0); } if(!is_array($record)) { if(is_object($record)) $passed = "an object of type '$record->class'"; else $passed = "The value '$record'"; user_error("DataObject::__construct passed $passed. It's supposed to be passed an array, taken straight from the database. Perhaps you should use DataObject::get_one instead?", E_USER_WARNING); $record = null; } $this->record = $this->original = $record; // Keep track of the modification date of all the data sourced to make this page // From this we create a Last-Modified HTTP header if(isset($record['LastEdited'])) { HTTP::register_modification_date($record['LastEdited']); } parent::__construct(); // Must be called after parent constructor if(!$isSingleton && !$this->record['ID']) { $this->populateDefaults(); } // prevent populateDefaults() and setField() from marking overwritten defaults as changed $this->changed = array(); } /** * Destroy all of this objects dependant objects. * You'll need to call this to get the memory of an object that has components or extensions freed. */ function destroy() { $this->extension_instances = null; $this->components = null; $this->destroyed = true; } /** * Create a duplicate of this node. * * @param $doWrite Perform a write() operation before returning the object. If this is true, it will create the duplicate in the database. * * @return DataObject A duplicate of this node. The exact type will be the type of this node. */ function duplicate($doWrite = true) { $className = $this->class; $clone = new $className( $this->record ); $clone->ID = 0; if($doWrite) $clone->write(); return $clone; } /** * Set the ClassName attribute; $this->class is also updated. * * @param string $className The new ClassName attribute */ function setClassName($className) { $this->class = trim($className); $this->setField("ClassName", $className); } /** * Create a new instance of a different class from this object's record * This is useful when dynamically changing the type of an instance. Specifically, * it ensures that the instance of the class is a match for the className of the * record. * * @param string $newClassName The name of the new class * * @return DataObject The new instance of the new class, The exact type will be of the class name provided. */ function newClassInstance($newClassName) { $newRecord = $this->record; //$newRecord['RecordClassName'] = $newRecord['ClassName'] = $newClassName; $newInstance = new $newClassName($newRecord); $newInstance->setClassName($newClassName); $newInstance->forceChange(); return $newInstance; } /** * Adds methods from the extensions. * Called by Object::__construct() once per class. */ function defineMethods() { if($this->class == 'DataObject') return; parent::defineMethods(); // Define the extra db fields if($this->extension_instances) foreach($this->extension_instances as $i => $instance) { $instance->loadExtraDBFields(); } // Set up accessors for joined items if($manyMany = $this->many_many()) { foreach($manyMany as $relationship => $class) { $this->addWrapperMethod($relationship, 'getManyManyComponents'); } } if($hasMany = $this->has_many()) { foreach($hasMany as $relationship => $class) { $this->addWrapperMethod($relationship, 'getComponents'); } } if($hasOne = $this->has_one()) { foreach($hasOne as $relationship => $class) { $this->addWrapperMethod($relationship, 'getComponent'); } } } /** * Returns true if this object "exists", i.e., has a sensible value. * The default behaviour for a DataObject is to return true if * the object exists in the database, you can override this in subclasses. * * @return boolean true if this object exists */ public function exists() { return ($this->record && $this->record['ID'] > 0); } public function isEmpty(){ $isEmpty = true; if($this->record){ foreach($this->record as $k=>$v){ if($k != "ID"){ $isEmpty = $isEmpty && !$v; } } } return $isEmpty; } /** * Get the user friendly singular name of this DataObject. * If the name is not defined (by redefining $singular_name in the subclass), * this returns the class name. * * @return string User friendly singular name of this DataObject */ function singular_name() { $name = $this->stat('singular_name'); if(!$name) { $name = ucwords(trim(strtolower(ereg_replace('([A-Z])',' \\1',$this->class)))); } return $name; } /** * Get the user friendly plural name of this DataObject * If the name is not defined (by renaming $plural_name in the subclass), * this returns a pluralised version of the class name. * * @return string User friendly plural name of this DataObject */ function plural_name() { if($name = $this->stat('plural_name')) { return $name; } else { $name = $this->singular_name(); if(substr($name,-1) == 'e') $name = substr($name,0,-1); else if(substr($name,-1) == 'y') $name = substr($name,0,-1) . 