* Setting a $has_one relation
* Using here an example of an art gallery, with Exhibition pages,
* each of which has a Gallery they belong to. The Gallery class is also user-defined.
* static $has_one = array(
* 'Gallery' => 'Gallery',
* );
* public function getCMSFields() {
* $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
* $field = new DropdownField('GalleryID', 'Gallery', DataList::create('Gallery')->map('ID', 'Title'));
* $field->setEmptyString('(Select one)');
* $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content', $field, 'Content');
* As you see, you need to put "GalleryID", rather than "Gallery" here.
* Populate with Array
* Example model defintion:
* class MyObject extends DataObject {
* static $db = array(
* 'Country' => "Varchar(100)"
* );
* }
* Example instantiation:
* new DropdownField(
* 'Country',
* 'Country',
* array(
* 'NZ' => 'New Zealand',
* 'US' => 'United States'
* 'GEM'=> 'Germany'
* )
* );
* Populate with Enum-Values
* You can automatically create a map of possible values from an {@link Enum} database column.
* Example model definition:
* class MyObject extends DataObject {
* static $db = array(
* 'Country' => "Enum('New Zealand,United States,Germany','New Zealand')"
* );
* }
* Field construction:
* new DropdownField(
* 'Country',
* 'Country',
* singleton('MyObject')->dbObject('Country')->enumValues()
* );
* @see CheckboxSetField for multiple selections through checkboxes instead.
* @see ListboxField for a single