/** * File: LeftAndMain.ActionTabset.js * * Contains rules for .ss-ui-action-tabset, used for: * * Site tree action tabs (to perform actions on the site tree) * * Actions menu (Edit page actions) * */ (function($){ $.entwine('ss', function($) { /** * Generic rules for all ss-ui-action-tabsets * * ActionMenus * * SiteTree ActionTabs */ $('.ss-tabset.ss-ui-action-tabset').entwine({ onadd: function() { // Make sure the .ss-tabset is already initialised to apply our modifications on top. this._super(); //Set actionTabs to allow closing and be closed by default this.tabs({'collapsible': true, 'active': false}); }, /** * Deal with available vertical space */ 'ontabsbeforeactivate': function(event, ui) { this.riseUp(event, ui); }, /** * Handle opening and closing tabs */ onclick: function(event, ui) { this.attachCloseHandler(event, ui); }, /** * Generic function to close open tabs. Stores event in a handler, * and removes the bound event once activated. * * Note: Should be called by a click event attached to 'this' */ attachCloseHandler: function(event, ui) { var that = this, frame = $('.cms').find('iframe'), closeHandler; // Create a handler for the click event so we can close tabs // and easily remove the event once done closeHandler = function(event) { var panel, frame; panel = $(event.target).closest('.ss-ui-action-tabset .ui-tabs-panel'); // If anything except the ui-nav button is clicked, // close panel and remove handler if (!$(event.target).closest(that).length || $(panel).length) { that.tabs('option', 'active', false); // close tabs // remove click event from objects it is bound to (iframe's and document) frame = $('.cms').find('iframe'); frame.each(function(index, iframe){ $(iframe).contents().off('click', closeHandler); }); $(document).off('click', closeHandler); } }; // Bind click event to document, and use closeHandler to handle the event $(document).on('click', closeHandler); // Make sure iframe click also closes tab // iframe needs a special case, else the click event will not register here if(frame.length > 0){ frame.each(function(index, iframe) { $(iframe).contents().on('click', closeHandler); }); } }, /** * Function riseUp checks to see if a tab should be opened upwards * (based on space concerns). If true, the rise-up class is applied * and a new position is calculated and applied to the element. * * Note: Should be called by a tabsbeforeactivate event */ riseUp: function(event, ui) { var elHeight, trigger, endOfWindow, elPos, activePanel, activeTab, topPosition, containerSouth, padding; // Get the numbers needed to calculate positions elHeight = $(this).find('.ui-tabs-panel').outerHeight(); trigger = $(this).find('.ui-tabs-nav').outerHeight(); endOfWindow = ($(window).height() + $(document).scrollTop()) - trigger; elPos = $(this).find('.ui-tabs-nav').offset().top; activePanel = ui.newPanel; activeTab = ui.newTab; if (elPos + elHeight >= endOfWindow && elPos - elHeight > 0){ this.addClass('rise-up'); if (activeTab.position() !== null){ topPosition = -activePanel.outerHeight(); containerSouth = activePanel.parents('.south'); if (containerSouth){ // If container is the southern panel, make tab appear from the top of the container padding = activeTab.offset().top - containerSouth.offset().top; topPosition = topPosition-padding; } $(activePanel).css('top',topPosition+"px"); } } else { // else remove the rise-up class and set top to 0 this.removeClass('rise-up'); if (activeTab.position() !== null){ $(activePanel).css('top','0px'); } } return false; } }); /** * ActionMenus * * Specific rules for ActionMenus, used for edit page actions */ $('.cms-content-actions .ss-tabset.ss-ui-action-tabset').entwine({ /** * Make necessary adjustments before tab is activated */ 'ontabsbeforeactivate': function(event, ui) { this._super(event, ui); //Set the position of the opening tab (if it exists) if($(ui.newPanel).length > 0){ $(ui.newPanel).css('left', ui.newTab.position().left+"px"); } } }); /** * SiteTree ActionTabs * Specific rules for site tree action tabs. Applies to tabs * within the expanded content area, and within the sidebar */ $('.cms-actions-row.ss-tabset.ss-ui-action-tabset').entwine({ /** * Make necessary adjustments before tab is activated */ 'ontabsbeforeactivate': function(event, ui) { this._super(event, ui); // Remove tabset open classes (Last gets a unique class // in the bigger sitetree. Remove this if we have it) $(this).closest('.ss-ui-action-tabset') .removeClass('tabset-open tabset-open-last'); } }); /** * SiteTree ActionTabs: expanded * * Specific rules for siteTree actions within the expanded content area. */ $('.cms-content-fields .ss-tabset.ss-ui-action-tabset').entwine({ /** * Make necessary adjustments before tab is activated */ 'ontabsbeforeactivate': function(event, ui) { this._super(event, ui); if($( ui.newPanel).length > 0){ if($(ui.newTab).hasClass("last")){ // Align open tab to the right (because opened tab is last) $(ui.newPanel).css({'left': 'auto', 'right': '0px'}); // Last needs to be styled differently when open, so apply a unique class $(ui.newPanel).parent().addClass('tabset-open-last'); }else{ // Assign position to tabpanel based on position of relivent active tab item $(ui.newPanel).css('left', ui.newTab.position().left+"px"); // If this is the first tab, make sure the position doesn't include border // (hard set position to 0 ), and add the tab-set open class if($(ui.newTab).hasClass("first")){ $(ui.newPanel).css('left',"0px"); $(ui.newPanel).parent().addClass('tabset-open'); } } } } }); /** * SiteTree ActionTabs: sidebar * * Specific rules for when the site tree actions panel appears in * * the side-bar */ $('.cms-tree-view-sidebar .cms-actions-row.ss-tabset.ss-ui-action-tabset').entwine({ // If actions panel is within the sidebar, apply active class // to help animate open/close on hover 'from .ui-tabs-nav li': { onhover: function(e) { $(e.target).parent().find('li .active').removeClass('active'); $(e.target).find('a').addClass('active'); } }, /** * Make necessary adjustments before tab is activated */ 'ontabsbeforeactivate': function(event, ui) { this._super(event, ui); // Reset position of tabs, else anyone going between the large // and the small sitetree will see broken tabs // Apply styles with .css, to avoid overriding currently applied styles $(ui.newPanel).css({'left': 'auto', 'right': 'auto'}); if($(ui.newPanel).length > 0){ $(ui.newPanel).parent().addClass('tabset-open'); } } }); }); }(jQuery));