update('source_file_comments', false); SSViewer_FromString::config()->update('cache_template', false); TestAssetStore::activate('SSViewerTest'); $this->oldServer = $_SERVER; } public function tearDown() { $_SERVER = $this->oldServer; TestAssetStore::reset(); parent::tearDown(); } /** * Tests for {@link Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme')} for different behaviour * of user defined themes via {@link SiteConfig} and default theme * when no user themes are defined. */ public function testCurrentTheme() { SSViewer::config()->update('theme', 'mytheme'); $this->assertEquals( 'mytheme', SSViewer::config()->uninherited('theme'), 'Current theme is the default - user has not defined one' ); } /** * Test that a template without a
tag still renders. */ public function testTemplateWithoutHeadRenders() { $data = new ArrayData( array( 'Var' => 'var value' ) ); $result = $data->renderWith("SSViewerTestPartialTemplate"); $this->assertEquals('Test partial template: var value', trim(preg_replace("//U", '', $result))); } public function testIncludeScopeInheritance() { $data = $this->getScopeInheritanceTestData(); $expected = array( 'Item 1 - First-ODD top:Item 1', 'Item 2 - EVEN top:Item 2', 'Item 3 - ODD top:Item 3', 'Item 4 - EVEN top:Item 4', 'Item 5 - ODD top:Item 5', 'Item 6 - Last-EVEN top:Item 6', ); $result = $data->renderWith('SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritance'); $this->assertExpectedStrings($result, $expected); // reset results for the tests that include arguments (the title is passed as an arg) $expected = array( 'Item 1 _ Item 1 - First-ODD top:Item 1', 'Item 2 _ Item 2 - EVEN top:Item 2', 'Item 3 _ Item 3 - ODD top:Item 3', 'Item 4 _ Item 4 - EVEN top:Item 4', 'Item 5 _ Item 5 - ODD top:Item 5', 'Item 6 _ Item 6 - Last-EVEN top:Item 6', ); $result = $data->renderWith('SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritanceWithArgs'); $this->assertExpectedStrings($result, $expected); } public function testIncludeTruthyness() { $data = new ArrayData( array( 'Title' => 'TruthyTest', 'Items' => new ArrayList( array( new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 1')), new ArrayData(array('Title' => '')), new ArrayData(array('Title' => true)), new ArrayData(array('Title' => false)), new ArrayData(array('Title' => null)), new ArrayData(array('Title' => 0)), new ArrayData(array('Title' => 7)) ) ) ) ); $result = $data->renderWith('SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritanceWithArgs'); // We should not end up with empty values appearing as empty $expected = array( 'Item 1 _ Item 1 - First-ODD top:Item 1', 'Untitled - EVEN top:', '1 _ 1 - ODD top:1', 'Untitled - EVEN top:', 'Untitled - ODD top:', 'Untitled - EVEN top:0', '7 _ 7 - Last-ODD top:7' ); $this->assertExpectedStrings($result, $expected); } private function getScopeInheritanceTestData() { return new ArrayData( array( 'Title' => 'TopTitleValue', 'Items' => new ArrayList( array( new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 1')), new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 2')), new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 3')), new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 4')), new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 5')), new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 6')) ) ) ) ); } private function assertExpectedStrings($result, $expected) { foreach ($expected as $expectedStr) { $this->assertTrue( (boolean) preg_match("/{$expectedStr}/", $result), "Didn't find '{$expectedStr}' in:\n{$result}" ); } } /** * Small helper to render templates from strings * * @param string $templateString * @param null $data * @param bool $cacheTemplate * @return string */ public function render($templateString, $data = null, $cacheTemplate = false) { $t = SSViewer::fromString($templateString, $cacheTemplate); if (!$data) { $data = new SSViewerTest\TestFixture(); } return trim(''.