;;; Provided courtesy of http://browsers.garykeith.com ;;; Created on October 28, 2007 at 11:35:15 PM GMT [GJK_Browscap_Version] Version=3972 Released=Sun, 28 Oct 2007 23:35:15 -0000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DefaultProperties [DefaultProperties] Browser=DefaultProperties Version=0 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=0 Platform=unknown Alpha=false Beta=false Win16=false Win32=false Win64=false Frames=false IFrames=false Tables=false Cookies=false BackgroundSounds=false AuthenticodeUpdate= CDF=false VBScript=false JavaApplets=false JavaScript=false ActiveXControls=false Stripper=false isBanned=false WAP=false isMobileDevice=false isSyndicationReader=false Crawler=false CSS=0 CssVersion=0 supportsCSS=false AOL=false aolVersion=0 netCLR=false ClrVersion=0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ask [Ask] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Ask Frames=true Tables=true Crawler=true [Mozilla/?.0 (compatible; Ask Jeeves/Teoma*)] Parent=Ask Browser=Teoma [Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; Ask Jeeves)] Parent=Ask Browser=AskJeeves ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Baidu [Baidu] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Baidu Frames=true Tables=true Crawler=true [Baiduspider*] Parent=Baidu Browser=BaiDu ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Google [Google] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Google Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true JavaScript=true Crawler=true [AdsBot-Google (*http://www.google.com/adsbot.html)] Parent=Google Browser=AdsBot-Google [Feedfetcher-Google;*] Parent=Google Browser=Feedfetcher-Google isSyndicationReader=true [Google-Sitemaps/*] Parent=Google Browser=Google-Sitemaps [Googlebot-Image/*] Parent=Google Browser=Googlebot-Image CDF=true [googlebot-urlconsole] Parent=Google Browser=googlebot-urlconsole [Googlebot/2.1 (*http://www.google.com/bot.html)] Parent=Google Browser=Googlebot [Googlebot/2.1 (*http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html)] Parent=Google Browser=Googlebot [Googlebot/Test*] Parent=Google Browser=Googlebot/Test ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Google Search Appliance [gsa-crawler*] Parent=Google Browser=Google Search Appliance Stripper=true isBanned=true [Mediapartners-Google*] Parent=Google Browser=Mediapartners-Google [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Google Desktop)] Parent=Google Browser=Google Desktop [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; GoogleToolbar*)] Parent=Google Browser=Google Toolbar Stripper=true isBanned=true [Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; *http://www.google.com/bot.html)] Parent=Google Browser=Googlebot ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Inktomi [Inktomi] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Inktomi Frames=true Tables=true Crawler=true [Mozilla/4.0] Parent=Inktomi [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT)] Parent=Inktomi Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Yahoo Japan; for robot study; kasugiya)] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo! RobotStudy Stripper=true isBanned=true [Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! DE Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo! Directory Engine [Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp China; http://misc.yahoo.com.cn/help.html)] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo! Slurp China [Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo! Slurp [Mozilla/5.0 (Slurp/cat; slurp@inktomi.com; http://www.inktomi.com/slurp.html)] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Slurp/cat [Mozilla/5.0 (Slurp/si; slurp@inktomi.com; http://www.inktomi.com/slurp.html)] Parent=Inktomi [Scooter/*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Scooter [Scooter/3.3Y!CrawlX] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Scooter/3.3Y!CrawlX [slurp] Parent=Inktomi Browser=slurp [Y!J-BSC/1.0*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Y!J-BSC Stripper=true isBanned=true [Y!J-SRD/1.0] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Y!J-SRD Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 [Yahoo Mindset] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo Mindset [Yahoo Pipes*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo Pipes [Yahoo! Mindset] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo! Mindset [Yahoo! Slurp/Site Explorer] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo! Site Explorer [Yahoo-Blogs/*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo-Blogs [Yahoo-MMAudVid*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo-MMAudVid [Yahoo-MMCrawler*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=Yahoo-MMCrawler Stripper=true isBanned=true [YahooFeedSeeker*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=YahooFeedSeeker isSyndicationReader=true Crawler=false [YahooSeeker/*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=YahooSeeker WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [YahooSeeker/CafeKelsa (compatible; Konqueror/3.2; FreeBSD*) (KHTML, like Gecko)] Parent=Inktomi Browser=YahooSeeker/CafeKelsa [YahooSeeker/CafeKelsa-dev (compatible; Konqueror/3.2; FreeBSD*) (KHTML, like Gecko)] Parent=Inktomi [YahooVideoSearch*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=YahooVideoSearch [YahooYSMcm*] Parent=Inktomi Browser=YahooYSMcm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MSN [MSN] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=MSN Frames=true Tables=true Crawler=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Academic Search [MSNBot-Academic/1.0*] Parent=MSN Browser=MSNBot-Academic ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MSN Images & Other Media [MSNBot-Media/1.0*] Parent=MSN Browser=MSNBot-Media Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MSN News [MSNBot-News/1.0*] Parent=MSN Browser=MSNBot-News Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MSN News Blog Aggregator [MSNBot-NewsBlogs/1.0*] Parent=MSN Browser=MSNBot-NewsBlogs ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MSN Shopping [MSNBot-Products/1.0*] Parent=MSN Browser=MSNBot-Products Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MSN Search [MSNBot/1.0*] Parent=MSN Browser=MSNBot Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Yahoo [Yahoo] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Yahoo Frames=true Tables=true Crawler=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Y!J; for robot study*)] Parent=Yahoo Browser=Y!J [Mozilla/5.0 (Yahoo-Test/4.0*)] Parent=Yahoo Browser=Yahoo-Test [mp3Spider cn-search-devel at yahoo-inc dot com] Parent=Yahoo Browser=Yahoo! Media Stripper=true isBanned=true [My Browser] Parent=Yahoo Browser=Yahoo! My Browser [Y!OASIS/*] Parent=Yahoo Browser=Y!OASIS Stripper=true isBanned=true [YahooYSMcm/2.0.0] Parent=Yahoo Browser=YahooYSMcm Stripper=true isBanned=true [YRL_ODP_CRAWLER] Parent=Yahoo Browser=YRL_ODP_CRAWLER Stripper=true isBanned=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Yandex [Yandex] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Yandex Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true Crawler=true [Yandex/*] Parent=Yandex [YandexBlog/*] Parent=Yandex Browser=YandexBlog isSyndicationReader=true [YandexSomething/*] Parent=Yandex Browser=YandexSomething isSyndicationReader=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Fast/AllTheWeb [Fast/AllTheWeb] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Fast/AllTheWeb Alpha=true Beta=true Win16=true Win32=true Win64=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true CDF=true VBScript=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true Stripper=true isBanned=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true isSyndicationReader=true Crawler=true [*FAST Enterprise Crawler*] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FAST Enterprise Crawler [FAST Data Search Document Retriever/4.0*] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FAST Data Search Document Retriever [FAST MetaWeb Crawler (helpdesk at fastsearch dot com)] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FAST MetaWeb Crawler [Fast PartnerSite Crawler*] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FAST PartnerSite [FAST-WebCrawler/*] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FAST-WebCrawler [FAST-WebCrawler/*/FirstPage*] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FAST-WebCrawler/FirstPage [FAST-WebCrawler/*/Fresh*] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FAST-WebCrawler/Fresh [FAST-WebCrawler/*/PartnerSite*] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FAST PartnerSite [FAST-WebCrawler/*?Multimedia*] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FAST-WebCrawler/Multimedia [FastSearch Web Crawler for*] Parent=Fast/AllTheWeb Browser=FastSearch Web Crawler ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Lycos [Lycos] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Lycos Frames=true Tables=true Crawler=true [Lycos*] Parent=Lycos Browser=Lycos [Lycos-Proxy] Parent=Lycos Browser=Lycos-Proxy [Lycos-Spider_(modspider)] Parent=Lycos Browser=Lycos-Spider_(modspider) [Lycos-Spider_(T-Rex)] Parent=Lycos Browser=Lycos-Spider_(T-Rex) [Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; OnetSzukaj/5.0*] Parent=Onet.pl Szukaj Browser=OnetSzukaj [Onet.pl SA, http://szukaj.onet.pl] Parent=Onet.pl Szukaj Browser=Onet.pl [http://www.istarthere.com (spider@istarthere.com)] Parent=Directories Browser=Istartere.com Stripper=true isBanned=true [http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/crawler*] Parent=General Crawlers Browser=IBM's WebFountain [Visicom Toolbar] Parent=General Crawlers Browser=Visicom Toolbar [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98] Parent=Search Engines Browser=directNIC Win32=true Stripper=true isBanned=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Internet Archive [Internet Archive] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Internet Archive Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Stripper=true isBanned=true Crawler=true [*heritrix*] Parent=Internet Archive Browser=Heritrix Stripper=true isBanned=true [ia_archiver*] Parent=Internet Archive Browser=Internet Archive [InternetArchive/*] Parent=Internet Archive Browser=InternetArchive [Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; archive.org_bot/1.*)] Parent=Internet Archive [Microsoft_Internet_Explorer_5.00.*] Parent=Microsoft_Internet_Explorer Stripper=true isBanned=true [FlashGet] Parent=Download Managers Browser=FlashGet [LMQueueBot/*] Parent=Download Managers Browser=LMQueueBot [ContactBot/*] Parent=E-Mail Harvesters Browser=ContactBot [(HTML Validator http://www.searchengineworld.com/validator/)] Parent=HTML Validators Browser=Search Engine World HTML Validator [Jigsaw/* W3C_CSS_Validator_JFouffa/*] Parent=HTML Validators Browser=Jigsaw CSS Validator [Search Engine World Robots.txt Validator*] Parent=HTML Validators Browser=Search Engine World Robots.txt Validator [W3C_Validator/*] Parent=HTML Validators Browser=W3C Validator [W3CLineMode/*] Parent=HTML Validators Browser=W3C Line Mode [WebmasterWorld StickyMail Server Header Checker*] Parent=HTML Validators Browser=WebmasterWorld Server Header Checker [*PhotoStickies/*] Parent=Image Crawlers Browser=PhotoStickies [Mister PIX*] Parent=Image Crawlers Browser=Mister PIX [pixfinder/*] Parent=Image Crawlers Browser=pixfinder [Web Image Collector*] Parent=Image Crawlers Browser=Web Image Collector [WebPix*] Parent=Image Crawlers Browser=Custo [*Zeus*] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=Zeus Stripper=true isBanned=true [Bookmark Buddy*] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=Bookmark Buddy [FavOrg] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=FavOrg [IECheck] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=IECheck [LinkAlarm/*] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=LinkAlarm [LinkextractorPro*] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=LinkextractorPro Stripper=true isBanned=true [Simpy/* (Simpy; http://www.simpy.com/?ref=bot; feedback at simpy dot com)] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=Simpy [VSE/*] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=VSE Link Tester [WebTrends Link Analyzer] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=WebTrends Link Analyzer [Xenu* Link Sleuth*] Parent=Link Checkers Browser=Xenu's Link Sleuth Stripper=true isBanned=true [Enigma Browser*] Parent=Miscellaneous Browsers Browser=Enigma Browser [*WebGrabber*] Parent=Rippers [ezic.com http agent *] Parent=Rippers Browser=Ezic.com [http generic] Parent=Rippers Browser=http generic [httperf/*] Parent=Rippers Browser=httperf [Moozilla] Parent=Rippers Browser=Moozilla [Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; NEWT ActiveX; Win32)] Parent=Rippers Browser=NEWT ActiveX Platform=Win32 [Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;)] Parent=Rippers [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; BorderManager*)] Parent=Rippers Browser=Novell BorderManager [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)] Parent=Rippers [WinScripter iNet Tools] Parent=Rippers Browser=WinScripter iNet Tools [*maxamine.com--robot*] Parent=Site Monitors Browser=maxamine.com--robot Stripper=true isBanned=true [Myst Monitor Service v*] Parent=Site Monitors Browser=Myst Monitor Service [Browser Capabilities Project AutoDownloader; created by Tom Kelleher Consulting, Inc. (tkelleher.com); used with special permission from Gary Joel Keith; uses Microsoft's WinHTTP component] Parent=Version Checkers Browser=TKC AutoDownloader [*BecomeBot@exava.com*] Parent=Become Browser=BecomeBot [iTunes/* (Windows; ?)] Parent=Media Players Browser=iTunes Platform=Win32 Win32=true [Microsoft NetShow(TM) Player with RealVideo(R)] Parent=Media Players Browser=Microsoft NetShow [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; *) AppleWebKit/* RealPlayer] Parent=Media Players Browser=RealPlayer Platform=MacOSX [MPlayer 0.9*] Parent=Media Players Browser=MPlayer Version=0.9 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=9 [MPlayer 1.