'ie'; return ucfirst($name . 's'); } } /** * Returns the associated database record - in this case, the object itself. * This is included so that you can call $dataOrController->data() and get a DataObject all the time. * * @return DataObject Associated database record */ public function data() { return $this; } /** * Convert this object to a map. * * @return array The data as a map. */ public function toMap() { return $this->record; } /** * Pass a number of field changes in a map. * Doesn't write to the database. To write the data, * use the write() method. * * @param array $data A map of field name to data values to update. */ public function update($data) { foreach($data as $k => $v) { $this->$k = $v; } } /** * Pass changes as a map, and try to * get automatic casting for these fields. * Doesn't write to the database. To write the data, * use the write() method. * * @param array $data A map of field name to data values to update. */ public function castedUpdate($data) { foreach($data as $k => $v) { $this->setCastedField($k,$v); } } /** * Forces the record to think that all its data has changed. * Doesn't write to the database. */ public function forceChange() { foreach($this->record as $fieldName => $fieldVal) $this->changed[$fieldName] = 1; } /** * Event handler called before writing to the database. * You can overload this to clean up or otherwise process data before writing it to the * database. Don't forget to call parent::onBeforeWrite(), though! */ protected function onBeforeWrite() { $this->brokenOnWrite = false; $dummy = null; $this->extend('augmentBeforeWrite', $dummy); } /** * Used by onBeforeWrite() to ensure child classes call parent::onBeforeWrite() * @var boolean */ protected $brokenOnWrite = false; /** * Event handler called before deleting from the database. * You can overload this to clean up or otherwise process data before delete this * record. Don't forget to call parent::onBeforeDelete(), though! */ protected function onBeforeDelete() { $this->brokenOnDelete = false; } /** * Used by onBeforeDelete() to ensure child classes call parent::onBeforeDelete() * @var boolean */ protected $brokenOnDelete = false; /** * Load the default values in from the self::$defaults array. * Will traverse the defaults of the current class and all its parent classes. * Called by the constructor when creating new records. */ public function populateDefaults() { $classes = array_reverse(ClassInfo::ancestry($this)); foreach($classes as $class) { $singleton = ($class == $this->class) ? $this : singleton($class); $defaults = $singleton->stat('defaults'); if($defaults) foreach($defaults as $fieldName => $fieldValue) { // SRM 2007-03-06: Stricter check if(!isset($this->$fieldName)) { $this->$fieldName = $fieldValue; } // Set many-many defaults with an array of ids if(is_array($fieldValue) && $this->many_many($fieldName)) { $manyManyJoin = $this->$fieldName(); $manyManyJoin->setByIdList($fieldValue); } } if($class == 'DataObject') { break; } } } /** * Writes all changes to this object to the database. * - It will insert a record whenever ID isn't set, otherwise update. * - All relevant tables will be updated. * - $this->onBeforeWrite() gets called beforehand. * - Extensions such as Versioned will ammend the database-write to ensure that a version is saved. * - Calls to {@link DataObjectLog} can be used to see everything that's been changed. * * @param boolean $showDebug Show debugging information * @param boolean $forceInsert Run INSERT command rather than UPDATE, even if record already exists * @param boolean $forceWrite Write to database even if there are no changes * * @return int The ID of the record */ public function write($showDebug = false, $forceInsert = false, $forceWrite = false) { $firstWrite = false; $this->brokenOnWrite = true; $this->onBeforeWrite(); if($this->brokenOnWrite) { user_error("$this->class has a broken onBeforeWrite() function. Make sure that you call parent::onBeforeWrite().", E_USER_ERROR); } // New record = everything has changed if(($this->ID && is_numeric($this->ID)) && !$forceInsert) { $dbCommand = 'update'; } else{ $dbCommand = 'insert'; $this->changed = array(); foreach($this->record as $k => $v) { $this->changed[$k] = 2; } $firstWrite = true; } // No changes made if(!