$t->process($data)); } public function testRequirements() { $requirements = $this->getMockBuilder(Requirements_Backend::class)->setMethods(array("javascript", "css")) ->getMock(); $jsFile = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/tests/forms/a.js'; $cssFile = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/tests/forms/a.js'; $requirements->expects($this->once())->method('javascript')->with($jsFile); $requirements->expects($this->once())->method('css')->with($cssFile); $origReq = Requirements::backend(); Requirements::set_backend($requirements); $template = $this->render( "<% require javascript($jsFile) %> <% require css($cssFile) %>" ); Requirements::set_backend($origReq); $this->assertFalse((bool)trim($template), "Should be no content in this return."); } public function testRequirementsCombine() { $testBackend = Injector::inst()->create(Requirements_Backend::class); $testBackend->setSuffixRequirements(false); //$combinedTestFilePath = BASE_PATH . '/' . $testBackend->getCombinedFilesFolder() . '/testRequirementsCombine.js'; $jsFile = $this->getCurrentRelativePath() . '/SSViewerTest/javascript/bad.js'; $jsFileContents = file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . '/' . $jsFile); $testBackend->combineFiles('testRequirementsCombine.js', array($jsFile)); // first make sure that our test js file causes an exception to be thrown try { include_once 'jsmin/jsmin.php'; JSMin::minify($jsFileContents); $this->fail('JSMin did not throw exception on minify bad file: '); } catch (Exception $e) { // exception thrown... good } // secondly, make sure that requirements is generated, even though minification failed $testBackend->processCombinedFiles(); $js = array_keys($testBackend->getJavascript()); $combinedTestFilePath = BASE_PATH . reset($js); $this->assertContains('_combinedfiles/testRequirementsCombine-4c0e97a.js', $combinedTestFilePath); // and make sure the combined content matches the input content, i.e. no loss of functionality if (!file_exists($combinedTestFilePath)) { $this->fail('No combined file was created at expected path: '.$combinedTestFilePath); } $combinedTestFileContents = file_get_contents($combinedTestFilePath); $this->assertContains($jsFileContents, $combinedTestFileContents); } public function testComments() { $output = $this->render( <<test
'; $this->assertRegExp('/test
'; $this->assertRegExp( '/test
'; $this->assertRegExp( '/[out:Arg1]
' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->render('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1=A %>'), 'A
' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->render('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1=A, Arg2=B %>'), 'A
' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->render('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1=A Bare String, Arg2=B Bare String %>'), 'A Bare String
B Bare String
' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->render( '<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1="A", Arg2=$B %>', new ArrayData(array('B' => 'Bar')) ), 'A
' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->render( '<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1="A" %>', new ArrayData(array('Arg1' => 'Foo', 'Arg2' => 'Bar')) ), 'A
' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->render( '<% include SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritanceWithArgsInLoop Title="SomeArg" %>', new ArrayData( array('Items' => new ArrayList( array( new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Foo')), new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Bar')) ) )) ) ), 'SomeArg - Foo - Bar - SomeArg' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->render( '<% include SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritanceWithArgsInWith Title="A" %>', new ArrayData(array('Item' => new ArrayData(array('Title' =>'B')))) ), 'A - B - A' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->render( '<% include SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritanceWithArgsInNestedWith Title="A" %>', new ArrayData( array( 'Item' => new ArrayData( array( 'Title' =>'B', 'NestedItem' => new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'C')) ) )) ) ), 'A - B - C - B - A' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->render( '<% include SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritanceWithUpAndTop Title="A" %>', new ArrayData( array( 'Item' => new ArrayData( array( 'Title' =>'B', 'NestedItem' => new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'C')) ) )) ) ), 'A - A - A' ); $data = new ArrayData( array( 'Nested' => new ArrayData( array( 'Object' => new ArrayData(array('Key' => 'A')) ) ), 'Object' => new ArrayData(array('Key' => 'B')) ) ); $tmpl = SSViewer::fromString('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeObjectArguments A=$Nested.Object, B=$Object %>'); $res = $tmpl->process($data); $this->assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace('A B', $res, 'Objects can be passed as named arguments'); } public function testNamespaceInclude() { $data = new ArrayData([]); $this->assertEquals( "tests:( NamespaceInclude\n )", $this->render('tests:( <% include Namespace\NamespaceInclude %> )', $data), 'Backslashes work for namespace references in includes' ); $this->assertEquals( "tests:( NamespaceInclude\n )", $this->render('tests:( <% include Namespace/NamespaceInclude %> )', $data), 'Forward slashes work for namespace references in includes' ); } public function testRecursiveInclude() { $view = new SSViewer(array('Includes/SSViewerTestRecursiveInclude')); $data = new ArrayData( array( 'Title' => 'A', 'Children' => new ArrayList( array( new ArrayData( array( 'Title' => 'A1', 'Children' => new ArrayList( array( new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A1 i', )), new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A1 ii', )), ) ), ) ), new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A2', )), new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A3', )), ) ), ) ); $result = $view->process($data); // We don't care about whitespace $rationalisedResult = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $result)); $this->assertEquals('A A1 A1 i A1 ii A2 A3', $rationalisedResult); } public function assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace($a, $b, $message = '') { $this->assertEquals(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $a), preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $b), $message); } /** * See {@link ViewableDataTest} for more extensive casting tests, * this test just ensures that basic casting is correctly applied during template parsing. */ public function testCastingHelpers() { $vd = new SSViewerTest\TestViewableData(); $vd->TextValue = 'html'; $vd->HTMLValue = 'html'; $vd->UncastedValue = 'html'; // Value casted as "Text" $this->assertEquals( '<b>html</b>', $t = SSViewer::fromString('$TextValue')->process($vd) ); $this->assertEquals( 'html', $t = SSViewer::fromString('$TextValue.RAW')->process($vd) ); $this->assertEquals( '<b>html</b>', $t = SSViewer::fromString('$TextValue.XML')->process($vd) ); // Value casted as "HTMLText" $this->assertEquals( 'html', $t = SSViewer::fromString('$HTMLValue')->process($vd) ); $this->assertEquals( 'html', $t = SSViewer::fromString('$HTMLValue.RAW')->process($vd) ); $this->assertEquals( '<b>html</b>', $t = SSViewer::fromString('$HTMLValue.XML')->process($vd) ); // Uncasted value (falls back to ViewableData::$default_cast="Text") $vd = new SSViewerTest\TestViewableData(); $vd->UncastedValue = 'html'; $this->assertEquals( '<b>html</b>', $t = SSViewer::fromString('$UncastedValue')->process($vd) ); $this->assertEquals( 'html', $t = SSViewer::fromString('$UncastedValue.RAW')->process($vd) ); $this->assertEquals( '<b>html</b>', $t = SSViewer::fromString('$UncastedValue.XML')->process($vd) ); } public function testSSViewerBasicIteratorSupport() { $data = new ArrayData( array( 'Set' => new ArrayList( array( new SSViewerTest\TestObject("1"), new SSViewerTest\TestObject("2"), new SSViewerTest\TestObject("3"), new SSViewerTest\TestObject("4"), new SSViewerTest\TestObject("5"), new SSViewerTest\TestObject("6"), new SSViewerTest\TestObject("7"), new SSViewerTest\TestObject("8"), new SSViewerTest\TestObject("9"), new SSViewerTest\TestObject("10"), ) ) ) ); //base test $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$Number<% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("12345678910", $result, "Numbers rendered in order"); //test First $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if First %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("1", $result, "Only the first number is rendered"); //test Last $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Last %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("10", $result, "Only the last number is rendered"); //test Even $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Even() %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("246810", $result, "Even numbers rendered in order"); //test Even with quotes $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Even("1") %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("246810", $result, "Even numbers rendered in order"); //test Even without quotes $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Even(1) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("246810", $result, "Even numbers rendered in order"); //test Even with zero-based start index $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Even("0") %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("13579", $result, "Even (with zero-based index) numbers rendered in order"); //test Odd $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Odd %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("13579", $result, "Odd numbers rendered in order"); //test FirstLast $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if