get("GridField_URLHandlerTest_Controller/Form/field/Grid/showform"); $formResult = $this->submitForm('Form_Form', 'action_doAction', array('Test' => 'foo bar') ); $this->assertEquals("Submitted foo bar to component", $formResult->getBody()); } public function testNestedRequestHandlerFormSubmission() { $result = $this->get("GridField_URLHandlerTest_Controller/Form/field/Grid/item/3/showform"); $formResult = $this->submitForm('Form_Form', 'action_doAction', array('Test' => 'foo bar') ); $this->assertEquals("Submitted foo bar to item #3", $formResult->getBody()); } public function testURL() { $result = $this->get("GridField_URLHandlerTest_Controller/Form/field/Grid/testpage"); $this->assertEquals("Test page for component", $result->getBody()); } public function testNestedRequestHandlerURL() { $result = $this->get("GridField_URLHandlerTest_Controller/Form/field/Grid/item/5/testpage"); $this->assertEquals("Test page for item #5", $result->getBody()); } } class GridField_URLHandlerTest_Controller extends Controller implements TestOnly { private static $allowed_actions = array('Form'); public function Link() { return get_class($this) ."/"; } public function Form() { $gridConfig = GridFieldConfig::create(); $gridConfig->addComponent(new GridField_URLHandlerTest_Component()); $gridData = new ArrayList(); $gridField = new GridField('Grid', 'My grid', $gridData, $gridConfig); return new Form($this, 'Form', new FieldList( $gridField ), new FieldList()); } } /** * Test URLHandler with a nested request handler */ class GridField_URLHandlerTest_Component extends RequestHandler implements GridField_URLHandler { private static $allowed_actions = array('Form', 'showform', 'testpage', 'handleItem'); protected $gridField; public function getURLHandlers($gridField) { return array( 'showform' => 'showform', 'testpage' => 'testpage', 'Form' => 'Form', 'item/$ID' => 'handleItem', ); } public function handleItem($gridField, $request) { $id = $request->param("ID"); return new GridField_URLHandlerTest_Component_ItemRequest( $gridField, $id, Controller::join_links($gridField->Link(), 'item/' . $id)); } public function Link() { return $this->gridField->Link(); } public function showform($gridField, $request) { return "" . SSViewer::get_base_tag("") . "" . $this->Form($gridField, $request)->forTemplate(); } public function Form($gridField, $request) { $this->gridField = $gridField; return new Form($this, 'Form', new FieldList( new TextField("Test") ), new FieldList( new FormAction('doAction', 'Go') )); } public function doAction($data, $form) { return "Submitted " . $data['Test'] . " to component"; } public function testpage($gridField, $request) { return "Test page for component"; } } class GridField_URLHandlerTest_Component_ItemRequest extends RequestHandler { private static $allowed_actions = array('Form', 'showform', 'testpage'); protected $gridField; protected $link; protected $id; public function __construct($gridField, $id, $link) { $this->gridField = $gridField; $this->id = $id; $this->link = $link; parent::__construct(); } public function Link() { return $this->link; } public function showform() { return "" . SSViewer::get_base_tag("") . "" . $this->Form()->forTemplate(); } public function Form() { return new Form($this, 'Form', new FieldList( new TextField("Test") ), new FieldList( new FormAction('doAction', 'Go') )); } public function doAction($data, $form) { return "Submitted " . $data['Test'] . " to item #" . $this->id; } public function testpage() { return "Test page for item #" . $this->id; } }