$this->changed) { return $this->record['ID']; } foreach($this->getClassAncestry() as $ancestor) { if(ClassInfo::hasTable($ancestor)) $ancestry[] = $ancestor; } // Look for some changes to make unset($this->changed['ID']); $hasChanges = false; foreach($this->changed as $fieldName => $changed) { if($changed) { $hasChanges = true; break; } } if($hasChanges || $forceWrite || !$this->record['ID']) { // New records have their insert into the base data table done first, so that they can pass the // generated primary key on to the rest of the manipulation if(!$this->record['ID'] && isset($ancestry[0])) { $baseTable = $ancestry[0]; DB::query("INSERT INTO `{$baseTable}` SET Created = NOW()"); $this->record['ID'] = DB::getGeneratedID($baseTable); $this->changed['ID'] = 2; $isNewRecord = true; } // Divvy up field saving into a number of database manipulations if(is_array($ancestry)) { foreach($ancestry as $idx => $class) { $classSingleton = singleton($class); foreach($this->record as $fieldName => $value) { if(isset($this->changed[$fieldName]) && $this->changed[$fieldName] && $fieldType = $classSingleton->fieldExists($fieldName)) { $manipulation[$class]['fields'][$fieldName] = $value ? ("'" . addslashes($value) . "'") : singleton($fieldType)->nullValue(); } } // Add the class name to the base object if($idx == 0) { $manipulation[$class]['fields']["LastEdited"] = "now()"; if($dbCommand == 'insert') { $manipulation[$class]['fields']["Created"] = "now()"; //echo "
  • $this->class - " .get_class($this); $manipulation[$class]['fields']["ClassName"] = "'$this->class'"; } } // In cases where there are no fields, this 'stub' will get picked up on if(ClassInfo::hasTable($class)) { $manipulation[$class]['command'] = $dbCommand; $manipulation[$class]['id'] = $this->record['ID']; } else { unset($manipulation[$class]); } } } $this->extend('augmentWrite', $manipulation); // New records have their insert into the base data table done first, so that they can pass the // generated ID on to the rest of the manipulation if(isset($isNewRecord) && $isNewRecord && isset($manipulation[$baseTable])) { $manipulation[$baseTable]['command'] = 'update'; } DB::manipulate($manipulation); if(isset($isNewRecord) && $isNewRecord) { DataObjectLog::addedObject($this); } else { DataObjectLog::changedObject($this); } $this->changed = null; } elseif ( $showDebug ) { echo "Debug: no changes for DataObject
    "; } // Clears the cache for this object so get_one returns the correct object. $this->flushCache(); // Write ComponentSets as necessary if($this->components) { foreach($this->components as $component) { $component->write($firstWrite); } } if(!isset($this->record['Created'])) { $this->record['Created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $this->record['LastEdited'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); return $this->record['ID']; } /** * Perform a write without affecting the version table. * On objects without versioning. * * @return int The ID of the record */ public function writeWithoutVersion() { $this->changed['Version'] = 1; if(!isset($this->record['Version'])) { $this->record['Version'] = -1; } return $this->write(); } /** * Delete this data object. * $this->onBeforeDelete() gets called. * Note that in Versioned objects, both Stage and Live will be deleted. */ public function delete() { $this->brokenOnDelete = true; $this->onBeforeDelete(); if($this->brokenOnDelete) { user_error("$this->class has a broken onBeforeDelete() function. Make sure that you call parent::onBeforeDelete().", E_USER_ERROR); } foreach($this->getClassAncestry() as $ancestor) { if(ClassInfo::hastable($ancestor)) { $sql = new SQLQuery(); $sql->delete = true; $sql->from[$ancestor] = "`$ancestor`"; $sql->where[] = "ID = $this->ID"; $this->extend('augmentSQL', $sql); $sql->execute(); } } $this->OldID = $this->ID; $this->ID = 0; DataObjectLog::deletedObject($this); } /** * Delete the record with the given ID. * * @param string $className The class name of the record to be deleted * @param int $id ID of record to be deleted */ public static function delete_by_id($className, $id) { $obj = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id); if($obj) { $obj->delete(); } else { user_error("$className object #$id wasn't found when calling DataObject::delete_by_id", E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * A cache used by getClassAncestry() * @var array */ protected static $ancestry; /** * Get the class ancestry, including the current class name. * The ancestry will be returned as an array of class names, where the 0th element * will be the class that inherits directly from DataObject, and the last element * will be the current class. * * @return array Class ancestry */ public function