--- title: Extensions summary: Extensions and DataExtensions let you modify and augment objects transparently. icon: code --- # Extensions and DataExtensions An [Extension](api:SilverStripe\Core\Extension) allows for adding additional functionality to a class or modifying existing functionality without the hassle of creating a subclass. Developers can add Extensions to any PHP class that has the [Extensible](api:SilverStripe\Core\Extensible) trait applied within core, modules or even their own code to make it more reusable. Extensions are defined as subclasses of either [DataExtension](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension) for extending a [DataObject](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject) subclass or the [Extension](api:SilverStripe\Core\Extension) class for non DataObject subclasses (such as [Controller](api:SilverStripe\Control\Controller)) [info] For performance reasons a few classes are excluded from receiving extensions, including `ViewableData` and `RequestHandler`. You can still apply extensions to descendants of these classes. [/info] **app/code/extensions/MyMemberExtension.php** ```php use SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension; class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension { private static $db = [ 'DateOfBirth' => 'DBDatetime' ]; public function SayHi() { // $this->owner refers to the original instance. In this case a `Member`. return "Hi " . $this->owner->Name; } } ``` [info] Convention is for extension class names to end in `Extension`. This isn't a requirement but makes it clearer [/info] After this class has been created, it does not yet apply it to any object. We need to tell SilverStripe what classes we want to add the `MyMemberExtension` too. To activate this extension, add the following via the [Configuration API](../configuration). **app/_config/app.yml** ```yml SilverStripe\Security\Member: extensions: - MyMemberExtension ``` Alternatively, we can add extensions through PHP code (in the `_config.php` file). ```php SilverStripe\Security\Member::add_extension(MyMemberExtension::class); ``` This class now defines a `MyMemberExtension` that applies to all `Member` instances on the website. It will have transformed the original `Member` class in two ways: * Added a new [DBDatetime](api:SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBDatetime) for the users date of birth, and; * Added a `SayHi` method to output `Hi ` From within the extension we can add more functions, database fields, relations or other properties and have them added to the underlying `DataObject` just as if they were added to the original `Member` class but without the need to edit that file directly. ### Adding Database Fields Extra database fields can be added with a extension in the same manner as if they were placed on the `DataObject` class they're applied to. These will be added to the table of the base object - the extension will actually edit the $db, $has_one etc. **app/code/extensions/MyMemberExtension.php** ```php use SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension; class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension { private static $db = [ 'Position' => 'Varchar', ]; private static $has_one = [ 'Image' => Image::class, ]; public function SayHi() { // $this->owner refers to the original instance. In this case a `Member`. return "Hi " . $this->owner->Name; } } ``` **app/templates/Page.ss** ```ss $CurrentMember.Position $CurrentMember.Image ``` ## Adding Methods Methods that have a unique name will be called as part of the `__call` method on [Object](api:Object). In the previous example we added a `SayHi` method which is unique to our extension. **app/templates/Page.ss** ```ss


// "Hi Sam" ``` **app/code/Page.php** ```php use SilverStripe\Security\Security; $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); echo $member->SayHi; // "Hi Sam" ``` ## Modifying Existing Methods If the `Extension` needs to modify an existing method it's a little trickier. It requires that the method you want to customise has provided an *Extension Hook* in the place where you want to modify the data. An *Extension Hook* is done through the `extend()` method of the [Extensible](api:SilverStripe\Core\Extensible) trait. **Member.php** ```php public function getValidator() { // .. $this->extend('updateValidator', $validator); // .. } ``` Extension Hooks can be located anywhere in the method and provide a point for any `Extension` instances to modify the variables at that given point. In this case, the core function `getValidator` on the `Member` class provides an `updateValidator` hook for developers to modify the core method. The `MyMemberExtension` would modify the core member's validator by defining the `updateValidator` method. **app/code/extensions/MyMemberExtension.php** ```php use SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension; class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension { public function updateValidator($validator) { // we want to make date of birth required for each member $validator->addRequiredField('DateOfBirth'); } } ``` [info] The `$validator` parameter is passed by reference, as it is an object. [/info] Another common example of when you will want to modify a method is to update the default CMS fields for an object in an extension. The `CMS` provides a `updateCMSFields` Extension Hook to tie