<?php /** * DataObjects that use the Hierarchy extension can be be organised as a hierarchy, with children and parents. * The most obvious example of this is SiteTree. * @package framework * @subpackage model */ class Hierarchy extends DataExtension { protected $markedNodes; protected $markingFilter; /** * @var Int */ protected $_cache_numChildren; /** * @config * @var integer The lower bounds for the amount of nodes to mark. If set, the logic will expand * nodes until it reaches at least this number, and then stops. Root nodes will always * show regardless of this settting. Further nodes can be lazy-loaded via ajax. * This isn't a hard limit. Example: On a value of 10, with 20 root nodes, each having * 30 children, the actual node count will be 50 (all root nodes plus first expanded child). */ private static $node_threshold_total = 50; /** * @config * @var integer Limit on the maximum children a specific node can display. * Serves as a hard limit to avoid exceeding available server resources * in generating the tree, and browser resources in rendering it. * Nodes with children exceeding this value typically won't display * any children, although this is configurable through the $nodeCountCallback * parameter in {@link getChildrenAsUL()}. "Root" nodes will always show * all children, regardless of this setting. */ private static $node_threshold_leaf = 250; public static function get_extra_config($class, $extension, $args) { return array( 'has_one' => array('Parent' => $class) ); } /** * Validate the owner object - check for existence of infinite loops. */ public function validate(ValidationResult $validationResult) { // The object is new, won't be looping. if (!$this->owner->ID) return; // The object has no parent, won't be looping. if (!$this->owner->ParentID) return; // The parent has not changed, skip the check for performance reasons. if (!$this->owner->isChanged('ParentID')) return; // Walk the hierarchy upwards until we reach the top, or until we reach the originating node again. $node = $this->owner; while($node) { if ($node->ParentID==$this->owner->ID) { // Hierarchy is looping. $validationResult->error( _t( 'Hierarchy.InfiniteLoopNotAllowed', 'Infinite loop found within the "{type}" hierarchy. Please change the parent to resolve this', 'First argument is the class that makes up the hierarchy.', array('type' => $this->owner->class) ), 'INFINITE_LOOP' ); break; } $node = $node->ParentID ? $node->Parent() : null; } // At this point the $validationResult contains the response. } /** * Returns the children of this DataObject as an XHTML UL. This will be called recursively on each child, * so if they have children they will be displayed as a UL inside a LI. * @param string $attributes Attributes to add to the UL. * @param string|callable $titleEval PHP code to evaluate to start each child - this should include '<li>' * @param string $extraArg Extra arguments that will be passed on to children, for if they overload this function. * @param boolean $limitToMarked Display only marked children. * @param string $childrenMethod The name of the method used to get children from each object * @param boolean $rootCall Set to true for this first call, and then to false for calls inside the recursion. You * should not change this. * @param int $nodeCountThreshold See {@link self::$node_threshold_total} * @param callable $nodeCountCallback Called with the node count, which gives the callback an opportunity * to intercept the query. Useful e.g. to avoid excessive children listings * (Arguments: $parent, $numChildren) * * @return string */ public function getChildrenAsUL($attributes = "", $titleEval = '"<li>" . $child->Title', $extraArg = null, $limitToMarked = false, $childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted", $numChildrenMethod = "numChildren", $rootCall = true, $nodeCountThreshold = null, $nodeCountCallback = null) { if(!is_numeric($nodeCountThreshold)) { $nodeCountThreshold = Config::inst()->get('Hierarchy', 'node_threshold_total'); } if($limitToMarked && $rootCall) { $this->markingFinished($numChildrenMethod); } if($nodeCountCallback) { $nodeCountWarning = $nodeCountCallback($this->owner, $this->owner->$numChildrenMethod()); if($nodeCountWarning) return $nodeCountWarning; } if($this->owner->hasMethod($childrenMethod)) { $children = $this->owner->$childrenMethod($extraArg); } else { user_error(sprintf("Can't find the method '%s' on class '%s' for getting tree children", $childrenMethod, get_class($this->owner)), E_USER_ERROR); } if($children) { if($attributes) { $attributes = " $attributes"; } $output = "<ul$attributes>\n"; foreach($children as $child) { if(!