*] Parent=Media Players Browser=MPlayer Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 [MPlayer HEAD CVS] Parent=Media Players Browser=MPlayer [RealPlayer*] Parent=Media Players Browser=RealPlayer [RMA/*] Parent=Media Players Browser=RMA [vobsub] Parent=Media Players Browser=vobsub Stripper=true isBanned=true [WinampMPEG/*] Parent=Media Players Browser=WinAmp [QuickTime (qtver=6.0*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=0 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.0*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=0 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.0*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.0*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.0*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.0*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.0*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.0*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.0*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.1*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.1 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=1 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.1*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.1 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=1 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.1*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.1 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.1*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.1 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.1*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.1 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.1*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.1 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.1*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.1 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.1*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.1 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.1*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.1 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.2*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.2*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.2*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.2*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.2*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.2*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.2*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.2*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.2*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.3*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.3 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=3 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.3*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.3 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=3 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.3*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.3 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=3 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.3*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.3 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=3 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.3*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.3 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=3 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.3*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.3 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=3 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.3*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.3 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=3 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.3*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.3 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=3 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.3*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.3 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=3 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.4*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.4 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=4 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.4*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.4 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=4 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.4*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.4 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=4 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.4*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.4 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=4 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.4*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.4 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=4 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.4*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.4 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=4 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.4*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.4 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=4 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.4*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.4 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=4 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.4*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.4 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=4 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.5*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.5 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=5 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.5*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.5 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=5 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.5*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.5 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.5*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.5 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.5*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.5 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.5*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.5 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.5*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.5 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.5*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.5 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.5*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.5 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=5 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.6*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.6 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=6 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.6*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.6 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=6 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.6*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.6 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=6 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.6*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.6 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=6 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.6*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.6 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=6 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.6*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.6 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=6 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.6*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.6 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=6 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.6*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.6 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=6 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.6*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.6 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=6 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.7*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.7 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=7 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.7*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.7 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=7 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.7*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.7 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=7 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.7*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.7 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=7 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.7*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.7 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=7 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.7*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.7 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=7 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.7*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.7 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=7 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.7*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.7 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=7 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.7*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.7 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=7 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.8*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.8 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=8 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.8*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.8 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=8 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.8*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.8 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=8 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.8*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.8 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=8 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.8*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.8 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=8 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.8*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.8 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=8 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.8*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.8 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=8 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.8*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.8 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=8 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.8*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.8 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=8 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.9*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.9 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=9 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=6.9*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.9 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=9 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=6.9*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.9 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=9 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.9*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.9 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=9 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.9*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.9 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=9 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.9*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.9 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=9 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.9*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.9 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=9 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.9*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.9 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=9 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=6.9*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=6.9 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=9 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.0*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=7.0*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=7.0*;os=Windows 95*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.0*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.0*;os=Windows Me*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.0*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.0*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.0*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.0*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.1*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.1 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=1 Platform=MacOSX [QuickTime (qtver=7.1*;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 9.*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.1 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=1 Platform=MacPPC [QuickTime (qtver=7.1*;os=Windows 98*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.1 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.1*;os=Windows NT 4.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.1 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.1*;os=Windows NT 5.0*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.1 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.1*;os=Windows NT 5.1*)] Parent=QuickTime MajorVer=7.1 MinorVer=7 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [QuickTime (qtver=7.1*;os=Windows NT 5.2*)] Parent=QuickTime Version=7.1 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AvantGo [AvantGo] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=AvantGo Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [*AvantGo*] Parent=AvantGo ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BlackBerry [BlackBerry] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=BlackBerry Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [*BlackBerry*] Parent=BlackBerry [*BlackBerrySimulator/*] Parent=BlackBerry ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Handspring Blazer [Blazer] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Handspring Blazer Platform=Palm Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [*Blazer*] Parent=Blazer ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Danger [Danger] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Danger Platform=JAVA Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (*Danger hiptop *.*)] Parent=Danger ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DoCoMo [DoCoMo] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=DoCoMo Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [DoCoMo/*] Parent=DoCoMo Platform=WAP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Doris [Doris] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Doris Platform=SymbianOS Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [Doris/*] Parent=Doris ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; iPhone [iPhone] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=iPhone Platform=MacOSX Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (iPhone; ?; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Version/*.