fo: AssetAdmin: NEWFOLDER: 'Nýggj skjátta' AssetTableField: CREATED: 'First uploaded' DIM: Dimensions FILENAME: Fílunavn FOLDER: Folder LASTEDIT: 'Seinast broyting' OWNER: Eigari SIZE: Stødd TITLE: Heiti TYPE: Slag URL: URL AssetUploadField: ChooseFiles: 'Choose files' DRAGFILESHERE: 'Drag files here' DROPAREA: 'Drop Area' EDITALL: 'Edit all' EDITANDORGANIZE: 'Edit & organize' FILES: Files TOTAL: Total TOUPLOAD: 'Choose file(s) to upload...' UPLOADINPROGRESS: 'Please wait… upload in progress' UPLOADOR: OR BBCodeParser: ALIGNEMENT: Alignment ALIGNEMENTEXAMPLE: 'right aligned' BOLD: 'Bold Text' BOLDEXAMPLE: Bold CODE: 'Code Block' CODEDESCRIPTION: 'Unformatted code block' CODEEXAMPLE: 'Code block' COLORED: 'Colored text' COLOREDEXAMPLE: 'bláur tekstur' EMAILLINK: 'Teldupost leinka' EMAILLINKDESCRIPTION: 'Create link to an email address' IMAGE: Mynd IMAGEDESCRIPTION: 'Show an image in your post' ITALIC: Skráskrift ITALICEXAMPLE: Skráskrift LINK: Heimasíðuleinka LINKDESCRIPTION: 'Link to another website or URL' STRUCK: 'Struck-out Text' STRUCKEXAMPLE: Struck-out UNDERLINE: 'Undirstrikaður tekstur' UNDERLINEEXAMPLE: Undirstrikað UNORDERED: 'Unordered list' UNORDEREDDESCRIPTION: 'Unordered list' UNORDEREDEXAMPLE1: 'unordered item 1' BasicAuth: ENTERINFO: 'Vinarliga inntøppa eitt brúkaranavn og loyniorð.' ERRORNOTADMIN: 'Hasin brúkarin er ikki ein fyrisitari.' ERRORNOTREC: 'Brúkaranavn / loyniorð er skeivt' Boolean: ANY: Any 0: 'False' LOGOUT: 'Log out' 1: 'True' CMSMain: ACCESS: 'Access to ''{title}'' section' ACCESSALLINTERFACES: 'Access to all CMS sections' ACCESSALLINTERFACESHELP: 'Overrules more specific access settings.' SAVE: Goym CMSProfileController: MENUTITLE: CMSProfileController CheckboxField: - 'False' - 'True' ComplexTableField: CLOSEPOPUP: 'Lat glugga aftur' SUCCESSADD2: 'Added {name}' SUCCESSEDIT: 'Saved %s %s %s' ConfirmedPasswordField: ATLEAST: 'Passwords must be at least {min} characters long.' BETWEEN: 'Passwords must be {min} to {max} characters long.' MAXIMUM: 'Passwords must be at most {max} characters long.' SHOWONCLICKTITLE: 'Broyt loyniorð' CreditCardField: FIRST: fyrsta FOURTH: fjóra SECOND: næsta THIRD: triða CurrencyField: CURRENCYSYMBOL: $ DataObject: PLURALNAME: 'Dáta eindir' SINGULARNAME: 'Dáta eind' Date: DAY: dagur DAYS: dagar HOUR: tími HOURS: tímar MIN: minuttur MINS: minuttir MONTH: máni MONTHS: mánaðar SEC: sekund SECS: sekundir TIMEDIFFAGO: '{difference} ago' TIMEDIFFIN: 'in {difference}' YEAR: ár YEARS: ár DateField: NOTSET: 'ikki ásett' TODAY: 'í dag' VALIDDATEFORMAT2: 'Please enter a valid date format ({format})' VALIDDATEMAXDATE: 'Your date has to be older or matching the maximum allowed date ({date})' VALIDDATEMINDATE: 'Your date has to be newer or matching the minimum allowed date ({date})' Director: ADD: Stovna INVALID_REQUEST: 'Invalid request' DropdownField: CHOOSE: (Áset) EmailField: VALIDATION: 'Please enter an email address' Email_BounceRecord: PLURALNAME: 'Email Bounce Records' SINGULARNAME: 'Email Bounce Record' Enum: ANY: Any LOADING: Loading... File: Content: Innihald Filename: Fílunavn INVALIDEXTENSION: 'Extension is not allowed (valid: {extensions})' INVALIDEXTENSIONSHORT: 'Extension is not allowed' NOFILESIZE: 'Filesize is zero bytes.' NOVALIDUPLOAD: 'File is not a valid upload' Name: Navn PLURALNAME: Fílur SINGULARNAME: Fíla TOOLARGE: 'Filesize is too large, maximum {size} allowed' TOOLARGESHORT: 'Filesize exceeds {size}' Title: Heiti FileIFrameField: ATTACH: 'Attach {type}' ATTACHONCESAVED: '{type}s can be attached once you have saved the record for the first time.' ATTACHONCESAVED2: 'Files can be attached once you have saved the record for the first time.' DELETE: 'Delete {type}' DISALLOWEDFILETYPE: 'This filetype is not allowed to be uploaded' FILE: File FROMCOMPUTER: 'From your Computer' FROMFILESTORE: 'From the File Store' NOSOURCE: 'Please select a source file to attach' REPLACE: 'Replace {type}' Filesystem: IMPORT_TAB_HEADER: Import SEARCHLISTINGS: Search SYNCRESULTS: 'Sync complete: {createdcount} items created, {deletedcount} items deleted' Form: FIELDISREQUIRED: '%s er kravt' TITLE: 'Image Uploading Iframe' VALIDATIONCREDITNUMBER: 'Please ensure you have entered the {number} credit card number correctly' VALIDATIONNOTUNIQUE: 'Virðið sum bleiv inntøppað er ikki eintýðugt' VALIDATIONPASSWORDSDONTMATCH: 'Loyniorð samsvara ikki' VALIDATIONPASSWORDSNOTEMPTY: 'Loyniorð kunnu ikki verða tóm' VALIDATIONSTRONGPASSWORD: 'Passwords must have at least one digit and one alphanumeric character' VALIDATOR: Validator VALIDCURRENCY: 'Please enter a valid currency' FormField: NONE: einki GridAction: DELETE_DESCRIPTION: Delete Delete: Delete UnlinkRelation: Unlink GridField: Add: 'Add {name}' Filter: Filter FilterBy: 'Filter by ' Find: Find LEVELUP: 'Level up' LinkExisting: 'Link Existing' NewRecord: 'New %s' NoItemsFound: 'No items found' PRINTEDAT: 'Printed at' PRINTEDBY: 'Printed by' PlaceHolder: 'Find {type}' PlaceHolderWithLabels: 'Find {type} by {name}' RelationSearch: 'Relation search' ResetFilter: Reset GridFieldAction_Delete: DeletePermissionsFailure: 'No delete permissions' NEXT: Næsta PREVIOUS: Fyrra GridFieldDetailForm: Create: Create Delete: Delete DeletePermissionsFailure: 'No delete permissions' Deleted: 'Deleted %s %s' HELLO: Hey Save: Save Saved: 'Saved %s %s' TEXT1: 'Her er títt' TEXT2: 'password reset link' TEXT3: for Group: AddRole: 'Add a role for this group' CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT1: 'Tú broytti loyniorðið hjá' CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT2: 'You can now use the following credentials to log in:' Code: 'Bólka kota' DefaultGroupTitleAdministrators: Administrators DefaultGroupTitleContentAuthors: 'Content Authors' Description: Frágreiðing EMAIL: Teldupostur GroupReminder: 'If you choose a parent group, this group will take all it''s roles' HELLO: Hey Locked: 'Læst?' NoRoles: 'No roles found' PASSWORD: Loyniorð Parent: Yvirbólkur RolesAddEditLink: 'Manage roles' Sort: 'Raða eftir' TITLE: 'Image Uploading Iframe' has_many_Permissions: Loyvir many_many_Members: Limir GroupImportForm: Help1: '

