<?php namespace SilverStripe\View\Tests; use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector; use SilverStripe\Core\TempFolder; use SilverStripe\Versioned\Versioned; use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface; use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest; use SilverStripe\Control\Director; use SilverStripe\View\SSViewer; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple\FilesystemCache; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple\NullCache; // Not actually a data object, we just want a ViewableData object that's just for us class SSViewerCacheBlockTest extends SapphireTest { protected static $extra_dataobjects = array( SSViewerCacheBlockTest\TestModel::class ); public static function getExtraDataObjects() { $classes = parent::getExtraDataObjects(); // Add extra classes if versioning is enabled if (class_exists(Versioned::class)) { $classes[] = SSViewerCacheBlockTest\VersionedModel::class; } return $classes; } /** * @var SSViewerCacheBlockTest\TestModel */ protected $data = null; protected function _reset($cacheOn = true) { $this->data = new SSViewerCacheBlockTest\TestModel(); $cache = null; if ($cacheOn) { $cache = new FilesystemCache('cacheblock', 0, TempFolder::getTempFolder(BASE_PATH)); // cache indefinitely } else { $cache = new NullCache(); } Injector::inst()->registerService($cache, CacheInterface::class . '.cacheblock'); Injector::inst()->get(CacheInterface::class . '.cacheblock')->clear(); } protected function _runtemplate($template, $data = null) { if ($data === null) { $data = $this->data; } if (is_array($data)) { $data = $this->data->customise($data); } return SSViewer::execute_string($template, $data); } public function testParsing() { // ** Trivial checks ** // Make sure an empty cached block parses $this->_reset(); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %><% end_cached %>'), ''); // Make sure an empty cacheblock block parses $this->_reset(); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cacheblock %><% end_cacheblock %>'), ''); // Make sure an empty uncached block parses $this->_reset(); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% uncached %><% end_uncached %>'), ''); // ** Argument checks ** // Make sure a simple cacheblock parses $this->_reset(); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>Yay<% end_cached %>'), 'Yay'); // Make sure a moderately complicated cacheblock parses $this->_reset(); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached \'block\', Foo, "jumping" %>Yay<% end_cached %>'), 'Yay'); // Make sure a complicated cacheblock parses $this->_reset(); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached \'block\', Foo, Test.Test(4).Test(jumping).Foo %>Yay<% end_cached %>' ), 'Yay' ); // ** Conditional Checks ** // Make sure a cacheblock with a simple conditional parses $this->_reset(); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached if true %>Yay<% end_cached %>'), 'Yay'); // Make sure a cacheblock with a complex conditional parses $this->_reset(); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached if Test.Test(yank).Foo %>Yay<% end_cached %>'), 'Yay'); // Make sure a cacheblock with a complex conditional and arguments parses $this->_reset(); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached Foo, Test.Test(4).Test(jumping).Foo if Test.Test(yank).Foo %>Yay<% end_cached %>' ), 'Yay' ); } /** * Test that cacheblocks actually cache */ public function testBlocksCache() { // First, run twice without caching, to prove we get two different values $this->_reset(false); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1)), '1'); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2)), '2'); // Then twice with caching, should get same result each time $this->_reset(true); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1)), '1'); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2)), '1'); } /** * Test that the cacheblocks invalidate when a flush occurs. */ public function testBlocksInvalidateOnFlush() { Director::test('/?flush=1'); $this->_reset(true); // Generate cached value for foo = 1 $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1)), '1'); // Test without flush Director::test('/'); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 3)), '1'); // Test with flush Director::test('/?flush=1'); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2)), '2'); } public function testVersionedCache() { if (!class_exists(Versioned::class)) { $this->markTestSkipped('testVersionedCache requires Versioned extension'); } $origReadingMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode(); // Run without caching in stage to prove data is uncached $this->_reset(false); Versioned::set_stage(Versioned::DRAFT); $data = new SSViewerCacheBlockTest\VersionedModel(); $data->setEntropy('default'); $this->assertEquals( 'default Stage.Stage', SSViewer::execute_string('<% cached %>$Inspect<% end_cached %>', $data) ); $data = new SSViewerCacheBlockTest\VersionedModel(); $data->setEntropy('first'); $this->assertEquals( 'first Stage.Stage', SSViewer::execute_string('<% cached %>$Inspect<% end_cached %>', $data) ); // Run without caching in live to prove data is uncached $this->_reset(false); Versioned::set_stage(Versioned::LIVE); $data = new SSViewerCacheBlockTest\VersionedModel(); $data->setEntropy('default'); $this->assertEquals( 'default Stage.Live', $this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Inspect<% end_cached %>', $data) ); $data = new SSViewerCacheBlockTest\VersionedModel(); $data->setEntropy('first'); $this->assertEquals( 'first Stage.Live', $this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Inspect<% end_cached %>', $data) ); // Then with caching, initially in draft, and then in live, to prove that // changing the versioned reading mode doesn't cache between modes, but it does // within them $this->_reset(true); Versioned::set_stage(Versioned::DRAFT); $data = new SSViewerCacheBlockTest\VersionedModel(); $data->setEntropy('default'); $this->assertEquals( 'default Stage.Stage', $this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Inspect<% end_cached %>', $data) ); $data = new