pt: AssetAdmin: NEWFOLDER: - null AssetTableField: CREATED: - null DIM: - null FILENAME: - null FOLDER: - null LASTEDIT: - null OWNER: - null SIZE: - null TITLE: - null TYPE: - null URL: - null AssetUploadField: ChooseFiles: 'Escolher ficheiros' DRAGFILESHERE: 'Arrastar os ficheiros para aqui' DROPAREA: 'Área de arraste' EDITALL: 'Edit all' EDITANDORGANIZE: 'Editar e organizar' EDITINFO: 'Edit files' FILES: Files FROMCOMPUTER: 'Escolher ficheiros do seu computador' FROMCOMPUTERINFO: 'Upload from your computer' TOTAL: Total TOUPLOAD: 'Choose files to upload...' UPLOADINPROGRESS: 'Please wait… upload in progress' UPLOADOR: OU BBCodeParser: ALIGNEMENT: Alinhamento ALIGNEMENTEXAMPLE: 'Alinhado à direita' BOLD: 'Texto Negrito' BOLDEXAMPLE: Negrito CODE: 'Bloco de código' CODEDESCRIPTION: 'Bloco de código não formatado' CODEEXAMPLE: 'Bloco de código' COLORED: 'Texto colorido' COLOREDEXAMPLE: 'Texto azul' EMAILLINK: 'Email link' EMAILLINKDESCRIPTION: 'Criar link para o endereço de email' IMAGE: Imagem IMAGEDESCRIPTION: 'Apresentar imagem na sua publicação' ITALIC: 'Texto Itálico' ITALICEXAMPLE: Itálico LINK: 'Website link' LINKDESCRIPTION: 'Link para outro site ou URL' STRUCK: 'Struck-out Text' STRUCKEXAMPLE: Struck-out UNDERLINE: 'Texto Sublinhado' UNDERLINEEXAMPLE: Sublinhado UNORDERED: 'Lista não ordenada' UNORDEREDDESCRIPTION: 'Lista não ordenada' UNORDEREDEXAMPLE1: 'item não ordenado 1' Back: Back BasicAuth: ENTERINFO: 'Por favor insira um nome de utilizador e password.' ERRORNOTADMIN: 'Esse utilizador não é um administrador.' ERRORNOTREC: 'Esse nome de utilizador / password não é válido' Boolean: 0: - null ANY: - null 1: - null LOADING: Loading... REQUIREJS: 'The CMS requires that you have JavaScript enabled.' CMSMain: ACCESS: - null ACCESSALLINTERFACES: - null ACCESSALLINTERFACESHELP: - null SAVE: - null CMSProfileController: MENUTITLE: - null CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT1: 'Modificou a sua password para' CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT2: 'Pode utilizar agora as seguintes credenciais para se autenticar:' EMAIL: Email HELLO: Olá PASSWORD: Palavra-chave CheckboxField: - - null - - null ComplexTableField: CLOSEPOPUP: 'Fechar Janela' SUCCESSADD2: 'Added {name}' SUCCESSEDIT: 'Guardado %s %s %s' ADDITEM: - null NOITEMSFOUND: - null SORTASC: - null SORTDESC: - null NEXT: Próximo PREVIOUS: Anterior ConfirmedPasswordField: ATLEAST: - null BETWEEN: - null MAXIMUM: - null SHOWONCLICKTITLE: - null CreditCardField: FIRST: primeiro FOURTH: quarto SECOND: segundo THIRD: terceiro CurrencyField: CURRENCYSYMBOL: - null DataObject: PLURALNAME: - null SINGULARNAME: - null Date: DAY: dia DAYS: dias HOUR: hora HOURS: horas MIN: min MINS: mins MONTH: mês MONTHS: meses SEC: seg SECS: segs TIMEDIFFAGO: '{difference} ago' TIMEDIFFIN: 'in {difference}' YEAR: ano YEARS: anos DateField: NOTSET: 'Não inserido' TODAY: Hoje VALIDDATEFORMAT2: 'Please enter a valid date format ({format})' VALIDDATEMAXDATE: 'Your date has to be older or matching the maximum allowed date ({date})' VALIDDATEMINDATE: 'Your date has to be newer or matching the minimum allowed date ({date})' DatetimeField: NOTSET: - null Director: INVALID_REQUEST: 'Invalid request' DropdownField: CHOOSE: - null EmailField: VALIDATION: 'Please enter an email address' Email_BounceRecord: PLURALNAME: 