
class HTTPRequestTest extends SapphireTest {
	protected static $fixture_file = null;

	public function testMatch() {
		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest("GET", "admin/crm/add");

		/* When a rule matches, but has no variables, array("_matched" => true) is returned. */
		$this->assertEquals(array("_matched" => true), $request->match('admin/crm', true));

		/* Becasue we shifted admin/crm off the stack, just "add" should be remaining */
		$this->assertEquals("add", $request->remaining());

		$this->assertEquals(array("_matched" => true), $request->match('add', true));

	public function testHttpMethodOverrides() {
		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			'GET with no method override'

		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			'POST with no method override'

		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			array('_method' => 'DELETE')
			'GET with invalid POST method override'

		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			array('_method' => 'DELETE')
			'POST with valid method override to DELETE'

		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			array('_method' => 'put')
			'POST with valid method override to PUT'

		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			array('_method' => 'head')
			'POST with valid method override to HEAD '

		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			array('_method' => 'head')
			'POST with valid method override to HEAD'

		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			array('_method' => 'head')
			'POST with invalid method override by GET parameters to HEAD'

	public function testRequestVars() {
		$getVars = array(
			'first' => 'a',
			'second' => 'b',
		$postVars = array(
			'third' => 'c',
			'fourth' => 'd',
		$requestVars = array(
			'first' => 'a',
			'second' => 'b',
			'third' => 'c',
			'fourth' => 'd',
		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			'GET parameters should supplement POST parameters'

		$getVars = array(
			'first' => 'a',
			'second' => 'b',
		$postVars = array(
			'first' => 'c',
			'third' => 'd',
		$requestVars = array(
			'first' => 'c',
			'second' => 'b',
			'third' => 'd',
		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			'POST parameters should override GET parameters'

		$getVars = array(
			'first' => array(
				'first' => 'a',
			'second' => array(
				'second' => 'b',
		$postVars = array(
			'first' => array(
				'first' => 'c',
			'third' => array(
				'third' => 'd',
		$requestVars = array(
			'first' => array(
				'first' => 'c',
			'second' => array(
				'second' => 'b',
			'third' => array(
				'third' => 'd',
		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			'Nested POST parameters should override GET parameters'

		$getVars = array(
			'first' => array(
				'first' => 'a',
			'second' => array(
				'second' => 'b',
		$postVars = array(
			'first' => array(
				'second' => 'c',
			'third' => array(
				'third' => 'd',
		$requestVars = array(
			'first' => array(
				'first' => 'a',
				'second' => 'c',
			'second' => array(
				'second' => 'b',
			'third' => array(
				'third' => 'd',
		$request = new SS_HTTPRequest(
			'Nested GET parameters should supplement POST parameters'

	public function testIsAjax() {
		$req = new SS_HTTPRequest('GET', '/', array('ajax' => 0));

		$req = new SS_HTTPRequest('GET', '/', array('ajax' => 1));

		$req = new SS_HTTPRequest('GET', '/');
		$req->addHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');

	public function testGetURL() {
		$req = new SS_HTTPRequest('GET', '/');
		$this->assertEquals('', $req->getURL());

		$req = new SS_HTTPRequest('GET', '/assets/somefile.gif');
		$this->assertEquals('assets/somefile.gif', $req->getURL());

		$req = new SS_HTTPRequest('GET', '/home?test=1');
		$this->assertEquals('home?test=1', $req->getURL(true));
		$this->assertEquals('home', $req->getURL());

	public function testGetIPFromHeaderValue() {
		$req = new SS_HTTPRequest('GET', '/');
		$reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($req, 'getIPFromHeaderValue');

		$headers = array(
			',,' => '',
			',' => '',
			',' => '',
			'' => '',
			',' => '',

		foreach ($headers as $header => $ip) {
			$this->assertEquals($ip, $reflectionMethod->invoke($req, $header));