getClassAncestry() { if(!isset(DataObject::$ancestry[$this->class])) { DataObject::$ancestry[$this->class] = array($this->class); while(($class = get_parent_class(DataObject::$ancestry[$this->class][0])) != "DataObject") { array_unshift(DataObject::$ancestry[$this->class], $class); } } return DataObject::$ancestry[$this->class]; } /** * Return a component object from a one to one relationship, as a DataObject. * If no component is available, an 'empty component' will be returned. * * @param string $componentName Name of the component * * @return DataObject The component object. It's exact type will be that of the component. */ public function getComponent($componentName) { if(isset($this->components[$componentName])) { return $this->components[$componentName]; } if($componentClass = $this->has_one($componentName)) { $childID = $this->getField($componentName . 'ID'); if($childID && is_numeric($childID)) { $component = DataObject::get_by_id($componentClass,$childID); } // If no component exists, create placeholder object if(!isset($component)) { $component = $this->createComponent($componentName); // We may have had an orphaned ID that needs to be cleaned up $this->setField($componentName . 'ID', 0); } // If no component exists, create placeholder object if(!$component) { $component = $this->createComponent($componentName); } $this->components[$componentName] = $component; return $component; } else { user_error("DataObject::getComponent(): Unknown 1-to-1 component '$componentName' on class '$this->class'", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * A cache used by component getting classes * @var array */ protected $componentCache; /** * Returns a one-to-many component, as a ComponentSet. * * @param string $componentName Name of the component * @param string $filter A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause * @param string $sort A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause. If omitted, the static field $default_sort on the component class will be used. * @param string $join A single join clause. This can be used for filtering, only 1 instance of each DataObject will be returned. * @param string $limit A limit expression to be inserted into the LIMIT clause * @param string $having A filter to be inserted into the HAVING clause * * @return ComponentSet The components of the one-to-many relationship. */ public function getComponents($componentName, $filter = "", $sort = "", $join = "", $limit = "", $having = "") { // TODO Does not take different SQL-parameters into account on subsequent calls if(isset($this->componentCache[$componentName]) && false != $this->componentCache[$componentName]) { return $this->componentCache[$componentName]; } if(!$componentClass = $this->has_many($componentName)) { user_error("DataObject::getComponents(): Unknown 1-to-many component '$componentName' on class '$this->class'", E_USER_ERROR); } $componentObj = singleton($componentClass); $id = $this->getField("ID"); $joinField = $this->getComponentJoinField($componentName); // get filter $combinedFilter = "$joinField = '$id'"; if($filter) $combinedFilter .= " AND {$filter}"; $result = $componentObj->instance_get($combinedFilter, $sort, $join, $limit, "ComponentSet", $having); if(!$result) { $result = new ComponentSet(); } $result->setComponentInfo("1-to-many", $this, null, null, $componentClass, $joinField); // If this record isn't in the database, then we want to hold onto this specific ComponentSet, // because it's the only copy of the data that we have. if(!$this->isInDB()) { $this->setComponent($componentName, $result); } return $result; } /** * Tries to find the db-key for storing a relation (defaults to "ParentID" if no relation is found). * The iteration is necessary because the most specific class does not always have a database-table. * * @param string $componentName Name of one to many component * * @return string Fieldname for the parent-relation */ public function getComponentJoinField($componentName) { if(!$componentClass = $this->has_many($componentName)) { user_error("DataObject::getComsponents(): Unknown 1-to-many component '$componentName' on class '$this->class'", E_USER_ERROR); } $componentObj = singleton($componentClass); // get has-one relations $reversedComponentRelations = array_flip($componentObj->has_one()); // get all parentclasses for the current class which have tables $allClasses = ClassInfo::ancestry($this->class); // use most specific relation by default (turn around order) $allClasses = array_reverse($allClasses); // traverse up through all classes with database-tables, starting with the most specific // (mostly the classname of the calling DataObject) foreach($allClasses as $class) { // if this class does a "has-one"-representation, use it if(isset($reversedComponentRelations[$class]) && false != $reversedComponentRelations[$class]) { $joinField = $reversedComponentRelations[$class] . 