fixture->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1'); // Check the page exists before deleting $this->assertTrue(is_object($page) && $page->exists()); // Delete the page $page->delete(); // Check that page does not exist after deleting $page = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1'); $this->assertTrue(!$page || !$page->exists()); // Test deleting using DataObject::delete_by_id() // Get the second page $page2 = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('Page', 'page2'); // Check the page exists before deleting $this->assertTrue(is_object($page2) && $page2->exists()); // Delete the page DataObject::delete_by_id('Page', $page2->ID); // Check that page does not exist after deleting $page2 = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('Page', 'page2'); $this->assertTrue(!$page2 || !$page2->exists()); } /** * Test methods that get DataObjects * - DataObject::get() * - All records of a DataObject * - Filtering * - Sorting * - Joins * - Limit * - Container class * - DataObject::get_by_id() * - DataObject::get_by_url() * - DataObject::get_one() * - With and without caching * - With and without ordering */ function testGet() { // Test getting all records of a DataObject $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment'); $this->assertEquals(8, $comments->Count()); // Test WHERE clause $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', 'Name="Bob"'); $this->assertEquals(2, $comments->Count()); foreach($comments as $comment) { $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comment->Name); } // Test sorting $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', 'Name ASC'); $this->assertEquals(8, $comments->Count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comments->First()->Name); $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', 'Name DESC'); $this->assertEquals(8, $comments->Count()); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $comments->First()->Name); // Test join $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '`SiteTree`.Title="First Page"', '', 'INNER JOIN SiteTree ON PageComment.ParentID = SiteTree.ID'); $this->assertEquals(2, $comments->Count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comments->First()->Name); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comments->Last()->Name); // Test limit $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', 'Name ASC', '', '1,2'); $this->assertEquals(2, $comments->Count()); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comments->First()->Name); $this->assertEquals('Dean', $comments->Last()->Name); // Test container class $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', '', '', '', 'DataObjectSet'); $this->assertEquals('DataObjectSet', get_class($comments)); $comments = DataObject::get('PageComment', '', '', '', '', 'ComponentSet'); $this->assertEquals('ComponentSet', get_class($comments)); // Test get_by_id() $homepageID = $this->idFromFixture('Page', 'home'); $page = DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $homepageID); $this->assertEquals('Home', $page->Title); // Test get_by_url() $page = DataObject::get_by_url('home'); $this->assertEquals($homepageID, $page->ID); // Test get_one() without caching $comment1 = DataObject::get_one('PageComment', 'Name="Joe"', false); $comment1->Comment = "Something Else"; $comment2 = DataObject::get_one('PageComment', 'Name="Joe"', false); $this->assertNotEquals($comment1->Comment, $comment2->Comment); // Test get_one() with caching $comment1 = DataObject::get_one('PageComment', 'Name="Jane"', true); $comment1->Comment = "Something Else"; $comment2 = DataObject::get_one('PageComment', 'Name="Jane"', true); $this->assertEquals((string)$comment1->Comment, (string)$comment2->Comment); // Test get_one() with order by without caching $comment = DataObject::get_one('PageComment', '', false, 'Name ASC'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comment->Name); $comment = DataObject::get_one('PageComment', '', false, 'Name DESC'); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $comment->Name); // Test get_one() with order by with caching $comment = DataObject::get_one('PageComment', '', true, 'Name ASC'); $this->assertEquals('Bob', $comment->Name); $comment = DataObject::get_one('PageComment', '', true, 'Name DESC'); $this->assertEquals('Joe', $comment->Name); } /** * Test writing of database columns which don't correlate to a DBField, * e.g. all relation fields on has_one/has_many like "ParentID". * */ function testWritePropertyWithoutDBField() { $page = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1'); $page->ParentID = 99; $page->write(); // reload the page from the database $savedPage = DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $page->ID); $this->assertTrue($savedPage->ParentID == 99); } /** * Test has many relationships * - Test getComponents() gets the ComponentSet of the other side of the relation * - Test the IDs on the DataObjects are set correctly */ function testHasManyRelationships() { $page = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('Page', 'home'); // Test getComponents() gets the ComponentSet of the other side of the relation $this->assertTrue($page->getComponents('Comments')->Count() == 2); // Test the IDs on the DataObjects are set correctly foreach($page->getComponents('Comments') as $comment) { $this->assertTrue($comment->ParentID == $page->ID); } } /** * @todo Test removeMany() and addMany() on $many_many relationships */ function testManyManyRelationships() { $player1 = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player1'); $player2 = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player2'); $team1 = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $team2 = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team2'); // Test adding single DataObject by reference $player1->Teams()->add($team1); $player1->flushCache(); $compareTeams = new ComponentSet($team1); $this->assertEquals( $player1->Teams()->column('ID'), $compareTeams->column('ID'), "Adding single record as DataObject to many_many" ); // test removing single DataObject by reference $player1->Teams()->remove($team1); $player1->flushCache(); $compareTeams = new ComponentSet(); $this->assertEquals( $player1->Teams()->column('ID'), $compareTeams->column('ID'), "Removing single record as DataObject from many_many" ); // test adding single DataObject by ID $player1->Teams()->add($team1->ID); $player1->flushCache(); $compareTeams = new ComponentSet($team1); $this->assertEquals( $player1->Teams()->column('ID'), $compareTeams->column('ID'), "Adding single record as ID to many_many" ); // test removing single DataObject by ID $player1->Teams()->remove($team1->ID); $player1->flushCache(); $compareTeams = new ComponentSet(); $this->assertEquals( $player1->Teams()->column('ID'), $compareTeams->column('ID'), "Removing single record as ID from many_many" ); } /** * @todo Extend type change tests (e.g. '0'==NULL) */ function testChangedFields() { $page = $this->fixture->objFromFixture('Page', 'home'); $page->Title = 'Home-Changed'; $page->ShowInMenus = true; $this->assertEquals( $page->getChangedFields(false, 1), array( 'Title' => array( 'before' => 'Home', 'after' => 'Home-Changed', 'level' => 2 ), 'ShowInMenus' => array( 'before' => 1, 'after' => true, 'level' => 1 ) ), 'Changed fields are correctly detected with strict type changes (level=1)' ); $this->assertEquals( $page->getChangedFields(false, 2), array( 'Title' => array( 'before'=>'Home', 'after'=>'Home-Changed', 'level' => 2 ) ), 'Changed fields are correctly detected while ignoring type changes (level=2)' ); } function testRandomSort() { /* If we perforn the same regularly sorted query twice, it should return the same results */ $itemsA = DataObject::get("PageComment", "", "ID"); foreach($itemsA as $item) $keysA[] = $item->ID; $itemsB = DataObject::get("PageComment", "", "ID"); foreach($itemsB as $item) $keysB[] = $item->ID; $this->assertEquals($keysA, $keysB); /* If we perform the same random query twice, it shouldn't return the same results */ $itemsA = DataObject::get("PageComment", "", "RAND()"); foreach($itemsA as $item) $keysA[] = $item->ID; $itemsB = DataObject::get("PageComment", "", "RAND()"); foreach($itemsB as $item) $keysB[] = $item->ID; $this->assertNotEquals($keysA, $keysB); } function testWriteSavesToHasOneRelations() { /* DataObject::write() should save to a has_one relationship if you set a field called (relname)ID */ $team = new DataObjectTest_Team(); $captainID = $this->idFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Player', 'player1'); $team->CaptainID = $captainID; $team->write(); $this->assertEquals($captainID, DB::query("SELECT CaptainID FROM DataObjectTest_Team WHERE ID = $team->ID")->value()); /* After giving it a value, you should also be able to set it back to null */ $team->CaptainID = ''; $team->write(); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT CaptainID FROM DataObjectTest_Team WHERE ID = $team->ID")->value()); /* You should also be able to save a blank to it when it's first created */ $team = new DataObjectTest_Team(); $team->CaptainID = ''; $team->write(); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT CaptainID FROM DataObjectTest_Team WHERE ID = $team->ID")->value()); /* Ditto for existing records without a value */ $existingTeam = $this->objFromFixture('DataObjectTest_Team', 'team1'); $existingTeam->CaptainID = ''; $existingTeam->write(); $this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT CaptainID FROM DataObjectTest_Team WHERE ID = $existingTeam->ID")->value()); } } class DataObjectTest_Player extends Member implements TestOnly { static $belongs_many_many = array( 'Teams' => 'DataObjectTest_Team' ); } class DataObjectTest_Team extends DataObject implements TestOnly { static $db = array( 'Title' => 'Text', ); static $has_one = array( "Captain" => 'DataObjectTest_Player', ); static $many_many = array( 'Players' => 'DataObjectTest_Player' ); } ?>