timeformat = $timeformat; } /** * Change the setValue to store the time (in a datetime field) * we store the current date as well (although we don't use it for this field) */ function setValue( $val ) { if( $val ) $this->value = (date("Y-m-d",time()) . " " . date("H:i",strtotime($val)) ); else $this->value = null; } /** * Creates a new readonly field specified below */ function performReadonlyTransformation() { return new TimeField_Readonly( $this->name, $this->title, $this->dataValue(),$this->timeformat); } /** * Added to the value of the input, put the date into the format * specified in the constructer. */ function attrValue(){ if($this->value){ return date($this->timeformat,strtotime($this->value)); }else{ return ""; } } } /** * The readonly class for our {@link TimeField}. * @package forms * @subpackage fields-datetime */ class TimeField_Readonly extends TimeField { protected $readonly = true; function Field() { if( $this->value ) $val = $this->attrValue(); else $val = '(not set)'; return "id() . "\">$val"; } }