* Mobile/* Safari/*] Parent=iPhone Platform=MacOSX ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; jig [jig] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=jig Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [Mozilla/* (jig browser*; *)] Parent=jig Browser=jig browser web ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; KDDI [KDDI] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=KDDI Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true VBScript=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [KDDI-* UP.Browser/* (GUI) MMP/*] Parent=KDDI ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Motorola Internet Browser [Motorola Web Browser] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Motorola Internet Browser Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [MOT-*/*] Parent=Motorola Web Browser [MOT-MP*/* Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE *; Windows CE; *)] Parent=Motorola Web Browser Win32=true [MOT-T*/*] Parent=Motorola Web Browser [MOT-V*/*] Parent=Motorola Web Browser ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MSN Mobile Proxy [MSN Mobile Proxy] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=MSN Mobile Proxy Win32=true Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE *; Windows*; MSN Mobile Proxy)] Parent=MSN Mobile Proxy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NetFront [NetFront] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=NetFront Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [*NetFront/*] Parent=NetFront ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Nokia [Nokia] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Nokia Tables=true Cookies=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [*Nokia*/*] Parent=Nokia [Mozilla/* (SymbianOS/*; ?; *) AppleWebKit/* (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/*] Parent=Nokia Platform=SymbianOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Openwave Mobile Browser [Openwave Mobile Browser] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Openwave Mobile Browser Alpha=true Win32=true Win64=true Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true isSyndicationReader=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera [Opera] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Platform=SymbianOS Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [Mozilla/*(WILLCOM;KYOCERA/*) Opera *] Parent=Opera [Mozilla/4.* (compatible; MSIE *.*; Symbian*; *Opera*] Parent=Opera Platform=SymbianOS [Opera/* (*Nintendo Wii*)] Parent=Opera Browser=Wii Web Browser [Opera/* (*Opera Mini/*)*] Parent=Opera ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Playstation [Playstation] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Playstation Platform=WAP Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true [Mozilla/* (PLAYSTATION *; *)] Parent=Playstation Browser=PlayStation 3 Frames=false [Mozilla/* (PSP (PlayStation Portable); *)] Parent=Playstation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Pocket PC [Pocket PC] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Pocket PC Platform=WinCE Win32=true Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [*(compatible; MSIE *.*; Windows CE; PPC; *)] Parent=Pocket PC [HTC-*/* Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE *.*; Windows CE*)*] Parent=Pocket PC Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSPIE *.*; *Windows CE*)*] Parent=Pocket PC Win32=true [T-Mobile* Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE *.*; Windows CE; *)] Parent=Pocket PC [Vodafone* Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE *.*; Windows CE; *)*] Parent=Pocket PC [Windows CE (Pocket PC) - Version *.*] Parent=Pocket PC Win32=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SEMC Browser [SEMC Browser] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=SEMC Browser Platform=JAVA Tables=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SonyEricsson [SonyEricsson] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=SonyEricsson Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [*Ericsson*] Parent=SonyEricsson [*SonyEricsson*] Parent=SonyEricsson ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Netbox [Netbox] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Netbox Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PowerTV [PowerTV] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=PowerTV Platform=PowerTV Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true [Mozilla/4.0 PowerTV/1.5 (Compatible; Spyglass DM 3.2.1, EXPLORER)] Parent=PowerTV Version=1.5 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WebTV/MSNTV [WebTV] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=WebTV/MSNTV Platform=WebTV Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true [Mozilla/3.0 WebTV/1.*(compatible; MSIE 2.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.0*(compatible; MSIE 3.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=0 [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.1*(compatible; MSIE 3.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.1 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=1 [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.2*(compatible; MSIE 3.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.2 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=2 [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.3*(compatible; MSIE 3.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.3 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=3 [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.4*(compatible; MSIE 3.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.4 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=4 [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.5*(compatible; MSIE 4.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.5 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=5 CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.6*(compatible; MSIE 4.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.6 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=6 CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.7*(compatible; MSIE 4.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.7 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=7 CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.8*(compatible; MSIE 4.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.8 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=8 JavaApplets=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/4.0 WebTV/2.9*(compatible; MSIE 4.0)] Parent=WebTV Version=2.9 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=9 JavaApplets=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [amaya/7.*] Parent=Amaya Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0 [Emacs-w3m/*] Parent=Emacs/W3 [Links (0.9*; CYGWIN_NT-5.1*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=0.9 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=9 Platform=WinXP [Links (0.9*; Darwin*)] Parent=Links Version=0.9 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=9 Platform=MacPPC [Links (0.9*; FreeBSD*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=0.9 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=9 Platform=FreeBSD [Links (0.9*; Linux*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=0.9 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=9 Platform=Linux [Links (0.9*; OS/2*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=0.9 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=9 Platform=OS/2 [Links (0.9*; Unix*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=0.9 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=9 Platform=Unix [Links (0.9*; Win32*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=0.9 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=9 Platform=Win32 Win32=true [Links (1.0*; CYGWIN_NT-5.1*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 Platform=WinXP [Links (1.0*; FreeBSD*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 Platform=FreeBSD [Links (1.0*; Linux*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 Platform=Linux [Links (1.0*; OS/2*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 Platform=OS/2 [Links (1.0*; Unix*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 Platform=Unix [Links (1.0*; Win32*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win32 Win32=true [Links (2.0*; Linux*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=0 Platform=Linux [Links (2.1*; FreeBSD*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=2.1 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=1 Platform=FreeBSD [Links (2.1*; Linux *)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=2.1 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=1 Platform=Linux [Links (2.1*; OpenBSD*)] Parent=Links Browser=Links Version=2.1 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=1 Platform=OpenBSD [Lynx *] Parent=Lynx Browser=Lynx [Lynx/2.3*] Parent=Lynx Browser=Lynx Version=2.3 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=3 [Lynx/2.4*] Parent=Lynx Browser=Lynx Version=2.4 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=4 [Lynx/2.5*] Parent=Lynx Browser=Lynx Version=2.5 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=5 [Lynx/2.6*] Parent=Lynx Browser=Lynx Version=2.6 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=6 [Lynx/2.7*] Parent=Lynx Browser=Lynx Version=2.7 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=7 [Lynx/2.8*] Parent=Lynx Browser=Lynx Version=2.8 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=8 [w3m/0.1*] Parent=w3m Browser=w3m Version=0.1 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=1 [w3m/0.2*] Parent=w3m Browser=w3m Version=0.2 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=2 [w3m/0.3*] Parent=w3m Browser=w3m Version=0.3 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=3 [w3m/0.4*] Parent=w3m Browser=w3m Version=0.4 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=4 Cookies=true [w3m/0.5*] 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Camino/1.3*] Parent=Camino Version=1.3 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=3 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) Gecko/* Camino/1.4*] Parent=Camino Version=1.4 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=4 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) Gecko/* Camino/1.5*] Parent=Camino Version=1.5 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=5 Platform=MacOSX ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Chimera [Chimera] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Chimera Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true [Emacs/W3/2.* (Unix*] Parent=Emacs/W3 Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=0 Platform=Unix [Emacs/W3/2.* (X11*] Parent=Emacs/W3 Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=0 Platform=Linux [Emacs/W3/3.* (Unix*] Parent=Emacs/W3 Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=Unix [Emacs/W3/3.* (X11*] Parent=Emacs/W3 Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=Linux [Emacs/W3/4.* (Unix*] Parent=Emacs/W3 Version=4.0 MajorVer=4 MinorVer=0 Platform=Unix [Emacs/W3/4.* (X11*] Parent=Emacs/W3 Version=4.0 MajorVer=4 MinorVer=0 Platform=Linux ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Galeon [Galeon] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Galeon Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HP Secure Web Browser [HP Secure Web Browser] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=HP Secure Web Browser Platform=OpenVMS Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IBrowse [IBrowse] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=IBrowse Platform=Amiga Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true [IBrowse/2.3 (AmigaOS *)] Parent=IBrowse Version=2.2 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; iCab [iCab] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=iCab Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [iCab/2.7* (Macintosh; ?; 68K*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.7 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=7 Platform=Mac68K [iCab/2.7* (Macintosh; ?; PPC*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.7 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=7 Platform=MacPPC [iCab/2.8* (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.8 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=8 Platform=MacOSX [iCab/2.8* (Macintosh; ?; 68K*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.8 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=8 Platform=Mac68K [iCab/2.8* (Macintosh; ?; PPC)] Parent=iCab Version=2.8 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=8 Platform=MacPPC [iCab/2.9* (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.9 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=9 Platform=MacOSX [iCab/2.9* (Macintosh; ?; 68K*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.9 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=9 Platform=Mac68K [iCab/2.9* (Macintosh; ?; PPC*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.9 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=9 Platform=MacPPC [iCab/3.0* (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*)] Parent=iCab Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=MacOSX CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [iCab/3.0* (Macintosh; ?; PPC*)] Parent=iCab Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=MacPPC CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; iCab 3.0*; Macintosh; *Mac OS X*)] Parent=iCab Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=MacOSX CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; iCab 3.0*; Macintosh; ?; PPC*)] Parent=iCab Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=MacPPC CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; iCab 2.7*; Macintosh; ?; 68K*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.7 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=7 Platform=Mac68K [Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; iCab 2.7*; Macintosh; ?; PPC*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.7 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=7 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; iCab 2.8*; Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.8 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=8 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; iCab 2.8*; Macintosh; ?; PPC*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.8 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=8 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; iCab 2.9*; Macintosh; *Mac OS X*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.9 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=9 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; iCab 2.9*; Macintosh; ?; PPC*)] Parent=iCab Version=2.9 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=9 Platform=MacPPC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; K-Meleon [K-Meleon] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=K-Meleon Win32=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Konqueror [Konqueror] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Konqueror Platform=Linux Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [*Konqueror/2.