SSViewerCacheBlockTest\VersionedModel(); $data->setEntropy('first'); $this->assertEquals( 'default Stage.Stage', // entropy should be ignored due to caching $this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Inspect<% end_cached %>', $data) ); Versioned::set_stage(Versioned::LIVE); $data = new SSViewerCacheBlockTest\VersionedModel(); $data->setEntropy('first'); $this->assertEquals( 'first Stage.Live', // First hit in live, so display current entropy $this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Inspect<% end_cached %>', $data) ); $data = new SSViewerCacheBlockTest\VersionedModel(); $data->setEntropy('second'); $this->assertEquals( 'first Stage.Live', // entropy should be ignored due to caching $this->_runtemplate('<% cached %>$Inspect<% end_cached %>', $data) ); Versioned::set_reading_mode($origReadingMode); } /** * Test that cacheblocks conditionally cache with if */ public function testBlocksConditionallyCacheWithIf() { // First, run twice with caching $this->_reset(true); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached if True %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1)), '1'); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached if True %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2)), '1'); // Then twice without caching $this->_reset(true); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached if False %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1)), '1'); $this->assertEquals($this->_runtemplate('<% cached if False %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2)), '2'); // Then once cached, once not (and the opposite) $this->_reset(true); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached if Cache %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1, 'Cache' => true ) ), '1' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached if Cache %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2, 'Cache' => false) ), '2' ); $this->_reset(true); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached if Cache %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1, 'Cache' => false) ), '1' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached if Cache %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2, 'Cache' => true ) ), '2' ); } /** * Test that cacheblocks conditionally cache with unless */ public function testBlocksConditionallyCacheWithUnless() { // First, run twice with caching $this->_reset(true); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached unless False %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1) ), '1' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached unless False %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2) ), '1' ); // Then twice without caching $this->_reset(true); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached unless True %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1) ), '1' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached unless True %>$Foo<% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2) ), '2' ); } /** * Test that nested uncached blocks work */ public function testNestedUncachedBlocks() { // First, run twice with caching, to prove we get the same result back normally $this->_reset(true); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached %> A $Foo B <% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1) ), ' A 1 B ' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached %> A $Foo B <% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2) ), ' A 1 B ' ); // Then add uncached to the nested block $this->_reset(true); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached %> A <% uncached %>$Foo<% end_uncached %> B <% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 1) ), ' A 1 B ' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached %> A <% uncached %>$Foo<% end_uncached %> B <% end_cached %>', array('Foo' => 2) ), ' A 2 B ' ); } /** * Test that nested blocks with different keys works */ public function testNestedBlocks() { $this->_reset(true); $template = '<% cached Foo %> $Fooa <% cached Bar %>$Bara<% end_cached %> $Foob <% end_cached %>'; // Do it the first time to load the cache $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( $template, array('Foo' => 1, 'Fooa' => 1, 'Foob' => 3, 'Bar' => 1, 'Bara' => 2) ), ' 1 2 3 ' ); // Do it again, the input values are ignored as the cache is hit for both elements $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( $template, array('Foo' => 1, 'Fooa' => 9, 'Foob' => 9, 'Bar' => 1, 'Bara' => 9) ), ' 1 2 3 ' ); // Do it again with a new key for Bar, Bara is picked up, Fooa and Foob are not $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( $template, array('Foo' => 1, 'Fooa' => 9, 'Foob' => 9, 'Bar' => 2, 'Bara' => 9) ), ' 1 9 3 ' ); // Do it again with a new key for Foo, Fooa and Foob are picked up, Bara are not $this->assertEquals( $this->_runtemplate( $template, array('Foo' => 2, 'Fooa' => 9, 'Foob' => 9, 'Bar' => 2, 'Bara' => 1) ), ' 9 9 9 ' ); } public function testNoErrorMessageForControlWithinCached() { $this->_reset(true); $this->assertNotNull($this->_runtemplate('<% cached %><% with Foo %>$Bar<% end_with %><% end_cached %>')); } /** * @expectedException \SilverStripe\View\SSTemplateParseException */ public function testErrorMessageForCachedWithinControlWithinCached() { $this->_reset(true); $this->_runtemplate( '<% cached %><% with Foo %><% cached %>$Bar<% end_cached %><% end_with %><% end_cached %>' ); } public function testNoErrorMessageForCachedWithinControlWithinUncached() { $this->_reset(true); $this->assertNotNull( $this->_runtemplate( '<% uncached %><% with Foo %><% cached %>$Bar<% end_cached %><% end_with %><% end_uncached %>' ) ); } /** * @expectedException \SilverStripe\View\SSTemplateParseException */ public function testErrorMessageForCachedWithinIf() { $this->_reset(true); $this->_runtemplate('<% cached %><% if Foo %><% cached %>$Bar<% end_cached %><% end_if %><% end_cached %>'); } /** * @expectedException \SilverStripe\View\SSTemplateParseException */ public function testErrorMessageForInvalidConditional() { $this->_reset(true); $this->_runtemplate('<% cached Foo if %>$Bar<% end_cached %>'); } }