dataRecord. Any unrecognised method calls, for example, Title() * and Content(), will be passed along to the data record, * * Subclasses of ContentController are generally instantiated by ModelAsController; this will create * a controller based on the URLSegment action variable, by looking in the SiteTree table. * * @todo Can this be used for anything other than SiteTree controllers? * * @package sapphire * @subpackage control */ class ContentController extends Controller { protected $dataRecord; static $url_handlers = array( 'widget/$ID!' => 'handleWidget' ); public static $allowed_actions = array( 'successfullyinstalled', 'deleteinstallfiles' // secured through custom code ); /** * The ContentController will take the URLSegment parameter from the URL and use that to look * up a SiteTree record. */ public function __construct($dataRecord = null) { if(!$dataRecord) { $dataRecord = new Page(); if($this->hasMethod("Title")) $dataRecord->Title = $this->Title(); $dataRecord->URLSegment = get_class($this); $dataRecord->ID = -1; } $this->dataRecord = $dataRecord; $this->failover = $this->dataRecord; parent::__construct(); } /** * Return the link to this controller, but force the expanded link to be returned so that form methods and * similar will function properly. * * @return string */ public function Link($action = null) { return $this->data()->Link(($action ? $action : true)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // These flexible data methods remove the need for custom code to do simple stuff /** * Return the children of a given page. The parent reference can either be a page link or an ID. * * @param string|int $parentRef * @return DataObjectSet */ public function ChildrenOf($parentRef) { $parent = SiteTree::get_by_link($parentRef); if(!$parent && is_numeric($parentRef)) { $parent = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', Convert::raw2sql($parentRef)); } if($parent) return $parent->Children(); } /** * @return DataObjectSet */ public function Page($link) { return SiteTree::get_by_link($link); } public function init() { parent::init(); // If we've accessed the homepage as /home/, then we should redirect to /. if($this->dataRecord && $this->dataRecord instanceof SiteTree && RootURLController::should_be_on_root($this->dataRecord) && (!isset($this->urlParams['Action']) || !$this->urlParams['Action'] ) && !$_POST && !$_FILES && !Director::redirected_to() ) { $getVars = $_GET; unset($getVars['url']); if($getVars) $url = "?" . http_build_query($getVars); else $url = ""; Director::redirect($url, 301); return; } if($this->dataRecord) $this->dataRecord->extend('contentcontrollerInit', $this); else singleton('SiteTree')->extend('contentcontrollerInit', $this); if(Director::redirected_to()) return; // Check page permissions if($this->dataRecord && $this->URLSegment != 'Security' && !$this->dataRecord->canView()) { return Security::permissionFailure($this); } // Draft/Archive security check - only CMS users should be able to look at stage/archived content if($this->URLSegment != 'Security' && !Session::get('unsecuredDraftSite') && (Versioned::current_archived_date() || (Versioned::current_stage() && Versioned::current_stage() != 'Live'))) { if(!$this->dataRecord->canViewStage(Versioned::current_stage())) { $link = $this->Link(); $message = _t("ContentController.DRAFT_SITE_ACCESS_RESTRICTION", 'You must log in with your CMS password in order to view the draft or archived content. Click here to go back to the published site.'); Session::clear('currentStage'); Session::clear('archiveDate'); return Security::permissionFailure($this, sprintf($message, Controller::join_links($link, "?stage=Live"))); } } // Use theme from the site config if(($config = SiteConfig::current_site_config()) && $config->Theme) { SSViewer::set_theme($config->Theme); } } /** * This acts the same as {@link Controller::handleRequest()}, but if an action cannot be found this will attempt to * fall over to a child controller in order to provide functionality for nested URLs. * * @return SS_HTTPResponse */ public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $child = null; $action = $request->param('Action'); // If nested URLs are enabled, and there is no action handler for the current request then attempt to pass // control to a child controller. This allows for the creation of chains of controllers which correspond to a // nested URL. if($action && SiteTree::nested_urls() && !$this->hasAction($action)) { // See ModelAdController->getNestedController() for similar logic Translatable::disable_locale_filter(); // look for a page with this URLSegment $child = DataObject::get_one('SiteTree', sprintf ( "\"ParentID\" = %s AND \"URLSegment\" = '%s'", $this->ID, Convert::raw2sql($action) )); Translatable::enable_locale_filter(); // if we can't find a page with this URLSegment try to find one that used to have // that URLSegment but changed. See ModelAsController->getNestedController() for similiar logic. if(!$child){ $child = ModelAsController::find_old_page($action,$this->ID); if($child){ $response = new SS_HTTPResponse(); $params = $request->getVars(); if(isset($params['url'])) unset($params['url']); $response->redirect( Controller::join_links( $child->Link( Controller::join_links( $request->param('ID'), // 'ID' is the new 'URLSegment', everything shifts up one position $request->param('OtherID') ) ), // Needs to be in separate join links to avoid urlencoding ($params) ? '?' . http_build_query($params) : null ), 301 ); return $response; } } } // we found a page with this URLSegment. if($child) { $request->shiftAllParams(); $request->shift(); $response = ModelAsController::controller_for($child)->handleRequest($request); } else { // If a specific locale is requested, and it doesn't match the page found by URLSegment, // look for a translation and redirect (see #5001). Only happens on the last child in // a potentially nested URL chain. if($request->getVar('locale') && $this->dataRecord && $this->dataRecord->Locale != $request->getVar('locale')) { $translation = $this->dataRecord->getTranslation($request->getVar('locale')); if($translation) { $response = new SS_HTTPResponse(); $response->redirect($translation->Link(), 301); throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception($response); } } Director::set_current_page($this->data()); $response = parent::handleRequest($request); Director::set_current_page(null); } return $response; } /** * @uses ErrorPage::response_for() */ public function httpError($code, $message = null) { if($this->request->isMedia() || !