*] Parent=Konqueror IFrames=false [*Konqueror/3.0*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 IFrames=false [*Konqueror/3.0*FreeBSD*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=FreeBSD IFrames=false [*Konqueror/3.0*Linux*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=Linux IFrames=false [*Konqueror/3.1*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.1 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=1 [*Konqueror/3.1*FreeBSD*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.1 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=1 Platform=FreeBSD [*Konqueror/3.1*Linux*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.1 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=1 [*Konqueror/3.2*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.2 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=2 [*Konqueror/3.2*FreeBSD*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.2 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=2 Platform=FreeBSD [*Konqueror/3.2*Linux*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.2 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=2 Platform=Linux [*Konqueror/3.3*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.3 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=3 [*Konqueror/3.3*FreeBSD*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.3 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=3 Platform=FreeBSD [*Konqueror/3.3*Linux*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.3 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=3 Platform=Linux [*Konqueror/3.3*OpenBSD*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.3 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=3 Platform=OpenBSD [*Konqueror/3.4*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.4 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=4 [*Konqueror/3.4*FreeBSD*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.4 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=4 Platform=FreeBSD [*Konqueror/3.4*Linux*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.4 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=4 Platform=Linux [*Konqueror/3.4*OpenBSD*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.4 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=4 Platform=OpenBSD [*Konqueror/3.5*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.5 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=5 [*Konqueror/3.5*FreeBSD*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.5 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=5 Platform=FreeBSD [*Konqueror/3.5*Linux*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.5 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=5 Platform=Linux [*Konqueror/3.5*OpenBSD*] Parent=Konqueror Version=3.5 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=5 Platform=OpenBSD [Konqueror*] Parent=Konqueror IFrames=false ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OmniWeb [OmniWeb] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=OmniWeb Frames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true WAP=true isMobileDevice=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X; *) AppleWebKit/* (*) OmniWeb/v4*] Parent=OmniWeb Version=4.5 MajorVer=4 MinorVer=5 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X; *) AppleWebKit/* (*) OmniWeb/v5*] Parent=OmniWeb Version=5. 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*Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/312*] Parent=Safari Version=1.3 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=3 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/412*] Parent=Safari Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=0 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/416*] Parent=Safari Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=0 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/417*] Parent=Safari Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=0 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/418*] Parent=Safari Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=0 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/419*] Parent=Safari Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 MinorVer=0 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/52*] Parent=Safari Beta=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Safari/85*] Parent=Safari Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Version/3.0* Safari/*] Parent=Safari Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *) AppleWebKit/* (*) Version/3.0* Safari/522.*] Parent=Safari Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *) AppleWebKit/* (*) Version/3.0* Safari/522.*] Parent=Safari Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 6.0; *) AppleWebKit/* (*) Version/3.0* Safari/522.*] Parent=Safari Version=3.0 MajorVer=3 MinorVer=0 Platform=WinVista ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Shiira [Shiira] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Shiira Platform=MacOSX Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Shiira/0.9*] Parent=Shiira Version=0.9 MajorVer=0 MinorVer=9 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Shiira/1.0*] Parent=Shiira Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=0 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Shiira/1.1*] Parent=Shiira Version=1.1 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=1 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; *Mac OS X*) AppleWebKit/* (*) Shiira/1.2*] Parent=Shiira Version=1.2 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=2 [Mozilla/3.0 (Linux*; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/3.0 (Mac_PowerPC; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 2000; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 95; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 98; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows ME; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows NT 4.0; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows XP; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux*) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 2000) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows ME) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows XP) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.73 (Windows 98; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 MinorVer=02 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.76 (Macintosh;US;PPC) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.78 (Linux*; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.78 (Mac_PowerPC; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 2000; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 95; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 98; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows ME; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows NT 4.0; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows XP; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Linux*; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (Mac_PowerPC; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 2000; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 95; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 98; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows ME; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 4.0; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows XP; U) Opera 4.*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/4.* (Linux*; U)*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Linux [Opera/4.* (Mac_PowerPC; U)*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=MacPPC [Opera/4.* (Windows 2000; U)*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/4.* (Windows 95; U)*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/4.* (Windows 98; U)*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/4.* (Windows ME; U)*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/4.* (Windows NT 4.0; U)*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/4.* (Windows XP; U)*] Parent=Opera 4.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/3.0 (Mac_PowerPC; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux*) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 2000) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows ME) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows XP) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.76 (Macintosh;US;PPC) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.78 (Linux*; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.78 (Mac_PowerPC; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (Mac_PowerPC; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 5.0*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/5.0*(Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Linux [Opera/5.0*(Mac_PowerPC; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=MacPPC [Opera/5.0*(Windows 2000; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/5.0*(Windows 95; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/5.0*(Windows 98; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/5.0*(Windows ME; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/5.0*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/5.0*(Windows XP; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/3.0 (OS/2*; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=OS/2 [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux*) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; OS/2*) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=OS/2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 2000) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows ME) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows XP) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.76 (Macintosh;US;PPC) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.76 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Linux*; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.78 (OS/2*; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=OS/2 [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2*; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=OS/2 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 5.12*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/5.12 (Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Linux [Opera/5.12 (OS/2*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=OS/2 [Opera/5.12 (Windows 2000; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/5.12 (Windows 95; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/5.12 (Windows 98; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/5.12 (Windows ME; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/5.12 (Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/5.12 (Windows XP; ?)*] Parent=Opera 5.12 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/3.0 (Mac_PowerPC; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux*) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Macintosh; PPC) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 2000) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows ME) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows XP) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.76 (Macintosh;US;PPC) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.78 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.78 (Mac_PowerPC; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (Mac_PowerPC; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 6.0*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/6.0* (Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Linux [Opera/6.0* (Mac_PowerPC; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=MacPPC [Opera/6.0* (Windows 2000; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/6.0* (Windows 95; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/6.0* (Windows 98; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/6.0* (Windows ME; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/6.0* (Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/6.0* (Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/6.0* (Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/6.0* (Windows XP; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (FreeBSD*; ?) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/3.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/3.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.11 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.11 MinorVer=11 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; FreeBSD*) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux*) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux*) Opera 6.11 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 MinorVer=11 Platform=Linux CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux*) Opera 6.12 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.12 MinorVer=12 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; UNIX) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=Unix [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; UNIX) Opera 6.11 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 MinorVer=11 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; UNIX) Opera 6.12 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.12 MinorVer=12 Platform=Unix [Mozilla/4.78 (FreeBSD*; ?) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/4.78 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.78 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.11 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.11 MinorVer=11 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.78 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.12 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.12 MinorVer=12 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.78 (UNIX; ?) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=Unix [Mozilla/5.0 (FreeBSD*; ?) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.1 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (Linux*; ?) Opera 6.11 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 MinorVer=11 [Mozilla/5.0 (UNIX; ?) Opera 6.11 *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.11 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=11 Platform=Unix [Opera/6.1 (FreeBSD*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/6.1 (Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=Linux [Opera/6.1 (UNIX*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=Unix [Opera/6.11 (FreeBSD*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.11 MinorVer=11 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/6.11 (Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.11 MinorVer=11 Platform=Linux CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true [Opera/6.11 (UNIX*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Platform=Unix [Opera/6.12 (FreeBSD*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.12 MinorVer=12 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/6.12 (Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.12 MinorVer=12 Platform=Linux [Opera/6.12 (OpenBSD*; ?) *] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.12 MinorVer=12 Platform=OpenBSD [Opera/6.12 (SunOS*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.12 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=12 Platform=SunOS IFrames=false [Opera/6.12 (UNIX*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 6.1 Version=6.12 MinorVer=12 Platform=Unix [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/3.0 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSIE 5.5; Windows 2000) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSIE 5.5; Windows ME) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSIE 5.5; Windows XP) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows NT 5.1; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows Windows NT 5.0; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 95; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 98; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows ME; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 4.0; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows XP; ?) Opera 7.0*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.0* (Windows 2000; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/7.0* (Windows 95; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/7.0* (Windows 98; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/7.0* (Windows ME; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/7.0* (Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/7.0* (Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/7.0* (Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.0* (Windows XP; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 2000) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 95) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 98) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows ME) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.0) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows XP) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 95; ?) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 98; ?) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows ME; ?) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 4.0; U) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.0; U) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.1; ?) Opera 7.1*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.1* (Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Linux [Opera/7.1* (Windows 95; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/7.1* (Windows 98; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/7.1* (Windows ME; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/7.1* (Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/7.1* (Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/7.1* (Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.1* (Windows XP; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Linux*) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 2000) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 95) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 98) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows ME) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.0) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows XP) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 95; ?) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 98; ?) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows ME; ?) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 4.0; U) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.0; U) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.1; ?) Opera 7.2*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.2* (Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Linux [Opera/7.2* (Windows 95; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/7.2* (Windows 98; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/7.2* (Windows ME; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/7.2* (Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/7.2* (Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/7.2* (Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.2* (Windows XP; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.2* (X11; FreeBSD*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/7.2* (X11; Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=Linux [Opera/7.2* (X11; SunOS*)*] Parent=Opera 7.2 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Linux*) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 2000) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 95) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 98) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows ME) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.0) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows XP) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; X11; Linux*) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 95; ?) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 98; ?) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows ME; ?) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 4.0; U) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.0; U) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.1; ?) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (X11; Linux*; ?) Opera 7.5*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Linux [Opera/7.5* (Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Linux [Opera/7.5* (Windows 95; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/7.5* (Windows 98; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/7.5* (Windows ME; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/7.5* (Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/7.5* (Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/7.5* (Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.5* (Windows XP; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.5* (X11; FreeBSD*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/7.5* (X11; Linux*; ?)*] Parent=Opera 7.5 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Linux*) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 2000) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 95) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 98) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows ME) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.0) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows XP) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; X11; Linux*) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 2000; ?) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 95; ?) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 98; ?) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows ME; ?) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 4.0; U) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.0; U) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.1; ?) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (X11; Linux*; ?) Opera 7.6*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Linux [Opera/7.6* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Linux [Opera/7.6* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/7.6* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/7.6* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/7.6* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/7.6* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/7.6* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.6* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/7.6* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/7.6* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 7.6 Platform=Linux ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera 8.0 [Opera 8.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Version=8.0 MajorVer=8 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Linux*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Mac_PowerPC Mac OS X; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 2000*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 95*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 98*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows CE) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows ME*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 4.0*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.0*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.1*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.2*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows XP*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; X11; FreeBSD*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; X11; Linux*) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; ?) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 2000; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 95; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 98; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows ME; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 4.0; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.0; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.1; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.2; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (X11; Linux*; *) Opera 8.0*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Linux [Opera/8.0* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Linux [Opera/8.0* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; *)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=MacOSX [Opera/8.0* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/8.0* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/8.0* (Windows CE*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Opera/8.0* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/8.0* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/8.0* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/8.0* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/8.0* (Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Opera/8.0* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/8.0* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/8.0* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 8.0 Platform=Linux ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera 8.1 [Opera 8.1] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Version=8.1 MajorVer=8 MinorVer=1 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Linux*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 2000*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 95*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 98*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows CE) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows ME*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 4.0*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.0*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.1*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.2*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows XP*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; X11; FreeBSD*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; X11; Linux*) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; ?) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 2000; *) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 95; *) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 98; *) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows ME; *) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 4.0; *) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.0; *) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.1; *) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.2; *) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (X11; Linux*; *) Opera 8.1*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Linux [Opera/8.1* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Linux [Opera/8.1* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; *)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=MacOSX [Opera/8.1* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/8.1* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/8.1* (Windows CE*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Opera/8.1* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/8.1* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/8.1* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/8.1* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/8.1* (Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Opera/8.1* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/8.1* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/8.1* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 8.1 Platform=Linux ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera 8.5 [Opera 8.5] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Version=8.5 MajorVer=8 MinorVer=5 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Linux*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Mac_PowerPC Mac OS X;*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 2000*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 95*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows 98*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows CE) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows ME*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 4.0*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.0*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.1*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows NT 5.2*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; Windows XP*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; X11; FreeBSD*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/?.* (compatible; MSIE ?.*; X11; Linux*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/?.* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; ?) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/?.* (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X;*) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 2000; *) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 95; *) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows 98; *) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows ME; *) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 4.0; *) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.0; *) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.1; *) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (Windows NT 5.2; *) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/?.* (X11; Linux*; *) Opera 8.5*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Linux [Opera/8.5* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Linux [Opera/8.5* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; *)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=MacOSX [Opera/8.5* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/8.5* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/8.5* (Windows CE*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Opera/8.5* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/8.5* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/8.5* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/8.5* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/8.5* (Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Opera/8.5* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/8.5* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/8.5* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 8.5 Platform=Linux ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera 9.0 [Opera 9.