FirstLast %>$Number$FirstLast<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("1first10last", $result, "First and last numbers rendered in order"); //test Middle $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Middle %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("23456789", $result, "Middle numbers rendered in order"); //test MiddleString $result = $this->render( '<% loop Set %><% if MiddleString == "middle" %>$Number$MiddleString<% end_if %>' . '<% end_loop %>', $data ); $this->assertEquals( "2middle3middle4middle5middle6middle7middle8middle9middle", $result, "Middle numbers rendered in order" ); //test EvenOdd $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$EvenOdd<% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals( "oddevenoddevenoddevenoddevenoddeven", $result, "Even and Odd is returned in sequence numbers rendered in order" ); //test Pos $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$Pos<% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("12345678910", $result, '$Pos is rendered in order'); //test Pos $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$Pos(0)<% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("0123456789", $result, '$Pos(0) is rendered in order'); //test FromEnd $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$FromEnd<% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("10987654321", $result, '$FromEnd is rendered in order'); //test FromEnd $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$FromEnd(0)<% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("9876543210", $result, '$FromEnd(0) rendered in order'); //test Total $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$TotalItems<% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("10101010101010101010", $result, "10 total items X 10 are returned"); //test Modulus $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$Modulus(2,1)<% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("1010101010", $result, "1-indexed pos modular divided by 2 rendered in order"); //test MultipleOf 3 $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(3) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("369", $result, "Only numbers that are multiples of 3 are returned"); //test MultipleOf 4 $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(4) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("48", $result, "Only numbers that are multiples of 4 are returned"); //test MultipleOf 5 $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(5) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("510", $result, "Only numbers that are multiples of 5 are returned"); //test MultipleOf 10 $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(10,1) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("10", $result, "Only numbers that are multiples of 10 (with 1-based indexing) are returned"); //test MultipleOf 9 zero-based $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(9,0) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals( "110", $result, "Only numbers that are multiples of 9 with zero-based indexing are returned. (The first and last item)" ); //test MultipleOf 11 $result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(11) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>', $data); $this->assertEquals("", $result, "Only numbers that are multiples of 11 are returned. I.e. nothing returned"); } /** * Test $Up works when the scope $Up refers to was entered with a "with" block */ public function testUpInWith() { // Data to run the loop tests on - three levels deep $data = new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'Top', 'Foo' => new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'Foo', 'Bar' => new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'Bar', 'Baz' => new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'Baz' ) ), 'Qux' => new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'Qux' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); // Basic functionality $this->assertEquals( 'BarFoo', $this->render('<% with Foo %><% with Bar %>{$Name}{$Up.Name}<% end_with %><% end_with %>', $data) ); // Two level with block, up refers to internally referenced Bar $this->assertEquals( 'BarFoo', $this->render('<% with Foo.Bar %>{$Name}{$Up.Name}<% end_with %>', $data) ); // Stepping up & back down the scope tree $this->assertEquals( 'BazBarQux', $this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %>{$Name}{$Up.Name}{$Up.Qux.Name}<% end_with %>', $data) ); // Using $Up in a with block $this->assertEquals( 'BazBarQux', $this->render( '<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %>{$Name}<% with $Up %>{$Name}{$Qux.Name}<% end_with %>' .'