$limitToMarked || $child->isMarked()) { $foundAChild = true; if(is_callable($titleEval)) { $output .= $titleEval($child, $numChildrenMethod); } else { $output .= eval("return $titleEval;"); } $output .= "\n"; $numChildren = $child->$numChildrenMethod(); if( // Always traverse into opened nodes (they might be exposed as parents of search results) $child->isExpanded() // Only traverse into children if we haven't reached the maximum node count already. // Otherwise, the remaining nodes are lazy loaded via ajax. && $child->isMarked() ) { // Additionally check if node count requirements are met $nodeCountWarning = $nodeCountCallback ? $nodeCountCallback($child, $numChildren) : null; if($nodeCountWarning) { $output .= $nodeCountWarning; $child->markClosed(); } else { $output .= $child->getChildrenAsUL("", $titleEval, $extraArg, $limitToMarked, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod, false, $nodeCountThreshold); } } elseif($child->isTreeOpened()) { // Since we're not loading children, don't mark it as open either $child->markClosed(); } $output .= "</li>\n"; } } $output .= "</ul>\n"; } if(isset($foundAChild) && $foundAChild) { return $output; } } /** * Mark a segment of the tree, by calling mark(). * The method performs a breadth-first traversal until the number of nodes is more than minCount. * This is used to get a limited number of tree nodes to show in the CMS initially. * * This method returns the number of nodes marked. After this method is called other methods * can check isExpanded() and isMarked() on individual nodes. * * @param int $nodeCountThreshold See {@link getChildrenAsUL()} * @return int The actual number of nodes marked. */ public function markPartialTree($nodeCountThreshold = 30, $context = null, $childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted", $numChildrenMethod = "numChildren") { if(!is_numeric($nodeCountThreshold)) $nodeCountThreshold = 30; $this->markedNodes = array($this->owner->ID => $this->owner); $this->owner->markUnexpanded(); // foreach can't handle an ever-growing $nodes list while(list($id, $node) = each($this->markedNodes)) { $children = $this->markChildren($node, $context, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod); if($nodeCountThreshold && sizeof($this->markedNodes) > $nodeCountThreshold) { // Undo marking children as opened since they're lazy loaded if($children) foreach($children as $child) $child->markClosed(); break; } } return sizeof($this->markedNodes); } /** * Filter the marking to only those object with $node->$parameterName = $parameterValue * @param string $parameterName The parameter on each node to check when marking. * @param mixed $parameterValue The value the parameter must be to be marked. */ public function setMarkingFilter($parameterName, $parameterValue) { $this->markingFilter = array( "parameter" => $parameterName, "value" => $parameterValue ); } /** * Filter the marking to only those where the function returns true. * The node in question will be passed to the function. * @param string $funcName The function name. */ public function setMarkingFilterFunction($funcName) { $this->markingFilter = array( "func" => $funcName, ); } /** * Returns true if the marking filter matches on the given node. * @param DataObject $node Node to check. * @return boolean */ public function markingFilterMatches($node) { if(!$this->markingFilter) { return true; } if(isset($this->markingFilter['parameter']) && $parameterName = $this->markingFilter['parameter']) { if(is_array($this->markingFilter['value'])){ $ret = false; foreach($this->markingFilter['value'] as $value) { $ret = $ret||$node->$parameterName==$value; if($ret == true) { break; } } return $ret; } else { return ($node->$parameterName == $this->markingFilter['value']); } } else if ($func = $this->markingFilter['func']) { return call_user_func($func, $node); } } /** * Mark all children of the given node that match the marking filter. * @param DataObject $node Parent node. * @return DataList */ public function markChildren($node, $context = null, $childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted", $numChildrenMethod = "numChildren") { if($node->hasMethod($childrenMethod)) { $children = $node->$childrenMethod($context); } else { user_error(sprintf("Can't find the method '%s' on class '%s' for getting tree children", $childrenMethod, get_class($node)), E_USER_ERROR); } $node->markExpanded(); if($children) { foreach($children as $child) { $markingMatches = $this->markingFilterMatches($child); if($markingMatches) { if($child->$numChildrenMethod()) { $child->markUnexpanded(); } else { $child->markExpanded(); } $this->markedNodes[$child->ID] = $child; } } } return $children; } /** * Ensure marked nodes that have children are also marked expanded. * Call this after marking but before iterating over the tree. */ protected function markingFinished($numChildrenMethod = "numChildren") { // Mark childless nodes as expanded. if($this->markedNodes) { foreach($this->markedNodes as $id => $node) { if(!$node->isExpanded() && !$node->$numChildrenMethod()) { $node->markExpanded(); } } } } /** * Return CSS classes of 'unexpanded', 'closed', both, or neither, as well as a * 'jstree-*' state depending on the marking of this DataObject. * * @return string */ public function markingClasses($numChildrenMethod="numChildren") { $classes = ''; if(!$this->isExpanded()) { $classes .= " unexpanded"; } // Set jstree open state, or mark it as a leaf (closed) if there are no children if(!$this->owner->$numChildrenMethod()) { $classes .= " jstree-leaf closed"; } elseif($this->isTreeOpened()) { $classes .= " jstree-open"; } else { $classes .= " jstree-closed closed"; } return $classes; } /** * Mark the children of the DataObject with the given ID. * @param int $id ID of parent node. * @param boolean $open If this is true, mark the parent node as opened. */ public function markById($id, $open = false) { if(isset($this->markedNodes[$id])) { $this->markChildren($this->markedNodes[$id]); if($open) { $this->markedNodes[$id]->markOpened(); } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Expose the given object in the tree, by marking this page and all it ancestors. * @param DataObject $childObj */ public function markToExpose($childObj) { if(is_object($childObj)){ $stack = array_reverse($childObj->parentStack()); foreach($stack as $stackItem) { $this->markById($stackItem->ID, true); } } } /** * Return the IDs of all the marked nodes */ public function markedNodeIDs() { return array_keys($this->markedNodes); } /** * Return an array of this page and its ancestors, ordered item -> root. * @return array */ public function parentStack() { $p = $this->owner; while($p) { $stack[] = $p; $p = $p->ParentID ? $p->Parent() : null; } return $stack; } /** * True if this DataObject is marked. * @var boolean */ protected static $marked = array(); /** * True if this DataObject is expanded. * @var boolean */ protected static $expanded = array(); /** * True if this DataObject is opened. * @var boolean */ protected static $treeOpened = array(); /** * Mark this DataObject as expanded. */ public function markExpanded() { self::$marked[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID] = true; self::$expanded[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID] = true; } /** * Mark this DataObject as unexpanded. */ public function markUnexpanded() { self::$marked[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID] = true; self::$expanded[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID] = false; } /** * Mark this DataObject's tree as opened. */ public function markOpened() { self::$marked[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID] = true; self::$treeOpened[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID] = true; } /** * Mark this DataObject's tree as closed. */ public function markClosed() { if(isset(self::$treeOpened[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID])) { unset(self::$treeOpened[ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class)][$this->owner->ID]); } } /** * Check if this DataObject is marked. * @return boolean */ public function isMarked() { $baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class); $id = $this->owner->ID; return isset(self::$marked[$baseClass][$id]) ? self::$marked[$baseClass][$id] : false; } /** * Check if this DataObject is expanded. * @return boolean */ public function isExpanded() { $baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class); $id = $this->owner->ID; return isset(self::$expanded[$baseClass][$id]) ? self::$expanded[$baseClass][$id] : false; } /** * Check if this DataObject's tree is opened. */ public function isTreeOpened() { $baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class); $id = $this->owner->ID; return isset(self::$treeOpened[$baseClass][$id]) ? self::$treeOpened[$baseClass][$id] : false; } /** * Get a list of this DataObject's and all it's descendants IDs. * @return int */ public function getDescendantIDList() { $idList = array(); $this->loadDescendantIDListInto($idList); return $idList; } /** * Get a list of this DataObject's and all it's descendants ID, and put it in $idList. * @var array $idList Array to put results in. */ public function loadDescendantIDListInto(&$idList) { if($children = $this->AllChildren()) { foreach($children as $child) { if(in_array($child->ID, $idList)) { continue; } $idList[] = $child->ID; $ext = $child->getExtensionInstance('Hierarchy'); $ext->setOwner($child); $ext->loadDescendantIDListInto($idList); $ext->clearOwner(); } } } /** * Get the children for this DataObject. * @return ArrayList */ public function Children() { if(!