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Version=9.0 MajorVer=9 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Linux*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC Mac OS X;*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 2000*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 95*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 98*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows CE*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows ME*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 4.0*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.0*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.1*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.2*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 6.0*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows XP*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; FreeBSD*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; Linux*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; SunOS*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; ?) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (Windows 2000;*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 95;*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 98;*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows ME;*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 4.0;*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.0;*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.1;*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.2;*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (X11; Linux*) Opera 9.0*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.0* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.0* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X;*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=MacOSX [Opera/9.0* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (Windows CE*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.0* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/9.0* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.0 Platform=Linux ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera 9.1 [Opera 9.1] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Version=9.1 MajorVer=9 MinorVer=1 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Linux*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC Mac OS X;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 2000*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 95*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 98*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows CE*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows ME*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 4.0*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.0*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.1*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.2*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 6.0*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows XP*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; FreeBSD*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; Linux*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; SunOS*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; ?) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (Windows 2000;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 95;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 98;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows ME;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 4.0;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.0;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.1;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.2;*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (X11; Linux*) Opera 9.1*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.1* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.1* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X;*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=MacOSX [Opera/9.1* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (Windows CE*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.1* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/9.1* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.1* (X11; SunOS*)*] Parent=Opera 9.1 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera 9.2 [Opera 9.2] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Version=9.2 MajorVer=9 MinorVer=2 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Linux*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC Mac OS X;*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 2000*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 95*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 98*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows CE*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows ME*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 4.0*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.0*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.1*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.2*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 6.0*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows XP*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; FreeBSD*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; Linux*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; SunOS*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; ?) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (Windows 2000;*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 95;*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 98;*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows ME;*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 4.0;*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.0;*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.1;*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.2;*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (X11; Linux*) Opera 9.2*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.2* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.2* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X;*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=MacOSX [Opera/9.2* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (Windows CE*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.2* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/9.2* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.2* (X11; SunOS*)*] Parent=Opera 9.2 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera 9.3 [Opera 9.3] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Version=9.3 MajorVer=9 MinorVer=3 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Linux*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC Mac OS X;*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 2000*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 95*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 98*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows CE*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows ME*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 4.0*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.0*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.1*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.2*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 6.0*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows XP*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; FreeBSD*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; Linux*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; SunOS*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; ?) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (Windows 2000;*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 95;*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 98;*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows ME;*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 4.0;*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.0;*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.1;*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.2;*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (X11; Linux*) Opera 9.3*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.3* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.3* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X;*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=MacOSX [Opera/9.3* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (Windows CE*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.3* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/9.3* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.3* (X11; SunOS*)*] Parent=Opera 9.3 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera 9.4 [Opera 9.4] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Version=9.4 MajorVer=9 MinorVer=4 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Linux*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC Mac OS X;*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 2000*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 95*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 98*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows CE*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows ME*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 4.0*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.0*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.1*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.2*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 6.0*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows XP*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; FreeBSD*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; Linux*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; SunOS*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; ?) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (Windows 2000;*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 95;*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 98;*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows ME;*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 4.0;*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.0;*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.1;*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.2;*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (X11; Linux*) Opera 9.4*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.4* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.4* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X;*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=MacOSX [Opera/9.4* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (Windows CE*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.4* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/9.4* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.4* (X11; SunOS*)*] Parent=Opera 9.4 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Opera 9.5 [Opera 9.5] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Opera Version=9.5 MajorVer=9 MinorVer=5 Alpha=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Linux*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC Mac OS X;*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Mac_PowerPC) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 2000*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 95*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows 98*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows CE*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows ME*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 4.0*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.0*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.1*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 5.2*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows NT 6.0*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; Windows XP*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; FreeBSD*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; Linux*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/* (compatible; MSIE*; X11; SunOS*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X; ?) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/* (Windows 2000;*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 95;*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows 98;*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows ME;*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 4.0;*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.0;*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.1;*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/* (Windows NT 5.2;*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/* (X11; Linux*) Opera 9.5*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.5* (Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.5* (Macintosh; *Mac OS X;*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=MacOSX [Opera/9.5* (Windows 95*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (Windows 98*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (Windows CE*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinCE Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (Windows ME*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (Windows XP*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Opera/9.5* (X11; FreeBSD*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=FreeBSD [Opera/9.5* (X11; Linux*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=Linux [Opera/9.5* (X11; SunOS*)*] Parent=Opera 9.5 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.0*(Macintosh*] Parent=Netscape 4.0 Version=4.03 MinorVer=03 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.0*(Win95;*] Parent=Netscape 4.0 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.0*(Win98;*] Parent=Netscape 4.0 Version=4.03 MinorVer=03 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0*(WinNT*] Parent=Netscape 4.0 Version=4.03 MinorVer=03 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0*(X11;*)] Parent=Netscape 4.