'ID'; break; } } if(!isset($joinField)) { $joinField = 'ParentID'; } return $joinField; } /** * Sets the component of a relationship. * * @param string $componentName Name of the component * @param DataObject|ComponentSet $componentValue Value of the component */ public function setComponent($componentName, $componentValue) { $this->componentCache[$componentName] = $componentValue; } /** * Returns a many-to-many component, as a ComponentSet. * @param string $componentName Name of the many-many component * @return ComponentSet The set of components * * TODO Implement query-params */ public function getManyManyComponents($componentName, $filter = "", $sort = "", $join = "", $limit = "", $having = "") { if(isset($this->components[$componentName])) return $this->components[$componentName]; list($parentClass, $componentClass, $parentField, $componentField, $table) = $this->many_many($componentName); if($this->ID && is_numeric($this->ID)) { if($componentClass) { $componentObj = singleton($componentClass); // Join expression is done on SiteTree.ID even if we link to Page; it helps work around // database inconsistencies $componentBaseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($componentClass); $query = $componentObj->extendedSQL( "`$table`.$parentField = $this->ID", // filter $sort, $limit, "INNER JOIN `$table` ON `$table`.$componentField = `$componentBaseClass`.ID", // join $having // having ); array_unshift($query->select, "`$table`.*"); if($filter) $query->where[] = $filter; if($join) $query->from[] = $join; $records = $query->execute(); $result = $this->buildDataObjectSet($records, "ComponentSet", $query, $componentBaseClass); if(!$result) { $result = new ComponentSet(); } } } else { $result = new ComponentSet(); } $result->setComponentInfo("many-to-many", $this, $parentClass, $table, $componentClass); $this->components[$componentName] = $result; return $result; } /** * Creates an empty component for the given one-one or one-many relationship * * @param string $componentName * * @return DataObject The empty component. The exact class will be that of the components class. */ protected function createComponent($componentName) { if(($componentClass = $this->has_one($componentName)) || ($componentClass = $this->has_many($componentName))) { $component = new $componentClass(null); return $component; } else { user_error("DataObject::createComponent(): Unknown 1-to-1 or 1-to-many component '$componentName' on class '$this->class'", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Return the class of a one-to-one component. If $component is null, return all of the one-to-one components and their classes. * * @param string $component Name of component * * @return string|array The class of the one-to-one component, or an array of all one-to-one components and their classes. */ public function has_one($component = null) { $classes = ClassInfo::ancestry($this); $good = false; foreach($classes as $class) { // Wait until after we reach DataObject if(!$good) { if($class == 'DataObject') { $good = true; } continue; } if($component) { $candidate = eval("return isset({$class}::\$has_one[\$component]) ? {$class}::\$has_one[\$component] : null;"); if($candidate) { return $candidate; } } else { eval("\$items = isset(\$items) ? array_merge((array){$class}::\$has_one, (array)\$items) : (array){$class}::\$has_one;"); } } return isset($items) ? $items : null; } /** * Return all of the database fields defined in self::$db and all the parent classes. * Doesn't include any fields specified by self::$has_one. Use $this->has_one() to get these fields * * @return array The database fields */ public function db() { $classes = ClassInfo::ancestry($this); $good = false; $items = array(); foreach($classes as $class) { // Wait until after we reach DataObject if(!$good) { if($class == 'DataObject') { $good = true; } continue; } eval("\$items = array_merge((array){$class}::\$db, (array)\$items);"); } return $items; } /** * Return the class of a one-to-many component. If $component is null, return all of the one-to-many components * and their classes. * * @param string $component Name of component * * @return string|array The class of the one-to-many component, or an array of all one-to-many components and their classes. */ public function has_many($component = null) { $classes = ClassInfo::ancestry($this); $good = false; foreach($classes as $class) { // Wait until after we reach DataObject if(!