$response = ErrorPage::response_for($code)) { parent::httpError($code, $message); } else { throw new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception($response); } } /** * Handles widgets attached to a page through one or more {@link WidgetArea} elements. * Iterated through each $has_one relation with a {@link WidgetArea} * and looks for connected widgets by their database identifier. * Assumes URLs in the following format: /widget/. * * @return RequestHandler */ function handleWidget() { $SQL_id = $this->request->param('ID'); if(!$SQL_id) return false; // find WidgetArea relations $widgetAreaRelations = array(); $hasOnes = $this->dataRecord->has_one(); if(!$hasOnes) return false; foreach($hasOnes as $hasOneName => $hasOneClass) { if($hasOneClass == 'WidgetArea' || is_subclass_of($hasOneClass, 'WidgetArea')) { $widgetAreaRelations[] = $hasOneName; } } // find widget $widget = null; foreach($widgetAreaRelations as $widgetAreaRelation) { if($widget) break; $widget = $this->dataRecord->$widgetAreaRelation()->Widgets( sprintf('"Widget"."ID" = %d', $SQL_id) )->First(); } if(!$widget) user_error('No widget found', E_USER_ERROR); // find controller $controllerClass = ''; foreach(array_reverse(ClassInfo::ancestry($widget->class)) as $widgetClass) { $controllerClass = "{$widgetClass}_Controller"; if(class_exists($controllerClass)) break; } if(!$controllerClass) user_error( sprintf('No controller available for %s', $widget->class), E_USER_ERROR ); return new $controllerClass($widget); } /** * Get the project name * * @return string */ function project() { global $project; return $project; } /** * Returns the associated database record */ public function data() { return $this->dataRecord; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Returns a fixed navigation menu of the given level. * @return DataObjectSet */ public function getMenu($level = 1) { if($level == 1) { $result = DataObject::get("SiteTree", "\"ShowInMenus\" = 1 AND \"ParentID\" = 0"); } else { $parent = $this->data(); $stack = array($parent); if($parent) { while($parent = $parent->Parent) { array_unshift($stack, $parent); } } if(isset($stack[$level-2])) $result = $stack[$level-2]->Children(); } $visible = array(); // Remove all entries the can not be viewed by the current user // We might need to create a show in menu permission if(isset($result)) { foreach($result as $page) { if($page->canView()) { $visible[] = $page; } } } return new DataObjectSet($visible); } public function Menu($level) { return $this->getMenu($level); } /** * Returns the default log-in form. * * @todo Check if here should be returned just the default log-in form or * all available log-in forms (also OpenID...) */ public function LoginForm() { return MemberAuthenticator::get_login_form($this); } public function SilverStripeNavigator() { $member = Member::currentUser(); $items = ''; $message = ''; if(Director::isDev() || Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain') || Permission::check('VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT')) { if($this->dataRecord) { Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/SilverStripeNavigator.css'); Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/behaviour/behaviour.js'); Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js'); Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-livequery/jquery.livequery.js'); Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/SilverStripeNavigator.js'); $return = $nav = SilverStripeNavigator::get_for_record($this->dataRecord); $items = $return['items']; $message = $return['message']; } if($member) { $firstname = Convert::raw2xml($member->FirstName); $surname = Convert::raw2xml($member->Surname); $logInMessage = _t('ContentController.LOGGEDINAS', 'Logged in as') ." {$firstname} {$surname} - ". _t('ContentController.LOGOUT', 'Log out'). ""; } else { $logInMessage = _t('ContentController.NOTLOGGEDIN', 'Not logged in') ." - ". _t('ContentController.LOGIN', 'Login') .""; } $viewPageIn = _t('ContentController.VIEWPAGEIN', 'View Page in:'); return <<
$message HTML; // On live sites we should still see the archived message } else { if($date = Versioned::current_archived_date()) { Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/css/SilverStripeNavigator.css'); $dateObj = Object::create('Datetime', $date, null); // $dateObj->setVal($date); return "
". _t('ContentController.ARCHIVEDSITEFROM') ."
" . $dateObj->Nice() . "
"; } } } function SiteConfig() { if(method_exists($this->dataRecord, 'getSiteConfig')) { return $this->dataRecord->getSiteConfig(); } else { return SiteConfig::current_site_config(); } } /** * Returns the xml:lang and lang attributes. * * @deprecated 2.5 Use ContentLocale() instead and write attribute names suitable to XHTML/HTML * templates directly in the template. */ function LangAttributes() { $locale = $this->ContentLocale(); return "xml:lang=\"$locale\" lang=\"$locale\""; } /** * Returns an RFC1766 compliant locale string, e.g. 'fr-CA'. * Inspects the associated {@link dataRecord} for a {@link SiteTree->Locale} value if present, * and falls back to {@link Translatable::get_current_locale()} or {@link i18n::default_locale()}, * depending if Translatable is enabled. * * Suitable for insertion into lang= and xml:lang= * attributes in HTML or XHTML output. * * @return string */ function ContentLocale() { if($this->dataRecord && $this->dataRecord->hasExtension('Translatable')) { $locale = $this->dataRecord->Locale; } elseif(Object::has_extension('SiteTree', 'Translatable')) { $locale = Translatable::get_current_locale(); } else { $locale = i18n::get_locale(); } return i18n::convert_rfc1766($locale); } /** * This action is called by the installation system */ function successfullyinstalled() { // The manifest should be built by now, so it's safe to publish the 404 page $fourohfour = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('ErrorPage', 'Stage', '"ErrorCode" = 404'); if($fourohfour) { $fourohfour->write(); $fourohfour->publish("Stage", "Live"); } // TODO Allow this to work when allow_url_fopen=0 if(isset($_SESSION['StatsID']) && $_SESSION['StatsID']) { $url = '' . $_SESSION['StatsID']; @file_get_contents($url); } $title = new Varchar("Title"); $content = new HTMLText("Content"); $username = Session::get('username'); $password = Session::get('password'); $title->setValue("Installation Successful"); global $project; $tutorialOnly = ($project == 'tutorial') ? "

