[ VersionedGridFieldStateExtension::class, ], GridFieldConfig_Base::class => [ VersionedGridFieldStateExtension::class, ], ]; public function testGridField() { $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield'); $this->assertTrue($obj instanceof GridField, 'Test that the constructor arguments are valid'); } public function testGridFieldSetList() { $list = ArrayList::create([1 => 'hello', 2 => 'goodbye']); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list); $this->assertEquals($list, $obj->getList(), 'Testing getList'); } public function testGridFieldDefaultConfig() { $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield'); $expectedComponents = new ArrayList([ new GridFieldToolbarHeader(), new GridFieldButtonRow(), $sort = new GridFieldSortableHeader(), $filter = new GridFieldFilterHeader(), new GridFieldDataColumns(), new GridFieldPageCount('toolbar-header-right'), $pagination = new GridFieldPaginator(), new GridState_Component(), ]); $sort->setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType(false); $filter->setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType(false); $pagination->setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType(false); $this->assertEquals($expectedComponents, $obj->getConfig()->getComponents(), 'Testing default Config'); } public function testGridFieldSetCustomConfig() { $config = GridFieldConfig::create(); $config->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableHeader()); $config->addComponent(new GridFieldDataColumns()); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', ArrayList::create([]), $config); $expectedComponents = new ArrayList( [ 0 => new GridFieldSortableHeader, 1 => new GridFieldDataColumns, 2 => new GridState_Component, ] ); $this->assertEquals($expectedComponents, $obj->getConfig()->getComponents(), 'Testing default Config'); } public function testGridFieldModelClass() { $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', Member::get()); $this->assertEquals(Member::class, $obj->getModelClass(), 'Should return Member'); $obj->setModelClass(Group::class); $this->assertEquals(Group::class, $obj->getModelClass(), 'Should return Group'); } public function testGridFieldModelClassThrowsException() { $this->expectException(LogicException::class); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', ArrayList::create()); $obj->getModelClass(); } public function testSetAndGetList() { $list = Member::get(); $arrayList = ArrayList::create([1, 2, 3]); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list); $this->assertEquals($list, $obj->getList()); $obj->setList($arrayList); $this->assertEquals($arrayList, $obj->getList()); } public function testGetState() { $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield'); $this->assertTrue($obj->getState() instanceof GridState_Data); $this->assertTrue($obj->getState(false) instanceof GridState); } /** * Tests usage of nested GridState values */ public function testGetStateData() { $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield'); // Check value persistence $this->assertEquals(15, $obj->State->NoValue(15)); $this->assertEquals(15, $obj->State->NoValue(-1)); $obj->State->NoValue = 10; $this->assertEquals(10, $obj->State->NoValue); $this->assertEquals(10, $obj->State->NoValue(20)); // Test that values can be set, unset, and inspected $this->assertFalse(isset($obj->State->NotSet)); $obj->State->NotSet = false; $this->assertTrue(isset($obj->State->NotSet)); unset($obj->State->NotSet); $this->assertFalse(isset($obj->State->NotSet)); // Test that false evaluating values are storable $this->assertEquals(0, $obj->State->Falsey0(0)); // expect 0 back $this->assertEquals(0, $obj->State->Falsey0(10)); // expect 0 back $this->assertEquals(0, $obj->State->Falsey0); //expect 0 back $obj->State->Falsey0 = 0; //manually assign 0 $this->assertEquals(0, $obj->State->Falsey0); //expect 0 back // Test that false is storable $this->assertFalse($obj->State->Falsey2(false)); $this->assertFalse($obj->State->Falsey2(true)); $this->assertFalse($obj->State->Falsey2); $obj->State->Falsey2 = false; $this->assertFalse($obj->State->Falsey2); // Check nested values $this->assertInstanceOf('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridState_Data', $obj->State->Nested); $this->assertInstanceOf('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridState_Data', $obj->State->Nested->DeeperNested()); $this->assertEquals(3, $obj->State->Nested->DataValue(3)); $this->assertEquals(10, $obj->State->Nested->DeeperNested->DataValue(10)); } public function testGetColumns() { $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', Member::get()); $expected = [ 0 => 'FirstName', 1 => 'Surname', 2 => 'Email', ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $obj->getColumns()); } public function testGetColumnCount() { $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', Member::get()); $this->assertEquals(3, $obj->getColumnCount()); } public function testGetColumnContent() { $list = new ArrayList( [ new Member(["ID" => 1, "Email" => "test@example.org"]) ] ); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list); $this->assertEquals('test@example.org', $obj->getColumnContent($list->first(), 'Email')); } public function