$(document).ready(function () { /** * Toggle field readonly modes, if check configuration comes from * environment variables (values populated on reload). */ $('#use_environment').click(function (e) { if (!$(this).is(':checked')) { $('.configured-by-env').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { $('.configured-by-env').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); /** * Hide all existing database warnings, and show only current one */ $('#database_selection li label, #database_selection input:radio').click(function (e) { $('.dbfields').hide(); // only show fields if there's no db error if (!$('.databaseError', $(this).parent()).length) { $('.dbfields', $(this).parent()).show(); } $('.databaseError').hide(); $('.databaseError', $(this).parent()).show(); }); // Select first $('#database_selection li input:checked').siblings('label').click(); /** * Install button */ $('#reinstall_confirmation').click(function () { $('#install_button').attr('disabled', !$(this).is(':checked')); }); $('#install_button').click(function () { $('#saving_top').hide(); $(this).val('Installing SilverStripe...'); }); /** * Show all the requirements */ $('h5.requirement a').click(function () { if ($(this).text() == 'Hide All Requirements') { // hide the shown requirements $(this).parents('h5').next('table.testResults').find('.good').hide(); $(this).text('Show All Requirements'); } else { // show the requirements. $(this).parents('h5').next('table.testResults').find('.good').show(); $(this).text('Hide All Requirements'); } return false; }); });