This website is a simplistic version of a SilverStripe 2 site. To extend this, please take a look at our new tutorials.

" : ''; $content->setValue(<<Congratulations, SilverStripe has been successfully installed.


You can start editing your site's content by opening the CMS.
    Email: $username
    Password: $password

For security reasons you should now delete the install files, unless you are planning to reinstall later (requires admin login, see above). The web server also now only needs write access to the "assets" folder, you can remove write access from all other folders. Click here to delete the install files.

HTML ); return array( "Title" => $title, "Content" => $content, ); } function deleteinstallfiles() { if(!Permission::check("ADMIN")) return Security::permissionFailure($this); $title = new Varchar("Title"); $content = new HTMLText("Content"); $tempcontent = ''; $username = Session::get('username'); $password = Session::get('password'); // We can't delete index.php as it might be necessary for URL routing without mod_rewrite. // There's no safe way to detect usage of mod_rewrite across webservers, // so we have to assume the file is required. $installfiles = array( 'install.php', 'config-form.css', 'config-form.html', 'index.html' ); foreach($installfiles as $installfile) { if(file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $installfile)) { @unlink(BASE_PATH . '/' . $installfile); } if(file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $installfile)) { $unsuccessful[] = $installfile; } } if(isset($unsuccessful)) { $title->setValue("Unable to delete installation files"); $tempcontent = "

Unable to delete installation files. Please delete the files below manually:

"; } else { $title->setValue("Deleted installation files"); $tempcontent = <<Installation files have been successfully deleted.

HTML ; } $tempcontent .= <<You can start editing your site's content by opening the CMS.
    Email: $username
    Password: $password

HTML ; $content->setValue($tempcontent); return array( "Title" => $title, "Content" => $content, ); } }