testGetColumnContentBadArguments() { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $list = new ArrayList( [ new Member(["ID" => 1, "Email" => "test@example.org"]) ] ); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list); $obj->getColumnContent($list->first(), 'non-existing'); } public function testGetColumnAttributesEmptyArray() { $list = new ArrayList( [ new Member(["ID" => 1, "Email" => "test@example.org"]) ] ); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list); $this->assertEquals(['class' => 'col-Email'], $obj->getColumnAttributes($list->first(), 'Email')); } public function testGetColumnAttributes() { $list = new ArrayList( [ new Member(["ID" => 1, "Email" => "test@example.org"]) ] ); $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponent(new Component); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list, $config); $this->assertEquals(['class' => 'css-class'], $obj->getColumnAttributes($list->first(), 'Email')); } public function testGetColumnAttributesBadArguments() { $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $list = new ArrayList( [ new Member(["ID" => 1, "Email" => "test@example.org"]) ] ); $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponent(new Component); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list, $config); $obj->getColumnAttributes($list->first(), 'Non-existing'); } public function testGetColumnAttributesBadResponseFromComponent() { $this->expectException(\LogicException::class); $list = new ArrayList( [ new Member(["ID" => 1, "Email" => "test@example.org"]) ] ); $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponent(new Component); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list, $config); $obj->getColumnAttributes($list->first(), 'Surname'); } public function testGetColumnMetadata() { $list = new ArrayList( [ new Member(["ID" => 1, "Email" => "test@example.org"]) ] ); $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponent(new Component); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list, $config); $this->assertEquals(['metadata' => 'istrue'], $obj->getColumnMetadata('Email')); } public function testGetColumnMetadataBadResponseFromComponent() { $this->expectException(\LogicException::class); $list = new ArrayList( [ new Member(["ID" => 1, "Email" => "test@example.org"]) ] ); $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponent(new Component); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list, $config); $obj->getColumnMetadata('Surname'); } public function testGetColumnMetadataBadArguments() { $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $list = ArrayList::create(); $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponent(new Component); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list, $config); $obj->getColumnMetadata('non-exist-qweqweqwe'); } public function testHandleActionBadArgument() { $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield'); $obj->handleAlterAction('prft', [], []); } public function testHandleAction() { $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponent(new Component); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', ArrayList::create(), $config); $this->assertEquals('handledAction is executed', $obj->handleAlterAction('jump', [], [])); } public function testGetCastedValue() { $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield'); $value = $obj->getCastedValue('This is a sentence. This ia another.', ['Text->FirstSentence']); $this->assertEquals('This is a sentence.', $value); } public function testGetCastedValueObject() { $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield'); $value = $obj->getCastedValue('Here is some content', 'Text'); $this->assertEquals('Here is some <html> content', $value); } public function testGridFieldAlterAction() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); // $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponent(new GridFieldTest_Component); // $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', ArrayList::create(), $config); // $id = 'testGridStateActionField'; // Session::set($id, array('grid'=>'', 'actionName'=>'jump')); // $form = new Form(null, 'mockform', new FieldList(array($obj)), new FieldList()); // $request = new HTTPRequest('POST', 'url'); // $obj->gridFieldAlterAction(array('StateID'=>$id), $form, $request); } /** * Test the interface for adding custom HTML fragment slots via a component */ public function testGridFieldCustomFragments() { new HTMLFragments( [ "header-left-actions" => "left\$DefineFragment(nested-left)", "header-right-actions" => "right", ] ); new HTMLFragments( [ "nested-left" => "[inner]", ] ); $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents( new HTMLFragments( [ "header" => "
" . "
", ] ), new HTMLFragments( [ "header-left-actions" => "left", "header-right-actions" => "rightone", ] ), new HTMLFragments( [ "header-right-actions" => "righttwo", ] ) ); $field = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', ArrayList::create(), $config); $form = new Form(null, 'testform', new FieldList([$field]), new FieldList()); $this->assertStringContainsString( "
", $field->FieldHolder() ); } /** * Test the nesting of custom fragments */ public function testGridFieldCustomFragmentsNesting() { $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents( new HTMLFragments( [ "level-one" => "first", ] ), new HTMLFragments( [ "before" => "
