"Enum('Internal,External','Internal')", "ExternalURL" => "Varchar(255)", ); static $has_one = array( "LinkTo" => "SiteTree", ); static $many_many = array( ); /** * Returns this page if the redirect is external, otherwise * returns the target page. * @return SiteTree */ function ContentSource() { if($this->RedirectionType == 'Internal') { return $this->LinkTo(); } else { return $this; } } function Link() { if($this->RedirectionType == 'External') { return $this->ExternalURL; } else { $linkTo = DataObject::get_by_id("SiteTree", $this->LinkToID); if($linkTo) { return $linkTo->Link(); } } } function getCMSFields() { Requirements::javascript("sapphire/javascript/RedirectorPage.js"); return new FieldSet( new TabSet("Root", new Tab("Content", new TextField("Title", "Page name"), new TextField("MenuTitle", "Navigation label"), new FieldGroup("URL", new LabelField("http://www.yoursite.com/"), new TextField("URLSegment",""), new LabelField("/") ), new HeaderField("This page will redirect users to another page"), new OptionsetField("RedirectionType", "Redirect to", array( "Internal" => "A page on your website", "External" => "Another website", ), "Internal"), new TreeDropdownField("LinkToID", "Page on your website", "SiteTree"), new TextField("ExternalURL", "Other websiteURL"), new TextareaField("MetaDescription", "Meta Description") ), new Tab("Behaviour", new DropdownField("ClassName", "Page type", $this->getClassDropdown()), new CheckboxField("ShowInMenus", "Show in menus?"), new CheckboxField("ShowInSearch", "Show in search?") ) ) ); } } class RedirectorPage_Controller extends Page_Controller { function init() { if($this->RedirectionType == 'External') { if($this->ExternalURL) Director::redirect($this->ExternalURL); else echo "

A redirector page has been set up without anywhere to redirect to.

"; } else { $linkTo = DataObject::get_by_id("SiteTree", $this->LinkToID); if($linkTo) Director::redirect($linkTo->Link()); else echo "

A redirector page has been set up without anywhere to redirect to.

"; } parent::init(); die(); } } ?>