(isset($this->_cache_children) && $this->_cache_children)) { $result = $this->owner->stageChildren(false); $children = array(); foreach ($result as $record) { if ($record->canView()) { $children[] = $record; } } $this->_cache_children = new ArrayList($children); } return $this->_cache_children; } /** * Return all children, including those 'not in menus'. * @return SS_List */ public function AllChildren() { return $this->owner->stageChildren(true); } /** * Return all children, including those that have been deleted but are still in live. * Deleted children will be marked as "DeletedFromStage" * Added children will be marked as "AddedToStage" * Modified children will be marked as "ModifiedOnStage" * Everything else has "SameOnStage" set, as an indicator that this information has been looked up. * @return SS_List */ public function AllChildrenIncludingDeleted($context = null) { return $this->doAllChildrenIncludingDeleted($context); } /** * @see AllChildrenIncludingDeleted * * @param unknown_type $context * @return SS_List */ public function doAllChildrenIncludingDeleted($context = null) { if(!$this->owner) user_error('Hierarchy::doAllChildrenIncludingDeleted() called without $this->owner'); $baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class); if($baseClass) { $stageChildren = $this->owner->stageChildren(true); // Add live site content that doesn't exist on the stage site, if required. if($this->owner->hasExtension('Versioned')) { // Next, go through the live children. Only some of these will be listed $liveChildren = $this->owner->liveChildren(true, true); if($liveChildren) { $merged = new ArrayList(); $merged->merge($stageChildren); $merged->merge($liveChildren); $stageChildren = $merged; } } $this->owner->extend("augmentAllChildrenIncludingDeleted", $stageChildren, $context); } else { user_error("Hierarchy::AllChildren() Couldn't determine base class for '{$this->owner->class}'", E_USER_ERROR); } return $stageChildren; } /** * Return all the children that this page had, including pages that were deleted * from both stage & live. */ public function AllHistoricalChildren() { if(!$this->owner->hasExtension('Versioned')) { throw new Exception('Hierarchy->AllHistoricalChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied'); } $baseClass=ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class); return Versioned::get_including_deleted($baseClass, "\"ParentID\" = " . (int)$this->owner->ID, "\"$baseClass\".\"ID\" ASC"); } /** * Return the number of children that this page ever had, including pages that were deleted */ public function numHistoricalChildren() { if(!$this->owner->hasExtension('Versioned')) { throw new Exception('Hierarchy->AllHistoricalChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied'); } return Versioned::get_including_deleted(ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class), "\"ParentID\" = " . (int)$this->owner->ID)->count(); } /** * Return the number of direct children. * By default, values are cached after the first invocation. * Can be augumented by {@link augmentNumChildrenCountQuery()}. * * @param Boolean $cache * @return int */ public function numChildren($cache = true) { // Build the cache for this class if it doesn't exist. if(!$cache || !is_numeric($this->_cache_numChildren)) { // Hey, this is efficient now! // We call stageChildren(), because Children() has canView() filtering $this->_cache_numChildren = (int)$this->owner->stageChildren(true)->Count(); } // If theres no value in the cache, it just means that it doesn't have any children. return $this->_cache_numChildren; } /** * Return children from the stage site * * @param showAll Inlcude all of the elements, even those not shown in the menus. * (only applicable when extension is applied to {@link SiteTree}). * @return DataList */ public function stageChildren($showAll = false) { $baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class); $staged = $baseClass::get() ->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID) ->exclude('ID', (int)$this->owner->ID); if (!