en: AddToCampaign: ErrorCampaignPermissionDenied: 'It seems you don''t have the necessary permissions to add {ObjectTitle} to {CampaignTitle}' ErrorGeneral: 'We apologise, but there was an error' ErrorItemPermissionDenied: 'It seems you don''t have the necessary permissions to add {ObjectTitle} to a campaign' ErrorNotFound: 'That {Type} couldn''t be found' Success: 'Successfully added {ObjectTitle} to {CampaignTitle}' AssetAdmin: ALLOWEDEXTS: 'Allowed file upload extensions' HIDEALLOWEDEXTS: 'Hide allowed extensions' NEWFOLDER: NewFolder SHOWALLOWEDEXTS: 'Show allowed extensions' AssetTableField: CREATED: 'First uploaded' DIM: Dimensions FILENAME: Filename FOLDER: Folder HEIGHT: Height LASTEDIT: 'Last changed' OWNER: Owner SIZE: 'File size' TITLE: Title TYPE: 'File type' URL: URL WIDTH: Width AssetUploadField: ChooseFiles: 'Choose files' DRAGFILESHERE: 'Drag files here' DROPAREA: 'Drop Area' EDITALL: 'Edit all' EDITANDORGANIZE: 'Edit & organize' EDITINFO: 'Edit files' FILES: Files FROMCOMPUTER: 'Choose files from your computer' FROMCOMPUTERINFO: 'Upload from your computer' INSERTURL: 'Insert from URL' REMOVEINFO: 'Remove this file from this field' TOTAL: Total TOUPLOAD: 'Upload files' UPLOADINPROGRESS: 'Please wait… upload in progress' UPLOADOR: OR BBCodeParser: ALIGNEMENT: Alignment ALIGNEMENTEXAMPLE: 'right aligned' BOLD: 'Bold Text' BOLDEXAMPLE: Bold CODE: 'Code Block' CODEDESCRIPTION: 'Unformatted code block' CODEEXAMPLE: 'Code block' COLORED: 'Colored text' COLOREDEXAMPLE: 'blue text' EMAILLINK: 'Email link' EMAILLINKDESCRIPTION: 'Create link to an email address' IMAGE: Image IMAGEDESCRIPTION: 'Show an image in your post' ITALIC: 'Italic Text' ITALICEXAMPLE: Italics LINK: 'Website link' LINKDESCRIPTION: 'Link to another website or URL' STRUCK: 'Struck-out Text' STRUCKEXAMPLE: Struck-out UNDERLINE: 'Underlined Text' UNDERLINEEXAMPLE: Underlined UNORDERED: 'Unordered list' UNORDEREDDESCRIPTION: 'Unordered list' UNORDEREDEXAMPLE1: 'unordered item 1' BackLink_Button_ss: Back: Back BasicAuth: ENTERINFO: 'Please enter a username and password.' ERRORNOTADMIN: 'That user is not an administrator.' ERRORNOTREC: 'That username / password isn''t recognised' Boolean: ANY: Any NOANSWER: 'No' YESANSWER: 'Yes' CAMPAIGNS: ADDTOCAMPAIGN: 'Add to campaign' CMSLoadingScreen_ss: LOADING: Loading... REQUIREJS: 'The CMS requires that you have JavaScript enabled.' CMSMain: ACCESS: 'Access to ''{title}'' section' ACCESSALLINTERFACES: 'Access to all CMS sections' ACCESSALLINTERFACESHELP: 'Overrules more specific access settings.' SAVE: Save CMSMemberLoginForm: BUTTONFORGOTPASSWORD: 'Forgot password?' BUTTONLOGIN: 'Log back in' BUTTONLOGOUT: 'Log out' PASSWORDEXPIRED: '

Your password has expired. Please choose a new one.

' CMSPageHistoryController_versions_ss: PREVIEW: 'Website preview' CMSPagesController_Tools_ss: FILTER: Filter CMSProfileController: MENUTITLE: 'My Profile' CMSSecurity: INVALIDUSER: '

Invalid user. Please re-authenticate here to continue.

' LoginMessage: '

If you have any unsaved work you can return to where you left off by logging back in below.


