ComplexTableFieldPopupForm = Class.create(); ComplexTableFieldPopupForm.prototype = { errorMessage: "Error talking to server", initialize: function() { Behaviour.register({ "form#ComplexTableField_Popup_DetailForm .Actions input.action": { onclick: this.submitForm.bind(this) } }); }, loadNewPage : function(content) { this.innerHTML = content; } submitForm : function(e) { // if custom validation implementation (extend class to implement) if(this.validate) { if(!this.validate()) { Event.stop(e); return false; } } // only do ajaxy stuff for content loaded in an iframe if(window != top && parent.parent.GB_hide) { var theForm = Event.findElement(e,"form"); if(parent.parent.statusMessage != undefined) parent.parent.statusMessage('saving'); var submitButton = document.getElementsBySelector("input.action",theForm)[0]; if(typeof submitButton != 'undefined') { submitButton.disabled = true; Element.addClassName(submitButton,'loading'); } new parent.parent.Ajax.Request( theForm.getAttribute("action"), { parameters: Form.serialize(theForm)+"&ajax=1", onComplete: this.updateTableAfterSave.bind(this), onFailure: this.ajaxErrorHandler.bind(this) } ); Event.stop(e); return false; } else { return true; } }, updateTableAfterSave : function(response) { try { eval(response.responseText); } catch(er) { alert(er.message); } var theForm = document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0]; // don't update when validation is present and failed if(!this.validate || (this.validate && !hasHadFormError())) { new parent.parent.Ajax.Request( parent.parent.GB_RefreshLink, { onComplete: this.updateAndHide.bind(parent.parent), onFailure : this.ajaxErrorHandler } ); } else { var submitButton = document.getElementsBySelector("input.action",theForm)[0]; if(typeof submitButton != 'undefined') { submitButton.disabled = false; Element.removeClassName(submitButton,'loading'); } } }, ajaxErrorHandler: function(response) { var submitButton = document.getElementsBySelector("input.action",theForm)[0]; if(typeof submitButton != 'undefined') { submitButton.disabled = false; Element.removeClassName(submitButton,'loading'); } // TODO does not work due to sandbox-iframe restrictions? if(typeof(parent.parent.ajaxErrorHandler) == 'function') { parent.parent.ajaxErrorHandler(); } else { alert(this.errorMessage); } }, updateAndHide: function(response) { var theForm =document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0]; var submitButton = document.getElementsBySelector("input.action",theForm)[0]; if(typeof submitButton != 'undefined') { submitButton.disabled = false; Element.removeClassName(submitButton,'loading'); } onload_init_tabstrip(); // TODO Fix DOM-relation after pagination inside popup if(this.GB_OpenerObj) { // apparently firefox doesn't remember its DOM after innerHTML, so we help out here... var cachedObj = this.GB_OpenerObj; var cachedParentObj = this.GB_OpenerObj.parentNode; Element.replace(this.GB_OpenerObj, response.responseText); this.Behaviour.apply(cachedParentObj); cachedObj = null; this.GB_OpenerObj = null; } // causes IE6 to go nuts //this.GB_hide(); } } ComplexTableFieldPopupForm.applyTo('form#ComplexTableField_Popup_DetailForm');