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.5*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.5*(Win2000; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.5*(Win95; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.5*(Win98; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.5*(WinME; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.5*(WinNT; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.5*(WinXP; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.5*(X11*)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.51*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Version=4.51 MinorVer=51 [Mozilla/4.51*(Win2000; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Version=4.51 MinorVer=51 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.51*(Win95; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Version=4.51 MinorVer=51 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.51*(Win98; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Version=4.51 MinorVer=51 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.51*(WinME; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Version=4.51 MinorVer=51 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.51*(WinNT; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Version=4.51 MinorVer=51 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.51*(WinXP; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Version=4.51 MinorVer=51 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.51*(X11*)] Parent=Netscape 4.5 Version=4.51 MinorVer=51 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.6 * (OS/2; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Platform=OS/2 [Mozilla/4.6*(CJPENNYCATE 3.2.11££tst 101000562$$)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 [Mozilla/4.6*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.6*(Win95; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.6*(Win98; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.6*(WinNT; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.61*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Version=4.61 MajorVer=4 MinorVer=61 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.61*(OS/2; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Version=4.61 MajorVer=4 MinorVer=61 Platform=OS/2 [Mozilla/4.61*(Win95; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Version=4.61 MajorVer=4 MinorVer=61 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.61*(Win98; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Version=4.61 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.61*(WinNT; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.6 Version=4.61 MajorVer=4 MinorVer=61 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.7 * (Win2000; ?)] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.7*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=7 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.7*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=7 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.7*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=7 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.7*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=7 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.7*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=7 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.7*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=7 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.7*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.7*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.7*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.71*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.71 MinorVer=71 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.71*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.71 MinorVer=71 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.71*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.71 MinorVer=71 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.71*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.71 MinorVer=71 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.71*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.71 MinorVer=71 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.71*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.71 MinorVer=71 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.71*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.71 MinorVer=71 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.71*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.71 MinorVer=71 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.71*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.71 MinorVer=71 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.72*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=72 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.72*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=72 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.72*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=72 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.72*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=72 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.72*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=72 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.72*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=72 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.72*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=72 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.72*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=72 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.72*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=72 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.73*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=73 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.73*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=73 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.73*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=73 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.73*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=73 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.73*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=73 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.73*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=73 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.73*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=73 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.73*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=73 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.73*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=73 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.74*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=74 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.74*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=74 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.74*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=74 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.74*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=74 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.74*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=74 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.74*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=74 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.74*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=74 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.74*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=74 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.74*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=74 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.75*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=75 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.75*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=75 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.75*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=75 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.75*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=75 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.75*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=75 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.75*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=75 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.75*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=75 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.75*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=75 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.75*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=75 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.76*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=76 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.76*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=76 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.76*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=76 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.76*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=76 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.76*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=76 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.76*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=76 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.76*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=76 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.76*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=76 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.76*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=76 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.77*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=77 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.77*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=77 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.77*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=77 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.77*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=77 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.77*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=77 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.77*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=77 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.77*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=77 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.77*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=77 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.77*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=77 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.78*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=78 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.78*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=78 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.78*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=78 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.78*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=78 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=78 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=78 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.78*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=78 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.78*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=78 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.78*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 MinorVer=78 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.79*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.79 MinorVer=79 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.79*(Win95; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.79 MinorVer=79 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.79*(Win98; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.79 MinorVer=79 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.79*(Windows NT 4.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.79 MinorVer=79 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.79*(Windows NT 5.0; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.79 MinorVer=79 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.79*(Windows NT 5.1; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.79 MinorVer=79 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.79*(WinNT; ?)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.79 MinorVer=79 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.79*(X11*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.79 MinorVer=79 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/4.79*(X11; ?; SunOS*)*] Parent=Netscape 4.7 Version=4.79 MinorVer=79 Platform=SunOS [Mozilla/4.8*(Macintosh; ?; MacPPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.8*(Macintosh; ?; PPC Mac OS X*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/4.8*(Macintosh; ?; PPC)*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/4.8*(Win95; *)*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 [Mozilla/4.8*(Win98; *)*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.8*(Windows NT 4.0; *)*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/4.8*(Windows NT 5.0; *)*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/4.8*(Windows NT 5.1; *)*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/4.8*(WinNT; *)*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.8*(X11; *)*] Parent=Netscape 4.8 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC;*) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95;*) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.0*] Parent=Netscape 6.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC;*) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95;*) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.1*] Parent=Netscape 6.1 Platform=Linux ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Netscape 6.2 [Netscape 6.2] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Netscape Version=6.2 MajorVer=6 MinorVer=2 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC Mac OS X*) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC;*) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95;*) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; *) Gecko/* Netscape6/6.2*] Parent=Netscape 6.2 Platform=Linux ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Netscape 7.0 [Netscape 7.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Netscape Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC Mac OS X;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win*9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; SunOS*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.0*] Parent=Netscape 7.0 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Netscape 7.1 [Netscape 7.1] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Netscape Version=7.1 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=1 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; *; rv:*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC Mac OS X;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; SunOS*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.1*] Parent=Netscape 7.1 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Netscape 7.2 [Netscape 7.2] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Netscape Version=7.2 MajorVer=7 MinorVer=2 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; *; rv:*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC Mac OS X;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; SunOS*) Gecko/* Netscape*/7.2*] Parent=Netscape 7.2 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Netscape 8.0 [Netscape 8.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Netscape Version=8.0 MajorVer=8 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; *; rv:*) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC Mac OS X;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; SunOS*) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.0*] Parent=Netscape 8.0 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Netscape 8.1 [Netscape 8.1] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Netscape Version=8.1 MajorVer=8 MinorVer=1 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; PPC;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=MacPPC [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95;*) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win9x 4.90; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 6.