<% end_with %>', $data ) ); // Stepping up & back down the scope tree with with blocks $this->assertEquals( 'BazBarQuxBarBaz', $this->render( '<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %>{$Name}<% with $Up %>{$Name}<% with Qux %>{$Name}<% end_with %>' . '{$Name}<% end_with %>{$Name}<% end_with %>', $data ) ); // Using $Up.Up, where first $Up points to a previous scope entered using $Up, thereby skipping up to Foo $this->assertEquals( 'Foo', $this->render( '<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %><% with Up %><% with Qux %>{$Up.Up.Name}<% end_with %><% end_with %>' . '<% end_with %>', $data ) ); // Using $Up.Up, where first $Up points to an Up used in a local scope lookup, should still skip to Foo $this->assertEquals( 'Foo', $this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz.Up.Qux %>{$Up.Up.Name}<% end_with %>', $data) ); } /** * Test $Up works when the scope $Up refers to was entered with a "loop" block */ public function testUpInLoop() { // Data to run the loop tests on - one sequence of three items, each with a subitem $data = new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'Top', 'Foo' => new ArrayList( array( new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => '1', 'Sub' => new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'Bar' ) ) ) ), new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => '2', 'Sub' => new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'Baz' ) ) ) ), new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => '3', 'Sub' => new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'Qux' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); // Make sure inside a loop, $Up refers to the current item of the loop $this->assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace( '111 222 333', $this->render( '<% loop $Foo %>$Name<% with $Sub %>$Up.Name<% end_with %>$Name<% end_loop %>', $data ) ); // Make sure inside a loop, looping over $Up uses a separate iterator, // and doesn't interfere with the original iterator $this->assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace( '1Bar123Bar1 2Baz123Baz2 3Qux123Qux3', $this->render( '<% loop $Foo %> $Name <% with $Sub %> $Name <% loop $Up %>$Name<% end_loop %> $Name <% end_with %> $Name <% end_loop %>', $data ) ); // Make sure inside a loop, looping over $Up uses a separate iterator, // and doesn't interfere with the original iterator or local lookups $this->assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace( '1 Bar1 123 1Bar 1 2 Baz2 123 2Baz 2 3 Qux3 123 3Qux 3', $this->render( '<% loop $Foo %> $Name <% with $Sub %> {$Name}{$Up.Name} <% loop $Up %>$Name<% end_loop %> {$Up.Name}{$Name} <% end_with %> $Name <% end_loop %>', $data ) ); } /** * Test that nested loops restore the loop variables correctly when pushing and popping states */ public function testNestedLoops() { // Data to run the loop tests on - one sequence of three items, one with child elements // (of a different size to the main sequence) $data = new ArrayData( array( 'Foo' => new ArrayList( array( new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => '1', 'Children' => new ArrayList( array( new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'a' ) ), new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => 'b' ) ), ) ), ) ), new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => '2', 'Children' => new ArrayList(), ) ), new ArrayData( array( 'Name' => '3', 'Children' => new ArrayList(), ) ), ) ), ) ); // Make sure that including a loop inside a loop will not destroy the internal count of // items, checked by using "Last" $this->assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace( '1ab23last', $this->render( '<% loop $Foo %>$Name<% loop Children %>$Name<% end_loop %><% if Last %>last<% end_if %>' . '<% end_loop %>', $data ) ); } public function testLayout() { $this->useTestTheme( __DIR__.'