$showAll && $this->owner->db('ShowInMenus')) { $staged = $staged->filter('ShowInMenus', 1); } $this->owner->extend("augmentStageChildren", $staged, $showAll); return $staged; } /** * Return children from the live site, if it exists. * * @param boolean $showAll Include all of the elements, even those not shown in the menus. * (only applicable when extension is applied to {@link SiteTree}). * @param boolean $onlyDeletedFromStage Only return items that have been deleted from stage * @return SS_List */ public function liveChildren($showAll = false, $onlyDeletedFromStage = false) { if(!$this->owner->hasExtension('Versioned')) { throw new Exception('Hierarchy->liveChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied'); } $baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class); $children = $baseClass::get() ->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID) ->exclude('ID', (int)$this->owner->ID) ->setDataQueryParam(array( 'Versioned.mode' => $onlyDeletedFromStage ? 'stage_unique' : 'stage', 'Versioned.stage' => 'Live' )); if(!$showAll) $children = $children->filter('ShowInMenus', 1); return $children; } /** * Get the parent of this class. * @return DataObject */ public function getParent($filter = null) { if($p = $this->owner->__get("ParentID")) { $tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->owner->class); $baseClass = array_shift($tableClasses); return DataObject::get_one($this->owner->class, array( array("\"$baseClass\".\"ID\"" => $p), $filter )); } } /** * Return all the parents of this class in a set ordered from the lowest to highest parent. * * @return SS_List */ public function getAncestors() { $ancestors = new ArrayList(); $object = $this->owner; while($object = $object->getParent()) { $ancestors->push($object); } return $ancestors; } /** * Returns a human-readable, flattened representation of the path to the object, * using its {@link Title()} attribute. * * @param String * @return String */ public function getBreadcrumbs($separator = ' » ') { $crumbs = array(); $ancestors = array_reverse($this->owner->getAncestors()->toArray()); foreach($ancestors as $ancestor) $crumbs[] = $ancestor->Title; $crumbs[] = $this->owner->Title; return implode($separator, $crumbs); } /** * Get the next node in the tree of the type. If there is no instance of the className descended from this node, * then search the parents. * * @todo Write! */ public function naturalPrev( $className, $afterNode = null ) { return null; } /** * Get the next node in the tree of the type. If there is no instance of the className descended from this node, * then search the parents. * @param string $className Class name of the node to find. * @param string|int $root ID/ClassName of the node to limit the search to * @param DataObject afterNode Used for recursive calls to this function * @return DataObject */ public function naturalNext( $className = null, $root = 0, $afterNode = null ) { // If this node is not the node we are searching from, then we can possibly return this // node as a solution if($afterNode && $afterNode->ID != $this->owner->ID) { if(!$className || ($className && $this->owner->class == $className)) { return $this->owner; } } $nextNode = null; $baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class); $children = $baseClass::get() ->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID) ->sort('"Sort"', 'ASC'); if ($afterNode) { $children = $children->filter('Sort:GreaterThan', $afterNode->Sort); } // Try all the siblings of this node after the given node /*if( $siblings = DataObject::get( ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class), "\"ParentID\"={$this->owner->ParentID}" . ( $afterNode ) ? "\"Sort\" > {$afterNode->Sort}" : "" , '\"Sort\" ASC' ) ) $searchNodes->merge( $siblings );*/ if($children) { foreach($children as $node) { if($nextNode = $node->naturalNext($className, $node->ID, $this->owner)) { break; } } if($nextNode) { return $nextNode; } } // if this is not an instance of the root class or has the root id, search the parent if(!(is_numeric($root) && $root == $this->owner->ID || $root == $this->owner->class) && ($parent = $this->owner->Parent())) { return $parent->naturalNext( $className, $root, $this->owner ); } return null; } public function flushCache() { $this->_cache_children = null; $this->_cache_numChildren = null; self::$marked = array(); self::$expanded = array(); self::$treeOpened = array(); } public static function reset() { self::$marked = array(); self::$expanded = array(); self::$treeOpened = array(); } }