Login success. If you are not automatically redirected click here

' TimedOutTitleAnonymous: 'Your session has timed out.' TimedOutTitleMember: 'Hey {name}!
Your session has timed out.' CampaignAdmin: MENUTITLE: Campaigns Campaigns: AddToCampaign: 'Add To Campaign' ChangePasswordEmail_ss: CHANGEPASSWORDFOREMAIL: 'The password for account with email address {email} has been changed. If you didn\''t change your password please change your password using the link below' CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT1: 'You changed your password for' CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT2: 'You can now use the following credentials to log in:' CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT3: 'Change password' EMAIL: Email HELLO: Hi PASSWORD: Password ChangeSet: DESCRIPTION_AND: '{first} and {second}' DESCRIPTION_ITEM: item DESCRIPTION_ITEMS: items DESCRIPTION_LIST_FIRST: '{item}' DESCRIPTION_LIST_LAST: '{list}, and {item}' DESCRIPTION_LIST_MID: '{list}, {item}' DESCRIPTION_OTHER_ITEM: 'other item' DESCRIPTION_OTHER_ITEMS: 'other items' NAME: Name PLURALNAME: Campaigns SINGULARNAME: Campaign STATE: State ChangeSetItem: PLURALNAME: 'Change Set Items' SINGULARNAME: 'Change Set Item' CheckboxField: NOANSWER: 'No' YESANSWER: 'Yes' CheckboxFieldSetField: SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select a value within the list provided. {value} is not a valid option' CheckboxSetField: SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select a value within the list provided. ''{value}'' is not a valid option' ConfirmedPasswordField: ATLEAST: 'Passwords must be at least {min} characters long.' BETWEEN: 'Passwords must be {min} to {max} characters long.' CURRENT_PASSWORD_ERROR: 'The current password you have entered is not correct.' CURRENT_PASSWORD_MISSING: 'You must enter your current password.' LOGGED_IN_ERROR: 'You must be logged in to change your password.' MAXIMUM: 'Passwords must be at most {max} characters long.' SHOWONCLICKTITLE: 'Change Password' ContentController: DRAFT_SITE_ACCESS_RESTRICTION: 'You must log in with your CMS password in order to view the draft or archived content. Click here to go back to the published site.' NOTLOGGEDIN: 'Not logged in' CreditCardField: FIRST: first FOURTH: fourth SECOND: second THIRD: third CurrencyField: CURRENCYSYMBOL: $ DataObject: PLURALNAME: 'Data Objects' SINGULARNAME: 'Data Object' Date: DAY: day DAYS: days HOUR: hour HOURS: hours LessThanMinuteAgo: 'less than a minute' MIN: min MINS: mins MONTH: month MONTHS: months SEC: sec SECS: secs TIMEDIFFAGO: '{difference} ago' TIMEDIFFIN: 'in {difference}' YEAR: year YEARS: years DateField: NOTSET: 'not set' TODAY: today VALIDDATEFORMAT2: 'Please enter a valid date format ({format})' VALIDDATEMAXDATE: 'Your date has to be older or matching the maximum allowed date ({date})' VALIDDATEMINDATE: 'Your date has to be newer or matching the minimum allowed date ({date})' DatetimeField: NOTSET: 'Not set' Director: INVALID_REQUEST: 'Invalid request' DropdownField: CHOOSE: (Choose) CHOOSESEARCH: '(choose folder)' SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select a value within the list provided. {value} is not a valid option' EmailField: VALIDATION: 'Please enter an email address' Enum: ANY: Any File: AviType: 'AVI video file' Content: Content CssType: 'CSS file' DmgType: 'Apple disk image' DocType: 'Word document' Filename: Filename GifType: 'GIF image - good for diagrams' GzType: 'GZIP compressed file' HtlType: 'HTML file' HtmlType: 'HTML file' INVALIDEXTENSION: 'Extension is not allowed (valid: {extensions})' INVALIDEXTENSIONSHORT: 'Extension is not allowed' IcoType: 'Icon image' JpgType: 'JPEG image - good for photos' JsType: 'Javascript file' Mp3Type: 'MP3 audio file' MpgType: 'MPEG video file' NOFILESIZE: 'Filesize is zero bytes.' NOVALIDUPLOAD: 'File is not a valid upload' Name: Name PLURALNAME: Files PdfType: 'Adobe Acrobat PDF file' PngType: 'PNG image - good general-purpose format' SINGULARNAME: File TOOLARGE: 'Filesize is too large, maximum {size} allowed' TOOLARGESHORT: 'File size exceeds {size}' TiffType: 'Tagged image format' Title: Title WavType: 'WAV audo file' XlsType: 'Excel spreadsheet' ZipType: 'ZIP compressed file' Filesystem: SYNCRESULTS: 'Sync complete: {createdcount} items created, {deletedcount} items deleted' Folder: PLURALNAME: Folders SINGULARNAME: Folder ForgotPasswordEmail_ss: HELLO: Hi TEXT1: 'Here is your' TEXT2: 'password reset link' TEXT3: for Form: CSRF_EXPIRED_MESSAGE: 'Your session has expired. Please re-submit the form.' CSRF_FAILED_MESSAGE: 'There seems to have been a technical problem. Please click the back button, refresh your browser, and try again.' FIELDISREQUIRED: '{name} is required' SubmitBtnLabel: Go VALIDATIONCREDITNUMBER: 'Please ensure you have entered the {number} credit card number correctly' VALIDATIONNOTUNIQUE: 'The value entered is not unique' VALIDATIONPASSWORDSDONTMATCH: 'Passwords don''t match' VALIDATIONPASSWORDSNOTEMPTY: 'Passwords can''t be empty' VALIDATIONSTRONGPASSWORD: 'Passwords must have at least one digit and one alphanumeric character' VALIDATOR: Validator VALIDCURRENCY: 'Please enter a valid currency' FormField: Example: 'e.g. %s' NONE: none GridAction: DELETE_DESCRIPTION: Delete Delete: Delete UnlinkRelation: Unlink GridField: Add: 'Add {name}' Filter: Filter FilterBy: 'Filter by ' Find: Find LEVELUP: 'Level up' LinkExisting: 'Link Existing' NewRecord: 'New %s' NoItemsFound: 'No items found' PRINTEDAT: 'Printed at' PRINTEDBY: 'Printed by' PlaceHolder: 'Find {type}' PlaceHolderWithLabels: 'Find {type} by {name}' RelationSearch: 'Relation search' ResetFilter: Reset GridFieldAction_Delete: DeletePermissionsFailure: 'No delete permissions' EditPermissionsFailure: 'No permission to unlink record' GridFieldDetailForm: CancelBtn: Cancel Create: Create Delete: Delete DeletePermissionsFailure: 'No delete permissions' Deleted: 'Deleted %s %s' Save: Save Saved: 'Saved {name} {link}' GridFieldEditButton_ss: EDIT: Edit GridFieldItemEditView: Go_back: 'Go back' Group: AddRole: 'Add a role for this group' Code: 'Group Code' DefaultGroupTitleAdministrators: Administrators DefaultGroupTitleContentAuthors: 'Content Authors' Description: Description GroupReminder: 'If you choose a parent group, this group will take all it''s roles' HierarchyPermsError: 'Can''t assign parent group "%s" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)' Locked: 'Locked?' NoRoles: 'No roles found' PLURALNAME: Groups Parent: 'Parent Group' RolesAddEditLink: 'Manage roles' SINGULARNAME: Group Sort: 'Sort Order' has_many_Permissions: Permissions many_many_Members: Members GroupImportForm: Help1: '