$good) { if($class == 'DataObject') { $good = true; } continue; } if($component) { $candidate = eval("return isset({$class}::\$has_many[\$component]) ? {$class}::\$has_many[\$component] : null;"); $candidate = eval("if ( isset({$class}::\$has_many[\$component]) ) { return {$class}::\$has_many[\$component]; } else { return false; }"); if($candidate) { return $candidate; } } else { eval("\$items = isset(\$items) ? array_merge((array){$class}::\$has_many, (array)\$items) : (array){$class}::\$has_many;"); } } return isset($items) ? $items : null; } /** * Return information about a many-to-many component. * The return value is an array of (parentclass, childclass). If $component is null, then all many-many * components are returned. * * @param string $component Name of component * * @return array An array of (parentclass, childclass), or an array of all many-many components */ public function many_many($component = null) { $classes = ClassInfo::ancestry($this); $good = false; foreach($classes as $class) { // Wait until after we reach DataObject if(!$good) { if($class == 'DataObject') { $good = true; } continue; } if($class == 'DataObject' || $class == 'ViewableData') { continue; } if($component) { // Try many_many $candidate = eval("return isset({$class}::\$many_many[\$component]) ? {$class}::\$many_many[\$component] : null;"); if($candidate) { $parentField = $class . "ID"; $childField = ($class == $candidate) ? "ChildID" : $candidate . "ID"; return array($class, $candidate, $parentField, $childField, "{$class}_$component"); } // Try belongs_many_many $candidate = eval("return isset({$class}::\$belongs_many_many[\$component]) ? {$class}::\$belongs_many_many[\$component] : null;"); if($candidate) { $childField = $candidate . "ID"; // We need to find the inverse component name $otherManyMany = eval("return {$candidate}::\$many_many;"); if(!$otherManyMany) { Debug::message("Inverse component of $candidate not found"); } foreach($otherManyMany as $inverseComponentName => $candidateClass) { if($candidateClass == $class || is_subclass_of($class, $candidateClass)) { $parentField = ($class == $candidate) ? "ChildID" : $candidateClass . "ID"; // HACK HACK HACK! if($component == 'NestedProducts') { $parentField = $candidateClass . "ID"; } return array($class, $candidate, $parentField, $childField, "{$candidate}_$inverseComponentName"); } } user_error("Orphaned \$belongs_many_many value for $this->class.$component", E_USER_ERROR); } } else { eval("\$items = isset(\$items) ? array_merge((array){$class}::\$many_many, (array)\$items) : (array){$class}::\$many_many;"); eval("\$items = array_merge((array){$class}::\$belongs_many_many, (array)\$items);"); } } return isset($items) ? $items : null; } /** * Checks if the given fields have been filled out. * Pass this method a number of field names, it will return true if they all have values. * * @param array|string $args,... The field names may be passed either as an array, or as multiple parameters. * * @return boolean True if all fields have values, otherwise false */ public function filledOut($args) { // Field names can be passed as arguments or an array if(!is_array($args)) $args = func_get_args(); foreach($args as $arg) { if(!$this->$arg) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Gets the value of a field. * Called by {@link __get()} and any getFieldName() methods you might create. * * @param string $field The name of the field * * @return mixed The field value */ protected function getField($field) { return isset($this->record[$field]) ? $this->record[$field] : null; } /** * Return a map of all the fields for this record. * * @return array A map of field names to field values. */ public function getAllFields() { return $this->record; } /** * Return the fields that have changed. * The change level affects what the functions defines as "changed": * Level 1 will return strict changes, even !