ToolbarForm = Class.create(); ToolbarForm.prototype = { toggle: function(ed) { if( == 'block') this.close(ed); else; }, close: function(ed) { jQuery(this).dialog('close'); }, open: function(ed) { jQuery(this).dialog('open'); }, onsubmit: function() { return false; } } SideFormAction = Class.create(); SideFormAction.prototype = { initialize: function() { this.parentForm = this.parentNode; while(this.parentForm && this.parentForm.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'form') { this.parentForm = this.parentForm.parentNode; } }, destroy: function() { this.parentForm = null; this.onclick = null; }, onclick: function() { if(this.parentForm['handle' +]) { try { this.parentForm['handle' +](); } catch(er) { alert("An error occurred. Please try again, or reload the CMS if the problem persists.\n\nError details: " + er.message); } jQuery(this).parents('form').dialog('close'); } else { alert("Couldn't find form method handle" +; } return false; } } ImageForm = Class.extend('ToolbarForm'); ImageForm.prototype = { initialize: function() { var __form = this; this.elements.AltText.onkeyup = function() { __form.update_params('AltText'); }; this.elements.ImageTitle.onkeyup = function() { __form.update_params('ImageTitle'); }; this.elements.CaptionText.onkeyup = function() { __form.update_params('CaptionText'); }; this.elements.AltText.onchange = function() { __form.update_params('AltText'); }; this.elements.Width.onchange = function() { __form.update_params('Width'); }; this.elements.Height.onchange = function() { __form.update_params('Height'); }; }, toggle: function(ed) { this.ToolbarForm.toggle(ed); this.resetFields(); }, resetFields: function() { this.elements.AltText.value = ''; this.elements.ImageTitle.value = ''; this.elements.CSSClass.value = 'left'; this.elements.CaptionText.value = ''; this.elements.CaptionText.disabled = ''; this.elements.CSSClass.disabled = ''; }, destroy: function() { this.ToolbarForm = null; this.onsubmit = null; this.elements.AltText.onkeyup = null; this.elements.ImageTitle.onkeyup = null; this.elements.CSSClass.onkeyup = null; this.elements.CSSClass.onclick = null; this.elements.Width.onchange = null; this.elements.Height.onchange = null; }, update_params: function(updatedFieldName) { var ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor; var imgElement = ed.selection.getNode(); if (!imgElement || imgElement.tagName != 'IMG') { imgElement = this.selectedNode; } if(imgElement && imgElement.tagName == 'IMG') { imgElement.alt = this.elements.AltText.value; imgElement.title = this.elements.ImageTitle.value; imgElement.className = this.elements.CSSClass.value; var captionElement = imgElement.nextSibling; if (captionElement && captionElement.tagName == 'P') { if (typeof(captionElement.textContent) != 'undefined') { captionElement.textContent = this.elements.CaptionText.value; } else { captionElement.innerText = this.elements.CaptionText.value; } } // Proportionate updating of heights if(updatedFieldName == 'Width') { imgElement.width = this.elements.Width.value; imgElement.removeAttribute('height'); this.elements.Height.value = imgElement.height; } else if(updatedFieldName == 'Height') { imgElement.height = this.elements.Height.value; imgElement.removeAttribute('width'); this.elements.Width.value = imgElement.width; } } else if (this.selectedImageWidth && this.selectedImageHeight) { // Proportionate updating of heights var w = this.elements.Width.value, h = this.elements.Height.value; var aspect = this.selectedImageHeight / this.selectedImageWidth; if(updatedFieldName == 'Width') { this.elements.Height.value = Math.floor(w * aspect); } else if(updatedFieldName == 'Height') { this.elements.Width.value = Math.floor(h / aspect); } } }, respondToNodeChange: function(ed) { var imgElement = ed.selection.getNode(); if(imgElement && imgElement.tagName == 'IMG') { this.selectedNode = imgElement; this.elements.AltText.value = imgElement.alt; var captionElement = imgElement.nextSibling; if (captionElement && captionElement.tagName == 'P') { this.elements.CaptionText.value = captionElement.innerText || captionElement.textContent; } else { this.elements.CaptionText.disabled = 'disabled'; } this.elements.ImageTitle.value = imgElement.title; this.elements.CSSClass.value = imgElement.className; this.elements.CSSClass.disabled = 'disabled'; this.elements.Width.value = ? parseInt( : imgElement.width; this.elements.Height.value = ? parseInt( : imgElement.height; } else { this.selectedNode = null; } }, selectImage: function(image) { if(this.selectedImage) { this.selectedImage.setAttribute("class", ""); this.selectedImage.className = ""; } this.selectedImage = image; this.selectedImage.setAttribute("class", "selectedImage"); this.selectedImage.className = "selectedImage"; try { var imgTag = image.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; this.selectedImageWidth = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Width').value = imgTag.className.match(/destwidth=([0-9.\-]+)([, ]|$)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null; this.selectedImageHeight = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Height').value = imgTag.className.match(/destheight=([0-9.\-]+)([, ]|$)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null; } catch(er) { } }, handleaction_insertimage: function() { if(this.selectedImage) { this.selectedImage.insert(); } } } ImageThumbnail = Class.create(); ImageThumbnail.prototype = { destroy: function() { this.onclick = null; }, onclick: function(e) { $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm').selectImage(this); return false; }, insert: function() { var formObj = $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm'); var altText = formObj.elements.AltText.value; var titleText = formObj.elements.ImageTitle.value; var cssClass = formObj.elements.CSSClass.value; var baseURL = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href; var relativeHref = this.href.substr(baseURL.length); var captionText = formObj.elements.CaptionText.value; if(!tinyMCE.selectedInstance) tinyMCE.selectedInstance = tinyMCE.activeEditor; if(tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus) tinyMCE.selectedInstance.contentWindow.focus(); var data = { 'src' : relativeHref, 'alt' : altText, 'width' : $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Width').value, 'height' : $('Form_EditorToolbarImageForm_Height').value, 'title' : titleText, 'class' : cssClass }; this.ssInsertImage(tinyMCE.activeEditor, data, captionText); jQuery(formObj).trigger('onafterinsert', data); return false; }, /** * Insert an image with the given attributes */ ssInsertImage: function(ed, attributes, captionText) { el = ed.selection.getNode(); var html; if(captionText) { html = '
' + captionText + '
'; html += 'value = value.replace(/]*margin-left[^>]*>([^\n|\n\015|\015\n]*)<\/p>/ig,"
"); // replace VML pixel image references with image tags - experimental value = value.replace(/<[a-z0-9]+:imagedata[^>]+src="?([^> "]+)"?[^>]*>/ig,"$1
"); // Word comments value = value.replace(new RegExp('<(!--)([^>]*)(--)>', 'g'), ""); // kill class=mso??? and on mouse* tags value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"])class=mso[a-z0-9]+[^ >]+/ig, "$1"); value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"]class=")mso[a-z0-9]+[^ ">]+ /ig, "$1"); value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"])class="mso[a-z0-9]+[^">]+"/ig, "$1"); value = value.replace(/([ \f\r\t\n\'\"])on[a-z]+=[^ >]+/ig, "$1"); value = value.replace(/ >/ig, ">"); // remove everything that's in a closing tag value = value.replace(/<(\/[A-Za-z0-9]+)[ \f\r\t\n]+[^>]*>/ig,"<$1>"); } if(type == 'get_from_editor_dom') { var allImages =value.getElementsByTagName('img'); var i,img; for(i=0;img=allImages[i];i++) { img.onresizestart = null; img.onresizeend = null; img.removeAttribute('onresizestart'); img.removeAttribute('onresizeend'); } var allDLs =value.getElementsByTagName('img'); for(i=0;img=allDLs[i];i++) { if(img.className.match(/(^|\b)specialImage($|\b)/)) { img.onresizestart = null; img.onresizeend = null; img.removeAttribute('onresizestart'); img.removeAttribute('onresizeend'); } } } return value; }