Import one or more groups in CSV format (comma-separated values). Show advanced usage

' Help2: '

Advanced usage

' ResultCreated: 'Created {count} groups' ResultDeleted: 'Deleted %d groups' ResultUpdated: 'Updated %d groups' HTMLEditorField: ANCHORSCANNOTACCESSPAGE: 'You are not permitted to access the content of the target page.' ANCHORSPAGENOTFOUND: 'Target page not found.' ANCHORVALUE: Anchor BUTTONADDURL: 'Add url' CAPTIONTEXT: 'Caption text' CSSCLASS: 'Alignment / style' CSSCLASSCENTER: 'Centered, on its own.' CSSCLASSLEFT: 'On the left, with text wrapping around.' CSSCLASSLEFTALONE: 'On the left, on its own.' CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'On the right, with text wrapping around.' DETAILS: Details EMAIL: 'Email address' FILE: File FOLDER: Folder IMAGEALT: 'Alternative text (alt)' IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Alternative text (alt) - shown if image can''t be displayed' IMAGEALTTEXTDESC: 'Shown to screen readers or if image can''t be displayed' IMAGEDIMENSIONS: Dimensions IMAGEHEIGHTPX: Height IMAGETITLE: 'Title text (tooltip) - for additional information about the image' IMAGETITLETEXT: 'Title text (tooltip)' IMAGETITLETEXTDESC: 'For additional information about the image' IMAGEWIDTHPX: Width INSERTMEDIA: 'Insert media from' LINK: 'Insert Link' LINKANCHOR: 'Anchor on this page' LINKDESCR: 'Link description' LINKEMAIL: 'Email address' LINKEXTERNAL: 'Another website' LINKFILE: 'Download a file' LINKINTERNAL: 'Page on the site' LINKOPENNEWWIN: 'Open link in a new window?' LINKTO: 'Link to' PAGE: Page SUBJECT: 'Email subject' URL: URL URLDESCRIPTION: 'Insert videos and images from the web into your page simply by entering the URL of the file. Make sure you have the rights or permissions before sharing media directly from the web.

Please note that files are not added to the file store of the CMS but embeds the file from its original location, if for some reason the file is no longer available in its original location it will no longer be viewable on this page.' URLNOTANOEMBEDRESOURCE: 'The URL ''{url}'' could not be turned into a media resource.' UpdateMEDIA: 'Update media' HTMLEditorField_Toolbar: ERROR_ABSOLUTE: 'Only absolute urls can be embedded' ERROR_HOSTNAME: 'This file hostname is not included in the whitelist' ERROR_ID: 'Need either "ID" or "FileURL" parameter to identify the file' ERROR_NOTFOUND: 'Unable to find file to view' ERROR_OEMBED_REMOTE: 'Oembed is only compatible with remote files' ERROR_SCHEME: 'This file scheme is not included in the whitelist' Hierarchy: InfiniteLoopNotAllowed: 'Infinite loop found within the "{type}" hierarchy. Please change the parent to resolve this' HtmlEditorField: ADDURL: 'Add URL' ADJUSTDETAILSDIMENSIONS: 'Details & dimensions' ANCHORSCANNOTACCESSPAGE: 'You are not permitted to access the content of the target page.' ANCHORSPAGENOTFOUND: 'Target page not found.' ANCHORVALUE: Anchor BUTTONADDURL: 'Add url' BUTTONINSERT: Insert BUTTONINSERTLINK: 'Insert link' BUTTONREMOVELINK: 'Remove link' BUTTONUpdate: Update CAPTIONTEXT: 'Caption text' CSSCLASS: 'Alignment / style' CSSCLASSCENTER: 'Centered, on its own.' CSSCLASSLEFT: 'On the left, with text wrapping around.' CSSCLASSLEFTALONE: 'On the left, on its own.' CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'On the right, with text wrapping around.' DETAILS: Details EMAIL: 'Email address' FILE: File FOLDER: Folder FROMCMS: 'From the CMS' FROMCOMPUTER: 'From your computer' FROMWEB: 'From the web' FindInFolder: 'Find in Folder' IMAGEALT: 'Alternative text (alt)' IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Alternative text (alt) - shown if image can''t be displayed' IMAGEALTTEXTDESC: 'Shown to screen readers or if image can''t be displayed' IMAGEDIMENSIONS: Dimensions IMAGEHEIGHTPX: Height IMAGETITLE: 'Title text (tooltip) - for additional information about the image' IMAGETITLETEXT: 'Title text (tooltip)' IMAGETITLETEXTDESC: 'For additional information about the image' IMAGEWIDTHPX: Width INSERTMEDIA: 'Insert Media' LINK: 'Insert Link' LINKANCHOR: 'Anchor on this page' LINKDESCR: 'Link description' LINKEMAIL: 'Email address' LINKEXTERNAL: 'Another website' LINKFILE: 'Download a file' LINKINTERNAL: 'Page on the site' LINKOPENNEWWIN: 'Open link in a new window?' LINKTO: 'Link to' PAGE: Page SUBJECT: 'Email subject' URL: URL URLDESCRIPTION: 'Insert videos and images from the web into your page simply by entering the URL of the file. Make sure you have the rights or permissions before sharing media directly from the web.

Please note that files are not added to the file store of the CMS but embeds the file from its original location, if for some reason the file is no longer available in its original location it will no longer be viewable on this page.' URLNOTANOEMBEDRESOURCE: 'The URL ''{url}'' could not be turned into a media resource.' UpdateMEDIA: 'Update Media' Image: PLURALNAME: Files SINGULARNAME: File Image_Cached: PLURALNAME: Files SINGULARNAME: File Image_iframe_ss: TITLE: 'Image Uploading Iframe' LeftAndMain: CANCEL: Cancel CANT_REORGANISE: 'You do not have permission to alter Top level pages. Your change was not saved.' DELETED: Deleted. DropdownBatchActionsDefault: 'Choose an action...' HELP: Help PAGETYPE: 'Page type' PERMAGAIN: 'You have been logged out of the CMS. If you would like to log in again, enter a username and password below.' PERMALREADY: 'I''m sorry, but you can''t access that part of the CMS. If you want to log in as someone else, do so below.' PERMDEFAULT: 'You must be logged in to access the administration area; please enter your credentials below.' PLEASESAVE: 'Please Save Page: This page could not be updated because it hasn''t been saved yet.' PreviewButton: Preview REORGANISATIONSUCCESSFUL: 'Reorganised the site tree successfully.' SAVEDUP: Saved. ShowAsList: 'show as list' TooManyPages: 'Too many pages' ValidationError: 'Validation error' VersionUnknown: unknown LeftAndMain_Menu_ss: Hello: Hi LOGOUT: 'Log out' ListboxField: SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select a value within the list provided. %s is not a valid option' LoginAttempt: Email: 'Email Address' IP: 'IP Address' PLURALNAME: 'Login Attempts' SINGULARNAME: 'Login Attempt' Status: Status Member: ADDGROUP: 'Add group' BUTTONCHANGEPASSWORD: 'Change Password' BUTTONLOGIN: 'Log in' BUTTONLOGINOTHER: 'Log in as someone else' BUTTONLOSTPASSWORD: 'I''ve lost my password' CANTEDIT: 'You don''t have permission to do that' CONFIRMNEWPASSWORD: 'Confirm New Password' CONFIRMPASSWORD: 'Confirm Password' CURRENT_PASSWORD: 'Current Password' DATEFORMAT: 'Date format' DefaultAdminFirstname: 'Default Admin' DefaultDateTime: default EDIT_PASSWORD: 'New Password' EMAIL: Email EMPTYNEWPASSWORD: 'The new password can''t be empty, please try again' ENTEREMAIL: 'Please enter an email address to get a password reset link.' ERRORLOCKEDOUT2: 'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at logging in. Please try again in {count} minutes.' ERRORNEWPASSWORD: 'You have entered your new password differently, try again' ERRORPASSWORDNOTMATCH: 'Your current password does not match, please try again' ERRORWRONGCRED: 'The provided details don''t seem to be correct. Please try again.' FIRSTNAME: 'First Name' INTERFACELANG: 'Interface Language' INVALIDNEWPASSWORD: 'We couldn''t accept that password: {password}' KEEPMESIGNEDIN: 'Keep me signed in' LOGGEDINAS: 'You''re logged in as {name}.' NEWPASSWORD: 'New Password' NoPassword: 'There is no password on this member.' PASSWORD: Password PASSWORDEXPIRED: 'Your password has expired. Please choose a new one.' PLURALNAME: Members REMEMBERME: 'Remember me next time? (for %d days on this device)' SINGULARNAME: Member SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'Your password has been changed' SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Your password reset link' SURNAME: Surname TIMEFORMAT: 'Time format' VALIDATIONMEMBEREXISTS: 'A member already exists with the same {identifier}' ValidationIdentifierFailed: 'Can''t overwrite existing member #{id} with identical identifier ({name} = {value}))' WELCOMEBACK: 'Welcome Back, {firstname}' YOUROLDPASSWORD: 'Your old password' belongs_many_many_Groups: Groups db_LastVisited: 'Last Visited Date' db_Locale: 'Interface Locale' db_LockedOutUntil: 'Locked out until' db_NumVisit: 'Number of Visits' db_Password: Password db_PasswordExpiry: 'Password Expiry Date' MemberAuthenticator: TITLE: 'E-mail & Password' MemberDatetimeOptionsetField: AMORPM: 'AM (Ante meridiem) or PM (Post meridiem)' Custom: Custom DATEFORMATBAD: 'Date format is invalid' DAYNOLEADING: 'Day of month without leading zero' DIGITSDECFRACTIONSECOND: 'One or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second' FOURDIGITYEAR: 'Four-digit year' FULLNAMEMONTH: 'Full name of month (e.g. June)' HOURNOLEADING: 'Hour without leading zero, 12 hour format' HOURNOLEADING24: 'Hour without leading zero, 24 hour format' MINUTENOLEADING: 'Minute without leading zero' MONTHNOLEADING: 'Month digit without leading zero' Preview: Preview SHORTMONTH: 'Short name of month (e.g. Jun)' TWODIGITDAY: 'Two-digit day of month' TWODIGITHOUR: 'Two digits of hour, 12 hour format (00 through 12)' TWODIGITHOUR24: 'Two digits of hour, 24 hour format (00 through 23)' TWODIGITMINUTE: 'Two digits of minute (00 through 59)' TWODIGITMONTH: 'Two-digit month (01=January, etc.)' TWODIGITSECOND: 'Two digits of second (00 through 59)' TWODIGITYEAR: 'Two-digit year' Toggle: 'Show formatting help' MemberImportForm: Help1: '

Import users in CSV format (comma-separated values). Show advanced usage

' Help2: '

Advanced usage

' ResultCreated: 'Created {count} members' ResultDeleted: 'Deleted %d members' ResultNone: 'No changes' ResultUpdated: 'Updated {count} members' MemberPassword: PLURALNAME: 'Member Passwords' SINGULARNAME: 'Member Password' MemberTableField: APPLY_FILTER: 'Apply Filter' ModelAdmin: DELETE: Delete DELETEDRECORDS: 'Deleted {count} records.' EMPTYBEFOREIMPORT: 'Replace data' IMPORT: 'Import from CSV' IMPORTEDRECORDS: 'Imported {count} records.' NOCSVFILE: 'Please browse for a CSV file to import' NOIMPORT: 'Nothing to import' RESET: Reset Title: 'Data Models' UPDATEDRECORDS: 'Updated {count} records.' ModelAdmin_ImportSpec_ss: IMPORTSPECFIELDS: 'Database columns' IMPORTSPECLINK: 'Show Specification for %s' IMPORTSPECRELATIONS: Relations IMPORTSPECTITLE: 'Specification for %s' ModelAdmin_Tools_ss: FILTER: Filter IMPORT: Import ModelSidebar_ss: IMPORT_TAB_HEADER: Import SEARCHLISTINGS: Search MoneyField: FIELDLABELAMOUNT: Amount FIELDLABELCURRENCY: Currency MultiSelectField: SOURCE_VALIDATION: 'Please select values within the list provided. Invalid option(s) {value} given' NullableField: IsNullLabel: 'Is Null' NumericField: VALIDATION: '''{value}'' is not a number, only numbers can be accepted for this field' Pagination: Page: Page View: View PasswordValidator: LOWCHARSTRENGTH: 'Please increase password strength by adding some of the following characters: %s' PREVPASSWORD: 'You''ve already used that password in the past, please choose a new password' TOOSHORT: 'Password is too short, it must be %s or more characters long' Permission: AdminGroup: Administrator CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY: 'CMS Access' FULLADMINRIGHTS: 'Full administrative rights' FULLADMINRIGHTS_HELP: 'Implies and overrules all other assigned permissions.' PLURALNAME: Permissions SINGULARNAME: Permission PermissionCheckboxSetField: AssignedTo: 'assigned to "{title}"' FromGroup: 'inherited from group "{title}"' FromRole: 'inherited from role "{title}"' FromRoleOnGroup: 'inherited from role "%s" on group "%s"' PermissionRole: OnlyAdminCanApply: 'Only admin can apply' PLURALNAME: Roles SINGULARNAME: Role Title: Title PermissionRoleCode: PLURALNAME: 'Permission Role Codes' PermsError: 'Can''t assign code "%s" with privileged permissions (requires ADMIN access)' SINGULARNAME: 'Permission Role Code' Permissions: PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY: 'Roles and access permissions' UserPermissionsIntro: 'Assigning groups to this user will adjust the permissions they have. See the groups section for details of permissions on individual groups.' PhoneNumberField: VALIDATION: 'Please enter a valid phone number' RememberLoginHash: PLURALNAME: 'Remember Login Hashs' SINGULARNAME: 'Remember Login Hash' Security: ALREADYLOGGEDIN: 'You don''t have access to this page. If you have another account that can access that page, you can log in again below.' BUTTONSEND: 'Send me the password reset link' CHANGEPASSWORDBELOW: 'You can change your password below.' CHANGEPASSWORDHEADER: 'Change your password' ENTERNEWPASSWORD: 'Please enter a new password.' ERRORPASSWORDPERMISSION: 'You must be logged in in order to change your password!' LOGGEDOUT: 'You have been logged out. If you would like to log in again, enter your credentials below.' LOGIN: 'Log in' LOSTPASSWORDHEADER: 'Lost Password' NOTEPAGESECURED: 'That page is secured. Enter your credentials below and we will send you right along.' NOTERESETLINKINVALID: '

The password reset link is invalid or expired.