== ones. * Level 2 is more lenient, it will onlr return real data changes, for example a change from 0 to null * would not be included. * * @param boolean $databaseFieldsOnly Get only database fields that have changed * @param int $changeLevel The strictness of what is defined as change */ public function getChangedFields($databaseFieldsOnly = false, $changeLevel = 1) { if($databaseFieldsOnly) { $customDatabaseFields = $this->customDatabaseFields(); $fields = array_intersect_key($this->changed, $customDatabaseFields); } else { $fields = $this->changed; } // Filter the list to those of a certain change level if($changeLevel > 1) { foreach($fields as $name => $level) { if($level < $changeLevel) { unset($fields[$name]); } } } return $fields; } /** * Set the value of the field * Called by {@link __set()} and any setFieldName() methods you might create. * * @param string $fieldName Name of the field * @param mixed $value New field value */ function setField($fieldName, $val) { $defaults = $this->stat('defaults'); // if a field is not existing or has strictly changed if(!isset($this->record[$fieldName]) || $this->record[$fieldName] !== $val) { // TODO Add check for php-level defaults which are not set in the db // TODO Add check for hidden input-fields (readonly) which are not set in the db if( // Only existing fields $this->fieldExists($fieldName) // Catches "0"==NULL && (isset($this->record[$fieldName]) && (intval($val) != intval($this->record[$fieldName]))) // Main non type-based check && (isset($this->record[$fieldName]) && $this->record[$fieldName] != $val) ) { // Non-strict check fails, so value really changed, e.g. "abc" != "cde" $this->changed[$fieldName] = 2; } else { // Record change-level 1 if only the type changed, e.g. 0 !== NULL $this->changed[$fieldName] = 1; } // value is always saved back when strict check succeeds $this->record[$fieldName] = $val; } } /** * Set the value of the field, using a casting object. * This is useful when you aren't sure that a date is in SQL format, for example. * setCastedField() can also be used, by forms, to set related data. For example, uploaded images * can be saved into the Image table. * * @param string $fieldName Name of the field * @param mixed $value New field value */ public function setCastedField($fieldName, $val) { if(!$fieldName) { user_error("DataObject::setCastedField: Called without a fieldName", E_USER_ERROR); } $castingHelper = $this->castingHelper($fieldName); if($castingHelper) { $fieldObj = eval($castingHelper); $fieldObj->setVal($val); $fieldObj->saveInto($this); } else { $this->$fieldName = $val; } } /** * Returns true if the given field exists * * @param string $field Name of the field * * @return boolean True if the given field exists */ public function hasField($field) { return array_key_exists($field, $this->record); } /** * Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action. * * @param string $perm The permission to be checked, such as 'View'. * @param Member $member The member whose permissions need checking. Defaults to the currently logged * in user. * * @return boolean True if the the member is allowed to do the given action */ function can($perm, $member = null) { if(!isset($member)) { $member = Member::currentUser(); } if($member && $member->isAdmin()) { return true; } if($this->many_many('Can' . $perm)) { if($this->ParentID && $this->SecurityType == 'Inherit') { if(!($p = $this->Parent)) { return false; } return $this->Parent->can($perm, $member); } else { $permissionCache = $this->uninherited('permissionCache'); $memberID = $member ? $member->ID : 'none'; if(!isset($permissionCache[$memberID][$perm])) { if($member->ID) { $groups = $member->Groups(); } else { $groups = DataObject::get("Group_Unsecure", ""); } $groupList = implode(', ', $groups->column("ID")); $query = new SQLQuery( "`Page_Can$perm`.PageID", array("`Page_Can$perm`"), "GroupID IN ($groupList)"); $permissionCache[$memberID][$perm] = $query->execute()->column(); if($perm == "View") { $query = new SQLQuery("`SiteTree`.ID", array( "`SiteTree`", "LEFT JOIN `Page_CanView` ON `Page_CanView`.PageID = `SiteTree`.ID" ), "`Page_CanView`.PageID IS NULL"); $unsecuredPages = $query->execute()->column(); if($permissionCache[$memberID][$perm]) { $permissionCache[$memberID][$perm] = array_merge($permissionCache[$memberID][$perm], $unsecuredPages); } else { $permissionCache[$memberID][$perm] = $unsecuredPages; } } $this->set_uninherited('permissionCache', $permissionCache); } if($permissionCache[$memberID][$perm]) { return in_array($this->ID, $permissionCache[$memberID][$perm]); } } } else { return parent::can($perm, $member); } } /** * Debugging used by Debug::show() * * @return string HTML data representing this object */ public function debug() { $val = "

    Database record: $this->class

