describe('Entwine', function(){ beforeEach(function(){ $('body').append('<div id="dom_test"></div>'); }); afterEach(function(){ $('#dom_test').remove(); }); describe('Super', function(){ beforeEach(function(){ $.entwine.clear_all_rules(); $('#dom_test').html('<div id="a" class="a b c">Foo</div><div id="b" class="c d e">Bar</div>'); }); it('can call the super function', function(){ var a = 1; $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){a *= 2;} }); $('#a.a').entwine({ foo: function(){a += 2; this._super();} }); $('#a').foo(); expect(a).toEqual(6) }); it('super to a non-existant class should be ignored', function(){ var a = 1; $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){a *= 2; this._super();} }); $('#a.a').entwine({ foo: function(){a += 2; this._super();} }); $('#a').foo(); expect(a).toEqual(6) }); it('can call super from two different functions without screwing up what super points to', function(){ var list = []; $('#a').entwine({ foo: function(){list.push('foo');;}, bar: function(){list.push('bar');} }); $('#a.a').entwine({ foo: function(){list.push('foo2'); this._super(); list.push('foo2'); this._super();}, bar: function(){list.push('bar2'); this._super();} }); $('#a').foo(); expect(list).toEqual(['foo2', 'foo', 'bar2', 'bar', 'foo2', 'foo', 'bar2', 'bar']) }); it('can override (and call via super) a non-entwine jquery function', function(){ var a = 1; $('#a').entwine({ text: function(){a = this._super();} }); expect($('#a').text()).toBeUndefined(); expect(a).toEqual('Foo') expect($('#b').text()).toEqual('Bar') }); }); });