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.1; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT5.2; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT6.0; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=WinVista Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; *) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; SunOS*) Gecko/* Netscape*/8.1*] Parent=Netscape 8.1 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Firefox 1.5 [Firefox 1.5] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Firefox Version=1.5 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=5 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Firefox 2.0 [Firefox 2.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Firefox Version=2.0 MajorVer=2 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; *; Windows NT 5.1; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* Firefox/2.0*] Parent=Firefox 2.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SeaMonkey 1.0 [SeaMonkey 1.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=SeaMonkey Version=1.0 MajorVer=1 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 6.0; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=WinVista [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; FreeBSD*; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; Linux*; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/20060221 SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; SunOS*; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.0*] Parent=SeaMonkey 1.0 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Seamonkey 1.1 [SeaMonkey 1.1] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Seamonkey Version=1.1 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=1 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 6.0; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=WinVista [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; FreeBSD*; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; Linux*; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/20060221 SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; ?; SunOS*; *; rv:1.8*) Gecko/* SeaMonkey/1.1*] Parent=Seamonkey 1.1 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Iceweasel [Iceweasel] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Iceweasel Platform=Linux Beta=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.0.*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.0 [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.1.*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.1 [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.2.*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.2 [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.3.*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.3 [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.1; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=Win31 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.11; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=Win31 Win16=true Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *FreeBSD*; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *Linux*; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *OpenBSD*; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=OpenBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *SunOS*; *rv:1.4*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.4 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mozilla 1.5 [Mozilla 1.5] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Mozilla Version=1.5 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=5 Beta=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.1; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=Win31 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.11; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=Win31 Win16=true Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *FreeBSD*; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *Linux*; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *OpenBSD*; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=OpenBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *SunOS*; *rv:1.5*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.5 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mozilla 1.6 [Mozilla 1.6] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Mozilla Version=1.6 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=6 Beta=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.1; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=Win31 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.11; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=Win31 Win16=true Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *FreeBSD*; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *Linux*; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *OpenBSD*; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=OpenBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *SunOS*; *rv:1.6*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.6 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mozilla 1.7 [Mozilla 1.7] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Mozilla Version=1.7 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=7 Beta=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.1; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=Win31 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.11; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=Win31 Win16=true Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *FreeBSD*; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *Linux*; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *OpenBSD*; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=OpenBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *SunOS*; *rv:1.7*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.7 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mozilla 1.8 [Mozilla 1.8] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Mozilla Version=1.8 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=8 Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.1; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.11; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=Win31 Win16=true Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *FreeBSD*; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *Linux*; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *OpenBSD*; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=OpenBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *SunOS*; *rv:1.8*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.8 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mozilla 1.9 [Mozilla 1.9] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=Mozilla Version=1.9 MajorVer=1 MinorVer=9 Alpha=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/5.0 (*rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; *Mac OS X*; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=MacOSX [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win 9x 4.90; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=WinME Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.1; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win3.11; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=Win31 Win16=true Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win95; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=Win95 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Win98; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=Win98 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.0; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=Win2000 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=WinXP Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.2; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=Win2003 Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; WinNT4.0; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=WinNT Win32=true [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *FreeBSD*; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=FreeBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *Linux*; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=Linux [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *OpenBSD*; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=OpenBSD [Mozilla/5.0 (X11; *SunOS*; *rv:1.9*) Gecko/*] Parent=Mozilla 1.9 Platform=SunOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IE Mac [IE Mac] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=IE Platform=MacPPC Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true CDF=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true CSS=1 CssVersion=1 supportsCSS=true ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 [AOL 9.0/IE 5.5] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=AOL Version=5.5 MajorVer=5 MinorVer=5 Win32=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true CDF=true VBScript=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true AOL=true aolVersion=9.0 [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Win 9x 4.90*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 95*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinVista [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 5.5 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 [AOL 9.0/IE 6.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=AOL Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 Win32=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true CDF=true VBScript=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true AOL=true aolVersion=9.0 [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Win 9x 4.90*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 95*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 [AOL 9.0/IE 7.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=AOL Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 Win32=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true CDF=true VBScript=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true AOL=true aolVersion=9.0 [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Win 9x 4.90*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 95*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.0*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.01*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.1*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 5.2*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *AOL 9.0; *Windows NT 6.0*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=AOL 9.0/IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 4.01*)*] Parent=IE 4.01 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; *Windows 95*)*] Parent=IE 4.01 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=IE 4.01 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=IE 4.01 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=IE 4.01 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=IE 4.01 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*)*] Parent=IE 4.01 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 5.0*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows 95*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 5.01*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows 95*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.01 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IE 5.5 [IE 5.5] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=IE Version=5.5 MajorVer=5 MinorVer=5 Win32=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true CDF=true VBScript=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 5.5*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 95*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 5.5 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IE 6.0 [IE 6.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=IE Version=6.0 MajorVer=6 Win32=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true CDF=true VBScript=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 6.0*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 95*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win95 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 6.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 6.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 6.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; *Windows NT 6.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 6.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IE 7.0 [IE 7.0] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=IE Version=7.0 MajorVer=7 Win32=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true CDF=true VBScript=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 7.0*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*Win64;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP Win32=false Win64=true netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 5.2;*WOW64;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 6.0*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 6.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 6.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 6.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; *Windows NT 6.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0 Platform=WinVista netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IE 7.0b [IE 7.0b] Parent=DefaultProperties Browser=IE Version=7.0b MajorVer=7 MinorVer=0b Beta=true Win32=true Frames=true IFrames=true Tables=true Cookies=true BackgroundSounds=true CDF=true VBScript=true JavaApplets=true JavaScript=true ActiveXControls=true CSS=2 CssVersion=2 supportsCSS=true [Mozilla/?.* (?compatible; *MSIE 7.0b*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win98 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinME [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinME netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows 98;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win98 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 4.0*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinNT [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 4.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinNT netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.0*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.0;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.01*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.01;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2000 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinXP [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.1;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=WinXP netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2003 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=1 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 1*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 2*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; *Windows NT 5.2;*.NET CLR 2*.NET CLR 1*)*] Parent=IE 7.0b Platform=Win2003 netCLR=true ClrVersion=2 [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; 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