into. ```php use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList; use SilverStripe\Forms\TextField; use SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms\UploadField; use SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension; class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension { private static $db = [ 'Position' => 'Varchar', ]; private static $has_one = [ 'Image' => 'Image', ]; public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) { $fields->push(new TextField('Position')); $fields->push($upload = new UploadField('Image', 'Profile Image')); $upload->setAllowedFileCategories('image/supported'); } } ``` [notice] If you're providing a module or working on code that may need to be extended by other code, it should provide a *hook* which allows an Extension to modify the results. [/notice] ```php public function Foo() { $foo = // .. $this->extend('updateFoo', $foo); return $foo; } ``` The convention for extension hooks is to provide an `update{$Function}` hook at the end before you return the result. If you need to provide extension hooks at the beginning of the method use `before{..}`. ## Owner In your [Extension](api:SilverStripe\Core\Extension) class you can only refer to the source object through the `owner` property on the class as `$this` will refer to your `Extension` instance. ```php use SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension; class MyMemberExtension extends DataExtension { public function updateFoo($foo) { // outputs the original class var_dump($this->owner); } } ``` [notice] Please note that while you can read protected properties of the source object (using `$this->owner->protectedProperty`) you cannot call any of it's protected methods (So this `$this->owner->protectedMethod()` would not work). You also cannot access any of the source object's private properties or methods (So this would not work either `$this->owner->privateProperty`). [/notice] ## Checking to see if an Object has an Extension To see what extensions are currently enabled on an object, use the [getExtensionInstances()](api:SilverStripe\Core\Extensible::getExtensionInstances()) and [hasExtension()](api:SilverStripe\Core\Extensible::hasExtension()) methods of the [Extensible](api:SilverStripe\Core\Extensible) trait. ```php $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); print_r($member->getExtensionInstances()); if ($member->hasExtension(MyCustomMemberExtension::class)) { // .. } ``` ## Extension injection points `Extensible` has two additional methods, `beforeExtending` and `afterExtending`, each of which takes a method name and a callback to be executed immediately before and after `extend()` is called on extensions. This is useful in many cases where working with modules such as `Translatable` which operate on `DataObject` fields that must exist in the `FieldList` at the time that `$this->extend('UpdateCMSFields')` is called. [notice] Please note that each callback is only ever called once, and then cleared, so multiple extensions to the same function require that a callback is registered each time, if necessary. [/notice] Example: A class that wants to control default values during object initialization. The code needs to assign a value if not specified in `self::$defaults`, but before extensions have been called: ```php public function __construct() { $this->beforeExtending('populateDefaults', function() { if (empty($this->MyField)) { $this->MyField = 'Value we want as a default if not specified in $defaults, but set before extensions'; } }); parent::__construct(); } ``` Example 2: User code can intervene in the process of extending cms fields. [notice] This method is preferred to disabling, enabling, and calling field extensions manually. [/notice] ```php public function getCMSFields() { $this->beforeUpdateCMSFields(function ($fields) { // Include field which must be present when updateCMSFields is called on extensions $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new TextField('Detail', 'Details', null, 255)); }); $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); // ... additional fields here return $fields; } ``` ## Extending extensions {#extendingextensions} Extension classes can be overloaded using the Injector, if you want to modify the way that an extension in one of your modules works: ```yaml SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector: Company\Vendor\SomeExtension: class: App\Project\CustomisedSomeExtension ``` **app/src/CustomisedSomeExtension.php** ```php namespace App\Project; use Company\Vendor\SomeExtension; class CustomisedSomeExtension extends SomeExtension { public function someMethod() { $result = parent::someMethod(); // modify result; return $result; } } ``` [notice] Please note that modifications such as this should be done in YAML configuration only. It is not recommended to use `Config::modify()->set()` to adjust the implementation class name of an extension after the configuration manifest has been loaded, and may not work consistently due to the "extra methods" cache having already been populated. [/notice] ## Related Lessons * [DataExtensions and SiteConfig](https://www.silverstripe.org/learn/lessons/v4/data-extensions-and-siteconfig-1) ## Related Documentaion * [Injector](injector/) ## API Documentation * [Extension](api:SilverStripe\Core\Extension) * [DataExtension](api:SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension)