Name = 'test obj 1'; $obj1->write(); $this->assertTrue($obj1->isInDB()); // reload the object from the database and reset its Created timestamp to a known value $obj1 = ValidatedObject::get()->filter(['Name' => 'test obj 1'])->first(); $this->assertTrue(is_object($obj1)); $this->assertEquals('test obj 1', $obj1->Name); $obj1->Created = '2013-01-01 00:00:00'; $obj1->write(); // reload the object again and make sure that our Created date was properly persisted $obj1 = ValidatedObject::get()->filter(['Name' => 'test obj 1'])->first(); $this->assertTrue(is_object($obj1)); $this->assertEquals('test obj 1', $obj1->Name); $this->assertEquals('2013-01-01 00:00:00', $obj1->Created); // now save a second object to the DB with an automatically-set Created value $obj2 = new ValidatedObject(); $obj2->Name = 'test obj 2'; $obj2->write(); $this->assertTrue($obj2->isInDB()); // and a third object $obj3 = new ValidatedObject(); $obj3->Name = 'test obj 3'; $obj3->write(); $this->assertTrue($obj3->isInDB()); // now test the filtering based on Created timestamp $list = ValidatedObject::get() ->filter(['Created:GreaterThan' => '2013-02-01 00:00:00']) ->toArray(); $this->assertEquals(2, count($list)); } public function testSubtract() { $comment1 = $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment1'); $subtractList = TeamComment::get()->filter('ID', $comment1->ID); $fullList = TeamComment::get(); $newList = $fullList->subtract($subtractList); $this->assertEquals(2, $newList->Count(), 'List should only contain two objects after subtraction'); } /** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException */ public function testSubtractBadDataclassThrowsException() { $teamsComments = TeamComment::get(); $teams = Team::get(); $teamsComments->subtract($teams); } public function testListCreationSortAndLimit() { // By default, a DataList will contain all items of that class $list = TeamComment::get()->sort('ID'); // We can iterate on the DataList $names = []; foreach ($list as $item) { $names[] = $item->Name; } $this->assertEquals(['Joe', 'Bob', 'Phil'], $names); // If we don't want to iterate, we can extract a single column from the list with column() $this->assertEquals(['Joe', 'Bob', 'Phil'], $list->column('Name')); // We can sort a list $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(['Bob', 'Joe', 'Phil'], $list->column('Name')); // We can also restrict the output to a range $this->assertEquals(['Joe', 'Phil'], $list->limit(2, 1)->column('Name')); } public function testLimitAndOffset() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $check = $list->limit(3); $this->assertEquals(3, $check->count()); $check = $list->limit(1); $this->assertEquals(1, $check->count()); $check = $list->limit(1, 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $check->count()); $check = $list->limit(false); $this->assertEquals(3, $check->count()); $check = $list->limit(null); $this->assertEquals(3, $check->count()); $check = $list->limit(null, 2); $this->assertEquals(1, $check->count()); // count()/first()/last() methods may alter limit/offset, so run the query and manually check the count $check = $list->limit(null, 1)->toArray(); $this->assertEquals(2, count($check)); } public function testDistinct() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $this->assertContains('SELECT DISTINCT', $list->dataQuery()->sql($params), 'Query is set as distinct by default'); $list = $list->distinct(false); $this->assertNotContains('SELECT DISTINCT', $list->dataQuery()->sql($params), 'Query does not contain distinct'); $list = $list->distinct(true); $this->assertContains('SELECT DISTINCT', $list->dataQuery()->sql($params), 'Query contains distinct'); } public function testDataClass() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $this->assertEquals(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, $list->dataClass()); } public function testDataClassCaseInsensitive() { $list = DataList::create(strtolower(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class)); $this->assertTrue($list->exists()); } public function testClone() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $this->assertEquals($list, clone($list)); } public function testSql() { $db = DB::get_conn(); $list = TeamComment::get(); $expected = 'SELECT DISTINCT "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."LastEdited", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Created", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Comment", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ID", ' . 'CASE WHEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL ' . 'THEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" ELSE ' . $db->quoteString(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class) . ' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"' . ' ORDER BY "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" ASC'; $this->assertSQLEquals($expected, $list->sql($parameters)); } public function testInnerJoin() { $db = DB::get_conn(); $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->innerJoin( 'DataObjectTest_Team', '"DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID"', 'Team' ); $expected = 'SELECT DISTINCT "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."LastEdited", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Created", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Comment", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ID", ' . 'CASE WHEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL' . ' THEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" ELSE ' . $db->quoteString(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class) . ' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "DataObjectTest_TeamComment" INNER JOIN ' . '"DataObjectTest_Team" AS "Team" ON "DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID"' . ' ORDER BY "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" ASC'; $this->assertSQLEquals($expected, $list->sql($parameters)); $this->assertEmpty($parameters); } public function testInnerJoinParameterised() { $db = DB::get_conn(); $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->innerJoin( 'DataObjectTest_Team', '"DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID" ' . 'AND "DataObjectTest_Team"."Title" LIKE ?', 'Team', 20, ['Team%'] ); $expected = 'SELECT DISTINCT "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."LastEdited", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Created", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Comment", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ID", ' . 'CASE WHEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL' . ' THEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" ELSE ' . $db->quoteString(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class) . ' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "DataObjectTest_TeamComment" INNER JOIN ' . '"DataObjectTest_Team" AS "Team" ON "DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID" ' . 'AND "DataObjectTest_Team"."Title" LIKE ?' . ' ORDER BY "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" ASC'; $this->assertSQLEquals($expected, $list->sql($parameters)); $this->assertEquals(['Team%'], $parameters); } public function testLeftJoin() { $db = DB::get_conn(); $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->leftJoin( 'DataObjectTest_Team', '"DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID"', 'Team' ); $expected = 'SELECT DISTINCT "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."LastEdited", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Created", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Comment", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ID", ' . 'CASE WHEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL ' . 'THEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" ELSE ' . $db->quoteString(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class) . ' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "DataObjectTest_TeamComment" LEFT JOIN "DataObjectTest_Team" ' . 'AS "Team" ON "DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID"' . ' ORDER BY "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" ASC'; $this->assertSQLEquals($expected, $list->sql($parameters)); $this->assertEmpty($parameters); } public function testLeftJoinParameterised() { $db = DB::get_conn(); $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->leftJoin( 'DataObjectTest_Team', '"DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID" ' . 'AND "DataObjectTest_Team"."Title" LIKE ?', 'Team', 20, ['Team%'] ); $expected = 'SELECT DISTINCT "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."LastEdited", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Created", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Comment", ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID", "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ID", ' . 'CASE WHEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL' . ' THEN "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ClassName" ELSE ' . $db->quoteString(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class) . ' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "DataObjectTest_TeamComment" LEFT JOIN ' . '"DataObjectTest_Team" AS "Team" ON "DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = ' . '"DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID" ' . 'AND "DataObjectTest_Team"."Title" LIKE ?' . ' ORDER BY "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" ASC'; $this->assertSQLEquals($expected, $list->sql($parameters)); $this->assertEquals(['Team%'], $parameters); } public function testToNestedArray() { $list = TeamComment::get()->sort('ID'); $nestedArray = $list->toNestedArray(); $expected = [ 0=> [ 'ClassName'=>DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'Name'=>'Joe', 'Comment'=>'This is a team comment by Joe', 'TeamID'=> $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment1')->TeamID, ], 1=> [ 'ClassName'=>DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'Name'=>'Bob', 'Comment'=>'This is a team comment by Bob', 'TeamID'=> $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment2')->TeamID, ], 2=> [ 'ClassName'=>DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'Name'=>'Phil', 'Comment'=>'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2', 'TeamID'=> $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment3')->TeamID, ], ]; $this->assertEquals(3, count($nestedArray)); $this->assertEquals($expected[0]['Name'], $nestedArray[0]['Name']); $this->assertEquals($expected[1]['Comment'], $nestedArray[1]['Comment']); $this->assertEquals($expected[2]['TeamID'], $nestedArray[2]['TeamID']); } public function testMap() { $map = TeamComment::get()->map()->toArray(); $expected = [ $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment1') => 'Joe', $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment2') => 'Bob', $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment3') => 'Phil' ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $map); $otherMap = TeamComment::get()->map('Name', 'TeamID')->toArray(); $otherExpected = [ 'Joe' => $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment1')->TeamID, 'Bob' => $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment2')->TeamID, 'Phil' => $this->objFromFixture(DataObjectTest\TeamComment::class, 'comment3')->TeamID ]; $this->assertEquals($otherExpected, $otherMap); } public function testAmbiguousAggregate() { // Test that we avoid ambiguity error when a field exists on two joined tables // Fetch the sponsors in a round-about way to simulate this $teamID = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2'); $sponsors = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('SponsoredTeams.ID', $teamID); $this->assertNotNull($sponsors->Max('ID')); $this->assertNotNull($sponsors->Min('ID')); $this->assertNotNull($sponsors->Avg('ID')); $this->assertNotNull($sponsors->Sum('ID')); // Test non-orm many_many_extraFields $company = $this->objFromFixture(EquipmentCompany::class, 'equipmentcompany1'); $this->assertNotNull($company->SponsoredTeams()->Max('SponsorFee')); $this->assertNotNull($company->SponsoredTeams()->Min('SponsorFee')); $this->assertNotNull($company->SponsoredTeams()->Avg('SponsorFee')); $this->assertNotNull($company->SponsoredTeams()->Sum('SponsorFee')); } public function testEach() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $count = 0; $list->each( function ($item) use (&$count) { $count++; $this->assertInstanceOf(TeamComment::class, $item); } ); $this->assertEquals($count, $list->count()); } public function testWhere() { // We can use raw SQL queries with where. This is only recommended for advanced uses; // if you can, you should use filter(). $list = TeamComment::get(); // where() returns a new DataList, like all the other modifiers, so it can be chained. $list2 = $list->where('"Name" = \'Joe\''); $this->assertEquals(['This is a team comment by Joe'], $list2->column('Comment')); // The where() clauses are chained together with AND $list3 = $list2->where('"Name" = \'Bob\''); $this->assertEquals([], $list3->column('Comment')); } /** * Test DataList->byID() */ public function testByID() { // We can get a single item by ID. $id = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2'); $team = Team::get()->byID($id); // byID() returns a DataObject, rather than a DataList $this->assertInstanceOf(DataObjectTest\Team::class, $team); $this->assertEquals('Team 2', $team->Title); // Assert that filtering on ID searches by the base table, not the child table field $query = SubTeam::get()->filter('ID', 4)->sql($parameters); $this->assertContains('WHERE ("DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = ?)', $query); $this->assertNotContains('WHERE ("DataObjectTest_SubTeam"."ID" = ?)', $query); } public function testByIDs() { $knownIDs = $this->allFixtureIDs(DataObjectTest\Player::class); $removedID = array_pop($knownIDs); $filteredPlayers = Player::get()->byIDs($knownIDs); foreach ($filteredPlayers as $player) { $this->assertContains($player->ID, $knownIDs); $this->assertNotEquals($removedID, $player->ID); } } /** * Test DataList->removeByID() */ public function testRemoveByID() { $list = Team::get(); $id = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2'); $this->assertNotNull($list->byID($id)); $list->removeByID($id); $this->assertNull($list->byID($id)); } /** * Test DataList->canSortBy() */ public function testCanSortBy() { // Basic check $team = Team::get(); $this->assertTrue($team->canSortBy("Title")); $this->assertFalse($team->canSortBy("SomethingElse")); // Subclasses $subteam = SubTeam::get(); $this->assertTrue($subteam->canSortBy("Title")); $this->assertTrue($subteam->canSortBy("SubclassDatabaseField")); } public function testDataListArrayAccess() { $list = Team::get()->sort('Title'); // We can use array access to refer to single items in the DataList, as if it were an array $this->assertEquals("Subteam 1", $list[0]->Title); $this->assertEquals("Subteam 3", $list[2]->Title); $this->assertEquals("Team 2", $list[4]->Title); } public function testFind() { $list = Team::get(); $record = $list->find('Title', 'Team 1'); $this->assertEquals($this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1'), $record->ID); } public function testFindById() { $list = Team::get(); $record = $list->find('ID', $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1')); $this->assertEquals('Team 1', $record->Title); // Test that you can call it twice on the same list $record = $list->find('ID', $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2')); $this->assertEquals('Team 2', $record->Title); } public function testSimpleSort() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleSortOneArgumentASC() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort('Name ASC'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleSortOneArgumentDESC() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort('Name DESC'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->last()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSortOneArgumentMultipleColumns() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort('TeamID ASC, Name DESC'); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleSortASC() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort('Name', 'asc'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleSortDESC() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort('Name', 'desc'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->last()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSortWithArraySyntaxSortASC() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort(['Name'=>'asc']); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSortWithArraySyntaxSortDESC() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort(['Name'=>'desc']); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->last()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSortWithMultipleArraySyntaxSort() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort(['TeamID'=>'asc','Name'=>'desc']); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSortWithCompositeSyntax() { // Phil commented on team with founder surname "Aaron" $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort('Team.Founder.Surname', 'asc'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name); $list = $list->sort('Team.Founder.Surname', 'desc'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name); } /** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage Fans is not a linear relation on model SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\DataObjectTest\Player */ public function testSortInvalidParameters() { $list = Team::get(); $list->sort('Founder.Fans.Surname'); // Can't sort on has_many } public function testSortNumeric() { $list = Sortable::get(); $list1 = $list->sort('Sort', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals( [ -10, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 10 ], $list1->column('Sort') ); } public function testSortMixedCase() { $list = Sortable::get(); $list1 = $list->sort('Name', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals( [ 'Bob', 'bonny', 'jane', 'John', 'sam', 'Steve', 'steven' ], $list1->column('Name') ); } /** * Test DataList->canFilterBy() */ public function testCanFilterBy() { // Basic check $team = Team::get(); $this->assertTrue($team->canFilterBy("Title")); $this->assertFalse($team->canFilterBy("SomethingElse")); // Has one $this->assertTrue($team->canFilterBy("CaptainID")); $this->assertTrue($team->canFilterBy("Captain.ShirtNumber")); $this->assertFalse($team->canFilterBy("SomethingElse.ShirtNumber")); $this->assertFalse($team->canFilterBy("Captain.SomethingElse")); $this->assertTrue($team->canFilterBy("Captain.FavouriteTeam.Captain.ShirtNumber")); // Has many $this->assertTrue($team->canFilterBy("Fans.Name")); $this->assertFalse($team->canFilterBy("SomethingElse.Name")); $this->assertFalse($team->canFilterBy("Fans.SomethingElse")); // Many many $this->assertTrue($team->canFilterBy("Players.FirstName")); $this->assertFalse($team->canFilterBy("SomethingElse.FirstName")); $this->assertFalse($team->canFilterBy("Players.SomethingElse")); // Subclasses $subteam = SubTeam::get(); $this->assertTrue($subteam->canFilterBy("Title")); $this->assertTrue($subteam->canFilterBy("SubclassDatabaseField")); } /** * $list->filter('Name', 'bob'); // only bob in the list */ public function testSimpleFilter() { $list = Team::get(); $list = $list->filter('Title', 'Team 2'); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Team 2', $list->first()->Title, 'List should only contain Team 2'); $this->assertEquals('Team 2', $list->last()->Title, 'Last should only contain Team 2'); } public function testSimpleFilterEndsWith() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter('Name:EndsWith', 'b'); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSimpleFilterExactMatchFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter('Name:ExactMatch', 'Bob'); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSimpleFilterGreaterThanFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter('TeamID:GreaterThan', $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1')); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleFilterGreaterThanOrEqualFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter( 'TeamID:GreaterThanOrEqual', $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1') )->sort("ID"); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Joe'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSimpleFilterLessThanFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter( 'TeamID:LessThan', $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2') )->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->Last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Joe'); } public function testSimpleFilterLessThanOrEqualFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter( 'TeamID:LessThanOrEqual', $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1') )->sort('ID'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Joe'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->Last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSimplePartialMatchFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter('Name:PartialMatch', 'o')->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->last()->Name, 'First comment should be from Joe'); } public function testSimpleFilterStartsWith() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter('Name:StartsWith', 'B'); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } public function testSimpleFilterWithNonExistingComparisator() { $this->expectException(InjectorNotFoundException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp('/Class "?DataListFilter.Bogus"? does not exist/'); $list = TeamComment::get(); $list->filter('Comment:Bogus', 'team comment'); } /** * Invalid modifiers are treated as failed filter construction */ public function testInvalidModifier() { $this->expectException(InjectorNotFoundException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp('/Class "?DataListFilter.invalidmodifier"? does not exist/'); $list = TeamComment::get(); $list->filter('Comment:invalidmodifier', 'team comment'); } /** * $list->filter('Name', ['aziz', 'bob']); // aziz and bob in list */ public function testSimpleFilterWithMultiple() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter('Name', ['Bob','Phil']); $list = $list->sort('Name', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testMultipleFilterWithNoMatch() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter(['Name'=>'Bob', 'Comment'=>'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2']); $this->assertEquals(0, $list->count()); } /** * $list->filter(['Name'=>'bob, 'Age'=>21]); // bob with the age 21 */ public function testFilterMultipleArray() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter(['Name'=>'Bob', 'Comment'=>'This is a team comment by Bob']); $list = $list->sort('Name', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'Only comment should be from Bob'); } public function testFilterMultipleWithTwoMatches() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter(['TeamID'=>$this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1')]); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); } public function testFilterMultipleWithArrayFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter(['Name'=>['Bob','Phil']]); $list = $list->sort('Name', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count(), 'There should be two comments'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testFilterMultipleWithArrayFilterAndModifiers() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter(['Name:StartsWith'=>['Bo', 'Jo']]); $list = $list->sort('Name', 'ASC'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->last()->Name); } /** * $list->filter(['Name'=>['aziz','bob'], 'Age'=>[21, 43]]); */ public function testFilterArrayInArray() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter( [ 'Name'=>['Bob','Phil'], 'TeamID'=>[$this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1')]] ); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count(), 'There should be one comment'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'Only comment should be from Bob'); } public function testFilterWithModifiers() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $nocaseList = $list->filter('Name:nocase', 'bob'); $this->assertEquals(1, $nocaseList->count(), 'There should be one comment'); $caseList = $list->filter('Name:case', 'bob'); $this->assertEquals(0, $caseList->count(), 'There should be no comments'); $gtList = $list->filter( 'TeamID:GreaterThan:not', $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1') ); $this->assertEquals(2, $gtList->count()); } /** * Test that a filter correctly aliases relationships that share common classes */ public function testFilterSharedRelationalClasses() { /** @var Bracket $final1 */ $final1 = $this->objFromFixture(Bracket::class, 'final'); $prefinal1 = $this->objFromFixture(Bracket::class, 'prefinal1'); $prefinal2 = $this->objFromFixture(Bracket::class, 'prefinal2'); $semifinal1 = $this->objFromFixture(Bracket::class, 'semifinal1'); $team2 = $this->objFromFixture(Team::class, 'team2'); // grand child can be found from parent $found = Bracket::get()->filter('Next.Next.Title', $final1->Title); $this->assertListEquals( [['Title' => $semifinal1->Title]], $found ); // grand child can be found from child $found = Bracket::get()->filter('Next.Title', $prefinal1->Title); $this->assertListEquals( [['Title' => $semifinal1->Title]], $found ); // child can be found from parent $found = Bracket::get()->filter('Next.Title', $final1->Title); $this->assertListEquals( [ ['Title' => $prefinal1->Title], ['Title' => $prefinal2->Title] ], $found ); // Complex filter, get brackets where the following bracket was won by team 1 // Note: Includes results from multiple levels $found = Bracket::get()->filter('Next.Winner.Title', $team2->Title); $this->assertListEquals( [ ['Title' => $prefinal1->Title], ['Title' => $prefinal2->Title], ['Title' => $semifinal1->Title] ], $found ); } public function testFilterOnImplicitJoinWithSharedInheritance() { $list = DataObjectTest\RelationChildFirst::get()->filter([ 'ManyNext.ID' => [ $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\RelationChildSecond::class, 'test1'), $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\RelationChildSecond::class, 'test2'), ], ]); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $ids = $list->column('ID'); $this->assertContains($this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\RelationChildFirst::class, 'test1'), $ids); $this->assertContains($this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\RelationChildFirst::class, 'test2'), $ids); } public function testFilterAny() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filterAny('Name', 'Bob'); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); } public function testFilterAnyWithRelation() { $list = Player::get(); $list = $list->filterAny([ 'Teams.Title:StartsWith' => 'Team', 'ID:GreaterThan' => 0, ]); $this->assertCount(4, $list); } public function testFilterAnyWithTwoGreaterThanFilters() { for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) { $f = new Fixture(); $f->MyDecimal = $i; $f->write(); $f = new Fixture(); $f->MyInt = $i; $f->write(); } $list = Fixture::get()->filterAny([ 'MyDecimal:GreaterThan' => 1, // 2 records 'MyInt:GreaterThan' => 2, // 1 record ]); $this->assertCount(3, $list); } public function testFilterAnyMultipleArray() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filterAny(['Name'=>'Bob', 'Comment'=>'This is a team comment by Bob']); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'Only comment should be from Bob'); } public function testFilterAnyOnFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter( [ 'TeamID'=>$this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1') ] ); $list = $list->filterAny( [ 'Name'=>['Phil', 'Joe'], 'Comment'=>'This is a team comment by Bob' ] ); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals( 'Bob', $list->offsetGet(0)->Name, 'Results should include comments from Bob, matched by comment and team' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Joe', $list->offsetGet(1)->Name, 'Results should include comments by Joe, matched by name and team (not by comment)' ); $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter( [ 'TeamID'=>$this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1') ] ); $list = $list->filterAny( [ 'Name'=>['Phil', 'Joe'], 'Comment'=>'This is a team comment by Bob' ] ); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $list = $list->filter(['Name' => 'Bob']); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals( 'Bob', $list->offsetGet(0)->Name, 'Results should include comments from Bob, matched by name and team' ); } public function testFilterAnyMultipleWithArrayFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filterAny(['Name'=>['Bob','Phil']]); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count(), 'There should be two comments'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } public function testFilterAnyArrayInArray() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filterAny( [ 'Name'=>['Bob','Phil'], 'TeamID'=>[$this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1')]] ) ->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals( 'Bob', $list->offsetGet(0)->Name, 'Results should include comments from Bob, matched by name and team' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Joe', $list->offsetGet(1)->Name, 'Results should include comments by Joe, matched by team (not by name)' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Phil', $list->offsetGet(2)->Name, 'Results should include comments from Phil, matched by name (even if he\'s not in Team1)' ); } public function testFilterOnJoin() { $list = TeamComment::get() ->leftJoin( 'DataObjectTest_Team', '"DataObjectTest_Team"."ID" = "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."TeamID"' )->filter([ 'Title' => 'Team 1' ]); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $values = $list->column('Name'); $this->assertEquals(array_intersect($values, ['Joe', 'Bob']), $values); } public function testFilterOnImplicitJoin() { // Many to many $list = Team::get() ->filter('Players.FirstName', ['Captain', 'Captain 2']); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); // Has many $list = Team::get() ->filter('Comments.Name', ['Joe', 'Phil']); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); // Has one $list = Player::get() ->filter('FavouriteTeam.Title', 'Team 1'); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('007', $list->first()->ShirtNumber); } /** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage MascotAnimal is not a relation on model SilverStripe\ORM\Tests\DataObjectTest\Team */ public function testFilterOnInvalidRelation() { // Filter on missing relation 'MascotAnimal' Team::get() ->filter('MascotAnimal.Name', 'Richard') ->toArray(); } public function testFilterAndExcludeById() { $id = $this->idFromFixture(SubTeam::class, 'subteam1'); $list = SubTeam::get()->filter('ID', $id); $this->assertEquals($id, $list->first()->ID); $list = SubTeam::get(); $this->assertEquals(3, count($list)); $this->assertEquals(2, count($list->exclude('ID', $id))); } /** * @skipUpgrade */ public function testFilterByNull() { $list = Fan::get(); // Force DataObjectTest_Fan/fan5::Email to empty string $fan5id = $this->idFromFixture(Fan::class, 'fan5'); DB::prepared_query("UPDATE \"DataObjectTest_Fan\" SET \"Email\" = '' WHERE \"ID\" = ?", [$fan5id]); // Filter by null email $nullEmails = $list->filter('Email', null); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ] ], $nullEmails ); // Filter by non-null $nonNullEmails = $list->filter('Email:not', null); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Damian', 'Email' => '', ], [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => '', ], [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], $nonNullEmails ); // Filter by empty only $emptyOnly = $list->filter('Email', ''); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], $emptyOnly ); // Non-empty only. This should include null values, since ExactMatchFilter works around // the caveat that != '' also excludes null values in ANSI SQL-92 behaviour. $nonEmptyOnly = $list->filter('Email:not', ''); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Damian', 'Email' => '', ], [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => '', ], [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ] ], $nonEmptyOnly ); // Filter by many including null, empty string, and non-empty $items1 = $list->filter('Email', [null, '', '']); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Damian', 'Email' => '', ], [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ], [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], $items1 ); // Filter exclusion of above list $items2 = $list->filter('Email:not', [null, '', '']); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => '', ], ], $items2 ); // Filter by many including empty string and non-empty $items3 = $list->filter('Email', ['', '']); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Damian', 'Email' => '', ], [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], $items3 ); // Filter by many including empty string and non-empty // This also relies no the workaround for null comparison as in the $nonEmptyOnly test $items4 = $list->filter('Email:not', ['', '']); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => '', ], [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ] ], $items4 ); // Filter by many including empty string and non-empty // The extra null check isn't necessary, but check that this doesn't fail $items5 = $list->filterAny( [ 'Email:not' => ['', ''], 'Email' => null ] ); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Richard', 'Email' => '', ], [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ] ], $items5 ); // Filter by null or empty values $items6 = $list->filter('Email', [null, '']); $this->assertListEquals( [ [ 'Name' => 'Stephen', ], [ 'Name' => 'Mitch', ], [ 'Name' => 'Hamish', ] ], $items6 ); } /** * Test null checks with case modifiers */ public function testFilterByNullCase() { // Test with case (case/nocase both use same code path) // Test with and without null, and with inclusion/exclusion permutations $list = Fan::get(); // Only an explicit NOT NULL should include null values $items6 = $list->filter('Email:not:case', [null, '', '']); $this->assertSQLContains(' AND "DataObjectTest_Fan"."Email" IS NOT NULL', $items6->sql()); // These should all include values where Email IS NULL $items7 = $list->filter('Email:nocase', [null, '', '']); $this->assertSQLContains(' OR "DataObjectTest_Fan"."Email" IS NULL', $items7->sql()); $items8 = $list->filter('Email:not:case', ['', '']); $this->assertSQLContains(' OR "DataObjectTest_Fan"."Email" IS NULL', $items8->sql()); // These should not contain any null checks at all $items9 = $list->filter('Email:nocase', ['', '']); $this->assertSQLNotContains('"DataObjectTest_Fan"."Email" IS NULL', $items9->sql()); $this->assertSQLNotContains('"DataObjectTest_Fan"."Email" IS NOT NULL', $items9->sql()); } public function testAggregateDBName() { $filter = new ExactMatchFilter( 'Comments.Count()' ); $filter->apply(new DataQuery(DataObjectTest\Team::class)); $this->assertEquals('COUNT("comments_DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ID")', $filter->getDBName()); foreach (['Comments.Max(ID)', 'Comments.Max( ID )', 'Comments.Max( ID)'] as $name) { $filter = new ExactMatchFilter($name); $filter->apply(new DataQuery(DataObjectTest\Team::class)); $this->assertEquals('MAX("comments_DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."ID")', $filter->getDBName()); } } public function testAggregateFilterExceptions() { $ex = null; try { $filter = new ExactMatchFilter('Comments.Max( This will not parse! )'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $ex = $e; } $this->assertInstanceOf(\InvalidArgumentException::class, $ex); $this->assertRegExp('/Malformed/', $ex->getMessage()); $filter = new ExactMatchFilter('Comments.Max(NonExistentColumn)'); $filter->setModel(new DataObjectTest\Team()); $ex = null; try { $name = $filter->getDBName(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $ex = $e; } $this->assertInstanceOf(\InvalidArgumentException::class, $ex); $this->assertRegExp('/Invalid column/', $ex->getMessage()); } public function testAggregateFilters() { $teams = Team::get()->filter('Comments.Count()', 2); $team1 = $this->objFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1'); $team2 = $this->objFromFixture(Team::class, 'team2'); $team3 = $this->objFromFixture(Team::class, 'team3'); $team4 = $this->objFromFixture(SubTeam::class, 'subteam1'); $team5 = $this->objFromFixture(SubTeam::class, 'subteam2_with_player_relation'); $team6 = $this->objFromFixture(SubTeam::class, 'subteam3_with_empty_fields'); $company1 = $this->objFromFixture(EquipmentCompany::class, 'equipmentcompany1'); $company2 = $this->objFromFixture(EquipmentCompany::class, 'equipmentcompany2'); $company1->CurrentStaff()->add(Staff::create(['Salary' => 3])->write()); $company1->CurrentStaff()->add(Staff::create(['Salary' => 5])->write()); $company2->CurrentStaff()->add(Staff::create(['Salary' => 4])->write()); $this->assertCount(1, $teams); $this->assertEquals($team1->ID, $teams->first()->ID); $teams = Team::get()->filter('Comments.Count()', [1,2]); $this->assertCount(2, $teams); foreach ([$team1, $team2] as $expectedTeam) { $this->assertContains($expectedTeam->ID, $teams->column('ID')); } $teams = Team::get()->filter('Comments.Count():GreaterThan', 1); $this->assertCount(1, $teams); $this->assertContains( $this->objFromFixture(Team::class, 'team1')->ID, $teams->column('ID') ); $teams = Team::get()->filter('Comments.Count():LessThan', 2); $this->assertCount(5, $teams); foreach ([$team2, $team3, $team4, $team5, $team6] as $expectedTeam) { $this->assertContains($expectedTeam->ID, $teams->column('ID')); } $teams = Team::get()->filter('Comments.Count():GreaterThanOrEqual', 1); $this->assertCount(2, $teams); foreach ([$team1, $team2] as $expectedTeam) { $this->assertContains($expectedTeam->ID, $teams->column('ID')); } $teams = Team::get()->filter('Comments.Count():LessThanOrEqual', 1); $this->assertCount(5, $teams); foreach ([$team2, $team3, $team4, $team5, $team6] as $expectedTeam) { $this->assertContains($expectedTeam->ID, $teams->column('ID')); } $companies = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('CurrentStaff.Max(Salary)', 5); $this->assertCount(1, $companies); $this->assertEquals($company1->ID, $companies->first()->ID); $companies = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('CurrentStaff.Min(Salary)', 3); $this->assertCount(1, $companies); $this->assertEquals($company1->ID, $companies->first()->ID); $companies = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('CurrentStaff.Max(Salary):GreaterThan', 3); $this->assertCount(2, $companies); foreach ([$company1, $company2] as $expectedTeam) { $this->assertContains($expectedTeam->ID, $companies->column('ID')); } $companies = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('CurrentStaff.Sum(Salary)', 8); $this->assertCount(1, $companies); $this->assertEquals($company1->ID, $companies->first()->ID); $companies = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('CurrentStaff.Sum(Salary):LessThan', 7); $this->assertCount(1, $companies); $this->assertEquals($company2->ID, $companies->first()->ID); $companies = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('CurrentStaff.Sum(Salary):GreaterThan', 100); $this->assertCount(0, $companies); $companies = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('CurrentStaff.Sum(Salary):GreaterThan', 7); $this->assertCount(1, $companies); $this->assertEquals($company1->ID, $companies->first()->ID); $companies = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('CurrentStaff.Avg(Salary)', 4); $this->assertCount(2, $companies); foreach ([$company1, $company2] as $expectedTeam) { $this->assertContains($expectedTeam->ID, $companies->column('ID')); } $companies = EquipmentCompany::get()->filter('CurrentStaff.Avg(Salary):LessThan', 10); $this->assertCount(2, $companies); foreach ([$company1, $company2] as $expectedTeam) { $this->assertContains($expectedTeam->ID, $companies->column('ID')); } } /** * $list = $list->filterByCallback(function($item, $list) { return $item->Age == 21; }) */ public function testFilterByCallback() { $team1ID = $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1'); $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filterByCallback( function ($item, $list) use ($team1ID) { return $item->TeamID == $team1ID; } ); $result = $list->column('Name'); $expected = array_intersect($result, ['Joe', 'Bob']); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result, 'List should only contain comments from Team 1 (Joe and Bob)'); $this->assertTrue($list instanceof Filterable, 'The List should be of type SS_Filterable'); } /** * $list->exclude('Name', 'bob'); // exclude bob from list */ public function testSimpleExclude() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude('Name', 'Bob'); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Joe'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } // /** * $list->exclude('Name', ['aziz', 'bob']); // exclude aziz and bob from list */ public function testSimpleExcludeWithMultiple() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude('Name', ['Joe','Phil']); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Bob'); } /** * $list->exclude(['Name'=>'bob, 'Age'=>21]); // negative version */ public function testMultipleExcludeWithMiss() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude(['Name'=>'Bob', 'Comment'=>'Does not match any comments']); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); } /** * $list->exclude(['Name'=>'bob, 'Age'=>21]); // exclude bob that has Age 21 */ public function testMultipleExclude() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude(['Name'=>'Bob', 'Comment'=>'This is a team comment by Bob']); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); } /** * Test doesn't exclude if only matches one * $list->exclude(['Name'=>'bob, 'Age'=>21]); // exclude bob that has Age 21 */ public function testMultipleExcludeMultipleMatches() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude(['Name'=>'Bob', 'Comment'=>'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2']); $this->assertCount(3, $list); } /** * // exclude only those that match both */ public function testMultipleExcludeArraysMultipleMatches() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude([ 'Name'=> ['Bob', 'Phil'], 'Comment'=> [ 'This is a team comment by Bob', 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2' ] ]); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Joe']], $list); } /** * Exclude only which matches both params */ public function testMultipleExcludeArraysMultipleMatchesOneMiss() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude([ 'Name' => ['Bob', 'Phil'], 'Comment' => [ 'Does not match any comments', 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2' ] ]); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertListEquals( [ ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'Joe'], ], $list ); } /** * Test that if an exclude() is applied to a filter(), the filter() is still preserved. */ public function testExcludeOnFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter('Comment', 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2'); $list = $list->exclude('Name', 'Bob'); $sql = $list->sql($parameters); $this->assertSQLContains( 'WHERE ("DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Comment" = ?) AND (("DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" != ? ' . 'OR "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" IS NULL))', $sql ); $this->assertEquals(['Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2', 'Bob'], $parameters); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Phil']], $list); } /** * Test that if a complicated exclude() is applied to a filter(), the filter() is still preserved. */ public function testComplicatedExcludeOnFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter('Name', ['Phil', 'Bob']); $list = $list->exclude('Name', ['Bob', 'Joe']); $sql = $list->sql($parameters); $this->assertSQLContains( 'WHERE ("DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" IN (?, ?)) AND (("DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" NOT IN (?, ?) ' . 'OR "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" IS NULL))', $sql ); $this->assertEquals(['Phil', 'Bob', 'Bob', 'Joe'], $parameters); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Phil']], $list); } /** * Test that if a very complicated exclude() is applied to a filter(), the filter() is still preserved. */ public function testVeryComplicatedExcludeOnFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->filter('Name', ['Phil', 'Bob']); $list = $list->exclude([ 'Name' => ['Joe', 'Phil'], 'Comment' => ['Matches no comments', 'Not a matching comment'] ]); $sql = $list->sql($parameters); $this->assertSQLContains( 'WHERE ("DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" IN (?, ?)) ' . 'AND (("DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" NOT IN (?, ?) ' . 'OR "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" IS NULL) ' . 'OR ("DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Comment" NOT IN (?, ?) ' . 'OR "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Comment" IS NULL))', $sql ); $this->assertEquals(['Phil', 'Bob', 'Joe', 'Phil', 'Matches no comments', 'Not a matching comment'], $parameters); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertListEquals( [ ['Name' => 'Bob'], ['Name' => 'Phil'], ], $list ); } public function testExcludeWithSearchFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude('Name:LessThan', 'Bob'); $sql = $list->sql($parameters); $this->assertSQLContains('WHERE (("DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" >= ?))', $sql); $this->assertEquals(['Bob'], $parameters); } /** * Test that Bob and Phil are excluded (one match each) */ public function testExcludeAny() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->excludeAny([ 'Name' => 'Bob', 'Comment' => 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2' ]); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Joe']], $list); } /** * Test that Bob and Phil are excluded by Name */ public function testExcludeAnyArrays() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->excludeAny([ 'Name' => ['Bob', 'Phil'], 'Comment' => 'No matching comments' ]); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Joe']], $list); } /** * Test that Bob is excluded by Name, Phil by comment */ public function testExcludeAnyMultiArrays() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->excludeAny([ 'Name' => ['Bob', 'Fred'], 'Comment' => ['No matching comments', 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2'] ]); $this->assertListEquals([['Name' => 'Joe']], $list); } /** * Test exact match filter with empty array items * * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage Cannot filter "DataObjectTest_TeamComment"."Name" against an empty set */ public function testEmptyFilter() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list->exclude('Name', []); } /** * $list->exclude(['Name'=>'bob, 'Age'=>[21, 43]]); // exclude bob with Age 21 or 43 */ public function testMultipleExcludeWithMultipleThatCheersEitherTeam() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude( ['Name'=>'Bob', 'TeamID'=>[ $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1'), $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2') ]] ); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Phil'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'First comment should be from Phil'); } /** * $list->exclude(['Name'=>'bob, 'Age'=>[21, 43]]); // negative version */ public function testMultipleExcludeWithMultipleThatCheersOnNonExistingTeam() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude(['Name'=>'Bob', 'TeamID'=>[3]]); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); } /** * $list->exclude(['Name'=>['bob','phil'], 'Age'=>[21, 43]]); //negative version */ public function testMultipleExcludeWithNoExclusion() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude( [ 'Name'=>['Bob','Joe'], 'Comment' => 'Phil is a unique guy, and comments on team2'] ); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); } /** * $list->exclude(array('Name'=>array('bob','phil'), 'Age'=>array(21, 43))); */ public function testMultipleExcludeWithTwoArray() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude( ['Name' => ['Bob','Joe'], 'TeamID' => [ $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1'), $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2') ]] ); $this->assertEquals(1, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Only comment should be from Phil'); } /** * $list->exclude(array('Name'=>array('bob','phil'), 'Age'=>array(21, 43))); */ public function testMultipleExcludeWithTwoArrayOneTeam() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->exclude( [ 'Name' => ['Bob', 'Phil'], 'TeamID' => [$this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1')]] ); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $this->assertEquals(2, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Joe'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Phil'); } /** * */ public function testSortByRelation() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort(['Team.Title' => 'DESC']); $this->assertEquals(3, $list->count()); $this->assertEquals( $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team2'), $list->first()->TeamID, 'First comment should be for Team 2' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->idFromFixture(DataObjectTest\Team::class, 'team1'), $list->last()->TeamID, 'Last comment should be for Team 1' ); } public function testReverse() { $list = TeamComment::get(); $list = $list->sort('Name'); $list = $list->reverse(); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $list->last()->Name, 'Last comment should be from Bob'); $this->assertEquals('Phil', $list->first()->Name, 'First comment should be from Phil'); } public function testSortByComplexExpression() { // Test an expression with both spaces and commas. This test also tests that column() can be called // with a complex sort expression, so keep using column() below $teamClass = Convert::raw2sql(SubTeam::class); $list = Team::get()->sort( 'CASE WHEN "DataObjectTest_Team"."ClassName" = \'' . $teamClass . '\' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, "Title" DESC' ); $this->assertEquals( [ 'Subteam 3', 'Subteam 2', 'Subteam 1', 'Team 3', 'Team 2', 'Team 1', ], $list->column("Title") ); } public function testShuffle() { $list = Team::get()->shuffle(); $this->assertSQLContains(DB::get_conn()->random() . ' AS "_SortColumn', $list->dataQuery()->sql()); } public function testColumnFailureInvalidColumn() { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); Category::get()->column('ObviouslyInvalidColumn'); } public function testColumnFailureInvalidTable() { $this->expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); $columnName = null; Category::get() ->applyRelation('Products.ID', $columnName) ->column('"ObviouslyInvalidTable"."ID"'); } public function testColumnFromRelatedTable() { $columnName = null; $productTitles = Category::get() ->applyRelation('Products.Title', $columnName) ->column($columnName); $productTitles = array_diff($productTitles, [null]); sort($productTitles); $this->assertEquals([ 'Product A', 'Product B', ], $productTitles); } }