'Email Bounce Records' SINGULARNAME: 'Email Bounce Record' Enum: ANY: Qualquer File: AviType: - null Content: - null CssType: - null DmgType: - null DocType: - null Filename: - null GifType: - null GzType: - null HtlType: - null HtmlType: - null INVALIDEXTENSION: - null INVALIDEXTENSIONSHORT: - null IcoType: - null JpgType: - null JsType: - null Mp3Type: - null MpgType: - null NOFILESIZE: - null NOVALIDUPLOAD: - null Name: - null PLURALNAME: - null PdfType: - null PngType: - null SINGULARNAME: - null TOOLARGE: - null TOOLARGESHORT: - null TiffType: - null Title: - null WavType: - null XlsType: - null ZipType: - null FileIFrameField: ATTACH: 'Attach {type}' ATTACHONCESAVED: '{type}s can be attached once you have saved the record for the first time.' ATTACHONCESAVED2: 'Files can be attached once you have saved the record for the first time.' DELETE: 'Delete {type}' DISALLOWEDFILETYPE: 'This filetype is not allowed to be uploaded' FILE: Ficheiro FROMCOMPUTER: 'Do computador' FROMFILESTORE: 'Do Sistema de Ficheiros' NOSOURCE: 'Please select a source file to attach' REPLACE: 'Replace {type}' TITLE: 'Image Uploading Iframe' Filesystem: SYNCRESULTS: 'Sync complete: {createdcount} items created, {deletedcount} items deleted' Folder: PLURALNAME: Folders SINGULARNAME: Folder HELLO: Olá TEXT1: 'Este é o seu' TEXT2: 'link para alterar password' TEXT3: para Form: FIELDISREQUIRED: - null SubmitBtnLabel: - null VALIDATIONCREDITNUMBER: - null VALIDATIONNOTUNIQUE: - null VALIDATIONPASSWORDSDONTMATCH: - null VALIDATIONPASSWORDSNOTEMPTY: - null VALIDATIONSTRONGPASSWORD: - null VALIDATOR: - null VALIDCURRENCY: - null FormField: NONE: nenhum GridAction: DELETE_DESCRIPTION: - null Delete: - null UnlinkRelation: - null GridField: Add: 'Add {name}' Filter: Filtrar FilterBy: 'Filter by ' Find: Procurar LEVELUP: 'Level up' LinkExisting: 'Link existente' NewRecord: 'Novo %s' NoItemsFound: 'Não foram encontrados elementos' PRINTEDAT: 'Impresso em' PRINTEDBY: 'Impresso por' PlaceHolder: 'Find {type}' PlaceHolderWithLabels: 'Find {type} by {name}' RelationSearch: 'Pesquisa relacionada' ResetFilter: Redefinir GridFieldAction_Delete: DeletePermissionsFailure: - null GridFieldDetailForm: CancelBtn: Cancelar Create: Create Delete: Delete DeletePermissionsFailure: 'No delete permissions' Deleted: 'Deleted %s %s' Save: Save Saved: 'Saved %s %s' null Group: AddRole: 'Adicionar regra a este grupo' Code: 'Grupo de código' DefaultGroupTitleAdministrators: Administradores DefaultGroupTitleContentAuthors: 'Autores de Conteúdo' Description: Descrição GroupReminder: 'Se escolher um grupo associado, arrecadará todas as regras deste' Locked: 'Fechado?' NoRoles: 'Não foram encontradas regras' PLURALNAME: Groups Parent: 'Grupo pai' RolesAddEditLink: 'Gerir regras' SINGULARNAME: Group Sort: 'Ordem de ordenação' has_many_Permissions: Permissões many_many_Members: Membros GroupImportForm: Help1: '

Import one or more groups in CSV format (comma-separated values). Show advanced usage

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Advanced usage

