertFalse($response->isError()); // File exists in this response $parser = new CSSContentParser($response->getBody()); $tuple = array(); $result = $parser->getBySelector( "#TestForm_Form_File_Holder .ss-uploadfield-files .ss-uploadfield-item input[type='hidden']" ); foreach($result as $part) { $name = (string)$part['name']; $value = (string)$part['value']; switch($name) { case 'File[Filename]': $tuple['Filename'] = $value; break; case 'File[Hash]': $tuple['Hash'] = $value; break; case 'File[Variant]': $tuple['Variant'] = $value; break; } } // Assert this value is correct $expected = array( 'Filename' => 'MyFiles/subfolder1/file-subfolder.txt', 'Hash' => '55b443b60176235ef09801153cca4e6da7494a0c', 'Variant' => '', ); $this->assertEquals($expected, $record->File->getValue()); $this->assertEquals($expected, $tuple); } public function testGetRecord() { $record = $this->objFromFixture(TestObject::class, 'object1'); $form = $this->getMockForm(); $field = AssetField::create('MyField'); $field->setForm($form); $this->assertNull($field->getRecord(), 'Returns no record by default'); $field = AssetField::create('MyField'); $field->setForm($form); $form->loadDataFrom($record); $this->assertEquals($record, $field->getRecord(), 'Returns record from form if available'); $field = AssetField::create('MyField'); $field->setForm($form); $field->setRecord($record); $this->assertEquals($record, $field->getRecord(), 'Returns record when set explicitly'); } /** * Test that getValue() / Value() methods work * * @skipUpgrade */ public function testValue() { $record = $this->objFromFixture(TestObject::class, 'object1'); // File field $field = AssetField::create('File'); $this->assertEmpty($field->Value()); $field->setValue(null, $record); $this->assertEquals(array( 'Filename' => 'MyFiles/subfolder1/file-subfolder.txt', 'Hash' => '55b443b60176235ef09801153cca4e6da7494a0c', 'Variant' => null, ), $field->Value()); // Empty field $field = AssetField::create('Image'); $this->assertEmpty($field->Value()); $field->setValue(null, $record); $this->assertEmpty($field->Value()); // Set via file (copies only tuple not the actual file reference) $file = $this->objFromFixture(File::class, 'file1'); $field->setValue($file); $this->assertEquals(array( 'Filename' => 'MyAssets/file1.txt', 'Hash' => '55b443b60176235ef09801153cca4e6da7494a0c', 'Variant' => null, ), $field->Value()); } public function testCanUploadWithPermissionCode() { Session::clear("loggedInAs"); $field = AssetField::create('MyField'); $field->setCanUpload(true); $this->assertTrue($field->canUpload()); $field->setCanUpload(false); $this->assertFalse($field->canUpload()); $field->setCanUpload('ADMIN'); $this->assertFalse($field->canUpload()); $this->logInWithPermission('ADMIN'); $field->setCanUpload(false); $this->assertFalse($field->canUpload()); $field->setCanUpload('ADMIN'); $this->assertTrue($field->canUpload()); } protected function getMockForm() { /** @skipUpgrade */ return new Form(new Controller(), 'Form', new FieldList(), new FieldList()); } /** * @param string $tmpFileName * @return array Emulating an entry in the $_FILES superglobal */ protected function getUploadFile($tmpFileName = 'AssetFieldTest-testUpload.txt') { $tmpFilePath = TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . $tmpFileName; $tmpFileContent = ''; for($i=0; $i<10000; $i++) $tmpFileContent .= '0'; file_put_contents($tmpFilePath, $tmpFileContent); // emulates the $_FILES array // Notice that unlike UploadFieldTest::getUploadFile the key is 'Upload' not 'Uploads' // and the value is a literal not an array return array( 'name' => array('Upload' => $tmpFileName), 'type' => array('Upload' => 'text/plaintext'), 'size' => array('Upload' => filesize($tmpFilePath)), 'tmp_name' => array('Upload' => $tmpFilePath), 'error' => array('Upload' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK), ); } /** * Simulates a form post to the test controller with the specified file tuple (Filename, Hash, Variant) * * @param string $fileField Name of field to assign ids to * @param string $filename * @param string $hash * @param string $variant * @return array Array with key 'errors' */ protected function mockUploadFileSave($fileField, $filename, $hash, $variant = null) { // collate file ids $data = array( 'action_submit' => 1, $fileField => array( 'Filename' => $filename, 'Hash' => $hash, 'Variant' => $variant ) ); $form = new TestForm(); $form->loadDataFrom($data, true); if($form->validationResult()->isValid()) { $record = $form->getRecord(); $form->saveInto($record); $record->write(); return array('errors' => null); } else { return array('errors' => $form->getValidator()->getErrors()); } } /** * Simulates a file upload * * @param string $fileField Name of the field to mock upload for * @param array $tmpFileName Name of temporary file to upload * @return HTTPResponse form response */ protected function mockFileUpload($fileField, $tmpFileName) { $upload = $this->getUploadFile($tmpFileName); $_FILES = array($fileField => $upload); return $this->post( "AssetFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/{$fileField}/upload", array($fileField => $upload) ); } }