import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'; import deepFreeze from 'deep-freeze-strict'; import { Field as ReduxFormField, reduxForm, SubmissionError, destroy as reduxDestroyForm, } from 'redux-form'; import * as schemaActions from 'state/schema/SchemaActions'; import merge from 'merge'; import Form from 'components/Form/Form'; import FormBuilder, { basePropTypes, schemaPropType } from 'components/FormBuilder/FormBuilder'; class FormBuilderLoader extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); this.clearSchema = this.clearSchema.bind(this); this.reduceSchemaErrors = this.reduceSchemaErrors.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.fetch(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.props.schemaUrl !== prevProps.schemaUrl) { this.clearSchema(prevProps.schemaUrl); this.fetch(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.clearSchema(this.props.schemaUrl); } /** * Get server-side validation messages returned and display them on the form. * * @param state * @returns {object} */ getMessages(state) { const messages = {}; // only error messages are collected // TODO define message type as standard "success", "info", "warning" and "danger" if (state && state.fields) { state.fields.forEach((field) => { if (field.message) { messages[] = field.message; } }); } return messages; } clearSchema(schemaUrl) { if (schemaUrl) { // we will reload the schema anyway when we mount again, this is here so that redux-form // doesn't preload previous data mistakenly. (since it only accepts initialised values) reduxDestroyForm(schemaUrl); this.props.schemaActions.setSchema(schemaUrl, null); } } /** * Handles updating the schema after response is received and gathering server-side validation * messages. * * @param {object} data * @param {string} action * @param {function} submitFn * @returns {Promise} */ handleSubmit(data, action, submitFn) { let promise = null; if (typeof this.props.handleSubmit === 'function') { promise = this.props.handleSubmit(data, action, submitFn); } else { promise = submitFn(); } if (!promise) { throw new Error('Promise was not returned for submitting'); } return promise .then(formSchema => { let schema = formSchema; if (schema) { // Strip errors out of schema response in preparation for setSchema and SubmissionError schema = this.reduceSchemaErrors(schema); this.props.schemaActions.setSchema(this.props.schemaUrl, schema); } return schema; }) // TODO Suggest storing messages in a separate redux store rather than throw an error // ref: .then(formSchema => { if (!formSchema || !formSchema.state) { return formSchema; } const messages = this.getMessages(formSchema.state); if (Object.keys(messages).length) { throw new SubmissionError(messages); } return formSchema; }); } /** * Given a submitted schema, ensure that any errors property is merged safely into * the state. * * @param {Object} schema - New schema result * @return {Object} */ reduceSchemaErrors(schema) { // Skip if there are no errors if (!schema.errors) { return schema; } // Inherit state from current schema if not being assigned in this request let reduced = Object.assign({}, schema); if (!reduced.state) { reduced = Object.assign({}, reduced, { state: this.props.schema.state }); } // Modify state.fields and replace state.messages reduced = Object.assign({}, reduced, { state: Object.assign({}, reduced.state, { // Replace message property for each field fields: => Object.assign({}, field, { message: schema.errors.find((error) => error.field ===, })), // Non-field messages messages: schema.errors.filter((error) => !error.field), }), }); // Can be safely discarded delete reduced.errors; return deepFreeze(reduced); } /** * Checks for any state override data provided, which will take precendence over the state * received through fetch. * * This is important for editing a WYSIWYG item which needs the form schema and only parts of * the form state. * * @param {object} state * @returns {object} */ overrideStateData(state) { if (!this.props.stateOverrides || !state) { return state; } const fieldOverrides = this.props.stateOverrides.fields; let fields = state.fields; if (fieldOverrides && fields) { fields = => { const fieldOverride = fieldOverrides.find((override) => ===; // need to be recursive for the unknown-sized "data" properly return (fieldOverride) ? merge.recursive(true, field, fieldOverride) : field; }); } return Object.assign({}, state, this.props.stateOverrides, { fields } ); } /** * Fetches data used to generate a form. This can be form schema and or form state data. * When the response comes back the data is saved to state. * * @param {Boolean} schema If form schema data should be returned in the response. * @param {Boolean} state If form state data should be returned in the response. * @return {Object} Promise from the AJAX request. */ fetch(schema = true, state = true) { // Note: `errors` is only valid for submissions, not schema requests, so omitted here const headerValues = []; if (schema) { headerValues.push('schema'); } if (state) { headerValues.push('state'); } if (this.props.loading) { return Promise.resolve({}); } // using `this.state.fetching` caused race-condition issues. this.props.schemaActions.setSchemaLoading(this.props.schemaUrl, true); return fetch(this.props.schemaUrl, { headers: { 'X-FormSchema-Request': headerValues.join() }, credentials: 'same-origin', }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(formSchema => { this.props.schemaActions.setSchemaLoading(this.props.schemaUrl, false); if (typeof !== 'undefined') { const overriddenSchema = Object.assign({}, formSchema, { state: this.overrideStateData(formSchema.state) } ); this.props.schemaActions.setSchema(this.props.schemaUrl, overriddenSchema); return overriddenSchema; } return formSchema; }); } render() { // If the response from fetching the initial data // hasn't come back yet, don't render anything. if (!this.props.schema || !this.props.schema.schema || this.props.loading) { return null; } const props = Object.assign({}, this.props, { form: this.props.schemaUrl, onSubmitSuccess: this.props.onSubmitSuccess, handleSubmit: this.handleSubmit, }); return ; } } FormBuilderLoader.propTypes = Object.assign({}, basePropTypes, { schemaActions: PropTypes.object, schemaUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired, schema: schemaPropType, form: PropTypes.string, submitting: PropTypes.bool, }); FormBuilderLoader.defaultProps = { // Perform this *outside* of render() to avoid re-rendering of the whole DOM structure // every time render() is triggered. baseFormComponent: reduxForm()(Form), baseFieldComponent: ReduxFormField, }; function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { const schema = state.schemas[ownProps.schemaUrl]; const reduxFormState = state.form && state.form[ownProps.schemaUrl]; const submitting = reduxFormState && reduxFormState.submitting; const values = reduxFormState && reduxFormState.values; const stateOverrides = schema && schema.stateOverride; const loading = schema && schema.metadata && schema.metadata.loading; return { schema, submitting, values, stateOverrides, loading }; } function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { schemaActions: bindActionCreators(schemaActions, dispatch), }; } export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(FormBuilderLoader);