", ] ), new HTMLFragments( [ "level-one" => "\$DefineFragment(level-two)", ] ), new HTMLFragments( [ "level-two" => "second", ] ) ); $field = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', ArrayList::create(), $config); $form = new Form(null, 'testform', new FieldList([$field]), new FieldList()); $this->assertStringContainsString( "
", $field->FieldHolder() ); } /** * Test that circular dependencies throw an exception */ public function testGridFieldCustomFragmentsCircularDependencyThrowsException() { $this->expectException(\LogicException::class); $config = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents( new HTMLFragments( [ "level-one" => "first", ] ), new HTMLFragments( [ "before" => "
", ] ), new HTMLFragments( [ "level-one" => "\$DefineFragment(level-two)", ] ), new HTMLFragments( [ "level-two" => "\$DefineFragment(level-one)", ] ) ); $field = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', ArrayList::create(), $config); $form = new Form(null, 'testform', new FieldList([$field]), new FieldList()); $field->FieldHolder(); } public function testCanViewOnlyOddIDs() { $this->logInWithPermission(); $list = new ArrayList( [ new Permissions( [ "ID" => 1, "Email" => "ongi.schwimmer@example.org", 'Name' => 'Ongi Schwimmer' ] ), new Permissions( [ "ID" => 2, "Email" => "klaus.lozenge@example.org", 'Name' => 'Klaus Lozenge' ] ), new Permissions( [ "ID" => 3, "Email" => "otto.fischer@example.org", 'Name' => 'Otto Fischer' ] ) ] ); $config = new GridFieldConfig(); $config->addComponent(new GridFieldDataColumns()); $obj = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list, $config); $form = new Form(null, 'mockform', new FieldList([$obj]), new FieldList()); $content = new CSSContentParser($obj->FieldHolder()); $members = $content->getBySelector('.ss-gridfield-item tr'); $this->assertEquals(2, count($members ?? [])); $this->assertEquals( (string)$members[0]->td[0], 'Ongi Schwimmer', 'First object Name should be Ongi Schwimmer' ); $this->assertEquals( (string)$members[0]->td[1], 'ongi.schwimmer@example.org', 'First object Email should be ongi.schwimmer@example.org' ); $this->assertEquals( (string)$members[1]->td[0], 'Otto Fischer', 'Second object Name should be Otto Fischer' ); $this->assertEquals( (string)$members[1]->td[1], 'otto.fischer@example.org', 'Second object Email should be otto.fischer@example.org' ); } public function testChainedDataManipulators() { $config = new GridFieldConfig(); $data = new ArrayList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); $gridField = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $data, $config); $endList = $gridField->getManipulatedList(); $this->assertEquals($endList->count(), 6); $config->addComponent(new Component2); $endList = $gridField->getManipulatedList(); $this->assertEquals($endList->count(), 12); $config->addComponent(new GridFieldPaginator(10)); $endList = $gridField->getManipulatedList(); $this->assertEquals($endList->count(), 10); } public function testValidationMessageInOutput() { $gridField = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', new ArrayList(), new GridFieldConfig()); $fieldList = new FieldList([$gridField]); $validator = new TestValidator(); $form = new Form(null, "testForm", $fieldList, new FieldList(), $validator); // A form that fails validation should display the validation error in the FieldHolder output. $form->validationResult(); $gridfieldOutput = $gridField->FieldHolder(); $this->assertStringContainsString('


', $gridfieldOutput); // Clear validation error from previous assertion. $validator->removeValidation(); $gridField->setMessage(null); // A form that passes validation should not display a validation error in the FieldHolder output. $form->setValidator(new RequiredFields()); $form->validationResult(); $gridfieldOutput = $gridField->FieldHolder(); $this->assertStringNotContainsString('

', $gridfieldOutput); } public function testAddRequestToURL() { $gridField = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield'); $link = Controller::join_links('class-name', 'item', '1'); // The actual URL path here is arbitrary $request = new HTTPRequest( 'POST', 'admin/gridfield', [ 'gridState-Test-0' => [ 'State' => [ 'Column' => 'Name' ], ] ], [ 'action_gridFieldAlterAction?StateID=1', 'ActionState' => json_encode([ 'grid' => $gridField->getName(), 'actionName' => 'edit', 'args' => [], ]), 'gridState-Test-1' => [ 'State' => [ 'Column' => 'Name' ], ] ] ); $request->setRouteParams(['Action' => 'edit']); $gridField->setRequest($request); $this->assertEquals( $gridField->addAllStateToUrl($link), '/class-name/item/1?gridState-Test-0%5BState%5D%5BColumn%5D=Name&gridState-Test-1%5BState%5D%5BColumn%5D=Name' ); // The actual URL path here is arbitrary $request = new HTTPRequest( 'GET', 'admin/gridfield', [ 'action_gridFieldAlterAction?StateID=1', 'ActionState' => json_encode([ 'grid' => $gridField->getName(), 'actionName' => 'edit', 'args' => [], ]), 'gridState-Test' => [ 'State' => [ 'Column' => 'Name' ], ] ] ); $request->setRouteParams(['Action' => 'edit']); $gridField->setRequest($request); $this->assertEquals( $gridField->addAllStateToUrl($link), '/class-name/item/1?gridState-Test%5BState%5D%5BColumn%5D=Name' ); } }