My page
'; $links = HTTP::getLinksIn($content); $this->assertTrue(is_array($links)); $this->assertTrue(count($links) == 2); } /** * Tests {@link HTTP::setGetVar()} */ public function testSetGetVar() { // Hackery to work around volatile URL formats in test invocation $expectedPath = preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $this->assertContains( $expectedPath, HTTP::setGetVar('foo', 'bar'), 'Omitting a URL falls back to current URL' ); $this->assertContains( 'foo=bar', HTTP::setGetVar('foo', 'bar'), 'Omitting a URL falls back to current URL' ); $this->assertEquals( Director::absoluteBaseURL() . 'relative/url?foo=bar', HTTP::setGetVar('foo', 'bar', 'relative/url'), 'Relative URL without slash prefix returns URL with absolute base' ); $this->assertEquals( Director::absoluteBaseURL() . '/relative/url?foo=bar', HTTP::setGetVar('foo', 'bar', '/relative/url'), 'Relative URL with slash prefix returns URL with absolute base' ); $this->assertEquals( Director::absoluteBaseURL() . '/relative/url?baz=buz&foo=bar', HTTP::setGetVar('foo', 'bar', '/relative/url?baz=buz'), 'Relative URL with existing query params, and new added key' ); $this->assertEquals( '', HTTP::setGetVar('foo', 'new', ''), 'Absolute URL without path and multipe existing query params, overwriting an existing parameter' ); $this->assertEquals( '', HTTP::setGetVar('foo', 'new', ''), 'Absolute URL and empty query param' ); $this->assertEquals( // http_build_query() escapes angular brackets, they should be correctly urldecoded by the browser client '', HTTP::setGetVar('foo[test]', 'two', '[test]=one'), 'Absolute URL and PHP array query string notation' ); } }