You can request a new one here or change your password after you logged in.

' NOTERESETPASSWORD: 'Enter your e-mail address and we will send you a link with which you can reset your password' PASSWORDSENTHEADER: 'Password reset link sent to ''{email}''' PASSWORDSENTTEXT: 'Thank you! A reset link has been sent to ''{email}'', provided an account exists for this email address.' SecurityAdmin: ACCESS_HELP: 'Allow viewing, adding and editing users, as well as assigning permissions and roles to them.' APPLY_ROLES: 'Apply roles to groups' APPLY_ROLES_HELP: 'Ability to edit the roles assigned to a group. Requires the "Access to ''Users'' section" permission.' EDITPERMISSIONS: 'Manage permissions for groups' EDITPERMISSIONS_HELP: 'Ability to edit Permissions and IP Addresses for a group. Requires the "Access to ''Security'' section" permission.' GROUPNAME: 'Group name' IMPORTGROUPS: 'Import groups' IMPORTUSERS: 'Import users' MEMBERS: Members MENUTITLE: Security MemberListCaution: 'Caution: Removing members from this list will remove them from all groups and the database' NEWGROUP: 'New Group' PERMISSIONS: Permissions ROLES: Roles ROLESDESCRIPTION: 'Roles are predefined sets of permissions, and can be assigned to groups.
They are inherited from parent groups if required.' TABROLES: Roles Users: Users SecurityAdmin_MemberImportForm: BtnImport: 'Import from CSV' FileFieldLabel: 'CSV File (Allowed extensions: *.csv)' SilverStripeNavigator: Auto: Auto ChangeViewMode: 'Change view mode' Desktop: Desktop DualWindowView: 'Dual Window' Edit: Edit EditView: 'Edit mode' Mobile: Mobile PreviewState: 'Preview State' PreviewView: 'Preview mode' Responsive: Responsive SplitView: 'Split mode' Tablet: Tablet ViewDeviceWidth: 'Select a preview width' Width: width SiteTree: TABMAIN: Main TableListField: CSVEXPORT: 'Export to CSV' Print: Print TableListField_PageControls_ss: OF: of TextField: VALIDATEMAXLENGTH: 'The value for {name} must not exceed {maxLength} characters in length' TimeField: VALIDATEFORMAT: 'Please enter a valid time format ({format})' ToggleField: LESS: less MORE: more UploadField: ATTACHFILE: 'Attach a file' ATTACHFILES: 'Attach files' AttachFile: 'Attach file(s)' CHOOSEANOTHERFILE: 'Choose another file' CHOOSEANOTHERINFO: 'Replace this file with another one from the file store' DELETE: 'Delete from files' DELETEINFO: 'Permanently delete this file from the file store' DOEDIT: Save DROPFILE: 'drop a file' DROPFILES: 'drop files' Dimensions: Dimensions EDIT: Edit EDITINFO: 'Edit this file' FIELDNOTSET: 'File information not found' FROMCOMPUTER: 'From your computer' FROMCOMPUTERINFO: 'Select from files' FROMFILES: 'From files' HOTLINKINFO: 'Info: This image will be hotlinked. Please ensure you have permissions from the original site creator to do so.' MAXNUMBEROFFILES: 'Max number of {count} file(s) exceeded.' MAXNUMBEROFFILESONE: 'Can only upload one file' MAXNUMBEROFFILESSHORT: 'Can only upload {count} files' OVERWRITEWARNING: 'File with the same name already exists' REMOVE: Remove REMOVEINFO: 'Remove this file from here, but do not delete it from the file store' STARTALL: 'Start all' Saved: Saved UPLOADSINTO: 'saves into /{path}' Versioned: has_many_Versions: Versions VersionedGridFieldItemRequest: ARCHIVE: Archive Archived: 'Archived %s %s' BUTTONARCHIVEDESC: 'Unpublish and send to archive' BUTTONPUBLISH: Publish BUTTONUNPUBLISH: Unpublish BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC: 'Remove this record from the published site' Published: 'Published {name} {link}' Unpublished: 'Unpublished %s %s' i18n: PLURAL: '{number} {form}'