/SSViewerTest', 'layouttest', function () { $template = new SSViewer(array('Page')); $this->assertEquals("Foo\n\n", $template->process(new ArrayData(array()))); $template = new SSViewer(array('Shortcodes', 'Page')); $this->assertEquals("[file_link]\n\n", $template->process(new ArrayData(array()))); } ); } /** * @covers \SilverStripe\View\SSViewer::get_templates_by_class() */ public function testGetTemplatesByClass() { $this->useTestTheme( __DIR__ . '/SSViewerTest', 'layouttest', function () { // Test passing a string $templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class( SSViewerTestModelController::class, '', Controller::class ); $this->assertEquals( [ SSViewerTestModelController::class, [ 'type' => 'Includes', SSViewerTestModelController::class, ], SSViewerTestModel::class, Controller::class, [ 'type' => 'Includes', Controller::class, ], ], $templates ); // Test to ensure we're stopping at the base class. $templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class( SSViewerTestModelController::class, '', SSViewerTestModelController::class ); $this->assertEquals( [ SSViewerTestModelController::class, [ 'type' => 'Includes', SSViewerTestModelController::class, ], SSViewerTestModel::class, ], $templates ); // Make sure we can search templates by suffix. $templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class( SSViewerTestModel::class, 'Controller', DataObject::class ); $this->assertEquals( [ SSViewerTestModelController::class, [ 'type' => 'Includes', SSViewerTestModelController::class, ], DataObject::class . 'Controller', [ 'type' => 'Includes', DataObject::class . 'Controller', ], ], $templates ); // Let's throw something random in there. $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException'); SSViewer::get_templates_by_class(array()); } ); } public function testRewriteHashlinks() { SSViewer::config()->update('rewrite_hash_links', true); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'www.mysite.com'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '//file.com?foo"onclick="alert(\'xss\')""'; // Emulate SSViewer::process() // Note that leading double slashes have been rewritten to prevent these being mis-interepreted // as protocol-less absolute urls $base = Convert::raw2att('/file.com?foo"onclick="alert(\'xss\')""'); $tmplFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/SSViewerTest_testRewriteHashlinks_' . sha1(rand()) . '.ss'; // Note: SSViewer_FromString doesn't rewrite hash links. file_put_contents( $tmplFile, ' <% base_tag %> ExternalInlineLink $ExternalInsertedLink InlineLink $InsertedLink ' ); $tmpl = new SSViewer($tmplFile); $obj = new ViewableData(); $obj->InsertedLink = DBField::create_field( 'HTMLFragment', 'InsertedLink' ); $obj->ExternalInsertedLink = DBField::create_field( 'HTMLFragment', 'ExternalInsertedLink' ); $result = $tmpl->process($obj); $this->assertContains( 'InsertedLink', $result ); $this->assertContains( 'ExternalInsertedLink', $result ); $this->assertContains( 'InlineLink', $result ); $this->assertContains( 'ExternalInlineLink', $result ); $this->assertContains( '', $result, 'SSTemplateParser should only rewrite anchor hrefs' ); unlink($tmplFile); } public function testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode() { SSViewer::config()->update('rewrite_hash_links', 'php'); $tmplFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/SSViewerTest_testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode_' . sha1(rand()) . '.ss'; // Note: SSViewer_FromString doesn't rewrite hash links. file_put_contents( $tmplFile, ' <% base_tag %> InlineLink $InsertedLink ' ); $tmpl = new SSViewer($tmplFile); $obj = new ViewableData(); $obj->InsertedLink = DBField::create_field( 'HTMLFragment', 'InsertedLink' ); $result = $tmpl->process($obj); $code = <<<'EOC' #anchor">InsertedLink EOC; $this->assertContains($code, $result); // TODO Fix inline links in PHP mode // $this->assertContains( // '', $result, 'SSTemplateParser should only rewrite anchor hrefs' ); unlink($tmplFile); } public function testRenderWithSourceFileComments() { Director::set_environment_type('dev'); SSViewer::config()->update('source_file_comments', true); $i = __DIR__ . '/SSViewerTest/templates/Includes'; $f = __DIR__ . '/SSViewerTest/templates/SSViewerTestComments'; $templates = array( array( 'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSource', 'expected' => "" . "" . "" . "" . "\t" . "\t" . "" . "", ), array( 'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSourceHTML4Doctype', 'expected' => "" . "" . "" . "" . "\t" . "\t" . "" . "", ), array( 'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSourceNoDoctype', 'expected' => "" . "" . "\t" . "\t" . "", ), array( 'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSourceIfIE', 'expected' => "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . " " . "\t" . "\t" . "" . "", ), array( 'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSourceIfIENoDoctype', 'expected' => "" . "" . "" . " " . "" . " " . "\t" . "\t" . "", ), array( 'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsPartialSource', 'expected' => "" . "" . "", ), array( 'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsWithInclude', 'expected' => "" . "