    "; return $val; } /** * Returns the field type of the given field, if it belongs to this class, and not a parent. * Can be used to detect whether the given field exists. * Note that the field type will not include constructor arguments; only the classname. * * @param string $field Name of the field * * @return string The field type of the given field */ public function fieldExists($field) { if($field == "ID") return "Int"; if($field == "ClassName" && get_parent_class($this) == "DataObject") return "Enum"; if($field == "LastEdited" && get_parent_class($this) == "DataObject") return "Datetime"; if($field == "Created" && get_parent_class($this) == "DataObject") return "Datetime"; if($field == "Version") return $this->hasExtension('Versioned') ? "Int" : false; $fieldMap = $this->uninherited('fieldExists'); if(!$fieldMap) { $fieldMap = $this->uninherited('db', true); $has = $this->uninherited('has_one', true); if($has) foreach($has as $fieldName => $fieldSchema) { $fieldMap[$fieldName . 'ID'] = "Int"; } $this->set_uninherited('fieldExists', $fieldMap); } return isset($fieldMap[$field]) ? strtok($fieldMap[$field],'(') : null; } /** * Return the DBField object that represents the given field. * This works similarly to obj() but still returns an object even when the field has no value. * * @param string $fieldName Name of the field * * @return DBField The field as a DBField object */ public function dbObject($fieldName) { $helperPair = $this->castingHelperPair($fieldName); $constructor = $helperPair['castingHelper']; if($obj = eval($constructor)) { $obj->setVal($this->$fieldName); } return $obj; } /** * Build a {@link SQLQuery} object to perform the given query. * * @param string $filter A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause. * @param string $sort A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause. If omitted, self::$default_sort will be used. * @param string $limit A limit expression to be inserted into the LIMIT clause. * @param string $join A single join clause. This can be used for filtering, only 1 instance of each DataObject will be returned. * @param boolean $restictClasses Restrict results to only objects of either this class of a subclass of this class * @param string $having A filter to be inserted into the HAVING clause. * * @return SQLQuery Query built. */ public function buildSQL($filter = "", $sort = "", $limit = "", $join = "", $restrictClasses = true, $having = "") { // Find a default sort if(!$sort) { $sort = $this->stat('default_sort'); } // Get the tables to join to $tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->class); if(!$tableClasses) { user_error("DataObject::buildSQL: Can't find data classes (classes linked to tables) for $this->class", E_USER_ERROR); } $baseClass = array_shift($tableClasses); // Build our intial query $query = new SQLQuery(array("`$baseClass`.*"), "`$baseClass`", $filter, $sort); // Join all the tables if($tableClasses) { foreach($tableClasses as $tableClass) { $query->from[$tableClass] = "LEFT JOIN `$tableClass` ON `$tableClass`.ID = `$baseClass`.ID"; $query->select[] = "`$tableClass`.*"; } } $query->select[] = "`$baseClass`.ID"; $query->select[] = "if(`$baseClass`.ClassName,`$baseClass`.ClassName,'$baseClass') AS RecordClassName"; // Get the ClassName values to filter to $classNames = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->class); if(!$classNames) { user_error("DataObject::get() Can't find data sub-classes for '$callerClass'"); } // If querying the base class, don't bother filtering on class name if($restrictClasses && $this->class != $baseClass) { // Get the ClassName values to filter to $classNames = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->class); if(!$classNames) { user_error("DataObject::get() Can't find data sub-classes for '$callerClass'"); } $query->where[] = "`$baseClass`.ClassName IN ('" . implode("','", $classNames) . "')"; } if($limit) { $query->limit = $limit; } if($having) { $query->having[] = $having; } if($join) { $query->from[] = $join; $query->groupby[] = reset($query->from) . ".ID"; } return $query; } /** * Like {@link buildSQL}, but applies the extension modifications. * * @param string $filter A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause. * @param string $sort A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause. If omitted, self::$default_sort will be used. * @param string $limit A limit expression to be inserted into the LIMIT clause. * @param string $join A single join clause. This can be used for filtering, only 1 instance of each DataObject will be returned. * @param string $having A filter to be inserted into the HAVING clause. * * @return SQLQuery Query built */ public function extendedSQL($filter = "", $sort = "", $limit = "", $join = "", $having = ""){ $query = $this->buildSQL($filter, $sort, $limit, $join, true, $having); $this->extend('augmentSQL', $query); return $query; } /** * Get a bunch of fields in a list - a