Import one or more groups in CSV format (comma-separated values). Show advanced usage

' Help2: '

Advanced usage

' ResultCreated: 'Created {count} groups' ResultDeleted: 'Deleted %d groups' ResultUpdated: 'Updated %d groups' Hierarchy: InfiniteLoopNotAllowed: 'Infinite loop found within the "{type}" hierarchy. Please change the parent to resolve this' HtmlEditorField: ADDURL: 'Add URL' ADJUSTDETAILSDIMENSIONS: 'Details & dimensions' ANCHORVALUE: Anchor BUTTONINSERT: Insert BUTTONINSERTLINK: 'Stovna leinku' BUTTONREMOVELINK: 'Strika leinku' BUTTONUpdate: Update CAPTIONTEXT: 'Caption text' CSSCLASS: 'Alignment / style' CSSCLASSCENTER: 'Í miðuni, einsamalt.' CSSCLASSLEFT: 'Til vinstru, við tekstinum rundan um.' CSSCLASSLEFTALONE: 'On the left, on its own.' CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'Til høgru, við tekstinum rundan um.' DETAILS: Details EMAIL: Teldupostadressu FILE: Fíla FOLDER: Skjátta FROMCMS: 'From the CMS' FROMCOMPUTER: 'From your computer' FROMWEB: 'From the web' FindInFolder: 'Find in Folder' IMAGEALT: 'Alternative text (alt)' IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Alternative text (alt) - shown if image cannot be displayed' IMAGEALTTEXTDESC: 'Shown to screen readers or if image can not be displayed' IMAGEDIMENSIONS: Dimensions IMAGEHEIGHTPX: Hædd IMAGETITLE: 'Title text (tooltip) - for additional information about the image' IMAGETITLETEXT: 'Title text (tooltip)' IMAGETITLETEXTDESC: 'For additional information about the image' IMAGEWIDTHPX: Breidd INSERTMEDIA: 'Insert Media' LINK: Leinkja LINKANCHOR: 'Anchor on this page' LINKDESCR: 'Leinku frágreiðing' LINKEMAIL: Teldupostadressa LINKEXTERNAL: 'Eina aðra heimasíðu' LINKFILE: 'Heinta fílu niður' LINKINTERNAL: 'Page on the site' LINKOPENNEWWIN: 'Lat leinku upp í nýggjum vindeyga?' LINKTO: 'Leinka til' PAGE: Síða URL: URL URLNOTANOEMBEDRESOURCE: 'The URL ''{url}'' could not be turned into a media resource.' UpdateMEDIA: 'Update Media' ImageField: IMAGE: Image ' APPLY FILTER: "Apply Filter" Go back: "Go back"' LeftAndMain: ADD: 'Add a new row' CANT_REORGANISE: 'You do not have permission to alter Top level pages. Your change was not saved.' DELETED: Deleted. DropdownBatchActionsDefault: Actions HELP: Leiðbeiningar PAGETYPE: 'Slag av síðu:' PERMAGAIN: 'Tú ert blivin útritaður av CMS skipanini. Um tú ynskir at innrita aftur, inntøppa so títt brúkaranavn og loyniorð niðanfyri:' PERMALREADY: 'Tíanverri, tú hevur ikki atgongd til handan partin av CMS skipanini. Um tú ynskir at innrita sum onkur annar, so kann tú gera tað niðanfyri.' PERMDEFAULT: 'Inntøppa tygara teldupost og loyniorð fyri at fáa atgongd til CMS skipanina.' PLEASESAVE: 'Vinarliga goym síðuna: Hendan síðan kundi ikki blíva dagført, tí at hon er ikki goymd enn.' PreviewButton: Preview REORGANISATIONSUCCESSFUL: 'Reorganised the site tree successfully.' SAVEDUP: Saved. VersionUnknown: unknown LoginAttempt: Email: Teldupostur IP: 'IP adressa' Status: Støða Member: ADDGROUP: 'Add group' BUTTONCHANGEPASSWORD: 'Broyt loyniorð' BUTTONLOGIN: Innrita BUTTONLOGINOTHER: 'Innrita sum onkur annar' BUTTONLOSTPASSWORD: 'Eg havi gloymt mítt loyniorð' CONFIRMNEWPASSWORD: 'Váttað nýtt loyniorð' CONFIRMPASSWORD: 'Váttað loyniorð' DefaultAdminFirstname: 'Default Admin' DefaultDateTime: default EMAIL: Teldupostur EMPTYNEWPASSWORD: 'The new password can''t be empty, please try again' ENTEREMAIL: 'Please enter an email address to get a password reset link.' ERRORLOCKEDOUT: 'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at logging in. Please try again in 20 minutes.' ERRORNEWPASSWORD: 'You have entered your new password differently, try again' ERRORPASSWORDNOTMATCH: 'Títt núverandi loyniorð samsvarar ikki, vinarliga royn aftur' ERRORWRONGCRED: 'That doesn''t seem to be the right e-mail address or password. Please try again.' FIRSTNAME: Fornavn INTERFACELANG: 'Mál á markamóti' INVALIDNEWPASSWORD: 'We couldn''t accept that password: {password}' LOGGEDINAS: 'You''re logged in as {name}.' NEWPASSWORD: 'Nýtt loyniorð' PASSWORD: Loyniorð PLURALNAME: Limir PROFILESAVESUCCESS: 'Successfully saved.' REMEMBERME: 'Minst til mín?' SINGULARNAME: Limur SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'Títt loyniorð er nú broytt' SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Leinka til at nullstilla títt loyniorð' SURNAME: Eftirnavn VALIDATIONMEMBEREXISTS: 'A member already exists with the same %s' ValidationIdentifierFailed: 'Can''t overwrite existing member #{id} with identical identifier ({name} = {value}))' WELCOMEBACK: 'Welcome Back, {firstname}' YOUROLDPASSWORD: 'Tygara gamla loyniorð' belongs_many_many_Groups: Bólkur db_LastVisited: 'Last Visited Date' db_Locale: 'Interface Locale' db_LockedOutUntil: 'Útihýstur inn til' db_NumVisit: 'Tal av vitjanum' db_Password: Loyniorð db_PasswordExpiry: 'Loyniorð gongur út' MemberAuthenticator: TITLE: 'Teldupostadressa & Loyniorð' MemberDatetimeOptionsetField: AMORPM: 'AM (Ante meridiem) or PM (Post meridiem)' Custom: Custom DATEFORMATBAD: 'Date format is invalid' DAYNOLEADING: 'Day of month without leading zero' DIGITSDECFRACTIONSECOND: 'One or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second' FOURDIGITYEAR: 'Four-digit year' FULLNAMEMONTH: 'Full name of month (e.g. June)' HOURNOLEADING: 'Hour without leading zero' MINUTENOLEADING: 'Minute without leading zero' MONTHNOLEADING: 'Month digit without leading zero' Preview: Preview SHORTMONTH: 'Short name of month (e.g. Jun)' TOGGLEHELP: 'Toggle formatting help' TWODIGITDAY: 'Two-digit day of month' TWODIGITHOUR: 'Two digits of hour (00 through 23)' TWODIGITMINUTE: 'Two digits of minute (00 through 59)' TWODIGITMONTH: 'Two-digit month (01=January, etc.)' TWODIGITSECOND: 'Two digits of second (00 through 59)' TWODIGITYEAR: 'Two-digit year' MemberImportForm: Help1: '

Import users in CSV format (comma-separated values). Show advanced usage

' Help2: '

Advanced usage

' ResultCreated: 'Created {count} members' ResultDeleted: 'Deleted %d members' ResultNone: 'No changes' ResultUpdated: 'Updated {count} members' MemberTableField: null ModelAdmin: DELETE: Strika DELETEDRECORDS: 'Deleted {count} records.' IMPORT: 'Innles frá CSV' IMPORTEDRECORDS: 'Imported {count} records.' NOCSVFILE: 'Please browse for a CSV file to import' NOIMPORT: 'Nothing to import' RESET: Reset Title: 'Data Models' UPDATEDRECORDS: 'Updated {count} records.' MoneyField: FIELDLABELAMOUNT: Amount FIELDLABELCURRENCY: Currency NullableField: IsNullLabel: 'Is Null' NumericField: VALIDATION: '''{value}'' is not a number, only numbers can be accepted for this field' Permission: AdminGroup: Administrator CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY: 'CMS Access' FULLADMINRIGHTS: 'Full administrative rights' FULLADMINRIGHTS_HELP: 'Implies and overrules all other assigned permissions.' IMPORTSPECFIELDS: 'Database columns' IMPORTSPECRELATIONS: Relations PermissionCheckboxSetField: AssignedTo: 'assigned to "{title}"' FromGroup: 'inherited from group "{title}"' FromRole: 'inherited from role "{title}"' FromRoleOnGroup: 'inherited from role "%s" on group "%s"' Permissions: PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY: 'Roles and access permissions' PhoneNumberField: Back: Back VALIDATION: 'Vinarliga inntøppa eitt galdandi telefonnummar' Security: ALREADYLOGGEDIN: 'You don''t have access to this page. If you have another account that can access that page, you can log in again below.' BUTTONSEND: 'Send mær leinkuna til at nullstilla mítt loyniorð' CHANGEPASSWORDBELOW: 'Tú kanst broyta loyniorðið niðanfyri.' CHANGEPASSWORDHEADER: 'Broyt títt loyniorð' ENTERNEWPASSWORD: 'Vinarliga inntøppa eitt nýtt loyniorð' ERRORPASSWORDPERMISSION: 'Tú má verða innritað/ur fyri at kunna broyta títt loyniorð!' LOGGEDOUT: 'Tú ert blivin útritaður. Um tygum ynskja at innrita aftur, inntøppa so tínar upplýsningar niðanfyri.' LOGIN: Innrita NOTEPAGESECURED: 'That page is secured. Enter your credentials below and we will send you right along.' NOTERESETLINKINVALID: '

The password reset link is invalid or expired.

You can request a new one here or change your password after you logged in.

' NOTERESETPASSWORD: 'Enter your e-mail address and we will send you a link with which you can reset your password' PASSWORDSENTHEADER: 'Password reset link sent to ''{email}''' PASSWORDSENTTEXT: 'Thank you! A reset link has been sent to ''{email}'', provided an account exists for this email address.' SecurityAdmin: ACCESS_HELP: 'Allow viewing, adding and editing users, as well as assigning permissions and roles to them.' APPLY_ROLES: 'Apply roles to groups' APPLY_ROLES_HELP: 'Ability to edit the roles assigned to a group. Requires the "Access to ''Users'' section" permission.' EDITPERMISSIONS: 'Manage permissions for groups' EDITPERMISSIONS_HELP: 'Ability to edit Permissions and IP Addresses for a group. Requires the "Access to ''Security'' section" permission.' GROUPNAME: Bólkaheiti IMPORTGROUPS: 'Import groups' IMPORTUSERS: 'Import users' MEMBERS: Limir MENUTITLE: Security MemberListCaution: 'Caution: Removing members from this list will remove them from all groups and the database' NEWGROUP: 'Nýggjur bólkur' PERMISSIONS: Rættindi ROLES: Roles ROLESDESCRIPTION: 'Roles are predefined sets of permissions, and can be assigned to groups.
They are inherited from parent groups if required.' TABROLES: Roles Users: Users SecurityAdmin_MemberImportForm: BtnImport: 'Import from CSV' FileFieldLabel: 'CSV File (Allowed extensions: *.csv)' SilverStripeNavigator: Edit: Edit FILTER: Filter IMPORT: Import VIEWFIRST: 'Vís fyrstu' VIEWLAST: 'Vís seinastu' VIEWNEXT: 'Vís næstu' VIEWPREVIOUS: 'Vís fyrru' SimpleImageField: NOUPLOAD: 'No Image Uploaded' SiteTree: TABMAIN: Alment TableField: ADDITEM: 'Stovna %s' ISREQUIRED: 'In %s ''%s'' is required' SORTASC: 'Sort in ascending order' SORTDESC: 'Sort in descending order' TableListField: CSVEXPORT: 'Útles til CSV' PRINT: Prenta Print: Prenta SELECT: 'Select:' TimeField: VALIDATEFORMAT: 'Please enter a valid time format ({format})' ToggleField: LESS: minni MORE: meira UploadField: ATTACHFILE: 'Attach a file' ATTACHFILES: 'Attach files' AttachFile: 'Attach a file' DELETEINFO: 'Permanently delete this file from the file store' DOEDIT: Save DROPFILE: 'drop a file' DROPFILES: 'drop files' Dimensions: Dimensions EDITINFO: 'Edit this file' FIELDNOTSET: 'File information not found' FROMCOMPUTER: 'From your computer' FROMFILES: 'From files' MAXNUMBEROFFILES: 'Max number of {count} file(s) exceeded.' MAXNUMBEROFFILESSHORT: 'Can only upload {count} files' REMOVE: Remove REMOVEERROR: 'Error removing file' REMOVEINFO: 'Remove this file from here, but do not delete it from the file store' STARTALL: 'Start all' Saved: Saved Versioned: has_many_Versions: Útgávur