' ResultCreated: 'Created {count} groups' ResultDeleted: - null ResultUpdated: 'Updated %d groups' Hierarchy: InfiniteLoopNotAllowed: - null HtmlEditorField: ADDURL: 'Add URL' ADJUSTDETAILSDIMENSIONS: 'Details & dimensions' ANCHORVALUE: Âncora BUTTONINSERT: Inserir BUTTONINSERTLINK: 'Inserir link' BUTTONREMOVELINK: 'Remover link' BUTTONUpdate: Update CAPTIONTEXT: 'Caption text' CSSCLASS: 'Alinhamento / estilo' CSSCLASSCENTER: 'Centrado sozinho.' CSSCLASSLEFT: 'Na esquerda, com texto envolvido.' CSSCLASSLEFTALONE: 'No lado esquerdo, por si só.' CSSCLASSRIGHT: 'Na direita, com texto envolvido.' DETAILS: Detalhes EMAIL: 'Endereço email' FILE: Ficheiro FOLDER: Pasta FROMCMS: 'A partir do CMS' FROMCOMPUTER: 'Do seu computador' FROMWEB: 'From the web' FindInFolder: 'Find in Folder' IMAGEALT: 'Alternative text (alt)' IMAGEALTTEXT: 'Alternative text (alt) - shown if image cannot be displayed' IMAGEALTTEXTDESC: 'Shown to screen readers or if image can not be displayed' IMAGEDIMENSIONS: Dimensões IMAGEHEIGHTPX: Altura IMAGETITLE: 'Title text (tooltip) - for additional information about the image' IMAGETITLETEXT: 'Title text (tooltip)' IMAGETITLETEXTDESC: 'For additional information about the image' IMAGEWIDTHPX: Largura INSERTMEDIA: 'Insert Media' LINK: 'Inserir/editar link no texto seleccionado' LINKANCHOR: 'Âncora nesta página' LINKDESCR: 'Descrição do link' LINKEMAIL: 'Endereço email' LINKEXTERNAL: 'Outro site' LINKFILE: 'Descarregar ficheiro' LINKINTERNAL: 'Página no site' LINKOPENNEWWIN: 'Abrir link noutra janela?' LINKTO: 'Link para' PAGE: Página URL: URL URLNOTANOEMBEDRESOURCE: 'The URL ''{url}'' could not be turned into a media resource.' UpdateMEDIA: 'Update Media' Image: PLURALNAME: - null SINGULARNAME: - null ImageField: IMAGE: - null Image_Cached: PLURALNAME: Files SINGULARNAME: File TITLE: 'Iframe de envio de Imagem' LeftAndMain: CANT_REORGANISE: 'You do not have permission to alter Top level pages. Your change was not saved.' DELETED: Deleted. DropdownBatchActionsDefault: Ações HELP: Ajuda PAGETYPE: 'Tipo de página: ' PERMAGAIN: 'Saiu do CMS. Se se deseja autenticar novamente insira as suas credenciais abaixo.' PERMALREADY: 'I''m sorry, but you can''t access that part of the CMS. If you want to log in as someone else, do so below' PERMDEFAULT: 'Please choose an authentication method and enter your credentials to access the CMS.' PLEASESAVE: 'Please Save Page: This page could not be upated because it hasn''t been saved yet.' PreviewButton: Preview REORGANISATIONSUCCESSFUL: 'Reorganised the site tree successfully.' SAVEDUP: Saved. VersionUnknown: desconhecido Hello: - null LOGOUT: - null LoginAttempt: Email: 'Endereço de Email' IP: 'Endereço IP' PLURALNAME: 'Login Attempts' SINGULARNAME: 'Login Attempt' Status: Estado Member: ADDGROUP: 'Add group' BUTTONCHANGEPASSWORD: 'Alterar Password' BUTTONLOGIN: Entrar BUTTONLOGINOTHER: 'Autenticar-se com outras credenciais' BUTTONLOSTPASSWORD: 'Recuperar Password' CONFIRMNEWPASSWORD: 'Confirmar Nova Password' CONFIRMPASSWORD: 'Confirmar Password' DATEFORMAT: 'Date format' DefaultAdminFirstname: 'Administrador por Omissão' DefaultDateTime: 'por omissão' EMAIL: Email EMPTYNEWPASSWORD: 'A password não pode ser vazia, tente novamente.' ENTEREMAIL: 'Por favor introduza um endereço de email para obter uma ligação para o reinício da palavra-chave. ' ERRORLOCKEDOUT: 'A sua conta foi desactivada temporariamente devido ao número excessivo de tentativas falhadas. Volte a tentar daqui a 20 minutos.' ERRORNEWPASSWORD: 'As passwords novas não coincidem, por favor tente novamente' ERRORPASSWORDNOTMATCH: 'A sua password actual está errada, por favor tente novamente' ERRORWRONGCRED: 'Não aparenta ser o seu email correcto ou password. Por favor tente novamente.' FIRSTNAME: 'Primeiro nome' INTERFACELANG: 'Linguagem do Interface' INVALIDNEWPASSWORD: 'We couldn''t accept that password: {password}' LOGGEDINAS: 'You''re logged in as {name}.' NEWPASSWORD: 'Nova Password' PASSWORD: Password PLURALNAME: Membros REMEMBERME: 'Lembrar-se de mim?' SINGULARNAME: Membro SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED: 'A sua password foi alterada' SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET: 'Link para recuperar a password' SURNAME: Sobrenome TIMEFORMAT: 'Time format' VALIDATIONMEMBEREXISTS: 'Já existe um membro com este email' ValidationIdentifierFailed: 'Can''t overwrite existing member #{id} with identical identifier ({name} = {value}))' WELCOMEBACK: 'Welcome Back, {firstname}' YOUROLDPASSWORD: 'Password antiga' belongs_many_many_Groups: Grupos db_LastVisited: 'Data da Última Visita' db_Locale: 'Interface Locale' db_LockedOutUntil: 'Bloqueado até' db_NumVisit: 'Número de Visitas' db_Password: Palavra-chave db_PasswordExpiry: 'Data de expiração da password' MemberAuthenticator: TITLE: - null MemberDatetimeOptionsetField: AMORPM: - null 'APPLY FILTER': 'Aplicar filtros' Custom: - null DATEFORMATBAD: - null DAYNOLEADING: - null DIGITSDECFRACTIONSECOND: - null FOURDIGITYEAR: - null FULLNAMEMONTH: - null HOURNOLEADING: - null MINUTENOLEADING: - null MONTHNOLEADING: - null Preview: - null SHORTMONTH: - null TOGGLEHELP: - null TWODIGITDAY: - null TWODIGITHOUR: - null TWODIGITMINUTE: - null TWODIGITMONTH: - null TWODIGITSECOND: - null TWODIGITYEAR: - null MemberImportForm: Help1: '

Import users in CSV format (comma-separated values). Show advanced usage

' Help2: '

Advanced usage

' ResultCreated: 'Created {count} members' ResultDeleted: 'Apagados %d utilizadores' ResultNone: 'Sem alterações' ResultUpdated: 'Updated {count} members' MemberPassword: PLURALNAME: - null SINGULARNAME: - null MemberTableField: null ModelAdmin: DELETE: - null DELETEDRECORDS: - null EMPTYBEFOREIMPORT: - null IMPORT: - null IMPORTEDRECORDS: - null NOCSVFILE: - null NOIMPORT: - null RESET: - null Title: - null UPDATEDRECORDS: - null IMPORTSPECFIELDS: - null IMPORTSPECLINK: - null IMPORTSPECRELATIONS: - null IMPORTSPECTITLE: - null FILTER: Filter IMPORT: Import IMPORT_TAB_HEADER: Import SEARCHLISTINGS: Search MoneyField: FIELDLABELAMOUNT: Quantidade FIELDLABELCURRENCY: Moeda NullableField: IsNullLabel: 'é Vazio' NumericField: VALIDATION: '''{value}'' is not a number, only numbers can be accepted for this field' Pagination: Page: - null View: - null Permission: AdminGroup: Administrador CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY: 'CMS Access' FULLADMINRIGHTS: 'Direitos de Administrador' FULLADMINRIGHTS_HELP: 'Implies and overrules all other assigned permissions.' PLURALNAME: Permissions SINGULARNAME: Permission PermissionCheckboxSetField: AssignedTo: 'assigned to "{title}"' FromGroup: 'inherited from group "{title}"' FromRole: 'inherited from role "{title}"' FromRoleOnGroup: 'herdada da regra "%s" no grupo "%s"' PermissionRole: OnlyAdminCanApply: 'Only admin can apply' PLURALNAME: Roles SINGULARNAME: Role Title: Título PermissionRoleCode: PLURALNAME: - null SINGULARNAME: - null Permissions: PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY: 'Regras e permissões de acesso' UserPermissionsIntro: 'Assigning groups to this user will adjust the permissions they have. See the groups section for details of permissions on individual groups.' PhoneNumberField: VALIDATION: 'Por favor insira um número de telefone válido' ADD: Adicionar CSVEXPORT: 'Export to CSV' NOTFOUND: 'No items found' Security: ALREADYLOGGEDIN: - null BUTTONSEND: - null CHANGEPASSWORDBELOW: - null CHANGEPASSWORDHEADER: - null ENTERNEWPASSWORD: - null ERRORPASSWORDPERMISSION: - null LOGGEDOUT: - null LOGIN: - null NOTEPAGESECURED: - null NOTERESETLINKINVALID: - null NOTERESETPASSWORD: - null PASSWORDSENTHEADER: - null PASSWORDSENTTEXT: - null SecurityAdmin: ACCESS_HELP: 'Allow viewing, adding and editing users, as well as assigning permissions and roles to them.' APPLY_ROLES: 'Apply roles to groups' APPLY_ROLES_HELP: 'Ability to edit the roles assigned to a group. Requires the "Access to ''Users'' section" permission.' EDITPERMISSIONS: 'Gerir permissões de grupos' EDITPERMISSIONS_HELP: 'Ability to edit Permissions and IP Addresses for a group. Requires the "Access to ''Security'' section" permission.' GROUPNAME: 'Nome do Grupo' IMPORTGROUPS: 'Importar grupos' IMPORTUSERS: 'Importar utilizadores' MEMBERS: Membros MENUTITLE: Security MemberListCaution: 'Caution: Removing members from this list will remove them from all groups and the database' NEWGROUP: 'Novo grupo' PERMISSIONS: Permissões ROLES: Regras ROLESDESCRIPTION: 'Roles are predefined sets of permissions, and can be assigned to groups.
They are inherited from parent groups if required.' TABROLES: Regras Users: Utilizadores SecurityAdmin_MemberImportForm: BtnImport: - null FileFieldLabel: - null SilverStripeNavigator: Edit: Edit SimpleImageField: NOUPLOAD: 'Nenhuma imagem enviada' SiteTree: TABMAIN: Principal TableField: ISREQUIRED: - null ADD: 'Adicionar nova linha' ADDITEM: 'Add %s' TableListField: CSVEXPORT: 'Exportar para CSV' PRINT: Imprimir Print: Print SELECT: 'Escolha:' NOITEMSFOUND: - null SORTASC: - null SORTDESC: - null DISPLAYING: Displaying OF: of TO: to VIEWFIRST: 'Ver o primeiro' VIEWLAST: 'Ver o último' VIEWNEXT: 'Ver o próximo' VIEWPREVIOUS: 'Ver o anterior' TimeField: VALIDATEFORMAT: 'Please enter a valid time format ({format})' ToggleField: LESS: menos MORE: mais UploadField: ATTACHFILE: 'Adicionar um ficheiro' ATTACHFILES: 'Adicionar ficheiros' AttachFile: 'Adicionar ficheiro(s)' DELETE: 'Delete from files' DELETEINFO: 'Permanently delete this file from the file store' DOEDIT: Guardar DROPFILE: 'arrastar um ficheiro' DROPFILES: 'arrastar ficheiros' Dimensions: Dimensions EDIT: Edit EDITINFO: 'Editar este ficheiro' FIELDNOTSET: 'Informação do ficheiro não encontrada' FROMCOMPUTER: 'Do computador' FROMCOMPUTERINFO: 'Select from files' FROMFILES: 'De ficheiros' HOTLINKINFO: 'Info: This image will be hotlinked. Please ensure you have permissions from the original site creator to do so.' MAXNUMBEROFFILES: 'Max number of {count} file(s) exceeded.' MAXNUMBEROFFILESSHORT: 'Can only upload {count} files' REMOVE: Remove REMOVEERROR: 'Erro ao mover o ficheiro' REMOVEINFO: 'Remove this file from here, but do not delete it from the file store' STARTALL: 'Iniciar todos' STARTALLINFO: 'Start all uploads' Saved: Saved Versioned: has_many_Versions: Versões